protected override sealed void GenerateErrors(VFXInvalidateErrorReporter manager) { if (camera == CameraMode.Main && (UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager.currentPipeline == null || !UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager.currentPipeline.ToString().Contains("HDRenderPipeline"))) { manager.RegisterError("PositionDepthBlockUnavailableWithoutHDRP", VFXErrorType.Warning, "Position (Depth) is currently only supported in the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP)."); } }
protected override sealed void GenerateErrors(VFXInvalidateErrorReporter manager) { if (affectShadows && Camera.allCamerasCount > 1) { manager.RegisterError("CameraFadeShadowsMultipleCamera", VFXErrorType.Warning, "Camera fade in shadow maps may be incorrect when rendered in more than one camera."); } }
protected override void GenerateErrors(VFXInvalidateErrorReporter manager) { if (!canTestStrips) { return; } bool hasInvalidMode = false; if (hasStrips) { hasInvalidMode = mode == Mode.FaceCameraPlane || mode == Mode.FixedAxis || mode == Mode.AlongVelocity; } else { hasInvalidMode = mode == Mode.CustomZ || mode == Mode.CustomY; } if (hasInvalidMode) { string outputTypeStr = hasStrips ? "strip" : "non strip"; manager.RegisterError("InvalidOrientMode", VFXErrorType.Error, string.Format("Orient mode {0} is invalid with {1} output", mode, outputTypeStr)); } }
protected override void GenerateErrors(VFXInvalidateErrorReporter manager) { base.GenerateErrors(manager); var dataParticle = GetData() as VFXDataParticle; if (dataParticle != null && dataParticle.boundsMode != BoundsSettingMode.Manual) { manager.RegisterError("WarningBoundsComputation", VFXErrorType.Warning, $"Bounds computation have no sense of what the scale of the output mesh is," + $" so the resulted computed bounds can be too small or big" + $" Please use padding to mitigate this discrepancy."); } }
protected override void GenerateErrors(VFXInvalidateErrorReporter manager) { base.GenerateErrors(manager); var type = this.type; if (Deprecated.s_Types.Contains(type)) { manager.RegisterError( "DeprecatedTypeInlineOperator", VFXErrorType.Warning, string.Format("The structure of the '{0}' has changed, the position property has been moved to a transform type. You should consider to recreate this operator.", type)); } }
protected override void GenerateErrors(VFXInvalidateErrorReporter manager) { base.GenerateErrors(manager); if (!supportDecals) { manager.RegisterError("DecalsDisabled", VFXErrorType.Warning, $"Decals will not be rendered because the 'Decals' is disabled in your HDRP Settings. Enable 'Decals' in your HDRP Asset and your HDRP Settings to make this output work."); } if (!enableDecalLayers) { manager.RegisterError("DecalLayersDisabled", VFXErrorType.Warning, $"The Angle Fade parameter won't have any effect, because the 'Decal Layers' setting is disabled." + $" Enable 'Decal Layers' in your HDRP Asset and in the HDRP Settings if you want to control the Angle Fade." + $" There is a performance cost of enabling this option."); } if (!metalAndAODecals) { manager.RegisterError("DecalMetalAODisabled", VFXErrorType.Warning, $"The Metallic and Ambient Occlusion parameters won't have any effect, because the 'Metal and AO properties' setting is disabled." + $" Enable 'Metal and AO properties' in your HDRP Asset if you want to control the Metal and AO properties of decals. There is a performance cost of enabling this option."); } }