        /// <summary>Verifies 'tablename' is not among standard system tables</summary>
        /// <param name="tablename"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        bool IsValidTablename(string tablename)
            tablename = VEObjectName.Parse(tablename).ObjectName;

            return(tablename.ToLower().IndexOf("sys") != 0 && !InvalidTableNames.Contains(tablename.ToUpper()));
        /// <summary> Executes a stored procedure to copy a table from one database.schema to another database.schema on the same server.
        /// <para>Source and target objects must have been initialized using .SetSource(...) and .SetTarget(...)</para>
        /// <para>Sets 'copied' is set to the number of records copied during this iteration and</para>
        /// <para>'targetTotal' to the total count on the target table at the end of this iteration</para>
        /// <para>Note: This operation may timeout.  Call .SQLHandler() before calling this method and check .HasErrors to continue the operation. </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <param name="copied"></param>
        /// <param name="targetTotal"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        bool CopyServerTables(string table, ref int copied, ref int targetTotal)
            VEObjectName veName = new VEObjectName(table);

            bool okay = SourceDatabase != TargetDatabase || SourceSchema != TargetSchema;

            if (!okay)
                message = string.Format("VEAdmin..CopyServerTables: Source and Target tables must differ - {0}.{1}.{2}", SourceDatabase, SourceSchema, veName.TableName);
                    VEDataParameters parameters = CopyTableParameters;

                    if (okay = parameters != null && parameters.Count >= 5)
                        parameters["@sourceDatabase"].Value = SourceDatabase;
                        parameters["@sourceOwner"].Value    = SourceSchema;
                        parameters["@targetDatabase"].Value = TargetDatabase;
                        parameters["@targetOwner"].Value    = TargetSchema;
                        parameters["@tableName"].Value      = veName.TableName;

                        if (targetCmd.ExecuteStoredProcedure(parameters) < 0)
                            SQLHandler.Message = (string)parameters["@message"].Value;

                        copied      = (int)parameters["@copied"].Value;
                        targetTotal = (int)parameters["@targetTotal"].Value;
                        message += string.Format("\r\nVEDatabaseAdmin.CopyServerTables: An error occurred retrieving parameters for procedure '{0}' on {1}",
                                                 CopyTableProcedure, targetCmd.DataControl.Connection);
                        copied = targetTotal = -1;
                catch (Exception e)
                    //	Don't report timeout exceptions
                    if (e.Message.ToLower().IndexOf("timeout") < 0)
                        Error(string.Format("VEDataAdmin.CopyServerTables: {0}Table: Trying to Copy a Table by Stored Procedure - [{1}].{2}\r\n",
                                            copyModifier, targetObject.ServerID, table), e);
                        copyLoop = 999;
                        copied   = -999;

            if (!okay)
