 /// <summary>
 /// Upload or download data from S3 to a local filesystem folder.   Contents of the folder are zipped or unzipped
 /// and transferred asynchronously to the share.
 /// For a named share the INI file should contain a section named [Share:<paramref name="shareName"/>] with appropriate
 /// keys for the download directory and s3 bucket names.   Keys should be stored separately in an application specific keys
 /// INI file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_cfg">loaded INI file</param>
 /// <param name="shareName">name of the share</param>
 public DataShare(Uwu.Core.ConfigIni _cfg, string shareName)
     cfg       = new DataShareConfig(_cfg);
     ShareName = shareName;
 public DataShareConfig(Uwu.Core.ConfigIni baseConfig)
     : base(baseConfig)
     // Overlays DataShare accessors on an existing loaded configuration file