public static void Fill(Node position, int range, SuperNode supernode) { var openQueue = new Utils.PriorityQueue <VisitedNode>(); var pathNodeMap = new Dictionary <Node, VisitedNode>(); pathNodeMap[position] = new VisitedNode(position, null, 0); openQueue.Enqueue(pathNodeMap[position], 0); while (!openQueue.IsEmpty()) { var current = openQueue.Dequeue(); current.GridNode.ConnectSuperNode(current.Prev != null ? current.Prev.GridNode : null, supernode, current.GScore); foreach (var neighbour in current.GridNode.GetNeighbours()) { if (!neighbour.To.SuperNodes.ContainsKey(supernode) && neighbour.Length + current.GScore <= range) { var newNode = new VisitedNode(neighbour.To, current, neighbour.Length); if (pathNodeMap.ContainsKey(neighbour.To)) { if (openQueue.Update(pathNodeMap[neighbour.To], pathNodeMap[neighbour.To].GScore, newNode, newNode.GScore)) { pathNodeMap[neighbour.To] = newNode; } } else { openQueue.Enqueue(newNode, newNode.GScore); pathNodeMap[neighbour.To] = newNode; } } } } }
public static Path GetPath(Dictionary <Node, float> from, List <Node> to, Path path) { var openSet = new Utils.PriorityQueue <VisitedNode>(); var pathNodeMap = new Dictionary <Node, VisitedNode>(); var nodesTo = new HashSet <VisitedNode>(); foreach (var node in to) { nodesTo.Add(new VisitedNode(node, null, 0)); } if (nodesTo.Count == 0) { return(null); } foreach (var f in from) { var nodeFrom = new VisitedNode(f.Key, null, f.Value); openSet.Enqueue(nodeFrom, nodeFrom.GetCost(nodesTo)); } while (!openSet.IsEmpty()) { var curNode = openSet.Dequeue(); if (nodesTo.Contains(curNode)) { path = ReconstructPath(curNode, path); //Debug.Log("Found path between " + nodeFrom.GridNode.Position + " and " + nodeTo.GridNode.Position + " of length: " + path.Length + " in " + (DateTime.Now-start).TotalMilliseconds + "ms."); return(path); } curNode.Status = NodeStatus.Closed; foreach (var neighbour in curNode.GridNode.GetNeighbours()) { if (pathNodeMap.ContainsKey(neighbour.To)) { var pathNode = pathNodeMap[neighbour.To]; if (pathNode.Status == NodeStatus.Closed) { continue; } var node = new VisitedNode(neighbour.To, curNode, neighbour.Length); if (openSet.Update(pathNode, pathNode.GetCost(nodesTo), node, node.GetCost(nodesTo))) { pathNodeMap[neighbour.To] = node; } } else { var node = new VisitedNode(neighbour.To, curNode, neighbour.Length); openSet.Enqueue(node, node.GetCost(nodesTo)); pathNodeMap[neighbour.To] = node; } } } //Debug.Log("Couldn't find path between " + nodeFrom.GridNode + " and " + nodeTo.GridNode + " in " + (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds + "ms."); return(path); }
public static void FillNeigbours(SuperNode superNode, int gridSize) { var nodesToFill = superNode.GetNeighbours().Select(n => n.To).ToArray(); var openQueue = new Utils.PriorityQueue <VisitedNode>(); var pathNodeMap = new Dictionary <Node, VisitedNode>(); foreach (var childNode in superNode.ChildNodes) { if (childNode.SuperNodes[superNode].Length > gridSize * 0.8) { pathNodeMap[childNode] = new VisitedNode(childNode, null, childNode.SuperNodes[superNode].Length); openQueue.Enqueue(pathNodeMap[childNode], pathNodeMap[childNode].GScore); } } while (!openQueue.IsEmpty()) { var current = openQueue.Dequeue(); if (!current.GridNode.SuperNodes.ContainsKey(superNode)) { current.GridNode.ConnectSuperNode(current.Prev != null ? (current.Prev.GridNode ?? superNode) : superNode, superNode, current.GScore); } foreach (var neighbour in current.GridNode.GetNeighbours()) { if (!neighbour.To.SuperNodes.ContainsKey(superNode) && neighbour.To.SuperNodes.Any(k => k.Value.Length <= gridSize && nodesToFill.Contains(k.Key))) { var newNode = new VisitedNode(neighbour.To, current, neighbour.Length); if (pathNodeMap.ContainsKey(neighbour.To)) { if (openQueue.Update(pathNodeMap[neighbour.To], pathNodeMap[neighbour.To].GScore, newNode, newNode.GScore)) { pathNodeMap[neighbour.To] = newNode; } } else { openQueue.Enqueue(newNode, newNode.GScore); pathNodeMap[neighbour.To] = newNode; } } } } }