public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { IActionResult output; var trasnformed = default(string); var mapper = new SummaryDataMapper(); log.LogInformation("Starting PID Summary Data ETL Job"); log.LogInformation($"Request Size is {req.ContentLength}"); try { string payload = Utiliy.ExtractRequestPayload(req); trasnformed = Utiliy.TransformPayload <SummaryRecord>(payload, mapper, log); } catch (ArgumentNullException exception) { log.LogError(exception.Message); } catch (ArgumentException exception) { log.LogError(exception.Message); } finally { output = trasnformed != string.Empty ? (ActionResult) new OkObjectResult($"{trasnformed}") : new BadRequestObjectResult("Transforming PID data failed."); } return(output); }
// // UPDATE (main refresh routine) // //sets the eyes to look at the target // target_point is the absolute point in space that we want to wantch at. public void UpdateEyesRotation(Vector3 leftEyePosition, Vector3 rightEyePosition, Quaternion leftEyeRotation, Quaternion rightEyeRotation, ref float[] outBlendShapeWeights, ref Quaternion inOutNeckRotation, float dt) { // // If the target is null, we reset all target angles to 0. float newEyesPitch = 0.0f; float newEyesYaw = 0.0f; if (this.eyeGazeTargetPoint.HasValue) { Vector3 abs_target_point = this.eyeGazeTargetPoint.Value; // // Calculate the target in "eye-apose" space, i.e., relatively to the eye (or their midpoint) when the character stands in A-Pose. // It means that the target_point must be transformed as if it positioned relatively to the character standing in the default A-Pose. // // Decomposing the eye rotation matrix // The current rotation C can be decomposed in initial rotation I and an additional delta D in global space. // C = D * I // (That is different from decomposing in initial plus local transform C = I * D_loc) // Hence, // D = C * Iinv // In order to transform the absolute target in the original global space before rotation, we need the inverse of D. // In general (AB)inv = Binv * Ainv // Hence: // Dinv = I * Cinv // // // This will be splitted in two when the two eyes will be driven independently. Vector3 eyeMidPoint = new Vector3( (leftEyePosition.x + rightEyePosition.x) / 2.0f, (leftEyePosition.y + rightEyePosition.y) / 2.0f, (leftEyePosition.z + rightEyePosition.z) / 2.0f ); #if DEBUG_GEOM Debug.DrawLine(leftEyePosition, rightEyePosition,, 0.1f, false); #endif Vector3 targetPointInvDelta = this.aPoseLeftEyeRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(leftEyeRotation) * abs_target_point; Vector3 eyeMidPointInvDelta = this.aPoseLeftEyeRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(leftEyeRotation) * eyeMidPoint; Vector3 targetPointEyeSpace = targetPointInvDelta - eyeMidPointInvDelta; // Calculate the targetPoint projected on the horizontal plane which passes through the eyesMidPoint float hproj_dist = targetPointEyeSpace.x * HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL.x + targetPointEyeSpace.y * HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL.y + targetPointEyeSpace.z * HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL.z; Vector3 targetHplaneProjection = targetPointEyeSpace - (HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL * hproj_dist); #if DEBUG_GEOM Debug.DrawLine(, targetPointEyeSpace,; Debug.DrawLine(, targetHplaneProjection, Utiliy.darker(; #endif // // Calculate the pitch: the vertical orientation of the eyes. // Calc the angle (in degrees) between the vector pointing to the target and its projection on the vertical plane float vertAngleBetween = Vector3.Angle(targetPointEyeSpace, targetHplaneProjection); newEyesPitch = Vector3.Dot(targetPointEyeSpace, HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL) >= 0 ? vertAngleBetween : -vertAngleBetween; // // Calculate the yaw: the horizontal orientation of the eyes // Calc the angle (in degrees) between the forward vector the the target in eye-space. float horizAngleBetween = Vector3.Angle(this.aPoseFwdDirection, targetHplaneProjection); newEyesYaw = Vector3.Dot(targetHplaneProjection, this.aPoseRightDirection) <= 0 ? horizAngleBetween : -horizAngleBetween; } // // Increment the current eyes yaw/pitch according to eyes movement speed float deltaEyesPitch = newEyesPitch - this.eyesPitch; this.eyesPitch += LinearInc(deltaEyesPitch, this.eyesRotSpeed, dt); float deltaEyesYaw = newEyesYaw - this.eyesYaw; this.eyesYaw += LinearInc(deltaEyesYaw, this.eyesRotSpeed, dt); #if DEBUG_GEOM { // Test, reproject the line of sight direction using the calculated angles // Vector3 rebuiltTarget = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-newEyesYaw, HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL) * FORWARD; // WRONG!!! Vector3 rebuiltTarget = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-newEyesPitch, RIGHT) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(-newEyesYaw, HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL) * FORWARD; //Vector3 rebuiltTarget = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-newEyesYaw, HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(-newEyesPitch, RIGHT) * FORWARD; Vector3 rebuiltTarget = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-newEyesYaw, HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(-newEyesPitch, this.aPoseRightDirection) * this.aPoseFwdDirection; Debug.DrawRay(, rebuiltTarget,; } #endif // // Activate the yaw/pitch rotations for the neck. if (enableNeckRotation) { float deltaPitch = 0.0f; if (this.eyesPitch > EYES_MAX_PITCH) { deltaPitch = this.eyesPitch - EYES_MAX_PITCH; this.eyesPitch = EYES_MAX_PITCH; } else if (this.eyesPitch < -EYES_MAX_PITCH) { deltaPitch = this.eyesPitch + EYES_MAX_PITCH; this.eyesPitch = -EYES_MAX_PITCH; } this.neckPitch += SmoothtInc(deltaPitch, neckRotTime, neckRotMaxSpeed, dt); this.neckPitch += SmoothtInc(-this.neckPitch, neckRotTime / neckRestTendencyStrenght, neckRotMaxSpeed * neckRestTendencyStrenght, dt); if (this.neckPitch > NECK_MAX_PITCH) { this.neckPitch = NECK_MAX_PITCH; } else if (neckPitch < NECK_MIN_PITCH) { this.neckPitch = NECK_MIN_PITCH; } // Debug.Log("Delta pitch/Neck pitch: "+deltaPitch+"\t"+neckPitch) ; float deltaYaw = 0.0f; if (this.eyesYaw >= EYES_MAX_YAW) { deltaYaw = this.eyesYaw - EYES_MAX_YAW; this.eyesYaw = EYES_MAX_YAW; } else if (this.eyesYaw <= -EYES_MAX_YAW) { deltaYaw = this.eyesYaw + EYES_MAX_YAW; this.eyesYaw = -EYES_MAX_YAW; } this.neckYaw += SmoothtInc(deltaYaw, neckRotTime, neckRotMaxSpeed, dt); this.neckYaw += SmoothtInc(-this.neckYaw, neckRotTime / neckRestTendencyStrenght, neckRotMaxSpeed * neckRestTendencyStrenght, dt); if (neckYaw > NECK_MAX_YAW) { this.neckYaw = NECK_MAX_YAW; } else if (neckYaw < NECK_MIN_YAW) { this.neckYaw = NECK_MIN_YAW; } // Debug.Log("Delta yaw/Neck yaw: "+deltaYaw+"\t"+neckYaw) ; #if DEBUG_GEOM { float totalYaw = this.neckYaw + this.eyesYaw; float totalPitch = this.neckPitch + this.eyesPitch; // Test, reproject the line of sight direction using the calculated angles Vector3 rebuiltTarget = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-totalYaw, HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(-totalPitch, this.aPoseRightDirection) * this.aPoseFwdDirection; Debug.DrawRay(, rebuiltTarget, Color.white); } #endif // // Computer the new quaternion for the Neck. // G = P * L --> P = G * L^-1 Quaternion neckAPoseParentRotation = this.aPoseNeckRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(this.aPoseNeckLocalRotation); // I have to compute the quaternion representing the rotation of the two angles. // yaw * pitch * oroginal pose Quaternion neckRotQuat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-this.neckYaw, HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(-this.neckPitch, this.aPoseRightDirection); // this rotation must be applied to a rotation describing the neck straight in the current charactr orientation. // Test left/right // Quaternion neckLocalRotQuat = Quaternion.Inverse(neckAPoseParentRotation) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(45, HORIZ_PLANE_NORMAL) * neckAPoseParentRotation; // Test up/down // Quaternion neckLocalRotQuat = Quaternion.Inverse(neckAPoseParentRotation) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(45, this.aPoseRightDirection) * neckAPoseParentRotation; Quaternion neckLocalRotQuat = Quaternion.Inverse(neckAPoseParentRotation) * neckRotQuat * neckAPoseParentRotation; //Debug.Log("aposenecklocalrot=" + this.aPoseNeckLocalRotation); inOutNeckRotation = neckLocalRotQuat * this.aPoseNeckLocalRotation; } // // Calculate the proportion from the pitch angle to BlendShape percentage // weightEyesPitch : 50% = pitch : 45deg float weightEyesPitch = 0.5f * this.eyesPitch / 45.0f; // Calculate the proportion from the yaw angle to the BlendShape percentage // weightEyesYaw : 50% = yaw : 52deg float weightEyesYaw = 0.5f * this.eyesYaw / 52.0f; //Debug.Log("weightEyesDown: " + weightEyesPitch + " weightEyesLeft: " + weightEyesYaw); //Blendshapes are registered int the DefaultExecutionOrder: EYES_RIGHT, EYES_LEFT, EYES_DOWN, EYES_UP if (weightEyesPitch >= 0.0f) { outBlendShapeWeights[3] = weightEyesPitch; outBlendShapeWeights[2] = 0.0f; } else { outBlendShapeWeights[2] = -weightEyesPitch; outBlendShapeWeights[3] = 0.0f; } if (weightEyesYaw >= 0.0f) { outBlendShapeWeights[0] = weightEyesYaw; outBlendShapeWeights[1] = 0.0f; } else { outBlendShapeWeights[1] = -weightEyesYaw; outBlendShapeWeights[0] = 0.0f; } } // end update
public bool UpdateGame() { if (this.GameId != 0) { string queryString = "UPDATE [dbo].[Game] " + "SET [GameStatusTypeId] = @GameStatusTypeId " + " ,[HomeTeamScore] = @HomeTeamScore" + " ,[AwayTeamScore] = @AwayTeamScore" + " ,[WinningTeamId] = @WinningTeamId" + " WHERE GameId = @GameId"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Base.conn)) { // Create the Command and Parameter objects. SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GameId", this.GameId); //command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GameDate", this.GameDate); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GameStatusTypeId", this.GameStatusTypeId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HomeTeamScore", this.HomeTeamScore); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AwayTeamScore", this.AwayTeamScore); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@WinningTeamId", this.WinningTeamId); try { connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { SportsError sError = new SportsError(ex, this.GameId); } } Utiliy u = new Utiliy(); Bet bet = u.CheckGameBet(this.GameId); if (bet.BetId != 0) { //This is a own bet if (bet.WinningBetTeamId == this.WinningTeamId) { if (this.GameDate == bet.BetADate) { bet.WinningBet = "A"; } if (this.GameDate == bet.BetBDate) { bet.WinningBet = "B"; } if (this.GameDate == bet.BetCDate) { bet.WinningBet = "C"; } if (this.GameDate == bet.BetDDate) { bet.WinningBet = "D"; } bet.TempUpdateBet(); } } } return(true); }