        // Creates the command line properties file we'll use
        private static string GetCommandLinePropertiesFile(Utilities.Cache rbRequests)
            // Pull out the requests we've recieved
            string[] completedRequest = rbRequests.RetriveRequests(true);
            if (completedRequest.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(@"No requests were provided for the process", @"Unable to run RBProc");

            // Build up the parameters to pass
                // Build the file we'll use
                string commandLineProperties = Path.GetTempFileName();
                File.WriteAllLines(commandLineProperties, completedRequest);

                // Pass back the file
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to generate the process command properties\n" + e.Message, @"Unable to run RBProc");
        // Returns if enough time has passed to read the file
        private static bool RequestsReadyToBeProcessed(Utilities.Cache rbRequests)
            // Pull out the last modified timestamp and see if enough time has passed
            Int64 modifiedTimeStamp = rbRequests.GetModifiedTimeStamp(true);
            Int64 currentTimeStamp  = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();

            Int64 elapsedTicks        = currentTimeStamp - modifiedTimeStamp;
            Int64 elapsedMilliseconds = (elapsedTicks / Stopwatch.Frequency) * 1000;

            // It needs to have been a fixed time before we read the file
            return(elapsedMilliseconds >= AcceptablePeriodSinceLastWrite);
        // Handles this request
        public void Process()
            // Check the given file exists
            bool fileExists = DoesRequestedFileExist();

            if (fileExists == false)

            // Get the request object we can use
            Utilities.Cache rbRequests = new Utilities.Cache(m_processRequest, m_requestPath);

            // Own this process to stop any other process writing to the file
            bool firstProcess = false;

            using (Utilities.ProcessLock rbProcess = new Utilities.ProcessLock())
                // Create and write to the shared file
                firstProcess = rbRequests.CreateRequestFile();

            // If this was the first instance, we now need to wait until all other process have finished
            if (firstProcess == true)
                // Get the application to deal with this command
                string requiredApplication = GetRequestProcessApplication(m_processRequest);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requiredApplication) == true)
                string requiredOptions = GetRequestProcessOptions(m_processRequest);
                if (requiredOptions == null)

                // Since this is the main app, we now wait to make sure we've caught them all
                string commandLineProperties = string.Empty;
                while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandLineProperties) == true)
                    // Wait until we need to the request file
                    if (RequestsReadyToBeProcessed(rbRequests) == false)

                    // We can read in the file now
                    commandLineProperties = GetCommandLinePropertiesFile(rbRequests);
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commandLineProperties) == true)

                // Build up the command line options
                string applicationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
                string finalExecutable = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", applicationPath, requiredApplication);

                // Run the executable and bail
                RunProcess(finalExecutable, requiredOptions, commandLineProperties);