public List <StockUnit> GetRepStockUnits(string phase, string winding, string config) { string[] user = UserValidation.GetLoggedInUser(); string _repId = user[0]; return(GetStockUnit(_repId, phase, winding, config)); }
public string GetQuoteDetails(int quoteid) { string[] user = UserValidation.GetLoggedInUser(); string _repId = user[0]; if (_repId != "" && _repId.Length > 0) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mgmdb"].ConnectionString); con.Open(); string strSql = "SELECT QuoteDetails.*, " + "Stock.Windings as StockWindings, Stock.Phase as StockPhase, Stock.Configuration as StockConfiguration, Stock.KVA as StockKVA, Stock.CatalogNumber as StockCatalogNumber, Stock.AltNumber as StockAltNumber, Stock.Height as StockHeight, Stock.Width as StockWidth, Stock.Depth as StockDepth, Stock.Weight as StockWeight, Stock.UnitCase as StockUnitCase, " + "CustomStock.Winding as CustomStockWindings, CustomStock.Phase as CustomStockPhase, CustomStock.KVA as CustomStockKVA, CustomStock.Temperature as CustomStockTemperature, CustomStock.KFactor as CustomStockKFactor, CustomStock.UnitCase as CustomStockUnitCase, CustomStock.Weight as CustomStockWeight, CustomStock.Price as CustomStockPrice, CustomStock.SoundLevels as CustomStockSoundLevels, CustomStock.AchieveableLevel as CustomStockAchieveableLevel, " + "Kit.KitNumber, Kit.Price " + "FROM QuoteDetails " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN Stock on Stock.StockID = QuoteDetails.StockUnitID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CustomStock on CustomStock.CustomStockID = QuoteDetails.CustomStockID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN Kit on Kit.KitID = QuoteDetails.KitID " + "WHERE QuoteID = " + quoteid; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(strSql, con); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(com); DataSet dsQuotes = new DataSet(); sda.Fill(dsQuotes); con.Close(); sda.Dispose(); dsQuotes.Tables[0].TableName = "QuoteHistory"; return(Utilities.GetJSONString(dsQuotes.Tables[0])); } else { return("login"); } }
/* ajax call to get the catalog number */ //http://localhost:44409/RepStockUnits.svc/json/GetCatalogNumber?winding=Copper&phase=Three&config=480V%20DELTA%20PRIMARY%20-%20240D%2F120CT&kva=112.5 public string GetCatalogNumber(string winding, string phase, string config, string KVA) { string[] user = UserValidation.GetLoggedInUser(); string _repId = user[0]; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mgmdb"].ConnectionString); con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("SELECT " + "Stock.StockID, Stock.CatalogNumber, StockRepXRef.Price, Kit.KitID, Kit.KitNumber, Kit.Price as KitPrice " + "FROM Rep INNER JOIN " + "StockRepXRef ON Rep.RepID = StockRepXRef.RepID INNER JOIN " + "Stock ON StockRepXRef.StockID = Stock.StockID LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "Kit ON Kit.KitID = Stock.KitID " + "WHERE (Rep.RepID = " + _repId + ") " + "AND (Stock.Phase = '" + phase + "') " + "AND (Stock.Windings = '" + winding + "') " + "AND (Stock.Configuration = '" + config + "') " + "AND (Stock.KVA = '" + KVA + "') ", con); SqlDataReader sdr = com.ExecuteReader(); string strReturn = ""; if (sdr.Read()) { strReturn = "[{\"stockID\":" + sdr["StockID"].ToString() + ",\"catalogNumber\":\"" + sdr["CatalogNumber"].ToString() + "\",\"price\":\"" + sdr["Price"].ToString() + "\",\"kit\":\"" + sdr["KitNumber"].ToString() + "\", \"kitPrice\":\"" + sdr["KitPrice"].ToString() + "\", \"kitId\":\"" + sdr["KitID"].ToString() + "\"}]"; } con.Close(); con.Dispose(); return(strReturn); }
public string GetStockKVA(string winding, string phase, string config) { string[] user = UserValidation.GetLoggedInUser(); string _repId = user[0]; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mgmdb"].ConnectionString); con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("SELECT DISTINCT Stock.KVA FROM Stock WHERE (Stock.Windings = '" + winding + "') AND (Stock.Phase = '" + phase + "') " + " AND (Stock.Configuration = '" + config + "') " , con); SqlDataReader sdr = com.ExecuteReader(); string strReturn = "["; bool flag = false; while (sdr.Read()) { if (flag) { strReturn += ','; } else { flag = true; } strReturn += "{\"kva\":\"" + sdr["KVA"].ToString() + "\"}"; } strReturn += "]"; con.Close(); con.Dispose(); return(strReturn); }
public string GetQuoteHistory() { string[] user = UserValidation.GetLoggedInUser(); string _repId = user[0]; if (_repId != "" && _repId.Length > 0) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mgmdb"].ConnectionString); con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Quote WHERE RepID = " + _repId, con); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(com); DataSet dsQuotes = new DataSet(); sda.Fill(dsQuotes); con.Close(); sda.Dispose(); dsQuotes.Tables[0].TableName = "QuoteHistory"; return(Utilities.GetJSONString(dsQuotes.Tables[0])); } else { return("login"); } }
///http://localhost:44409/RepStockUnits.svc/json/AddStockUnitToCart?stockid=2&quantity=3"eid=1 public int AddStockUnitToCart(int stockid, int quantity, int quoteid = 0, bool updateQuantity = false) { string[] user = UserValidation.GetLoggedInUser(); string _repId = user[0]; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mgmdb"].ConnectionString); con.Open(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("SELECT " + "Stock.StockID, StockRepXRef.Price " + "FROM Rep INNER JOIN " + "StockRepXRef ON Rep.RepID = StockRepXRef.RepID INNER JOIN " + "Stock ON StockRepXRef.StockID = Stock.StockID " + "WHERE (Rep.RepID = " + _repId + ") " + "AND (Stock.StockID = " + stockid + ") ", con); SqlDataReader sdr = com.ExecuteReader(); SqlDataReader sdrInsert; //quoteid if (sdr.Read()) { string StockId = sdr["StockID"].ToString(); string originalPrice = sdr["Price"].ToString(); sdr.Close(); //Insert into the quote table if (quoteid == 0) { com = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Quote(RepID, Created_on) " + "VALUES(" + _repId + ", getdate()); SELECT @@IDENTITY as 'quoteid'; ", con); sdrInsert = com.ExecuteReader(); if (sdrInsert.Read()) { quoteid = int.Parse(sdrInsert["quoteid"].ToString()); sdrInsert.Close(); //Insert into QuoteDetails com = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO QuoteDetails(QuoteID, StockUnitID, Price, Quantity, Created_on) " + "VALUES(" + quoteid + ", " + StockId + ", " + originalPrice + ", " + quantity + ", getdate()) ", con); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { //Module to keep adding to the quote or update int quoteDetailID = 0; com = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM QuoteDetails WHERE QuoteId = " + quoteid + " and stockUnitID = " + StockId, con); sdr = com.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.Read()) { int qty = 0; if (!updateQuantity) { qty = int.Parse(sdr["Quantity"].ToString()) + quantity; } else { qty = quantity; } quoteDetailID = int.Parse(sdr["QuoteDetailsID"].ToString()); com = new SqlCommand("UPDATE QuoteDetails SET Quantity = " + qty + " Where QuoteDetailsID = " + quoteDetailID, con); } else { com = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO QuoteDetails(QuoteID, StockUnitID, Price, Quantity, Created_on) " + "VALUES(" + quoteid + ", " + StockId + ", " + originalPrice + ", " + quantity + ", getdate()) ", con); } sdr.Close(); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } con.Close(); con.Dispose(); return(quoteid); }
//http://localhost:44409/RepStockUnits.svc/json/AddCustomStockToCart?winding=Aluminum&phase=Three&kva=15.00&temperature=150.00&kfactor=Standard&primaryVoltage=10&primaryVoltageDW=10&secondaryVoltage=10&secondaryVoltageDW=10&taps=10&soundlevel=10&quantity=5"eid=1&updateQuantity=true public int AddQuoteDetailToCart(int quoteid, int customid, int stockid, int kitid, string primaryVoltage, string primaryVoltageDW, string secondaryVoltage, string secondaryVoltageDW, string taps, string soundlevel, int quantity, bool updateQuantity) { //string winding; string phase; string kva; string temperature; string kfactor; string[] user = UserValidation.GetLoggedInUser(); string _repId = user[0]; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mgmdb"].ConnectionString); con.Open(); SqlCommand com = null; if (customid != 0) { /*com = new SqlCommand("SELECT " + * "CustomStock.CustomStockID, CustomStock.Price FROM " + * "CustomStock " + * "WHERE (CustomStock.Winding = '" + winding + "') " + * "AND (CustomStock.KVA = " + decimal.Parse(kva) + ") " + * "AND (CustomStock.temperature = " + decimal.Parse(temperature) + ") " + * "AND (CustomStock.kFactor = '" + kfactor + "') ", con);*/ com = new SqlCommand("SELECT CustomStock.CustomStockID, CustomStock.Price FROM CustomStock " + "WHERE CustomStock.CustomStockID =" + customid, con); } else if (stockid != 0) { com = new SqlCommand("SELECT " + "Stock.StockID, StockRepXRef.Price " + "FROM Rep INNER JOIN " + "StockRepXRef ON Rep.RepID = StockRepXRef.RepID INNER JOIN " + "Stock ON StockRepXRef.StockID = Stock.StockID " + "WHERE (Rep.RepID = " + _repId + ") " + "AND (Stock.StockID = " + stockid + ") ", con); } else { com = new SqlCommand("SELECT Price FROM Kit WHERE (kitid = " + kitid + ")", con); } SqlDataReader sdr = com.ExecuteReader(); SqlDataReader sdrInsert; if (sdr.Read()) { //string CustomStockId = (sdr["CustomStockID"] != null ? sdr["CustomStockID"].ToString() : null); string originalPrice = sdr["Price"].ToString(); //string StockId = sdr["CustomStockID"].ToString(); sdr.Close(); if (quoteid == 0) { com = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Quote(RepID, Created_on) " + "VALUES(" + _repId + ", getdate()); SELECT @@IDENTITY as 'quoteid'; ", con); sdrInsert = com.ExecuteReader(); if (sdrInsert.Read()) { quoteid = int.Parse(sdrInsert["quoteid"].ToString()); sdrInsert.Close(); //Insert into QuoteDetails com = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO QuoteDetails(QuoteID, StockUnitID, CustomStockID, Price, CustomPrimaryVoltage, " + "CustomPrimaryVoltageDW, CustomSecondaryVoltage, CustomSecondaryVoltageDW, Taps, SoundLevel, " + "Quantity, KitID, Created_on) " + "VALUES(" + quoteid + ", " + stockid + ", " + customid + ", " + originalPrice + ", " + primaryVoltage + ", '" + primaryVoltageDW + "', " + secondaryVoltage + ", '" + secondaryVoltageDW + "', " + taps + ", " + soundlevel + ", " + quantity + ", " + kitid + ", getdate()) ", con); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { //Module to keep adding to the quote or update int quoteDetailID = 0; if (customid != 0) { com = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM QuoteDetails WHERE QuoteId = " + quoteid + " and CustomStockID = " + customid, con); } else if (stockid != 0) { com = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM QuoteDetails WHERE QuoteId = " + quoteid + " and StockUnitID = " + stockid, con); } else { com = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM QuoteDetails WHERE QuoteId = " + quoteid + " and kitID = " + kitid, con); } sdr = com.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.Read()) { int qty = 0; if (!updateQuantity) { qty = int.Parse(sdr["Quantity"].ToString()) + quantity; } else { qty = quantity; } quoteDetailID = int.Parse(sdr["QuoteDetailsID"].ToString()); com = new SqlCommand("UPDATE QuoteDetails SET Quantity = " + qty + " Where QuoteDetailsID = " + quoteDetailID, con); } else { com = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO QuoteDetails(QuoteID, StockUnitID, CustomStockID, Price, CustomPrimaryVoltage, " + "CustomPrimaryVoltageDW, CustomSecondaryVoltage, CustomSecondaryVoltageDW, Taps, SoundLevel, " + "Quantity, KitID, Created_on) " + "VALUES(" + quoteid + ", " + stockid + ", " + customid + ", " + originalPrice + ", " + primaryVoltage + ", '" + primaryVoltageDW + "', " + secondaryVoltage + ", '" + secondaryVoltageDW + "', " + taps + ", " + soundlevel + ", " + quantity + ", " + kitid + ", getdate()) ", con); } sdr.Close(); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } con.Close(); con.Dispose(); return(quoteid); }