        public ActionResult CreateUser(CreateUserVM user)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (var db = new ADWebDB())
                    ADWeb.Core.Models.User newUser = Mapper.Map <User>(user);
                    ADDomain domain = new ADDomain();

                    // Get User Template Settings so that we can use it to create
                    // the user.
                    UserTemplate userTemplate = db.UserTemplate

                    UserTemplateSettings userTemplateSettings = new UserTemplateSettings();
                    userTemplateSettings.ChangePasswordAtNextLogon = userTemplate.ChangePasswordAtNextLogon;
                    userTemplateSettings.UserCannotChangePassword  = userTemplate.UserCannotChangePassword;
                    userTemplateSettings.PasswordNeverExpires      = userTemplate.PasswordNeverExpires;
                    userTemplateSettings.AccountExpires            = userTemplate.AccountExpires;
                    userTemplateSettings.ExpirationRange           = userTemplate.ExpirationRange;
                    userTemplateSettings.ExpirationValue           = userTemplate.ExpirationValue;
                    userTemplateSettings.DomainOU = userTemplate.DomainOU.DistinguishedName;

                    // When getting the groups associated with a user template, we
                    // are only interested in getting those groups that are active (i.e.
                    // they have not been removed by the admins of the application). If this is
                    // not done, then there will be an error if a group happens to have been
                    // added, removed and then added again by one of the administrators. This should
                    // be a rare occurrance, but we have to check just to make sure no errors occur
                    // when creating user accounts.
                    foreach (var group in userTemplate.Groups.Where(u => u.Enabled == true).ToList())

                    domain.CreateUserWithTemplate(newUser, userTemplateSettings);
                    ADUser currentUser = domain.GetUserByID(User.Identity.Name);

                    // Insert the account to the Database. Note: we are only
                    // interested in basic information
                    DomainUser newDomainUser = new DomainUser();
                    newDomainUser.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
                    newDomainUser.CreatedBy   = currentUser.GivenName + " " + currentUser.Surname;
                    newDomainUser.Username    = newUser.Username;


                    TempData["user_created_successfully"] = newUser.FirstName + " " + newUser.LastName + " has been created successfully!";
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewUser", new { user = user.Username }));

        public void CreateUserWithTemplate(User user, UserTemplateSettings userTemplateSettings)
            using (PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, ServerName, userTemplateSettings.DomainOU, ContextOptions.Negotiate, ServiceUser, ServicePassword))
                using (ADUser newUser = new ADUser(context))
                    newUser.SamAccountName = user.Username;
                    newUser.GivenName      = user.FirstName;
                    newUser.MiddleName     = user.MiddleName;
                    newUser.Surname        = user.LastName;
                    newUser.EmailAddress   = user.EmailAddress;
                    newUser.PhoneNumber    = user.PhoneNumber;
                    newUser.Title          = user.Title;
                    newUser.Department     = user.Department;
                    newUser.Notes          = "Created by ADWeb on " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ".";
                    newUser.DisplayName    = user.LastName + ", " + user.FirstName;
                    //newUser.Name = user.LastName + ", " + user.FirstName;
                    //newUser.CommonName = "CN=" + user.LastName + "\\, " + user.FirstName + "," + userTemplateSettings.DomainOU;
                    newUser.UserPrincipalName = user.Username + UPNSuffix;
                    newUser.Enabled           = true;

                    // Settings from the User template
                    newUser.UserCannotChangePassword = userTemplateSettings.UserCannotChangePassword;

                    if (userTemplateSettings.ChangePasswordAtNextLogon)
                        // This will force the user to change their password
                        // the next time they login

                    newUser.PasswordNeverExpires = userTemplateSettings.PasswordNeverExpires;

                    if (userTemplateSettings.AccountExpires)
                        // We have to determine how long until the user's account
                        // will expire in relation to the date that it is being created.
                        DateTime?expirationDate = new DateTime();

                        switch (userTemplateSettings.ExpirationRange)
                        case UserExpirationRange.Days:
                            expirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(userTemplateSettings.ExpirationValue.Value);

                        case UserExpirationRange.Weeks:
                            int totalDays = 7 * userTemplateSettings.ExpirationValue.Value;
                            expirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(totalDays);

                        case UserExpirationRange.Months:
                            expirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(userTemplateSettings.ExpirationValue.Value);

                        case UserExpirationRange.Years:
                            expirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(userTemplateSettings.ExpirationValue.Value);


                        newUser.AccountExpirationDate = expirationDate;


                    // Now now have to add the user to the groups associated with the user template.
                    // Note: We are using RootDSE for now because we are looking at the whole domain.
                    // This will need to be changed later on so that only certain OU's will be searched
                    // for groups
                    using (PrincipalContext groupContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, ServerName, null, ContextOptions.Negotiate, ServiceUser, ServicePassword))
                        foreach (var grp in userTemplateSettings.Groups)
                            using (GroupPrincipal group = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(groupContext, grp))
                                if (group != null)
                                    // This is being done to address Github Issue #79. For now we are using
                                    // the underlying DirectoryEntry object so that the application can be
                                    // hosted on a machine that is not part of the domain.
                                    DirectoryEntry groupDE = (DirectoryEntry)group.GetUnderlyingObject();
                                    groupDE.Invoke("Add", new object[] { "LDAP://" + ServerName + "/" + newUser.DistinguishedName });

        public void CreateUserWithTemplate(User user, UserTemplateSettings userTemplateSettings)
            using (PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, ServerName, userTemplateSettings.DomainOU, ContextOptions.Negotiate, ServiceUser, ServicePassword))
                using (ADUser newUser = new ADUser(context))
                    newUser.SamAccountName    = user.Username;
                    newUser.GivenName         = user.FirstName;
                    newUser.MiddleName        = user.MiddleName;
                    newUser.Surname           = user.LastName;
                    newUser.EmailAddress      = user.EmailAddress;
                    newUser.PhoneNumber       = user.PhoneNumber;
                    newUser.Title             = user.Title;
                    newUser.Department        = user.Department;
                    newUser.Notes             = "Created by ADWeb on " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ".";
                    newUser.DisplayName       = user.LastName + ", " + user.FirstName + " " + user.Initials;
                    newUser.UserPrincipalName = user.Username + UPNSuffix;
                    newUser.Enabled           = true;

                    // Settings from the User template
                    newUser.UserCannotChangePassword = userTemplateSettings.UserCannotChangePassword;

                    if (userTemplateSettings.ChangePasswordAtNextLogon)
                        // This will force the user to change their password
                        // the next time they login

                    newUser.PasswordNeverExpires = userTemplateSettings.PasswordNeverExpires;

                    if (userTemplateSettings.AccountExpires)
                        // We have to determine how long until the user's account
                        // will expire in relation to the date that it is being created.
                        DateTime?expirationDate = new DateTime();

                        switch (userTemplateSettings.ExpirationRange)
                        case UserExpirationRange.Days:
                            expirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(userTemplateSettings.ExpirationValue.Value);

                        case UserExpirationRange.Weeks:
                            int totalDays = 7 * userTemplateSettings.ExpirationValue.Value;
                            expirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(totalDays);

                        case UserExpirationRange.Months:
                            expirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(userTemplateSettings.ExpirationValue.Value);

                        case UserExpirationRange.Years:
                            expirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(userTemplateSettings.ExpirationValue.Value);


                        newUser.AccountExpirationDate = expirationDate;


                    // Now add the user to the groups associated with the user template
                    foreach (var grp in userTemplateSettings.Groups)
                        // We are using RootDSE for now because we are looking at the
                        // whole domain. This will need to be changed later on so that
                        // only certain OU's will be searched for groups
                        using (PrincipalContext groupContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, ServerName, null, ContextOptions.Negotiate, ServiceUser, ServicePassword))
                            GroupPrincipal group = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(groupContext, grp);
                            if (group != null)