        public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            UserServicesRatings userServicesRatings = await _colibriDbContext.UserServicesRatings.FindAsync(id);

            if (userServicesRatings == null)
                // remove the Entry from the DB

                // save the Changes asynchronously
                await _colibriDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                // avoid Refreshing the POST Operation -> Redirect
        public async Task <IActionResult> RateUserServicePost(int id, string command)
            // Check the State Model Binding
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Security Claims
                System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal currentUser = this.User;

                // Claims Identity
                var claimsIdentity = (ClaimsIdentity)this.User.Identity;
                var claim          = claimsIdentity.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);

                // to overwrite a Rating, first get the old One
                // get the Product from the DB
                var userServiceFromDb = await _colibriDbContext.UserServices
                                        .Where(m => m.Id == id)

                // another Table ProductRatings for the Description
                var userServiceRatingFromDb = await _colibriDbContext.UserServicesRatings
                                              .Where(p => p.UserServiceId == id)

                // current User
                var currentUserId = claim.Value;
                //bool userAlreadyRated = false;

                if (userServiceRatingFromDb != null)
                    // check if already rated
                    if (userServiceRatingFromDb.ApplicationUserId == currentUserId)
                        // already rated!
                        //userAlreadyRated = true;

                        TempData["msg"]                   = "<script>alert('Already rated!');</script>";
                        TempData["returnButton"]          = "<div><p><b>Already rated!</b></p></div>";
                        TempData["returnBackButton"]      = "return";
                        TempData["showUserServiceRating"] = "showUserServiceRating";
                        TempData["userServiceId"]         = userServiceRatingFromDb.Id;

                        ViewData["BackToList"]     = _localizer["BackToListText"];
                        ViewData["ShowAllRatings"] = _localizer["ShowAllRatingsText"];
                        ViewData["ShowRating"]     = _localizer["ShowRatingText"];

                    //else if (userAlreadyRated)
                        int tempUserServiceRating = 0;

                        if (command.Equals("1"))
                            tempUserServiceRating = 1;
                        else if (command.Equals("2"))
                            tempUserServiceRating = 2;
                        else if (command.Equals("3"))
                            tempUserServiceRating = 3;
                        else if (command.Equals("4"))
                            tempUserServiceRating = 4;
                        else if (command.Equals("5"))
                            tempUserServiceRating = 5;

                        // go to the User Service Table
                        // calculate the new ProductRating
                        if (userServiceFromDb.NumberOfServiceRates == 0)
                            userServiceFromDb.ServiceRating = tempUserServiceRating;
                            userServiceFromDb.ServiceRating = Math.Round((userServiceFromDb.ServiceRating * userServiceFromDb.NumberOfServiceRates + tempUserServiceRating) / (userServiceFromDb.NumberOfServiceRates + 1), 2);

                        // Rating Create
                        UserServicesRatings userServicesRatings = new UserServicesRatings()
                            UserServiceId   = userServiceFromDb.Id,
                            UserServiceName = userServiceFromDb.Name,
                            // add the current User as the Creator of the Rating
                            ApplicationUserId   = claim.Value,
                            ApplicationUserName = claim.Subject.Name,
                            UserServiceRating   = tempUserServiceRating,
                            CreatedOn           = System.DateTime.Now

                        // update the UserServicesRating Entity

                        // increment the Number of User Service Rates of the User Service
                        userServiceFromDb.NumberOfServiceRates += 1;

                        // save the Changes in DB
                        await _colibriDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                //else if (userServiceFromDb == null && !userAlreadyRated)
                    int tempUserServiceRating = 0;

                    if (command.Equals("1"))
                        tempUserServiceRating = 1;
                    else if (command.Equals("2"))
                        tempUserServiceRating = 2;
                    else if (command.Equals("3"))
                        tempUserServiceRating = 3;
                    else if (command.Equals("4"))
                        tempUserServiceRating = 4;
                    else if (command.Equals("5"))
                        tempUserServiceRating = 5;

                    // go to the User Service Table
                    // calculate the new ProductRating
                    if (userServiceFromDb.NumberOfServiceRates == 0)
                        userServiceFromDb.ServiceRating = tempUserServiceRating;
                        userServiceFromDb.ServiceRating = Math.Round((userServiceFromDb.ServiceRating * userServiceFromDb.NumberOfServiceRates + tempUserServiceRating) / (userServiceFromDb.NumberOfServiceRates + 1), 2);

                    // Rating Create
                    UserServicesRatings userServicesRatings = new UserServicesRatings()
                        UserServiceId   = userServiceFromDb.Id,
                        UserServiceName = userServiceFromDb.Name,
                        // add the current User as the Creator of the Rating
                        ApplicationUserId   = claim.Value,
                        ApplicationUserName = claim.Subject.Name,
                        UserServiceRating   = tempUserServiceRating,
                        CreatedOn           = System.DateTime.Now

                    // update the UserServicesRating Entity

                    // increment the Number of User Service Rates of the User Service
                    userServiceFromDb.NumberOfServiceRates += 1;

                    // save the Changes in DB
                    await _colibriDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                // one can simply return to the Form View again for Correction