        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value returned from a LearningStore query to a <c>UserItemIdentifier</c>,
        /// or <c>null</c> if the value is <c>DBNull</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">A value from a <c>DataRow</c> within a <c>DataTable</c>
        /// returned from a LearningStore query.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Where to store the result.</param>
        public static void Cast(object value, out UserItemIdentifier result)
            LearningStoreItemIdentifier id;

            Cast(value, out id);
            result = (id == null) ? null : new UserItemIdentifier(id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a value returned from a LearningStore query to a
        /// <c>UserItemIdentifier</c>.  Throws an exception if the value is <c>DBNull</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">A value from a <c>DataRow</c> within a <c>DataTable</c>
        /// returned from a LearningStore query.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Where to store the result.</param>
        public static void CastNonNull(object value, out UserItemIdentifier result)
            LearningStoreItemIdentifier id;

            CastNonNull(value, out id);
            result = new UserItemIdentifier(id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a <c>DataTable</c>, returned by <c>Job.Execute</c>, containing
        /// the results requested by a previous call to
        /// <c>RequestCurrentUserInfo</c>.  Returns an <c>UserItemIdentifier</c>
        /// object containing identifier of user. If the user isn't
        /// already listed in LearningStore, a separate call to the database is
        /// made to add them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable">A <c>DataTable</c> returned from
        ///     <c>Job.Execute</c>.</param>
        private UserItemIdentifier CheckCurrentUserIdentifier(DataTable dataTable)
            DataRowCollection  results = dataTable.Rows;
            UserItemIdentifier userId;

            if (results.Count == 0)
                // the user isn't listed in the UserItem table -- add them...

                // set <userName> to the name of the user that SCORM will use
                string userName = this.GetCurrentIudicoUser().Name;

                // create the UserItem for this user in LearningStore; we use
                // AddOrUpdateItem() instead of AddItem() in case this learner
                // was added by another application between the check above and
                // the code below
                var job          = this.LStore.CreateJob();
                var uniqueValues = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                uniqueValues[Schema.UserItem.Key] = this.CurrentIudicoUserKey.ToString();
                var addValues = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                addValues[Schema.UserItem.Name] = userName;
                job.AddOrUpdateItem(Schema.UserItem.ItemTypeName, uniqueValues, addValues, null, true);
                userId = new UserItemIdentifier(job.Execute <LearningStoreItemIdentifier>());
                userId = new UserItemIdentifier((LearningStoreItemIdentifier)results[0][Schema.Me.UserId]);

            // return a UserItemIdentifier object
         * /// <summary>Initializes an instance of this class, given a <c>UserItemIdentifier</c>.</summary>
         * /// <remarks>When this constructor is used, the <c>SPUser</c> and <c>Name</c> properties are <c>null</c>.</remarks>
         * /// <param name="userId">The SharePoint Learning Kit <c>UserItemIdentifier</c> of the user.</param>
         * /// <param name="spUserId">The id of the SPUser.</param>
         * /// <param name="spSiteGuid">The site the SPUser is from.</param>
         * public SlkUser(UserItemIdentifier userId, int spUserId, Guid spSiteGuid) : this (userId)
         * {
         *  this.spUserId = spUserId;
         *  this.spSiteGuid = spSiteGuid;
         * }

        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="SlkUser"/>.</summary>
        /// <summary>Initializes an instance of <see cref="SlkUser"/>, given a <c>UserItemIdentifier</c>.</summary>
        /// <param name="userId">The SharePoint Learning Kit <c>UserItemIdentifier</c> of the user.</param>
        /// <param name="spUser">The <see cref="SPUser"/> of the user.</param>
        public SlkUser(UserItemIdentifier userId, SPUser spUser) : this(userId)
            SPUser = spUser;
            if (SPUser != null)
                Name = SPUser.Name;
 internal SlkUser(UserItemIdentifier userId, string name, string key, SPUser user) : this(userId, user)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
         Name = name;
     this.key = key;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an <c>AssignmentProperties</c> object populated with default information for
        /// a new assignment based on a given e-learning package or non-e-learning document.
        /// This method doesn't actually create the assignment -- it just returns information that
        /// can be used as defaults for a form that a user would fill in to create a new assignment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// If <paramref name="slkRole"/> is <c>SlkRole.Learner</c>, default properties for a
        /// self-assigned assignment are returned.  In this case, the returned
        /// <c>AssignmentProperties</c> will contain no users in
        /// <c>AssignmentProperties.Instructors</c>, and <c>AssignmentProperties.Learners</c> will
        /// contain only the current user.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// <b>Security:</b>&#160; If <pr>slkRole</pr> is
        /// <a href="Microsoft.SharePointLearningKit.SlkRole.Enumeration.htm">SlkRole.Instructor</a>,
        /// this operation fails if the <a href="SlkApi.htm#AccessingSlkStore">current user</a> doesn't
        /// have SLK
        /// <a href="Microsoft.SharePointLearningKit.SlkSPSiteMapping.InstructorPermission.Property.htm">instructor</a>
        /// permissions on <pr>destinationSPWeb</pr>.  Also fails if the current user doesn't have access to the
        /// package/file.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="store"></param>
        /// <param name="destinationSPWeb">The <c>SPWeb</c> that the assignment would be assigned in.</param>
        /// <param name="slkRole">The <c>SlkRole</c> for which information is to be retrieved.
        ///     Use <c>SlkRole.Learner</c> to get default information for a self-assigned assignment,
        ///     i.e. an assignment with no instructors for which the current learner is the only
        ///     learner.  Otherwise, use <c>SlkRole.Instructor</c>.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AssignmentProperties CreateNewAssignmentObject(ISlkStore store, SPWeb destinationSPWeb, SlkRole slkRole)
            // Security checks: Fails if the user isn't an instructor on the web if SlkRole=Instructor
            // (verified by EnsureInstructor).  Fails if the user doesn't have access to the
            // package (verified by calling RegisterPackage or by accessing
            // the properties of the non-elearning file).

            // Check parameters
            if (destinationSPWeb == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationSPWeb");

            // Verify that the web is in the site
            if (destinationSPWeb.Site.ID != store.SPSiteGuid)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SlkCulture.GetResources().SPWebDoesNotMatchSlkSPSite);

            UserItemIdentifier   currentUserId = store.CurrentUserId;
            AssignmentProperties assignment    = new AssignmentProperties(null, store);

            assignment.StartDate    = DateTime.Today; // midnight today
            assignment.DueDate      = null;
            assignment.EmailChanges = store.Settings.EmailSettings.DefaultEmailingOn;
            assignment.CreatedById  = currentUserId;
            store.AddCustomProperties(assignment, destinationSPWeb);

            // Role checking and determine if self assigned
            bool isSelfAssigned;

            if (slkRole == SlkRole.Instructor)
                isSelfAssigned = false;
            else if (slkRole == SlkRole.Learner)
                isSelfAssigned = true;
                throw new ArgumentException(SlkCulture.GetResources().InvalidSlkRole, "slkRole");

            assignment.ShowAnswersToLearners = isSelfAssigned;
            assignment.AutoReturn            = isSelfAssigned;
            if (isSelfAssigned)
                assignment.Learners.Add(new SlkUser(currentUserId, destinationSPWeb.CurrentUser));
                assignment.Instructors.Add(new SlkUser(currentUserId, destinationSPWeb.CurrentUser));

    /// <summary>
    /// Reads a <c>DataTable</c>, returned by <c>Job.Execute</c>, containing
    /// the results requested by a previous call to
    /// <c>RequestCurrentUserInfo</c>.  Returns an <c>LStoreUserInfo</c>
    /// object containing information about the user.  If the user isn't
    /// already listed in LearningStore, a separate call to the database is
    /// made to add them.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dataTable">A <c>DataTable</c> returned from
    ///     <c>Job.Execute</c>.</param>
    protected LStoreUserInfo GetCurrentUserInfoResults(DataTable dataTable)
        DataRowCollection  results = dataTable.Rows;
        LearningStoreJob   job     = LStore.CreateJob();
        UserItemIdentifier userId;
        string             userName;

        if (results.Count == 0)
            // the user isn't listed in the UserItem table -- add them...

            // set <userName> to the name of the user that SCORM will use
#if false
            // the following code queries Active Directory for the full name
            // of the user (for example, "Karen Berg") -- this code assumes a
            // particular Active Directory configuration which may or may not
            // work in your situation
            string adsiPath = String.Format("WinNT://{0},user",
                                            UserIdentity.Name.Replace(@"\", "/"));
            using (DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(adsiPath))
                userName = (string)de.Properties["FullName"].Value;
            // the following code uses the "name" portion of the user's
            // "domain\name" network account name as the name of the user
            userName = UserName;
            int backslash = userName.IndexOf('\\');
            if (backslash >= 0)
                userName = userName.Substring(backslash + 1);

            // create the UserItem for this user in LearningStore; we use
            // AddOrUpdateItem() instead of AddItem() in case this learner
            // was added by another application between the check above and
            // the code below
            job = LStore.CreateJob();
            Dictionary <string, object> uniqueValues =
                new Dictionary <string, object>();
            uniqueValues[Schema.UserItem.Key] = UserKey;
            Dictionary <string, object> addValues =
                new Dictionary <string, object>();
            addValues[Schema.UserItem.Name] = userName;
                                uniqueValues, addValues, null, true);
            userId = new UserItemIdentifier(job.Execute <LearningStoreItemIdentifier>());
            userId = new UserItemIdentifier((LearningStoreItemIdentifier)
            userName = (string)results[0][Schema.Me.UserName];

        // return a LStoreUserInfo object
        return(new LStoreUserInfo(userId, userName));
        /// <summary>Initializes an instance of this class, given a <c>UserItemIdentifier</c>.</summary>
        /// <remarks>When this constructor is used, the <c>SPUser</c> and <c>Name</c> properties are <c>null</c>.</remarks>
        /// <param name="userId">The SharePoint Learning Kit <c>UserItemIdentifier</c> of the user.</param>
        SlkUser(UserItemIdentifier userId)
            if (userId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");

            UserId = userId;
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses <c>RequestCurrentUserInfo</c> and checks user existance
        /// by calling <c>CheckCurrentUserIdentifier</c> which returns user id based
        /// on currently iudico-authorized user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>UserItemIdentifier value which represents UserItem primary ID.</returns>
        protected UserItemIdentifier GetCurrentUserIdentifier()
            LearningStoreJob job = LStore.CreateJob();

            ReadOnlyCollection <object> results = job.Execute();
            UserItemIdentifier          result  = CheckCurrentUserIdentifier((DataTable)results[0]);

        void CheckUserIsInstructor()
            UserItemIdentifier current = Assignment.Store.CurrentUserId;

            foreach (SlkUser instructor in Assignment.Instructors)
                if (instructor.UserId == current)

            throw new SafeToDisplayException(SlkCulture.GetResources().ChangeLearnerAssignmentNotInstructor);
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            // ensure the user is an administrator, then execute the remaining code within a
            // LearningStorePrivilegedScope (which grants full access to database views)
            if (!SPFarm.Local.CurrentUserIsAdministrator())
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException(
                          "Access is denied. Only adminstrators can access this page.");
            using (new LearningStorePrivilegedScope())
                // skip the code below during postback since <OriginalInstructor> will have been
                // populated from view state already
                if (IsPostBack)

                // populate the <OriginalInstructor> drop-down list with the names and SLK user
                // identifiers of all users who are instructors on any assignments in the current
                // SharePoint site collection
                using (SPWeb spWeb = SPControl.GetContextWeb(HttpContext.Current))
                    SlkStore           slkStore = SlkStore.GetStore(spWeb);
                    LearningStoreJob   job      = slkStore.LearningStore.CreateJob();
                    LearningStoreQuery query    = slkStore.LearningStore.CreateQuery(
                    query.SetParameter("SPSiteGuid", spWeb.Site.ID);
                    query.AddSort("InstructorName", LearningStoreSortDirection.Ascending);
                    DataRowCollection rows = job.Execute <DataTable>().Rows;
                    foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                        ListItem listItem = new ListItem();
                        listItem.Text = (string)row["InstructorName"];
                        UserItemIdentifier originalInstructorId =
                            new UserItemIdentifier((LearningStoreItemIdentifier)row["InstructorId"]);
                        listItem.Value = originalInstructorId.GetKey().ToString(
        void VerifyIsValidSelfAssigned()
            // set <currentUserId> to the UserItemIdentifier of the current user; note that this
            // requires a round trip to the database
            UserItemIdentifier currentUserId = Store.CurrentUserId;

            // verify that <properties> specify no instructors and that the current user is the
            // only learner
            if (Instructors.Count != 0)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException(SlkCulture.GetResources().InvalidSelfAssignment);

            if ((Learners.Count != 1) || (Learners[0].UserId != currentUserId))
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException(SlkCulture.GetResources().InvalidSelfAssignment);
    // Public Methods

    // <summary>
    // Initializes an instance of this class.
    // </summary>
    // <param name="id">The value to use for the <c>Id</c> property.</param>
    // <param name="name">The value to use for the <c>Name</c> property.</param>
    public LStoreUserInfo(UserItemIdentifier id, string name)
        m_id   = id;
        m_name = name;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes an instance of this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The value to use for the <c>Id</c> property.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The value to use for the <c>Name</c> property.</param>
 public LStoreUserInfo(UserItemIdentifier id, string name)
     this.mId = id;
     this.mName = name;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes an instance of this class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The value to use for the <c>Id</c> property.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The value to use for the <c>Name</c> property.</param>
 public LStoreUserInfo(UserItemIdentifier id, string name)
     this.mId   = id;
     this.mName = name;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a <c>DataTable</c>, returned by <c>Job.Execute</c>, containing
        /// the results requested by a previous call to
        /// <c>RequestCurrentUserInfo</c>.  Returns an <c>UserItemIdentifier</c>
        /// object containing identifier of user. If the user isn't
        /// already listed in LearningStore, a separate call to the database is
        /// made to add them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable">A <c>DataTable</c> returned from
        ///     <c>Job.Execute</c>.</param>
        private UserItemIdentifier CheckCurrentUserIdentifier(DataTable dataTable)
            DataRowCollection results = dataTable.Rows;
            LearningStoreJob job = LStore.CreateJob();
            UserItemIdentifier userId;
            string userName;
            if (results.Count == 0)
                // the user isn't listed in the UserItem table -- add them...

                // set <userName> to the name of the user that SCORM will use
                userName = GetCurrentIudicoUser().Name;

                // create the UserItem for this user in LearningStore; we use
                // AddOrUpdateItem() instead of AddItem() in case this learner
                // was added by another application between the check above and
                // the code below
                job = LStore.CreateJob();
                Dictionary<string, object> uniqueValues =
                    new Dictionary<string, object>();
                uniqueValues[Schema.UserItem.Key] = CurrentIudicoUserKey.ToString();
                Dictionary<string, object> addValues =
                    new Dictionary<string, object>();
                addValues[Schema.UserItem.Name] = userName;
                    uniqueValues, addValues, null, true);
                userId = new UserItemIdentifier(job.Execute<LearningStoreItemIdentifier>());
                userId = new UserItemIdentifier((LearningStoreItemIdentifier)

            // return a UserItemIdentifier object
            return userId;
        protected void BtnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // the user clicked the OK button...

            // ensure the user is an administrator, then execute the remaining code within a
            // LearningStorePrivilegedScope (which grants full access to database views)
            if (!SPFarm.Local.CurrentUserIsAdministrator())
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException(
                          "Access is denied. Only adminstrators can access this page.");
            using (new LearningStorePrivilegedScope())
                // if the user didn't select an "original instructor", do nothing
                if (OriginalInstructor.SelectedValue.Length == 0)
                    return; // real code would display an error message here
                // if the user didn't enter any "new instructors", do nothing
                if (NewInstructors.Accounts.Count == 0)
                    return; // the <NewInstructors> control already displays a validation error
                // set <originalInstructorId> to the SLK identifier of the selected "original
                // instructor"
                UserItemIdentifier originalInstructorId = new UserItemIdentifier(
                    long.Parse(OriginalInstructor.SelectedValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                // execute the following code within the context of the current SharePoint Web site;
                // in fact, the operations below are actually done across the entire site *collection*,
                // but SlkStore.GetStore needs to be passed a Web site, so we use the current site
                using (SPWeb spWeb = SPControl.GetContextWeb(HttpContext.Current))
                    // set <assignmentIds> to a list containing the IDs of the assignments for which
                    // <originalInstructorId> is an instructor
                    List <AssignmentItemIdentifier> assignmentIds = new List <AssignmentItemIdentifier>();
                    SlkStore           slkStore = SlkStore.GetStore(spWeb);
                    LearningStoreJob   job      = slkStore.LearningStore.CreateJob();
                    LearningStoreQuery query    = slkStore.LearningStore.CreateQuery("AllAssignmentIds");
                    query.AddCondition("SPSiteGuid", LearningStoreConditionOperator.Equal,
                    query.AddCondition("InstructorId", LearningStoreConditionOperator.Equal,
                    DataRowCollection rows = job.Execute <DataTable>().Rows;
                    foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                        assignmentIds.Add(new AssignmentItemIdentifier(

                    // set <newInstructorIds> to a list of SLK numeric user IDs corresponding to the
                    // users in the <NewInstructors> control
                    List <UserItemIdentifier> newInstructorIds = new List <UserItemIdentifier>();
                    foreach (string loginName in NewInstructors.Accounts)
                        // set <spUser> to the SharePoint SPUser corresponding to <loginName> (which
                        // was retrieved from the <NewInstructors> control>; quit with an error
                        // message if that user isn't in "All People" for this site collection
                        SPUser spUser;
                            spUser = spWeb.AllUsers[loginName];
                        catch (SPException)
                            NewInstructors.ErrorMessage = "User isn't in \"All People\": " +

                        // set <userKey> to the SLK "user key", which is a string used to identify a
                        // user in the SLK database; SLK uses a user's security identifier (SID) if
                        // they have one, or their login name if they don't (e.g. in the case of forms
                        // authentication)
                        string userKey = String.IsNullOrEmpty(spUser.Sid)
                                                ? spUser.LoginName : spUser.Sid;

                        // set <userId> to the SLK UserItemIdentifier of the user <spUser> by
                        // searching the SLK UserItem table; if the user isn't found in UserItem,
                        // add them
                        UserItemIdentifier userId;
                        job   = slkStore.LearningStore.CreateJob();
                        query = slkStore.LearningStore.CreateQuery("UserItem");
                        query.AddCondition("Key", LearningStoreConditionOperator.Equal, userKey);
                        rows = job.Execute <DataTable>().Rows;
                        if (rows.Count != 0)
                            // found user in the SLK UserItem table
                            userId = new UserItemIdentifier(
                            // user not found in SLK UserItem table -- add them; we use
                            // LearningStoreJob.AddOrUpdateItem rather than LearningStoreJob.AddItem
                            // to account for the rare case where the user may be added simultaneously
                            // by another process
                            job = slkStore.LearningStore.CreateJob();
                            Dictionary <string, object> findProperties = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            findProperties["Key"] = userKey;
                            Dictionary <string, object> setProperties = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            setProperties["Name"] = spUser.Name;
                            job.AddOrUpdateItem("UserItem", findProperties, setProperties, null, true);
                            userId = new UserItemIdentifier(
                                job.Execute <LearningStoreItemIdentifier>());

                        // update <newInstructorIds>

                    // add each user in <newInstructorIds> as an instructor to each assignment in
                    // <assignmentIds>; set <updatedAssignmentCount> to the number of assignments that
                    // were updated (note that we don't update assignments for which the new
                    // instructors are already instructors)
                    Dictionary <UserItemIdentifier, bool> oldInstructors =
                        new Dictionary <UserItemIdentifier, bool>();
                    int updatedAssignmentCount = 0;
                    foreach (AssignmentItemIdentifier assignmentId in assignmentIds)
                        AssignmentProperties assignmentProperties =
                            slkStore.GetAssignmentProperties(assignmentId, SlkRole.Instructor);
                        foreach (SlkUser slkUser in assignmentProperties.Instructors)
                            oldInstructors[slkUser.UserId] = true;
                        int oldInstructorCount = oldInstructors.Count;
                        foreach (UserItemIdentifier userId in newInstructorIds)
                            if (!oldInstructors.ContainsKey(userId))
                                assignmentProperties.Instructors.Add(new SlkUser(userId));
                        if (assignmentProperties.Instructors.Count != oldInstructorCount)
                            slkStore.SetAssignmentProperties(assignmentId, assignmentProperties);

                    // provide user feedback
                    SuccessPanel.Visible = true;
                    SuccessLabel.Text    =
                        String.Format("Found {0} assignment(s); updated {1} assignment(s).",
                                      assignmentIds.Count, updatedAssignmentCount);
                    OriginalInstructorSection.Visible = false;
                    NewInstructorsSection.Visible     = false;
                    ButtonSection.Visible             = false;
	// Public Methods

	// <summary>
	// Initializes an instance of this class.
	// </summary>
	// <param name="id">The value to use for the <c>Id</c> property.</param>
	// <param name="name">The value to use for the <c>Name</c> property.</param>
	public LStoreUserInfo(UserItemIdentifier id, string name)
		m_id = id;
		m_name = name;
    /// <summary>
    /// Reads a <c>DataTable</c>, returned by <c>Job.Execute</c>, containing
    /// the results requested by a previous call to
	/// <c>RequestCurrentUserInfo</c>.  Returns an <c>LStoreUserInfo</c>
	/// object containing information about the user.  If the user isn't
	/// already listed in LearningStore, a separate call to the database is
	/// made to add them.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dataTable">A <c>DataTable</c> returned from
    ///     <c>Job.Execute</c>.</param>
	protected LStoreUserInfo GetCurrentUserInfoResults(DataTable dataTable)
        DataRowCollection results = dataTable.Rows;
        LearningStoreJob job = LStore.CreateJob();
        UserItemIdentifier userId;
        string userName;
        if (results.Count == 0)
            // the user isn't listed in the UserItem table -- add them...

            // set <userName> to the name of the user that SCORM will use
#if false
            // the following code queries Active Directory for the full name
            // of the user (for example, "Karen Berg") -- this code assumes a
            // particular Active Directory configuration which may or may not
            // work in your situation
            string adsiPath = String.Format("WinNT://{0},user",
                UserIdentity.Name.Replace(@"\", "/"));
            using (DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(adsiPath))
                userName = (string)de.Properties["FullName"].Value;
			// the following code uses the "name" portion of the user's
            // "domain\name" network account name as the name of the user
            userName = UserName;
            int backslash = userName.IndexOf('\\');
            if (backslash >= 0)
                userName = userName.Substring(backslash + 1);

            // create the UserItem for this user in LearningStore; we use
            // AddOrUpdateItem() instead of AddItem() in case this learner
            // was added by another application between the check above and
            // the code below
            job = LStore.CreateJob();
            Dictionary<string, object> uniqueValues =
                new Dictionary<string, object>();
            uniqueValues[Schema.UserItem.Key] = UserKey;
            Dictionary<string, object> addValues =
                new Dictionary<string, object>();
            addValues[Schema.UserItem.Name] = userName;
                uniqueValues, addValues, null, true);
            userId = new UserItemIdentifier(job.Execute<LearningStoreItemIdentifier>());
            userId = new UserItemIdentifier((LearningStoreItemIdentifier)
            userName = (string)results[0][Schema.Me.UserName];

        // return a LStoreUserInfo object
        return new LStoreUserInfo(userId, userName);