        static void Main(string[] args)
            int option = 0;

                ChooseOption(ref option);
                switch (option)
                case 1:
                    float circleRadius = 0;
                    UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInputRadius(ref circleRadius, "Enter the radius of the circle");

                case 2:
                    float widthOfTheRectangle = 0;
                    UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref widthOfTheRectangle, "Enter the width of the rectangle");
                    float heightOfTheRectangle = 0;
                    UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref heightOfTheRectangle, "Enter the height of the rectangle");
                    AreaRectangle(widthOfTheRectangle, heightOfTheRectangle);

                case 3:
                    float cylinderRadius = 0;
                    UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInputRadius(ref cylinderRadius, "Enter the radius of the cylinder");
                    float cylinderHeight = 0;
                    UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref cylinderHeight, "Enter the height of the cylinder");
                    Area(cylinderRadius, cylinderHeight);
            } while (option != 4);
        //Calculating the surface of a circle based on the given radius
        public static void CalculateSurface()
            double circleRadius = 0;

            UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref circleRadius, "Enter the radius of the circle");
            double surface = Math.PI * Math.Pow(circleRadius, 2);

            Console.WriteLine("The surface of the circle is, {0:F2}", surface);
 ///Function that read in and validates the option of the user
 public static void ChooseOption(ref int option)
         Console.WriteLine("1. Calculate the area of a circle");
         Console.WriteLine("2. Calculate the area of a rectangle");
         Console.WriteLine("3. Calculate the area of a cylinder");
         Console.WriteLine("4. Exit");
         UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref option, "Choose an option");
     } while (!(option == 1 || option == 2 || option == 3 || option == 4));
        //Convert celsius to fahrenheit and kelvin and vice-versa
        public static void CalculateTemperature()
            float temperatureInCelsiusDegree = 0, temperatureInKelvin = 0, temperatureInFahrenheit = 0;

            UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref temperatureInCelsiusDegree, "Enter the temperature in Celsius");
            UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref temperatureInKelvin, "Enter the temperature in Kelvin");
            UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref temperatureInFahrenheit, "Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit");

            float  temperatureConversionCelsiusToKelvin     = (float)temperatureInCelsiusDegree + (float)273.15;
            double temperatureConversionCelsiusToFahrenheit = temperatureInCelsiusDegree * 9 / 5 + 32;
            double temperatureConversionKelvinsToCelsius    = temperatureInKelvin - 273.15;
            double temperatureConversionFahrenheitToCelsius = (temperatureInFahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9;

            Console.WriteLine("{0} °C in Kelvin is {1}K ", temperatureInCelsiusDegree, temperatureConversionCelsiusToKelvin);
            Console.WriteLine($"{temperatureInCelsiusDegree} °C  celsius in fahrenheit is {temperatureConversionCelsiusToFahrenheit:F2}");
            Console.WriteLine("{0} Kelvin in celsius is {1}", temperatureInKelvin, temperatureConversionKelvinsToCelsius);
            Console.WriteLine($"{temperatureInFahrenheit} °F in celsius is {temperatureConversionFahrenheitToCelsius}");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int number = 0;

            UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref number, "Enter a number");


            int grade = 0;

            UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref grade, "Enter your grade");

            string userInput = string.Empty;

            UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref userInput, "Enter your string ");
            char symbolToFindInUserInput = ' ';

            UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref symbolToFindInUserInput, "Enter the symbol you want to find ");
            FindOccurencesOfSymbolInString(userInput, symbolToFindInUserInput);

            string userInput1 = string.Empty;

            UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref userInput1, "Enter your string ");
            if (isStringPalindrome(userInput1))
                Console.WriteLine($"{userInput1} is Palindrom");
                Console.WriteLine($"{userInput1} is NOT Palindrom");

        static void Main(string[] args)
            int year = 0;

            UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref year, "Enter a year");
            bool       IsLeapYear   = (year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0);
            List <int> DaysInMonths = IsLeapYear ?
                                      new List <int> {
                31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
            } :
            new List <int> {
                31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

            int    dayNumber = 0;
            string month     = string.Empty;
            int    day       = 0;

            if (IsLeapYear)
                while (!(dayNumber >= 1 && dayNumber <= 366))
                    UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref dayNumber, "Enter a number between 1 and 366");
                    CalculateMonthAndDayFromDayNumber(DaysInMonths, ref month, ref day, ref dayNumber);
                while (!(dayNumber >= 1 && dayNumber <= 365))
                    UserInputValidation.ValidateUserInput(ref dayNumber, "Enter a number between 1 and 365");
                    CalculateMonthAndDayFromDayNumber(DaysInMonths, ref month, ref day, ref dayNumber);
            Console.WriteLine($"{month} {day}");