private GameField CreateGame()
            //creates a new game and enters it into a queue to wait for an opponent
            MatrixViewModel mvm      = new MatrixViewModel(7);
            GameField       currGame = new GameField();

            currGame.Id          = new Guid();
            currGame.PlayerOneId = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
            currGame.Field       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mvm.Field);
            byte[] startingTurn = new byte[2];
            startingTurn[0] = 0;
            startingTurn[1] = 2;

            currGame.CurrentPlayerAndTurn = startingTurn[rnd.Next(0, 2)];


            UserInQueue newUser = new UserInQueue();

            newUser.UserId             = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
            newUser.GameId             = currGame.Id.ToString();
            ViewData["PlayerOneOrTwo"] = "Your are player one , indicated on the field by - P1";
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("GameId", currGame.Id.ToString());
        public IActionResult Rematch()
            //rematches the current players if both of them agree
            GameField   game       = _context.Games.Where(g => g.Id.ToString() == HttpContext.Session.GetString("GameId")).FirstOrDefault();
            UserInQueue queuedUser = _context.Queue.Where(g => g.UserId == getOppenentId(game)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (queuedUser == null)
                GameField rematchedGame = CreateGame();
                //rematchedGame.PreviousPlayerOneId = game.PlayerOneId;
                //rematchedGame.PreviousPlayerTwoId = game.PlayerTwoId;
                //rematchedGame.IsRematch = true;
                _context.Games.Where(g => g.Id == rematchedGame.Id).FirstOrDefault().IsRematch           = true;
                _context.Games.Where(g => g.Id == rematchedGame.Id).FirstOrDefault().PreviousPlayerOneId = game.PlayerOneId;
                _context.Games.Where(g => g.Id == rematchedGame.Id).FirstOrDefault().PreviousPlayerTwoId = game.PlayerTwoId;
                string    yourId        = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
                GameField rematchedGame = _context.Games.Where(g => g.PreviousPlayerOneId == yourId && g.PlayerTwoId == null || g.PreviousPlayerTwoId == yourId && g.PlayerTwoId == null).FirstOrDefault();
                rematchedGame.PlayerTwoId = yourId;
                UserInQueue rematchedPlayer = _context.Queue.Where(u => u.GameId == rematchedGame.Id.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
                ViewData["PlayerOneOrTwo"] = "Your are player two , indicated on the field by - P2";
                HttpContext.Session.SetString("GameId", rematchedGame.Id.ToString());