public static int GetIndexForADObject(System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry de) { try { object[] asProp = de.Properties["objectClass"].Value as object[]; // poke these in a list for easier reference List <string> liClasses = new List <string>(); foreach (string s in asProp) { liClasses.Add(s); } if (liClasses.Contains("user") || liClasses.Contains("computer")) { string usercontrol = de.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value.ToString(); int userControl = Convert.ToInt32(usercontrol); string userCtrlBinStr = UserGroupUtils.DecimalToBase(userControl, 2); if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 2) { if (liClasses.Contains("computer")) { if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 2] == '1') { return((int)ADUCDirectoryNode.GetNodeType("Computer")); } else { return((int)ADUCDirectoryNode.GetNodeType("computer")); } } if (liClasses.Contains("user")) { if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 2] == '1') { return((int)ADUCDirectoryNode.GetNodeType("disabledUser")); } else { return((int)ADUCDirectoryNode.GetNodeType("user")); } } } } else if (liClasses.Contains("group") || liClasses.Contains("foreignSecurityPrincipal")) { return((int)ADUCDirectoryNode.GetNodeType("group")); } } catch { return((int)ADUCDirectoryNode.GetNodeType("group")); } return((int)ADUCDirectoryNode.GetNodeType("group")); }
/// <summary> /// Queries and fills the ldap message for the selected group /// Gets the attribute list from AD for group schema attribute. /// search for the attributes description, cn or name and displays them in a controls /// </summary> /// <param name="ce"></param> /// <param name="servername"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="dirnode"></param> public void SetData(CredentialEntry ce, string servername, string name, ADUCDirectoryNode dirnode) { try { this.dirnode = dirnode; this.plugin = dirnode.Plugin as ADUCPlugin; DirectoryContext dirContext = dirnode.LdapContext; Logonname = ""; PreLogonname = ""; //first obtain the current userAccountControl value DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(string.Format("LDAP://{0}/{1}", dirContext.DomainName, dirnode.DistinguishedName)); int userCtrlInt = Convert.ToInt32(de.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value.ToString()); long pwdLastSet = Convert.ToInt64(de.Properties["pwdLastSet"].Value.ToString()); sUserWorkStations = de.Properties["userWorkstations"].Value as string; if (de.Properties["userPrincipalName"].Value != null) { Logonname = de.Properties["userPrincipalName"].Value as string; Logonname = Logonname.IndexOf('@') >= 0 ? Logonname.Substring(0, Logonname.IndexOf('@')) : Logonname; txtlogon.Text = Logonname; } txtpreLogonname.Text = de.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value as string; PreLogonname = txtpreLogonname.Text.Trim(); txtDomian.Text = dirContext.DomainName.Substring(0, dirContext.DomainName.IndexOf('.')).ToUpper() + @"\"; cbDomain.Items.Add(string.Concat("@", dirContext.DomainName.ToUpper())); cbDomain.SelectedIndex = 0; double accountExpires = Convert.ToInt64(de.Properties["accountExpires"].Value); if (accountExpires == 9223372036854775807) { rbNever.Checked = true; } else { rbEndOf.Checked = true; ConvertFromUnixTimestamp(accountExpires); } try { string userCtrlBinStr = UserGroupUtils.DecimalToBase(userCtrlInt, 2); if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 10 && userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 10] == '1') { bMustChangePwd = true; } if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 10 && userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 2] == '1') { bAcountDisable = true; } if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 17 && userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 17] == '1') { bNeverExpiresPwd = true; bMustChangePwd = false; } if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 10 && userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 7] == '1' && pwdLastSet != 0) { bUserCannotChange = true; } if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 8 && userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 8] == '1') { bStorePwd = true; } if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 19 && userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 19] == '1') { bSmartCardRequired = true; } if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 21 && userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 21] == '1') { bAccSensitive = true; } if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 22 && userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 22] == '1') { bUseDESDescription = true; } if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 23 && userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 23] == '1') { bNotKrbAuthentication = true; } } catch { } FillUserOptions(); dateTimePicker.Enabled = rbEndOf.Checked; this.ParentContainer.DataChanged = false; this.ParentContainer.btnApply.Enabled = false; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogException("UserAccountPage.SetData", e); } }
/// <summary> /// Queries and fills the ldap message for the selected computer /// Gets the attribute list from AD for computer schema attribute. /// search for the attributes dNSHostName, cn or name and displays them in a controls /// </summary> /// <param name="ce"></param> /// <param name="servername"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="dirnode"></param> public void SetData(CredentialEntry ce, string servername, string name, ADUCDirectoryNode dirnode) { try { this.dirnode = dirnode; int ret = -1; List <LdapEntry> ldapEntries = null; ret = dirnode.LdapContext.ListChildEntriesSynchronous (dirnode.DistinguishedName, LdapAPI.LDAPSCOPE.BASE, "(objectClass=*)", null, false, out ldapEntries); if (ldapEntries == null || ldapEntries.Count == 0) { return; } LdapEntry ldapNextEntry = ldapEntries[0]; string[] attrsList = ldapNextEntry.GetAttributeNames(); if (attrsList != null) { foreach (string attr in attrsList) { string sValue = ""; LdapValue[] attrValues = ldapNextEntry.GetAttributeValues(attr, dirnode.LdapContext); if (attrValues != null && attrValues.Length > 0) { foreach (LdapValue value in attrValues) { sValue = sValue + "," + value.stringData; } } if (sValue.StartsWith(",")) { sValue = sValue.Substring(1); } sValue = sValue.Substring(0, sValue.Length); if (string.Compare(sValue, "") == 0) { sValue = "<Not Set>"; } if (string.Compare(attr, "cn") == 0) { this.lblComputerName.Text = sValue; } if (string.Compare(attr, "sAMAccountName") == 0) { if (sValue.EndsWith("$")) { this.txtCName.Text = sValue.Substring(0, sValue.Length - 1); } else { this.txtCName.Text = sValue; } } if (string.Compare(attr, "description") == 0) { this.txtDescription.Text = sValue; _editObject.Description = sValue; } if (string.Compare(attr, "dNSHostName") == 0) { this.txtDNSName.Text = sValue; } if (string.Compare(attr, "userAccountControl") == 0) { int userCtrlVal = 0; if (attrValues != null && attrValues.Length > 0) { userCtrlVal = Convert.ToInt32(attrValues[0].stringData); } string userCtrlBinStr = UserGroupUtils.DecimalToBase(userCtrlVal, 16); _editObject.UserCtrlBinStr = userCtrlVal; this.txtRole.Text = "Workstation or server"; if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 3) { //Determine role of computer if (userCtrlBinStr.Length == 3) { //examine the third position from the left (2=NORMAL_ACCOUNT) if (userCtrlBinStr[0] == '2') { this.txtRole.Text = "Normal computer"; } //examine the third position from the left (2=INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT) if (userCtrlBinStr[0] == '8') { this.txtRole.Text = "Inter domain trust computer"; } } else { //examine the forth position from the left (2=WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT) if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 4] == '1') { this.txtRole.Text = "Workstation or server"; } //examine the forth position from the left (2=SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT) if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 4] == '2') { this.txtRole.Text = "Domain controller"; } } } if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 5) { //Determine whether this user is TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION //examine the fifth position from the left (8=TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION, 0=NOT TRUSTED) //TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 5] == '8') { this.checkBoxTrust.CheckedChanged -= new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxTrust_CheckedChanged); checkBoxTrust.Checked = true; this.checkBoxTrust.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxTrust_CheckedChanged); } else if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 5] == '0') { checkBoxTrust.Checked = false; } } else { checkBoxTrust.Checked = false; } _editObject.DelegateTrust = checkBoxTrust.Checked; } } } UpdateOriginalData(); UpdateApplyButton(); } catch (Exception e) { container.ShowError(e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Getting added all children to the selected node that are of type ObjectClass="group" /// , ObjectClass="user", ObjectClass="computer", ObjectClass="organizationalUnit" /// </summary> public void ListGroupAndUserOUChildren() { int ret = -1; if (haveRetrievedChildren && !this.IsModified) { return; } string[] attrs = { "objectClass", "distinguishedName", null }; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; ret = dirContext.ListChildEntriesSynchronous (distinguishedName, LdapAPI.LDAPSCOPE.ONE_LEVEL, "(objectClass=*)", attrs, false, out ldapEntries); if (ldapEntries == null || ldapEntries.Count == 0) { //haveRetrievedChildren = true; //return; //clears the domian level node, if the ldap connection timed out or disconnected ADUCPlugin plugin = this.Plugin as ADUCPlugin; haveRetrievedChildren = true; this.IsModified = false; if (ret == (int)Likewise.LMC.Utilities.ErrorCodes.LDAPEnum.LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || ret == (int)Likewise.LMC.Utilities.ErrorCodes.LDAPEnum.LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR || ret == -1) { if (ret == -1) { ret = (int)ErrorCodes.LDAPEnum.LDAP_TIMEOUT; Logger.LogMsgBox(ErrorCodes.LDAPString(ret)); } plugin._pluginNode.Nodes.Clear();; } else { Nodes.Clear(); } return; } foreach (LdapEntry ldapNextEntry in ldapEntries) { string s = ldapNextEntry.GetDN(); string objectClass = ""; LdapValue[] values = ldapNextEntry.GetAttributeValues("objectClass", dirContext); if (values != null && values.Length > 0) { //use the most specific object Class, which will be listed last. objectClass = values[values.Length - 1].stringData; Logger.Log("Start--", Logger.ldapLogLevel); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { Logger.Log("objectclass is " + values[i], Logger.ldapLogLevel); } Logger.Log("End--", Logger.ldapLogLevel); } if (objectClass.Equals("group", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { ADUCDirectoryNode dtn = new ADUCDirectoryNode(s, dirContext, objectClass, Resources.Group_16, NodeType, Plugin, false); =; Nodes.Add(dtn); } bool IsDisabled = false; bool IsDc = false; if (objectClass.Equals("user", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || objectClass.Equals("computer", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { values = ldapNextEntry.GetAttributeValues("userAccountControl", dirContext); int userCtrlVal = 0; if (values != null && values.Length > 0) { userCtrlVal = Convert.ToInt32(values[0].stringData); } if (userCtrlVal.Equals(8224) || userCtrlVal.Equals(8202) || userCtrlVal.Equals(532480)) { IsDc = true; } string userCtrlBinStr = UserGroupUtils.DecimalToBase(userCtrlVal, 2); //Determine whether this user is enabled or disabled //examine the second to last position from the right (0=Active, 1=Inactive) if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 2) { if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 2] == '1') { IsDisabled = true; } else if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 2] == '0') { IsDisabled = false; } } ADUCDirectoryNode dtn = new ADUCDirectoryNode(s, dirContext, objectClass, Resources.Group_16, NodeType, Plugin, IsDisabled); =; dtn._IsDomainController = IsDc; Nodes.Add(dtn); } if (objectClass.Equals("organizationalUnit", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { ADUCDirectoryNode dtn = new ADUCDirectoryNode(s, dirContext, objectClass, Resources.Group_16, NodeType, Plugin, false); =; Nodes.Add(dtn); } } haveRetrievedChildren = true; }
/// <summary> /// List the all children for the selected distinguished name /// Adds the all children to the node /// </summary> public ADUCDirectoryNode[] ListChildren(ADUCDirectoryNode dnode) { Logger.Log("DirectoryNode.ListChildren() called", Logger.ldapLogLevel); int ret = -1; string[] attrList = new string[] { "dummy", "objectClass", "distinguishedName", "userAccountControl", null }; ret = dirContext.ListChildEntriesSynchronous (distinguishedName, LdapAPI.LDAPSCOPE.ONE_LEVEL, "(objectClass=*)", attrList, false, out ldapEntries); if (ldapEntries == null || ldapEntries.Count == 0) { //clears the domian level node, if the ldap connection timed out or disconnected ADUCPlugin plugin = this.Plugin as ADUCPlugin; haveRetrievedChildren = true; this.IsModified = false; if (ret == (int)Likewise.LMC.Utilities.ErrorCodes.LDAPEnum.LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || ret == (int)Likewise.LMC.Utilities.ErrorCodes.LDAPEnum.LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR || ret == -1) { if (ret == -1) { ret = (int)ErrorCodes.LDAPEnum.LDAP_TIMEOUT; Logger.LogMsgBox(ErrorCodes.LDAPString(ret)); } plugin._pluginNode.Nodes.Clear();; } return(null); } DateTime timer = Logger.StartTimer(); List <ADUCDirectoryNode> nodesToAdd = new List <ADUCDirectoryNode>(); int nodesAdded = 0; foreach (LdapEntry ldapNextEntry in ldapEntries) { string currentDN = ldapNextEntry.GetDN(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentDN)) { bool IsDisabled = false; bool IsDc = false; LdapValue[] values = ldapNextEntry.GetAttributeValues("objectClass", dirContext); string objectClass = ""; if (values != null && values.Length > 0) { objectClass = values[values.Length - 1].stringData; } if (objectClass.Equals("user", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || objectClass.Equals("computer", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { values = ldapNextEntry.GetAttributeValues("userAccountControl", dirContext); int userCtrlVal = 0; if (values != null && values.Length > 0) { userCtrlVal = Convert.ToInt32(values[0].stringData); } if (userCtrlVal.Equals(8224) || userCtrlVal.Equals(8202) || userCtrlVal.Equals(532480)) { IsDc = true; } string userCtrlBinStr = UserGroupUtils.DecimalToBase(userCtrlVal, 2); //Determine whether this user is enabled or disabled //examine the second to last position from the right (0=Active, 1=Inactive) if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 2) { if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 2] == '1') { IsDisabled = true; } else if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 2] == '0') { IsDisabled = false; } } } ADUCDirectoryNode newNode = new ADUCDirectoryNode(currentDN, dirContext, objectClass, Resources.Group_16, NodeType, Plugin, IsDisabled); =; newNode._IsDomainController = IsDc; newNode.Text = newNode.Text.Substring(3); Logger.Log(String.Format("new Entry: {0}", currentDN), Logger.ldapLogLevel); Logger.Log(String.Format("scheduling addition of new Entry: {0}", currentDN), Logger.ldapLogLevel); nodesToAdd.Add(newNode); nodesAdded++; } } ADUCDirectoryNode[] nodesToAddRecast = new ADUCDirectoryNode[nodesAdded]; try { nodesToAdd.Sort(delegate(ADUCDirectoryNode d1, ADUCDirectoryNode d2) { return(d1.Text.CompareTo(d2.Text)); } ); for (int i = 0; i < nodesAdded; i++) { nodesToAddRecast[i] = nodesToAdd[i]; } } catch (Exception) { } Logger.TimerMsg(ref timer, String.Format("DirectoryNode.ListChildren(): Entry Processing({0})", distinguishedName)); this.IsModified = false; haveRetrievedChildren = true; return(nodesToAddRecast); }
/// <summary> /// List the all children for the selected distinguished name /// Adds the all children to the node /// </summary> public void ListChildren() { Logger.Log("ADUCDirectoryNode.ListChildren() called", Logger.ldapLogLevel); int ret = -1; if (haveRetrievedChildren && !this.IsModified) { return; } string[] attrList = new string[] { "dummy", "objectClass", "distinguishedName", "userAccountControl", null }; ret = dirContext.ListChildEntriesSynchronous (distinguishedName, LdapAPI.LDAPSCOPE.ONE_LEVEL, "(objectClass=*)", attrList, false, out ldapEntries); if (ldapEntries == null || ldapEntries.Count == 0) { //clears the domian level node, if the ldap connection timed out or disconnected ADUCPlugin plugin = this.Plugin as ADUCPlugin; haveRetrievedChildren = true; this.IsModified = false; if (ret == (int)Likewise.LMC.Utilities.ErrorCodes.LDAPEnum.LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || ret == (int)Likewise.LMC.Utilities.ErrorCodes.LDAPEnum.LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR || ret == -1) { if (ret == -1) { ret = (int)ErrorCodes.LDAPEnum.LDAP_TIMEOUT; Logger.LogMsgBox(ErrorCodes.LDAPString(ret)); } plugin._pluginNode.Nodes.Clear();; } else { Nodes.Clear(); } return; } else if (IsModified) { Nodes.Clear(); } DateTime timer = Logger.StartTimer(); //The following is optimized for speed, taking into account that in Mono, //Nodes.Add() and Nodes.AddRange() both take a long time to complete. //Nodes.AddRange() does not offer much time savings over Nodes.Add() //Therefore, make two hashtables holding the new and old contents of the DN. //Determine which have been added, and which have been deleted, to minimize the number of calls //to Nodes.Add() and Nodes.Remove(); Hashtable oldEntries = new Hashtable(); Hashtable newEntries = new Hashtable(); List <ADUCDirectoryNode> nodesToAdd = new List <ADUCDirectoryNode>(); int nodesAdded = 0; foreach (TreeNode node in Nodes) { ADUCDirectoryNode dNode = (ADUCDirectoryNode)node; if (dNode != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dNode.distinguishedName) && !oldEntries.ContainsKey(dNode.distinguishedName)) { oldEntries.Add(dNode.distinguishedName, dNode); } } foreach (LdapEntry ldapNextEntry in ldapEntries) { string currentDN = ldapNextEntry.GetDN(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentDN)) { LdapValue[] values = ldapNextEntry.GetAttributeValues("objectClass", dirContext); string objectClass = ""; if (values != null && values.Length > 0) { objectClass = values[values.Length - 1].stringData; } bool IsDisabled = false; bool IsDc = false; if (objectClass.Equals("user", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || objectClass.Equals("computer", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { values = ldapNextEntry.GetAttributeValues("userAccountControl", dirContext); int userCtrlVal = 0; if (values != null && values.Length > 0) { userCtrlVal = Convert.ToInt32(values[0].stringData); } if (userCtrlVal.Equals(8224) || userCtrlVal.Equals(8202) || userCtrlVal.Equals(532480)) { IsDc = true; } string userCtrlBinStr = UserGroupUtils.DecimalToBase(userCtrlVal, 2); //Determine whether this user is enabled or disabled //examine the second to last position from the right (0=Active, 1=Inactive) if (userCtrlBinStr.Length >= 2) { if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 2] == '1') { IsDisabled = true; } else if (userCtrlBinStr[userCtrlBinStr.Length - 2] == '0') { IsDisabled = false; } } } ADUCDirectoryNode newNode = new ADUCDirectoryNode(currentDN, dirContext, objectClass, Resources.Group_16, NodeType, Plugin, IsDisabled); =; newNode._IsDomainController = IsDc; newNode.Text = newNode.Text.Substring(3); Logger.Log(String.Format("new Entry: {0}", currentDN), Logger.ldapLogLevel); newEntries.Add(currentDN, newNode); if (oldEntries.ContainsKey(currentDN)) { ADUCDirectoryNode oldNode = (ADUCDirectoryNode)oldEntries[currentDN]; if ((oldNode != null && oldNode.ObjectClass != objectClass) || (oldNode != null && oldNode.IsDisabled != IsDisabled)) { oldEntries.Remove(currentDN); oldEntries.Add(currentDN, newNode); Nodes.Remove(oldNode); nodesToAdd.Add(newNode); nodesAdded++; } } else { Logger.Log(String.Format("scheduling addition of new Entry: {0}", currentDN), Logger.ldapLogLevel); nodesToAdd.Add(newNode); nodesAdded++; } } } foreach (Object o in oldEntries.Keys) { string oldNodeKey = (string)o; Logger.Log(String.Format("old Entry: {0}", oldNodeKey)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldNodeKey) && !newEntries.ContainsKey(oldNodeKey)) { ADUCDirectoryNode oldNode = (ADUCDirectoryNode)oldEntries[oldNodeKey]; if (oldNode != null) { Logger.Log(String.Format("removing old Entry: {0}", oldNodeKey), Logger.ldapLogLevel); Nodes.Remove(oldNode); } } } ADUCDirectoryNode[] nodesToAddRecast = new ADUCDirectoryNode[nodesAdded]; try { nodesToAdd.Sort(delegate(ADUCDirectoryNode d1, ADUCDirectoryNode d2) { return(d1.Text.CompareTo(d2.Text)); } ); for (int i = 0; i < nodesAdded; i++) { nodesToAddRecast[i] = nodesToAdd[i]; } } catch (Exception) { } Nodes.AddRange(nodesToAddRecast); Logger.TimerMsg(ref timer, String.Format("DirectoryNode.ListChildren(): Entry Processing({0})", distinguishedName)); this.IsModified = false; haveRetrievedChildren = true; }