/// <summary>
        /// Gets org context for the controller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Organization GetOrganizationContext(HttpContext context)
            //Note: as described in the OnActionExecuting, org related stuff is now always retrieved by the UserConfiguration attribute.
            //so provided an action is not an anonymous action, all the needed stuff should really be here!

            var orgId = GetOrganizationId(context);

            //Note: dependancy on the UserConfigurationActionFilterAtribute may not be that sensible. but i think should not hurt really...

            var org = UserConfigurationActionFilterAtribute.GetOrganization(context, orgId);

            if (org == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No organization found.");

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext actionContext, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
            //need to trigger db migrations as configured in order to enable the api to automigrate

            if (_orgDbMigrator != null && actionContext.ActionArguments.ContainsKey(OrgIdPropertyName))
                var orgId = (Guid)actionContext.ActionArguments[OrgIdPropertyName];

                //avoid migrating more than once per app pool life time; when api gets re-published this should reset, so migrations shoudl kick in automatically
                if (!_autoOrgMigrationsCache.ContainsKey(orgId) || !_autoOrgMigrationsCache[orgId])
                    //grab the org
                    var org = UserConfigurationActionFilterAtribute.GetOrganization(actionContext.HttpContext, orgId);

                    if (org != null)

                        await _orgDbMigrator(org);

                        _autoOrgMigrationsCache[orgId] = true;

            //standard migrator with no org context - such apis can exist too ;)
            if (_dbMigrator != null && !_nonOrgCtxMigrated)
                //try to grab the context...
                var ctrl = (IDbCtxController)actionContext.Controller;
                if (ctrl != null)

                    await _dbMigrator(ctrl.GetDefaultDbContext());

                    _nonOrgCtxMigrated = true;

            await next();