        protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string  hostName     = Environment.MachineName + "\\" + Environment.UserName;
            Boolean isError      = false;
            var     errorMessage = "";
            string  nik;

            try {
                // If configuration settings for ActiveDirectoryVerification is set to true then verify user login using Active Directory Username and Password, call respective function and sp_AUTHENTICATION_LOGIN_CTI
                if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ActiveDirectoryVerification"].ToLower() == "true")
                    if (ActiveDirectoryManager.ValidateUser(tbUsername.Text, tbPassword.Text))
                        //get IP Address dari PC yang melakukan akses pada aplikasi CTI
                        string ipAddress = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                        //email dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pengambilan data pada database BIOFARMA terkait info karyawan (in this case get NIK)
                        nik      = ActiveDirectoryManager.GetUserNumberByEmail(tbUsername.Text + "@biofarma.co.id");
                        _objUser = DbUser.SingleSignOnUserAuthentication(nik, hostName, ipAddress);
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "popup", "alert('Username atau Password anda salah');", true);
                    // else , verified it using stored Procedure sp_AUTHENTICATION_LOGIN, with username = nik and password is value within table USER_PASSWORD
                    _objUser = DbUser.UserAuthentication(tbUsername.Text, tbPassword.Text, hostName, "");
            catch (Exception ex)
                isError      = true;
                errorMessage = ex.Message;

            if ((!isError) && (_objUser != null) && (_objUser.UserId != null && _objUser.UserId != "-1"))
                Session.Timeout                  = 60;
                Session["biofarma_userid"]       = _objUser.UserId;
                Session["biofarma_username"]     = _objUser.Nama;
                Session["biofarma_positionid"]   = _objUser.Posid;
                Session["biofarma_positionname"] = _objUser.PositionName;
                Session["biofarma_unitcode"]     = _objUser.UnitCode;
                Session["biofarma_unitname"]     = _objUser.UnitName;
                Session["biofarma_roleid"]       = _objUser.RoleId;
                Session["biofarma_rolename"]     = _objUser.RoleName;
                Session["biofarma_grade"]        = _objUser.Grade;

                // store audit trail log for user success login
                DbUser.SetAuditTrailApplicationLogin(_objUser.UserId, tbUsername.Text, "1");
                Response.Redirect("Pages/Default.aspx", true);
                // get user nik from its mail address
                nik = ActiveDirectoryManager.GetUserNumberByEmail(tbUsername.Text + "@biofarma.co.id");
                // store audit trail log for user failed login attempt
                DbUser.SetAuditTrailApplicationLogin(nik ?? "", tbUsername.Text, "2");
                if (_objUser != null && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_objUser.UserId) || _objUser.UserId == "-1"))
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "popup", "alert('Username atau Password anda salah');", true);
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "popup", "alert('" + errorMessage + "');", true);