        /// <summary>
        /// method to delete single userbackend
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">takes userid as input</param>
        /// <param name="userBackendID">takes user backend id as input</param>
        /// <returns>returns deleted user backend entity</returns>
        public UserBackendEntity DeleteUserBackend(string userID, string userBackendID)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                UserBackendDAL userbackenddal = new UserBackendDAL();
                //calling data access layer method
                UserBackendEntity userbackendentity = userbackenddal.DeleteUserBackend(userID, userBackendID);
            catch (DataAccessException DALexception)
                throw DALexception;
            catch (Exception exception)
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
                //LoggerHelper.WriteToLog(exception + " - Error in BL while deleting single userbackend : "
                //+exception.ToString(), CoreConstants.Priority.High, CoreConstants.Category.Error);
                throw new BusinessLogicException();
        /// <summary>
        /// method to get list of backends associated to user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">takes userid as input</param>
        /// <returns>returns list of userbackends</returns>
        public List <UserBackendEntity> GetUserBackendsList(string userID, List <string> userbackends)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                //if userbackendid's not provided get all associated backends to user by default
                if (userbackends != null)
                    SynchDAL synchdDAL = new SynchDAL();
                    //calling data access layer method
                    return(synchdDAL.GetUserAllBackends(userID, userbackends));
                    UserBackendDAL userbackenddal = new UserBackendDAL();
            catch (DataAccessException DALexception)
                throw DALexception;
            catch (Exception exception)
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
                //LoggerHelper.WriteToLog(exception + " - Error in BL while getting userbackend list per user : "
                //+ exception.ToString(), CoreConstants.Priority.High, CoreConstants.Category.Error);
                throw new BusinessLogicException();
        /// <summary>
        ///method to remove userbackends
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UserID">takes userid as input</param>
        public void RemoveBackends(string UserID)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                UserBackendDAL userbackenddal = new UserBackendDAL();
                //to get all backends associated to user
                List <UserBackendEntity> alluserbackends = userbackenddal.GetUserAllBackends(UserID);
                if (alluserbackends != null && alluserbackends.Count > 0)
                    //calling data access layer method to remove user backends
            catch (DataAccessException DALexception)
                throw DALexception;
            catch (Exception exception)
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
                //LoggerHelper.WriteToLog(exception + " - Error in BL while removing userbackends : "
                //+exception.ToString(), CoreConstants.Priority.High, CoreConstants.Category.Error);
                throw new BusinessLogicException();
        /// <summary>
        /// This method triggered based on given time interval(i.e MyDailyScheduleForMissingUpdates)
        /// This method will verifies whether any userbackend(s)/Request(s) missed update or not
        /// if any user(s)/Request(s) misses update then keep the messages into update trigger input queue in UpdateTriggerMsg Format.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CollectMissingUpdates([TimerTrigger(typeof(MyDailyScheduleForMissingUpdates))] TimerInfo timerInfo, TextWriter log)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                // InsightLogger.TrackStartEvent(callerMethodName);
                //foreach backend
                NextUserCollectingTimeDAL objnextcollectingTime = new NextUserCollectingTimeDAL();
                //get all the userbackends needs to update
                List <NextUserCollectingTimeEntity> lstbackends = objnextcollectingTime.GetBackendsNeedsUpdate();

                DateTime currentTimestampForMissedUpdates = DateTime.Now;
                Parallel.ForEach <NextUserCollectingTimeEntity>(lstbackends, backend =>
                    InsightLogger.TrackEvent("UpdateTriggering, Action :: for each backend :: collect missing updates : start() , Response :: Backend Name : " + backend.BackendID);
                    //getting minutes difference between currenttime and Missing Update Next CollectingTime
                    TimeSpan tspan     = backend.MissingUpdateNextCollectingTime.Subtract(currentTimestampForMissedUpdates);
                    int waitingMinutes = tspan.Minutes;
                    //if minutes difference is with in RegularChecksWaitingTimeInMinutes(>=-8 and <=0) then invoke MissedUpdatesWaitingTimeInMinutes method()
                    if (waitingMinutes >= -(Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MissedUpdatesWaitingTimeInMinutes"])) && waitingMinutes <= 0)
                        UserBackendDAL objUserBackendDAL = new UserBackendDAL();
                        //collects the missed update userbackends,Requests and convert into update trigger message format and put into UT input queue
                        objUserBackendDAL.CollectUsersMissedUpdatesByBackend(backend.BackendID, currentTimestampForMissedUpdates);
                        //update the backend entity with new missing update collecting time[i.e MissingUpdateLastCollectingTime= MissingUpdateNextCollectingTime and MissingUpdateNextCollectingTime=Max(]
                        objnextcollectingTime.UpdateMisseduserBackendNextCollectingTime(backend.BackendID, backend.MissingUpdateNextCollectingTime, DateTime.Now);
                        InsightLogger.TrackEvent("UpdateTriggering, Action :: for each backend :: collect missing updates : End() , Response :: Success, Backend Name : " + backend.BackendID);
                        InsightLogger.TrackEvent("UpdateTriggering, Action :: for each backend :: collect missing updates : End(), Response ::  next missing update collecting time of the backend [ " + backend.BackendID + " ] is greater-than to current time.");
            catch (BusinessLogicException balexception)
                //write exception message to web job dashboard logs
                //write Business Logic Exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(balexception.Message, balexception, callerMethodName);
            catch (DataAccessException dalexception)
                //write exception message to web job dashboard logs
                //write Data layer logic Exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(dalexception.Message, dalexception, callerMethodName);
            catch (Exception exception)
                // log.WriteLine("Error in adidas.clb.job.UpdateTriggering :: Functions :: RegularChecksforUserbackendLostsUpdate() :: Exception Message=" + exception.Message);
                //write  Exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method triggered based on given time interval(i.e MyDailyScheduleForRegularUpdates)
        /// This method will verifies whether the userbackends needs update or not based on UT RUle ,if it requires update then it will update the userbackend
        /// if any user needs update then  keep the messages into update trigger input queue in UpdateTriggerMsg Format.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CollectUsersNeedsUpdate([TimerTrigger(typeof(MyDailyScheduleForRegularUpdates))] TimerInfo timerInfo, TextWriter log)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();

                NextUserCollectingTimeDAL objnextcollentingTime = new NextUserCollectingTimeDAL();
                //get all the userbackends needs to update
                List <NextUserCollectingTimeEntity> lstbackends = objnextcollentingTime.GetBackendsNeedsUpdate();
                //foreach backend
                DateTime currentTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
                Parallel.ForEach <NextUserCollectingTimeEntity>(lstbackends, backend =>
                    InsightLogger.TrackEvent("UpdateTriggering, Action :: for each backend :: collect users needing update : start(), Response :: Backend Name : " + backend.BackendID);
                    //getting minutes difference between currenttime and Regular Update Next CollectingTime
                    TimeSpan span = backend.RegularUpdateNextCollectingTime.Subtract(currentTimestamp);
                    int minutes   = span.Minutes;
                    //if minutes difference is with in RegularChecksWaitingTimeInMinutes(>=-5 and <=0) then invoke CollectUsersNeedUpdateByBackend method()
                    if (minutes >= -(Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RegularChecksWaitingTimeInMinutes"])) && minutes <= 0)
                        UserBackendDAL objdal = new UserBackendDAL();
                        //collect the users needing update and keep the messages in update trigger input queue
                        objdal.CollectUsersNeedUpdateByBackend(backend.BackendID, currentTimestamp);
                        //update the backend entity with new collecting time[i.e LastCollectingTime= NextCollectingTime and NextCollectingTime=NextCollectingTime+(Backend MinimumusersUpdateFrequency)/2 ]
                        objnextcollentingTime.UpdateBackendRegularNextCollectingTime(backend.BackendID, backend.MinimumUpdateFrequency, backend.RegularUpdateNextCollectingTime);
                        InsightLogger.TrackEvent("UpdateTriggering, Action :: for each backend :: collect users needing update : End(), Response :: Success,  Backend Name : " + backend.BackendID);
                        InsightLogger.TrackEvent("UpdateTriggering, Action :: for each backend :: collect users needing update : End(), Response :: next collecting time of the backend [ " + backend.BackendID + " ] is greater-than to current time.");
            catch (BusinessLogicException balexception)
                //write exception message to web job dashboard logs
                // log.WriteLine(balexception.Message);
                //write (Business Logic Exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(balexception.Message, balexception, callerMethodName);
            catch (DataAccessException dalexception)
                //write exception message to web job dashboard logs
                //write Data Access Exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(dalexception.Message, dalexception, callerMethodName);
            catch (Exception exception)
                //  log.WriteLine("Error in adidas.clb.job.UpdateTriggering :: Functions :: RegularChecksforBackendNeedsUpdate() :: Exception Message=" + exception.Message);
                //write exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method Archival the data which is greater than two months old in azure table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timerInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="log"></param>
        public static void ArchivalData([TimerTrigger(typeof(DailyScheduleForArchival))] TimerInfo timerInfo, TextWriter log)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                var                  timestamp   = DateTime.Today.AddDays(Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ArchivalDayInterval"])).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                UserBackendDAL       objdal      = new UserBackendDAL();
                List <BackendEntity> lstbackends = objdal.GetBackends();
                //foreach backend
                DateTime currentTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
                //foreach(BackendEntity backend in lstbackends)
                Parallel.ForEach <BackendEntity>(lstbackends, backend =>
                    string backendID = backend.RowKey;
                    InsightLogger.TrackEvent("UpdateTriggering, Action :: for each backend :: Archival historical data : start() , Response :: Backend Name : " + backendID);
                    //Get all the userbackends associated with the backendS
                    CloudTable UserDeviceConfigurationTable  = DataProvider.GetAzureTableInstance(azureTableUserDeviceConfiguration);
                    TableQuery <UserBackendEntity> tquery    = new TableQuery <UserBackendEntity>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition(CoreConstants.AzureTables.RowKey, QueryComparisons.Equal, backend.RowKey));
                    List <UserBackendEntity> allUserBackends = UserDeviceConfigurationTable.ExecuteQuery(tquery).ToList();
                    foreach (UserBackendEntity user in allUserBackends)
                        string username = user.UserID;
                        objdal.ArchivalRequestsData(username, timestamp);
                    InsightLogger.TrackEvent("UpdateTriggering, Action :: for each backend :: Archival historical data : End() , Response :: Backend Name : " + backendID);
            catch (BusinessLogicException balexception)
                //write exception message to web job dashboard logs
                //write Business Logic Exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(balexception.Message, balexception, callerMethodName);
            catch (DataAccessException dalexception)
                //write exception message to web job dashboard logs
                //write Data layer logic Exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(dalexception.Message, dalexception, callerMethodName);
            catch (Exception exception)
                // log.WriteLine("Error in adidas.clb.job.UpdateTriggering :: Functions :: RegularChecksforUserbackendLostsUpdate() :: Exception Message=" + exception.Message);
                //write  Exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
        /// <summary>
        /// method to get all userbackends
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UserID">takes userid as input</param>
        /// <returns>returns list of user backend</returns>
        public IEnumerable <UserBackendDTO> GetUserAllBackends(string UserID)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                UserBackendDAL userbackenddal = new UserBackendDAL();
                //calling data access layer method to get user backends
                List <UserBackendEntity> alluserbackends = userbackenddal.GetUserAllBackends(UserID);
                //calling data access layer method to get user backend synch
                List <SynchEntity>    allbackendsynch     = userbackenddal.GetAllUserBackendsSynch(UserID);
                List <UserBackendDTO> userbackendsdtolist = new List <UserBackendDTO>();
                //check for null
                if (alluserbackends != null && alluserbackends.Count > 0)
                    //converting userdevice entity to userdevice data transfer object
                    foreach (UserBackendEntity userbackendentity in alluserbackends)
                        UserBackendDTO userbackenddto = UserBackendEntityDTOMapper(userbackendentity);
                        SynchEntity    synchentity    = allbackendsynch.Where(m => m.RowKey.Equals(userbackendentity.BackendID)).FirstOrDefault();
                        //if user backend synch available then convert to dto
                        if (synchentity != null)
                            SynchDTO synchdto = DataProvider.ResponseObjectMapper <SynchDTO, SynchEntity>(synchentity);
                            userbackenddto.synch = synchdto;

                    userbackendsdtolist = null;

                return((IEnumerable <UserBackendDTO>)userbackendsdtolist);
            catch (DataAccessException DALexception)
                throw DALexception;
            catch (Exception exception)
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
                //LoggerHelper.WriteToLog(exception + " - Error in BL while retreiving userbackends : "
                //+exception.ToString(), CoreConstants.Priority.High, CoreConstants.Category.Error);
                throw new BusinessLogicException();
        /// <summary>
        /// method to calculate sync waiting time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Backendtouser">takes backends associated to user</param>
        /// <returns>returns synch waiting time</returns>
        public int CalcSynchTime(IEnumerable <UserBackendEntity> Userbackends)
            UserBackendDAL userBackenddal = new UserBackendDAL();
            //calling data access layer method to backend entities
            IEnumerable <BackendEntity> Backendtouser = userBackenddal.GetRequiredBackends(Userbackends);

            //calling rules to caliculate synch time
            if (Backendtouser != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// method to get single userbackend
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">takes userid as input</param>
        /// <param name="userBackendID">takes user backend id as input</param>
        /// <returns>returns user backend with id associated to user in the form of personalization response</returns>
        public PersonalizationResponseDTO <UserBackendDTO> GetUserBackend(string userID, string userBackendID)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                UserBackendDAL    userbackenddal    = new UserBackendDAL();
                UserBackendEntity userbackendentity = userbackenddal.GetUserBackend(userID, userBackendID);
                SynchEntity       synch             = userbackenddal.GetBackendSynch(userID, userBackendID);
                //converting userbackend entity to Response data transfer object
                var ResponseUserBackend = new PersonalizationResponseDTO <UserBackendDTO>();
                ///check for null
                if (userbackendentity != null)
                    UserBackendDTO userbackenddto = UserBackendEntityDTOMapper(userbackendentity);
                    //adding synch to user backend
                    if (synch != null)
                        SynchDTO synchdto = DataProvider.ResponseObjectMapper <SynchDTO, SynchEntity>(synch);
                        userbackenddto.synch = synchdto;
                    ResponseUserBackend.result = userbackenddto;
                    ResponseUserBackend.result = null;
            catch (DataAccessException DALexception)
                throw DALexception;
            catch (Exception exception)
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
                //LoggerHelper.WriteToLog(exception + " - Error in BL while retreiving single userbackend : "
                //+exception.ToString(), CoreConstants.Priority.High, CoreConstants.Category.Error);
                throw new BusinessLogicException();
        /// <summary>
        /// method to get all backends
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>returns list of backends as personalization response form</returns>
        public PersonalizationResponseListDTO <BackendDTO> GetBackends()
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                UserBackendDAL userbackenddal = new UserBackendDAL();
                //calling data access layer method
                List <BackendEntity> backends        = userbackenddal.GetBackends();
                List <BackendDTO>    backendslistdto = new List <BackendDTO>();
                //if backends not available return null
                if (backends != null && backends.Count > 0)
                    //backends entity converting to data transfer object
                    foreach (BackendEntity backend in backends)
                        BackendDTO backenddto = DataProvider.ResponseObjectMapper <BackendDTO, BackendEntity>(backend);
                    backendslistdto = null;
                var ResponseBackends = new PersonalizationResponseListDTO <BackendDTO>();
                ResponseBackends.result = backendslistdto;
            catch (DataAccessException DALexception)
                throw DALexception;
            catch (Exception exception)
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
                //LoggerHelper.WriteToLog(exception + " - Error in BL while retreiving backends : "
                //+exception.ToString(), CoreConstants.Priority.High, CoreConstants.Category.Error);
                throw new BusinessLogicException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to associate all existing backends in the system to user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userid">takes userid as input</param>
        public void AddAllBackends(string userid)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                UserBackendDAL userbackenddal = new UserBackendDAL();
                //method to get all backends available in system
                List <BackendEntity>     backends         = userbackenddal.GetBackends();
                List <UserBackendEntity> userbackendslist = new List <UserBackendEntity>();
                //preparing userbackend obj for each backend obj
                foreach (BackendEntity backend in backends)
                    UserBackendEntity userbackend = new UserBackendEntity();
                    userbackend.PartitionKey           = string.Concat(CoreConstants.AzureTables.UserBackendPK, userid);
                    userbackend.RowKey                 = backend.BackendID;
                    userbackend.BackendID              = backend.BackendID;
                    userbackend.UserID                 = userid;
                    userbackend.DefaultUpdateFrequency = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[CoreConstants.Config.UpdateFrequency]);
                //calling data access layer method to add backends
            catch (DataAccessException DALexception)
                throw DALexception;
            catch (Exception exception)
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
                //LoggerHelper.WriteToLog(exception + " - Error in BL while adding userbackends : "
                //+exception.ToString(), CoreConstants.Priority.High, CoreConstants.Category.Error);
                throw new BusinessLogicException();
        /// <summary>
        ///method to add userbackends
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Backendtouser">takes list of user backends as input</param>
        public void AddBackends(List <UserBackendEntity> Backendtouser)
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                UserBackendDAL userbackenddal = new UserBackendDAL();
                //calling data access layer method
            catch (DataAccessException DALexception)
                throw DALexception;
            catch (Exception exception)
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
                //LoggerHelper.WriteToLog(exception + " - Error in BL while adding userbackends : "
                //+exception.ToString(), CoreConstants.Priority.High, CoreConstants.Category.Error);
                throw new BusinessLogicException();
        // This function will get triggered/executed when a new message is written
        // on an Azure Queue called queue.
        /// <summary>
        /// This method automatically triggered when ever a new message inserted into queue.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ProcessQueueMessage([QueueTrigger("%utQueue%")] string message, TextWriter log)
            //Get Caller Method name
            string callerMethodName = string.Empty;

                //Get Caller Method name from CallerInformation class
                callerMethodName = CallerInformation.TrackCallerMethodName();
                string queueName = Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UpdateTriggerInputQueue"]);
                // InsightLogger.TrackStartEvent(callerMethodName);
                //checking update triggering queue message null or empty
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                    //log.WriteLine("adidas.clb.job.UpdateTriggering :: Processing update triggering queue message :: start()" + message);
                    //write message into application insights
                    InsightLogger.TrackEvent(queueName + " , Action :: UpdateTriggering input queue triggered : Start(), \n Response :: Message:" + message);
                    //Deserializ input queue message into UpdateTriggeringMsg object
                    UpdateTriggeringMsg objUTMsg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UpdateTriggeringMsg>(message);
                    //checking UpdateTriggeringMsg is null or not
                    if (objUTMsg != null)
                        //get userupdateMsg list from UpdateTriggeringMsg
                        List <UserUpdateMsg> lstUsers = null;
                        //checking users list in UpdateTriggeringMsg null or not
                        if (objUTMsg.Users != null)
                            lstUsers = objUTMsg.Users.ToList();
                            InsightLogger.TrackEvent(queueName + " , Action :: Users Provided? , Response :: true ");
                        //get RequestUpdateMsg list from UpdateTriggeringMsg
                        List <RequestUpdateMsg> lstRequests = null;
                        //checking request list in UpdateTriggeringMsg null or not
                        if (objUTMsg.Requests != null)
                            lstRequests = objUTMsg.Requests.ToList();
                            InsightLogger.TrackEvent(queueName + " , Action :: Requests Provided? , Response :: true ");
                        //Declare a CancellationToken object, which indicates whether cancellation is requested
                        var ctsut = new CancellationTokenSource();
                        //create object for userbackend class for calling the Updateusers & updateRequest methods
                        UserBackendDAL objUserbackendDAL = new UserBackendDAL();
                        //Parallely update the user update and request update messages from UserUpdateMsg.
                        Task[] tasksProcessQueueMsg = new Task[2];
                        //Process users update messages
                        tasksProcessQueueMsg[0] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => objUserbackendDAL.UpdateUserBackends(lstUsers, objUTMsg.VIP, objUTMsg.GetPDFs, objUTMsg.ChangeAfter, queueName));
                        //Process request update Messages
                        tasksProcessQueueMsg[1] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => objUserbackendDAL.UpdateRequests(lstRequests, objUTMsg.VIP, objUTMsg.GetPDFs, objUTMsg.ChangeAfter, queueName));
                        //create processTimeoutperiod variable and assign the value from app.config file
                        int processTimeoutperiod = Convert.ToInt32(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("timeoutperiod"));
                        //if all the tasks which are not completed with in the timeout period then those task automatically canceled by CancellationToken object cancel method.
                        if (!Task.WaitAll(tasksProcessQueueMsg, processTimeoutperiod, ctsut.Token))
                            //Communicates a request for cancellation
                        //log.WriteLine("adidas.clb.job.UpdateTriggering :: Processing update triggering queue message :: End()" + message);
                        //write message into application insights
                        InsightLogger.TrackEvent(queueName + " , Action :: UpdateTriggering input queue triggered : End()");
                        InsightLogger.TrackEvent(queueName + " , Action :: update triggering message is null");
            catch (DataAccessException dalexception)
                //write exception message to web job dashboard logs
                //write exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(dalexception.Message, dalexception, callerMethodName);
            catch (Exception exception)
                //write exception message to web job dashboard logs
                // log.WriteLine(exception.Message);
                //write exception into application insights
                InsightLogger.Exception(exception.Message, exception, callerMethodName);
 public NextUserCollectingTimeDAL()
     objdal  = new UserBackendDAL();
     utRules = new UpdateTriggeringRules();