public Dictionary <string, AnimationId> CollectAnimationIds(UserAvatar avatar) { Contract.Requires(avatar != null); var userAnims = avatar.Assets .Where(asset => AssetGroups.IsTypeInGroup(asset.Type, AssetGroup.Animations)) .ToDictionary(asset => Rbx2Source.GetEnumName(asset.Type).Replace("Animation", "")); var animIds = new Dictionary <string, AnimationId>(); foreach (string animName in R15_ANIMATION_IDS.Keys) { AnimationId animId = new AnimationId(); if (userAnims.ContainsKey(animName)) { animId.AnimationType = AnimationType.R15AnimFolder; animId.AssetId = userAnims[animName].Id; } else { animId.AnimationType = AnimationType.KeyframeSequence; animId.AssetId = R15_ANIMATION_IDS[animName]; } animIds.Add(animName, animId); } if (userAnims.ContainsKey("Idle")) { // Remove default lookaround if (animIds.ContainsKey("Idle2")) { animIds.Remove("Idle2"); } // If this isn't rthro idle... long animId = userAnims["Idle"].Id; if (animId != 2510235063) { // Remove default pose if (animIds.ContainsKey("Pose")) { animIds.Remove("Pose"); } // Append the pose animation AnimationId pose = new AnimationId() { AnimationType = AnimationType.R15AnimFolder, AssetId = animId }; animIds.Add("Pose", pose); } } return(animIds); }
public NewTask(StackPanel currentSection) { InitializeComponent(); try { this.currentSection = currentSection; string sectionName = currentSection.Name; sectionID = int.Parse(sectionName.Remove(0, "Section".Length)); StackPanel projectUsers = (StackPanel)FindName("ProjectUsers"); section = new SectionDAO().Read(sectionID); List <User> users = new ProjectDAO().GetProjectUsers(section.ProjectId); foreach (User user in users) { UserAvatar userAvatar = new UserAvatar(this, user.Id); userAvatar.Uid = user.Id.ToString(); userAvatar.UserImage.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(user.Picture)); userAvatar.ToolTip = user.Firstname + " " + user.Lastname; projectUsers.Children.Add(userAvatar); } } catch (Exception exception) { utilities.GetNotifier().ShowError(utilities.HandleException(exception)); } }
public async Task Delete(UserAvatar userAvatar) { if (userAvatar != null) { await _userAvatarService.Delete(userAvatar); } }
private void LoadExtensions() { this.version = <SoftwareVersion>(); this.sdisco = <ServiceDiscovery>(); this.ecapa = <EntityCapabilities>(); = <S22.Xmpp.Extensions.Ping>(); this.attention = <Attention>(); this.time = <EntityTime>(); this.block = <BlockingCommand>(); this.pep = <Pep>(); this.userTune = <UserTune>(); this.userAvatar = <UserAvatar>(); this.userMood = <UserMood>(); this.dataForms = <DataForms>(); this.featureNegotiation = <FeatureNegotiation>(); this.streamInitiation = <StreamInitiation>(); this.siFileTransfer = <SIFileTransfer>(); this.inBandBytestreams = <InBandBytestreams>(); this.userActivity = <UserActivity>(); this.socks5Bytestreams = <Socks5Bytestreams>(); this.FileTransferSettings = new S22.Xmpp.Client.FileTransferSettings(this.socks5Bytestreams, this.siFileTransfer); this.serverIpCheck = <ServerIpCheck>(); this.inBandRegistration = <InBandRegistration>(); this.chatStateNotifications = <ChatStateNotifications>(); this.bitsOfBinary = <BitsOfBinary>(); }
public static Folder AppendCharacterAssets(UserAvatar avatar, string avatarType) { Rbx2Source.PrintHeader("GATHERING CHARACTER ASSETS"); Folder characterAssets = new Folder(); List <long> assetIds = avatar.AccessoryVersionIds; foreach (long id in assetIds) { Asset asset = Asset.Get(id, "/asset/?assetversionid="); Folder import = RBXM.LoadFromAsset(asset); Folder typeSpecific = import.FindFirstChild <Folder>(avatarType); if (typeSpecific != null) { import = typeSpecific; } foreach (Instance obj in import.GetChildren()) { obj.Parent = characterAssets; } } return(characterAssets); }
public ActionResult ViewAvatar(long id) { UserAvatar avatar = this.Users.GetUserAvatar(id); if (avatar != null && true) { byte[] imageData = avatar.Avatar.ToArray(); string eTag = CalculateMd5(imageData); if (this.Request.Headers["If-None-Match"] == eTag) { return(this.NotModified( HttpCacheability.Public, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2) )); } string mimeType = ImageUtilities.GetImageMimeType(imageData); return(this.Image( imageData, mimeType, HttpCacheability.Public, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2), eTag )); } else { return(this.HttpError(404, this.View("NotFound"))); } }
public async Task <bool> CreateAsync(User user, Avatar avatar, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); ThrowIfDisposed(); if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user)); } if (avatar == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(avatar)); } var newUserAvatar = new UserAvatar() { UserId = user.Id, AvatarId = avatar.Id }; await AvatarDbContext.UserAvatar.AddAsync(newUserAvatar, cancellationToken); await AvatarDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 更新用户头像 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="imageBase64">用户头像</param> public void UpdateUserAvatar(long userId, string imageBase64) { #region save iamge string fileName = "UserAvatar_" + userId; string relativePath = HlxBeConsts.USER_AVATAR_DIR + "\\" + fileName; string fullNameNoExtension = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + relativePath; ImageUtil.Base64StringToImage(imageBase64, fullNameNoExtension); var imageFilePath = relativePath; #endregion var item = _userAvatarRepository.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId); if (item == null) { item = new UserAvatar() { UserId = userId, ImageFilePath = imageFilePath }; _userAvatarRepository.Insert(item); } else { item.ImageFilePath = imageFilePath; _userAvatarRepository.Update(item); } //_userRepository.Update(userId, x => //{ // x.AvatarFilePath = imageFilePath; //}); }
/// <summary> /// Defines Mappings /// </summary> public void DefineMappings() { Mapper.CreateMap <BrewSession, BrewSession>() .ForMember(x => x.DateCreated, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.IsActive, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.IsPublic, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.TastingNotes, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.RecipeSummary, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.BrewedByUser, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.UserId, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.Notes, y => y.MapFrom(z => z.Notes.Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine))); Mapper.CreateMap <BrewSession, BrewSessionViewModel>() .ForMember(x => x.BrewedByUsername, y => y.MapFrom(z => z.BrewedByUser.CalculatedUsername)); Mapper.CreateMap <BrewSessionViewModel, BrewSession>() .ForMember(x => x.DateCreated, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.UserId, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.DateModified, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.IsActive, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.IsPublic, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.BrewedByUser, y => y.Ignore()) .ForMember(x => x.RecipeSummary, y => y.Ignore()); Mapper.CreateMap <BrewSessionSummary, BrewSessionSummaryViewModel>(); Mapper.CreateMap <BrewSessionComment, CommentViewModel>() .ForMember(x => x.UserName, y => y.MapFrom(z => z.User.CalculatedUsername)) .ForMember(x => x.UserAvatarUrl, y => y.MapFrom(z => UserAvatar.GetAvatar(59, z.User.EmailAddress))) .ForMember(x => x.CommentText, y => y.MapFrom(z => z.CommentText.Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine))); }
public override ActionResult Create(Activity activity) { if (activity.UserId != ClientsUserId) { return(Unauthorized()); } List <string> userIds = new List <string>(); userIds.Add(activity.UserId); UserAvatar userAvatar = userProfileService.GetUserAvatars(userIds)[0]; ForeignActivity othersActivity = new ForeignActivity(); List <string> activityPropNames = new List <string>(); foreach (PropertyInfo p in typeof(Activity).GetProperties()) { activityPropNames.Add(p.Name); } foreach (PropertyInfo p in othersActivity.GetType().GetProperties()) { if (activityPropNames.Contains(p.Name)) { p.SetValue(othersActivity, p.GetValue(activity)); } } othersActivity.Firstname = userAvatar.Firstname; othersActivity.Username = userAvatar.Username; othersActivity.Lastname = userAvatar.Lastname; othersActivity.Avatar = userAvatar.Avatar; hubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("newActivity", othersActivity); return(base.Create(activity)); }
public static UserAvatar Avatar(long UserID, UserAvatar avatar) { using (var exodusDB = new exodusEntities()) { int rezult = exodusDB.stp_User_Avatar_Update(avatar.AvatarBigName, avatar.AvatarSmallName, UserID); return((rezult != 0) ? avatar : null); } }
public async Task <sr <UserAvatar> > SetActive(UserAvatar userAvatar) { await Mediator.Send(new ActiveUserAvatarState.ChangeActiveUserAvatarAction { UserAvatar = userAvatar }); return(await _base.Put <int, UserAvatar>($"api/userAvatar/setactive/{userAvatar.Id}", userAvatar.Id)); }
public ActionResult AddComment(CommentAddViewModel commentAddViewModel) { if (!commentAddViewModel.Validate().IsValid) { return(this.Issue404()); } // Normalize the Line Breaks commentAddViewModel.CommentText = commentAddViewModel.CommentText.Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine); switch (commentAddViewModel.CommentType) { case CommentType.Recipe: RecipeComment recipeComment; using (var unitOfWork = this.UnitOfWorkFactory.NewUnitOfWork()) { recipeComment = new RecipeComment(); recipeComment.CommentText = commentAddViewModel.CommentText; recipeComment.RecipeId = commentAddViewModel.GenericId; this.RecipeService.AddRecipeComment(recipeComment); unitOfWork.Commit(); } // Queue Comment Notification this.NotificationService.QueueNotification(NotificationType.RecipeComment, recipeComment); break; case CommentType.Session: BrewSessionComment brewSessionComment; using (var unitOfWork = this.UnitOfWorkFactory.NewUnitOfWork()) { brewSessionComment = new BrewSessionComment(); brewSessionComment.CommentText = commentAddViewModel.CommentText; brewSessionComment.BrewSessionId = commentAddViewModel.GenericId; this.RecipeService.AddBrewSessionComment(brewSessionComment); unitOfWork.Commit(); } // Queue Comment Notification this.NotificationService.QueueNotification(NotificationType.BrewSessionComment, brewSessionComment); break; default: return(this.Issue404()); } var commentViewModel = new CommentViewModel(); commentViewModel.CommentText = commentAddViewModel.CommentText; commentViewModel.UserId = this.ActiveUser.UserId; commentViewModel.UserName = this.ActiveUser.Username; commentViewModel.UserAvatarUrl = UserAvatar.GetAvatar(59, this.ActiveUser.EmailAddress); commentViewModel.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; return(View("_Comment", commentViewModel)); }
public static async Task <Dictionary <int, UserAvatarOutput> > GetAvatars(BitcornGameContext dbContext, int[] users, string platform) { var avatarConfig = await dbContext.AvatarConfig.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Platform == platform); var userAvatars = await dbContext.UserAvatar.Where(u => users.Contains(u.UserId)).ToDictionaryAsync(x => x.UserId, x => x); int adds = 0; for (int i = 0; i < users.Length; i++) { if (!userAvatars.ContainsKey(users[i])) { var userAvatar = new UserAvatar() { AvatarAddress = avatarConfig.DefaultAvatar, UserId = users[i] }; dbContext.Add(userAvatar); userAvatars.Add(users[i], userAvatar); adds++; } } if (adds > 0) { await dbContext.SaveAsync(); } return(userAvatars.Values.Select(x => new UserAvatarOutput() { UserId = x.UserId, Catalog = avatarConfig.Catalog, Avatar = x.AvatarAddress, AvailableAvatars = new string[] { } }).ToDictionary(x => x.UserId, x => x)); //var output = new Dictionary<int, UserAvatarOutput>(); /* * if (userAvatar == null) * { * userAvatar = new UserAvatar() * { * AvatarAddress = avatarConfig.DefaultAvatar, * UserId = user.UserId * }; * dbContext.Add(userAvatar); * await dbContext.SaveAsync(); * } * * return new UserAvatarOutput() * { * Catalog = avatarConfig.Catalog, * Avatar = userAvatar.AvatarAddress, * AvailableAvatars = new string[] { } * }; */ }
public async Task <ActionResult <UserAvatarOutputTwitchName[]> > GetAvatarsForTwitch([FromBody] GetAvatarsBody body) { var avatarConfig = await _dbContext.AvatarConfig.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Platform == "webgl"); var names = body.Names; var identities = await _dbContext.UserIdentity.Where(x => names.Contains(x.TwitchUsername)).ToArrayAsync(); var userIds = identities.Select(x => x.UserId).ToArray(); var foundAvatars = await _dbContext.UserAvatar.Where(x => userIds.Contains(x.UserId)).ToArrayAsync(); //var foundIds = foundAvatars.Select(x=>x.UserId).ToArray(); int newAvatars = 0; var outputs = new List <UserAvatarOutputTwitchName>(); for (int i = 0; i < identities.Length; i++) { UserAvatar avatar = null; bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j < foundAvatars.Length; j++) { var foundAvatar = foundAvatars[j]; if (foundAvatar.UserId == userIds[i]) { avatar = foundAvatar; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { avatar = new UserAvatar(); avatar.UserId = userIds[i]; avatar.AvatarAddress = avatarConfig.DefaultAvatar; _dbContext.UserAvatar.Add(avatar); newAvatars++; } outputs.Add(new UserAvatarOutputTwitchName() { AvailableAvatars = new string[0], Avatar = avatar.AvatarAddress, Catalog = avatarConfig.Catalog, Name = identities[i].TwitchUsername }); } if (newAvatars > 0) { await _dbContext.SaveAsync(); } return(outputs.ToArray()); }
public JsonResult ThumbnailAvatarUploadImage(string userToken) { UserInfo userInfo = GetUserInfoFromUserToken(userToken); try { if (userInfo != null && Request.Form.Files != null && Request.Form.Files.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Request.Form.Files.Count; i++) { IFormFile file = Request.Form.Files[i]; if (file.Length > 0) { byte[] byteArray = null; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.CopyTo(ms); byteArray = ms.ToArray(); } if (byteArray != null && byteArray.Length > 0) { byte[] resizeArr = ImageTool.ResizeImage(byteArray, new System.Drawing.Size(200, 200)); using (VistosDbContext ctx = new VistosDbContext()) { UserAvatar userAvatar = new UserAvatar() { Deleted = false, Created = DateTime.Now, Modified = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy_FK = userInfo.UserId, Avatar = resizeArr }; ctx.UserAvatar.Add(userAvatar); ctx.SaveChanges(); var staleItem = Url.Action("GetThumbnailAvatar", "VistosApi", new { id = userInfo.UserId }); //**Response.RemoveOutputCacheItem(staleItem); return(Json(new { id = userAvatar.Id })); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.SaveLogError(LogLevel.Error, "ThumbnailAvatarUploadImage", ex, null, userInfo); } return(null); }
public ClientConnectOffline(long id, string nick, string passworld, UserAvatar userAvatar, string email, bool offical) { ID = id; Nick = nick; Passworld = passworld; UserAvatar = userAvatar; Email = email; Offical = offical; }
public static UserAvatar Generate(Stream stream, long UserID) { using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(stream)) { string avatarNameBig = "", avatarNameSmall = ""; try { avatarNameBig = DrawAndSave(bmp, GetResize(bmp.Width, bmp.Height, PicSizeBig), AvatarType.Big); avatarNameSmall = DrawAndSave(bmp, GetResize(bmp.Width, bmp.Height, PicSizeSmall), AvatarType.Small); UserAvatar updateAvatar = new UserAvatar(avatarNameBig, avatarNameSmall); // Async Delete From File Task.Factory.StartNew((object input) => { UserAvatar oldAvatar = (UserAvatar)input; // if (!oldAvatar.IsDefault) { if (File.Exists(oldAvatar.AvatarBigFull)) { File.Delete(oldAvatar.AvatarBigFull); } if (File.Exists(oldAvatar.AvatarSmallFull)) { File.Delete(oldAvatar.AvatarSmallFull); } } // Update Cache }, Global.Cache.GetAvatar(UserID)); // bmp.Dispose(); return(Global.Cache.UpdateUserAvatar(UserID, _DL.User.Update.Avatar(UserID, updateAvatar), true)); } catch (Exception ex) { // Async Delete Task.Factory.StartNew((object avatar) => { UserAvatar uploadedAvatar = (UserAvatar)avatar; if (File.Exists(uploadedAvatar.AvatarBigFull)) { File.Delete(uploadedAvatar.AvatarBigFull); } if (File.Exists(uploadedAvatar.AvatarSmallFull)) { File.Delete(uploadedAvatar.AvatarSmallFull); } }, new UserAvatar(avatarNameBig, avatarNameSmall)); // bmp.Dispose(); Log4Net.Logger.Write_Error(ex); // return Cache return(Global.Cache.GetAvatar(UserID)); } } }
public Dictionary <string, AnimationId> CollectAnimationIds(UserAvatar avatar) { var animIds = new Dictionary <string, AnimationId>(); var userAnims = avatar.Animations; foreach (string animName in R15_ANIMATION_IDS.Keys) { AnimationId animId = new AnimationId(); if (userAnims.ContainsKey(animName)) { animId.AnimationType = AnimationType.R15AnimFolder; animId.AssetId = userAnims[animName]; } else { animId.AnimationType = AnimationType.KeyframeSequence; animId.AssetId = R15_ANIMATION_IDS[animName]; } animIds.Add(animName, animId); } if (userAnims.ContainsKey("Idle")) { // Remove default lookaround if (animIds.ContainsKey("Idle2")) { animIds.Remove("Idle2"); } // If this isn't rthro idle... long animId = userAnims["Idle"]; if (animId != 2510235063) { // Remove default pose if (animIds.ContainsKey("Pose")) { animIds.Remove("Pose"); } // Append the pose animation AnimationId pose = new AnimationId() { AnimationType = AnimationType.R15AnimFolder, AssetId = animId }; animIds.Add("Pose", pose); } } return(animIds); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UploadAvatar([FromForm] UserAvatar data) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var updatedBy = User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Type == "userName").Value; var result = await _accountRepository.UploadAvatar(data, updatedBy); return(Ok(result)); } return(BadRequest(ModelState)); }
public async Task <sr <UserAvatar> > Save(UserAvatar userAvatar) { var response = await _base.Post <UserAvatar, int>("api/userAvatar", userAvatar); if (response.Success) { userAvatar.Id = response.Data; return(sr <UserAvatar> .GetSuccess(userAvatar)); } return(sr <UserAvatar> .Get(response.Message)); }
public ClientConnectOnly(TcpClient tcpClient, string nick, string email, string passworld, long id, UserAvatar userAvatar, bool offical) { ClientSocket = tcpClient; Nick = nick; Email = email; Passworld = passworld; ID = id; UserAvatar = userAvatar; Offical = offical; }
public static void AddAvatar(long userID, UserAvatar avatar) { if (dicUserAvatars.ContainsKey(userID)) { dicUserAvatars[userID] = avatar; } else { dicUserAvatars.Add(userID, avatar); } }
public static UserAvatar UpdateUserAvatar(long userID, UserAvatar avatar, bool updateCurrent = false) { AddAvatar(userID, avatar); // if (updateCurrent && Global.CurrentUser != null) { Global.CurrentUser.Avatar = avatar; } // return(avatar); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { radiusSquared = radius * radius; userAvatar = FindObjectOfType <UserAvatar>(); nextWaypoint = userAvatar.path[0]; transform.position = nextWaypoint.transform.position; //start coroutines to send notifications at intervals StartCoroutine("Check_Notification", notification_vibrate); StartCoroutine("Check_Notification", notification_ping); StartCoroutine("Check_Notification", notification_voice); }
private UserAvatar CreateAvatarData() { UserAvatar newAvatarData = new UserAvatar { sexo = Gender, cabelo = hairCode[HairColor], pele = skinCode[SkinColor] }; return(newAvatarData); //{ "sexo": 1, "cabelo": "fdebf0fa-119e-11e8-89d2-74d4359f41f2", "pele": "74f0a924-11aa-11e8-89d2-74d4359f41f2" } }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null || gameObject == null) { instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(instance); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
public DashboardForm2(int userId) { InitializeComponent(); this.userId = userId; UserService userService = new UserService(); user = userService.GetElementById(userId); Image avatar = UserAvatar.GetAvatar(user.Avatar); this.avatarPicture.BackgroundImage = avatar; }
/// <summary> /// Updates the profile information in the data base. /// </summary> /// <param name="username"></param> /// <param name="email"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> /// <param name="image"></param> public void UpdateProfile(string username, string email, string password, byte[] image) { using (DataBaseContainer context = new DataBaseContainer()) { User user = context.Users.ToList().Find(x => x.Username == username); user.Email = email; user.Password = password; UserAvatar avatar = new UserAvatar(); avatar.Image = image; user.UserAvatar = avatar; context.SaveChanges(); } }
public Rbx2Source() { UserAvatar defaultAvatar = UserAvatar.FromUserId(2032622); currentUser = defaultAvatar.UserInfo; InitializeComponent(); if (!Debugger.IsAttached) { MainTab.Controls.Remove(Debug); } }