public void UserAccessor_Exists()
            //Arrange: Database is seeded with data from SQL script

            //Act: Calls the UserAccessor Exists() method for two user IDs within the DB and one not in the DB
            var shouldBeTrue     = userAccessor.Exists(1);
            var shouldBeTrueAlso = userAccessor.Exists(2);
            var shouldBeFalse    = userAccessor.Exists(-1);

            //Assert: Checks whether the Exists() method returned true or false correctly for the given IDs
            Assert.IsTrue(shouldBeTrue, "Method incorrectly returns that User with ID = 1 is not in the DB.");
            Assert.IsTrue(shouldBeTrueAlso, "Method incorrectly returns that User with ID = 2 is not in the DB.");
            Assert.IsFalse(shouldBeFalse, "Method incorrectly returns that User with ID = -1 is in the DB.");