private void ActivatePreviousWindow(IntPtr hwnd = default(IntPtr)) { if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { hwnd = User32Windows.GetLastActiveWindow(hwndExcept: this.Handle, exceptNames: m_ExceptPasswordWindows).Handle; } User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); }
private void SendCommandToolForm_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.ActivateOnHover && !m_Activated) { if (this.Owner != null) { var foreground = User32Windows.GetForegroundWindow(); User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(this.Owner.Handle); User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(foreground); } User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); this.m_Activated = true; } }
private void runningAppsContextMenuStrip_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { var runningWindows = User32Windows.GetDesktopWindows(); RefreshWindowsLists(runningWindows); var backupMenuItems = BackupMenuItems(); runningAppsContextMenuStrip.Items.Clear(); var count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_RunningWindows.Count; i++) { if (m_RunningWindows[i].IsVisible) { var title = m_RunningWindows[i].Title; if (title == "Пуск" || title == "Program Manager" || title == "Windows Shell Experience Host") { m_RunningWindows.RemoveAt(i); i--; continue; } runningAppsContextMenuStrip.Items.Add(title, m_RunningWindows[i].Icon != null ? m_RunningWindows[i].Icon.ToBitmap() : null); var countMenu = count; runningAppsContextMenuStrip.Items[count].Click += (senderMenu, eMenu) => { IntPtr h = m_RunningWindows[countMenu].Handle; User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(h); if (User32Windows.IsIconic(h)) { User32Windows.ShowWindow(m_RunningWindows[countMenu].Handle, User32Windows.SW_RESTORE); } }; count++; } } RestoreMenuItems(backupMenuItems); }
private void TransparentWindowToolForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Control) { m_CtrlKey = true; return; } if (e.Alt) { m_AltKey = true; return; } switch (e.KeyData) { case Keys.D0: case Keys.NumPad0: CheckFirstRun(); byte transparency = 0; SetLayeredWindowAttributes(m_Handle, 0, transparency, LWA_ALPHA); break; case Keys.D1: case Keys.NumPad1: CheckFirstRun(); SetLayeredWindowAttributes(m_Handle, 0, m_Transparency, LWA_ALPHA); break; case Keys.Up: User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(m_Handle); Thread.Sleep(100); SendKeys.Send("{UP}"); User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); break; case Keys.Down: User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(m_Handle); Thread.Sleep(100); SendKeys.Send("{DOWN}"); User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); break; } }
private void ShowToolsOverOtherWindows() { // We need activate some window of our program, // otherwise tools cannot be activated and showed over other windows. var foreground = User32Windows.GetForegroundWindow(); User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); // foreach (var t in m_Tools) { User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(t.Handle); } // User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(foreground); }
private void ProcessWindows() { Point p = Cursor.Position; foreach (var h in m_TrackedWindows) { Rectangle r; User32Windows.GetWindowRect(h, out r); if (p.X >= r.X && p.X <= r.Width && p.Y >= r.Y && p.Y <= r.Height) { var hCurrent = User32Windows.GetForegroundWindow(); if (hCurrent != h) { User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(h); } break; } } }
private void TransparentWindowToolForm_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { m_ClicksCount++; if (m_ClicksCount >= ClicksToShow) { if (User32Windows.IsIconic(m_Handle)) { User32Windows.ShowWindow(m_Handle, User32Windows.SW_RESTORE); } else { User32Windows.ShowWindow(m_Handle, User32Windows.SW_SHOW); } User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(m_Handle); if (!this.m_ActivateTarget) { User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); } m_ClicksCount = ClicksToShow; } }
private void btnSendCommands_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.TopMost = false; IntPtr hwnd = (IntPtr)int.Parse(txtHwnd.Text); if (!User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd)) { MessageBox.Show("Window not found. Try to refresh list.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } Thread.Sleep(200); var commands = txtCommands.Text.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < commands.Length; i++) { Thread.Sleep(200); SendKeys.SendWait(commands[i]); } this.TopMost = true; }
private void ProcessClick() { if (!m_IsRunning) { return; } if (!User32Windows.IsWindow(m_HostWindowHwnd)) { MessageBox.Show("Hosting window not found. Close the tool or set its hosting window.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (this.m_SendCommandType == SendCommandType.ActivateWindow) { int handleTmp; if (int.TryParse(m_Commands, out handleTmp)) { var handle = (IntPtr)handleTmp; if (User32Windows.IsIconic(handle)) { User32Windows.ShowWindow(handle, User32Windows.SW_RESTORE); } User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(handle); } else { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Window {0} not found.", m_Commands), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } return; } else if (this.m_SendCommandType == SendCommandType.ActivateLastN) { int lastN; if (int.TryParse(m_Commands, out lastN)) { var handle = IntPtr.Zero; var windows = User32Windows.GetDesktopWindows(getIcons: false); int currentProcId; User32Windows.GetWindowThreadProcessId(this.Handle, out currentProcId); if (lastN < windows.Count) { var i = 0; for ( ; i < lastN; i++) { int procId; User32Windows.GetWindowThreadProcessId(windows[i].Handle, out procId); if (procId == currentProcId) { lastN++; if (lastN == windows.Count) { return; } } } handle = windows[i - 1].Handle; } else { return; } if (User32Windows.IsIconic(handle)) { User32Windows.ShowWindow(handle, User32Windows.SW_RESTORE); } User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(handle); } else { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Window {0} not found.", m_Commands), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } return; } User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(m_HostWindowHwnd); string backup = null; if (this.m_SendCommandType == SendCommandType.Clipboard) { backup = m_Commands; m_Commands = m_Commands == String.Empty ? Clipboard.GetText() : m_Commands.Replace("{clipboard}", Clipboard.GetText()); } if (m_Commands == String.Empty) { return; } if (this.m_Sleep) { Thread.Sleep(m_SleepTimeout); } // // Working code (using SendKeys class). // var commands = m_Commands.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < commands.Length; i++) { if (this.m_Sleep) { Thread.Sleep(m_SleepTimeout); } SendKeys.SendWait(commands[i]); } if (this.m_SendCommandType == SendCommandType.Clipboard) { m_Commands = backup; } var lastWindow = User32Windows.GetLastActiveWindow(hwndExcept: this.Handle); User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(lastWindow.Handle); // // Working code (using InputSimulator // // var simulator = new InputSimulator(); // simulator.Keyboard.TextEntry(m_Commands); }
private async void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToggleDownloadProgress(true); var finishedSuccessfully = true; var list = txtUrl.Text.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var proxy = txtProxy.Text; var login = txtLogin.Text; var password = txtPassword.Text; using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { if (chkUseProxy.Checked) { WebProxy p = new WebProxy(proxy, true); p.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(login, password); WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = p; wc.Proxy = p; } else { WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = null; wc.UseDefaultCredentials = true; } if (txtSiteLogin.Text != String.Empty) { wc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(txtSiteLogin.Text, txtSitePassword.Text); } var filename = ""; DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler progressTracker = (senderTracker, progressChangesArgs) => { var percent = progressChangesArgs.ProgressPercentage; progressBar1.Value = percent; lblDownloadPercentage.Text = percent.ToString() + "% - " + filename; }; wc.DownloadProgressChanged += progressTracker; foreach (var f in list) { filename = Path.GetFileName(f); try { await wc.DownloadFileTaskAsync(new Uri(f), Path.Combine(txtLocalPath.Text, filename)); } catch (WebException exception) { txtUrl.Text += "\r\n\r\n** Error:\r\n" + exception.Message + "\r\n** Stack trace:\r\n" + exception.StackTrace + "\r\n** Response:\r\n" + exception.Response + (exception.InnerException != null ? "\r\n** Inner exception:\r\n" + exception.InnerException.ToString() + (exception.InnerException.InnerException != null ? "\r\n** Inner exception > Inner exception:\r\n" + exception.InnerException.InnerException.ToString() : "") : "") + "\r\n"; finishedSuccessfully = false; } catch (Exception exception) { txtUrl.Text += "\r\n\r\n** Error Other:\r\n" + exception.Message + "\r\n"; finishedSuccessfully = false; } } } if (finishedSuccessfully) { if (User32Windows.IsIconic(this.Handle)) { User32Windows.ShowWindow(this.Handle, User32Windows.SW_RESTORE); } else { User32Windows.ShowWindow(this.Handle, User32Windows.SW_SHOW); } User32Windows.SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); MessageBox.Show("Successfully finished.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Finished with error(s).", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } ToggleDownloadProgress(false); }