        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the position of servo 0 in the text box.
        /// </summary>
        private void DisplayPosition()
            ServoStatus[] servos;
            usc.getVariables(out servos);

            PositionTextBox.Text = servos[0].position.ToString();
        public int TryGetTarget(Byte channel)
            int ret = 0;

                int index = channel / ServoChannelMap.CHANNELS_PER_DEVICE;
                channel = (byte)(channel % ServoChannelMap.CHANNELS_PER_DEVICE);

                using (Usc device = connectToDevice(index))  // Find a device and temporarily connect.
                    ServoStatus[] servos;
                    device.getVariables(out servos);
                    ret = servos[channel].position;

                    // device.Dispose() is called automatically when the "using" block ends,
                    // allowing other functions and processes to use the device.
            catch (Exception exception)  // Handle exceptions by displaying them to the user.

        static unsafe void displayStatus(Usc usc)
            MaestroVariables variables;
            ServoStatus[] servos;
            short[] stack;
            ushort[] call_stack;
            usc.getVariables(out variables, out stack, out call_stack, out servos);

            Console.WriteLine(" #  target   speed   accel     pos");
            for (int i = 0; i < usc.servoCount; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0,2}{1,8}{2,8}{3,8}{4,8}", i,
                    servos[i].target, servos[i].speed,
                    servos[i].acceleration, servos[i].position);

            Console.Write("errors: 0x"+variables.errors.ToString("X4"));
            foreach (var error in Enum.GetValues(typeof(uscError)))
                if((variables.errors & (1<<(int)(uscError)error)) != 0)
                    Console.Write(" "+error.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine(); // end the line

            if(variables.scriptDone == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("SCRIPT RUNNING");
                Console.WriteLine("SCRIPT DONE");

            Console.WriteLine("program counter: "+variables.programCounter.ToString());

            Console.Write("stack:          ");
            for (int i = 0; i < variables.stackPointer; i++)
                if(i > stack.Length)
                    Console.Write(" OVERFLOW (stack pointer = "+variables.stackPointer+")");
                Console.Write(stack[i].ToString().PadLeft(8, ' '));

            Console.Write("call stack:     ");
            for (int i = 0; i < variables.callStackPointer; i++)
                if(i > call_stack.Length)
                    Console.Write(" OVERFLOW (call stack pointer = "+variables.callStackPointer+")");
                Console.Write(call_stack[i].ToString().PadLeft(8, ' '));
        // Reads the servo status from the servo controller hardware, and then updates the
        // servoList with these new polled values. Also tracks whether each servo is currently
        // moving by comparing their current and target positions.
        public void UpdateServoValues()
            if (!IsConnected())
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "UpdateServoValues() failed, not connected to servo hardware.");

            if (servoList.Count == 0)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "UpdateServoValues() failed, no servos have been defined.");

                // Get the servo parameters from the hardware.
                ServoStatus[] servoStatusArray;
                uscDevice.getVariables(out servoStatusArray);

                // Update the servoList with these parameters.
                foreach (Servo servo in servoList)
                    if (servo.index < 0 || servo.index >= uscDevice.servoCount)
                        ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "UpdateServoValues() failed, servo index out of range. Servo index = " + servo.index.ToString());
                        servo.polledPosition     = servoStatusArray[servo.index].position;
                        servo.polledTarget       = servoStatusArray[servo.index].target;
                        servo.polledSpeed        = servoStatusArray[servo.index].speed;
                        servo.polledAcceleration = servoStatusArray[servo.index].acceleration;

                        ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Servo " + servo.index.ToString() + ": Target = " + servo.polledTarget.ToString() + ", Position = " + servo.polledPosition.ToString() + ", Speed = " + servo.polledSpeed.ToString() + ", Acceleration = " + servo.polledAcceleration.ToString());

                        if (servo.isMoving == false && servo.polledTarget != servo.polledPosition)
                            // Servo has started moving.

                            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Servo " + servo.index + " has started moving from " + servo.polledPosition.ToString() + " to " + servo.polledTarget.ToString());

                            servo.isMoving = true;
                        else if (servo.isMoving == true && servo.polledTarget == servo.polledPosition)
                            // Servo has stopped moving.

                            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Servo " + servo.index + " has stopped moving at " + servo.polledPosition.ToString());

                            servo.isMoving = false;

                        if (servo.isMoving)
                            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Servo " + servo.index + " is at position " + servo.polledPosition.ToString());
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "Caught exception in UpdateServoValues(): " + ex.Message);
        // Pulls data from the devices and places it in the table created earlier.
        public static void updateTable(DataGridView dataTable)
            DataTable flippedStatusValues = new DataTable();
            string    period;

            if (NumOfConnectedMaestros > 0)
                usc.getVariables(out maestroVars, out stack, out call_stack, out servos);
                errors = "";
                foreach (var error in Enum.GetValues(typeof(uscError)))
                    if ((maestroVars.errors & (1 << (int)(uscError)error)) != 0)
                        errors += (error.ToString() + ", ");
                // Need to add data information for other values, if needed
                statusValues.Rows.Add("Maestro", usc.getSerialNumber(), errors, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
            // Case for when there are no connected Maestros
                statusValues.Rows.Add("Maestro", "No Maestros Found", "", -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);

            // PULLING DATA FROM JRK 1
            if (Program.NumOfConnectedJrks > 0 && usc.servoCount > 0)
                // Preparing Jrk data input
                jrkVars = Jrk1.getVariables();

                // Reading Jrk current
                // Easier to store in a variable before sending to the table.
                currentCalibrationForward = (Byte)Jrk1.getJrkParameter(jrkParameter.PARAMETER_MOTOR_CURRENT_CALIBRATION_FORWARD);
                currentCalibrationReverse = (Byte)Jrk1.getJrkParameter(jrkParameter.PARAMETER_MOTOR_CURRENT_CALIBRATION_REVERSE);
                current = currentToMilliamps(Jrk1, jrkVars.current, jrkVars.dutyCycle);

                // Reading Jrk errors
                // It's easier to store them all in one variable before sending to the table.
                errors = "";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_AWAITING_COMMAND))
                    errors += "Awaiting command, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_NO_POWER))
                    errors += "No power, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_MOTOR_DRIVER))
                    errors += "Motor driver error, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_INPUT_INVALID))
                    errors += "Input invalid, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_INPUT_DISCONNECT))
                    errors += "Input disconnect";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_FEEDBACK_DISCONNECT))
                    errors += "Feedback disconnect, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_MAXIMUM_CURRENT_EXCEEDED))
                    errors += "Max. current exceeded, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_SIGNAL))
                    errors += "Serial signal error, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_OVERRUN))
                    errors += "Serial overrun, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_BUFFER_FULL))
                    errors += "Serial RX buffer full, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_CRC))
                    errors += "Serial CRC error, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_PROTOCOL))
                    errors += "Serial protocol error, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT))
                    errors += "Serial timeout error, ";

                period = servos[0].position * 0.25 + " microseconds";

                //Setting up the table with values
                statusValues.Rows.Add("Jrk", Jrk1.getSerialNumber(), errors, servos[0].position, period, jrkVars.target, jrkVars.scaledFeedback, jrkVars.feedback,
                                      jrkVars.errorSum, jrkVars.dutyCycleTarget, jrkVars.dutyCycle, servos[0].speed, servos[0].acceleration, current);
                statusValues.Rows.Add("Jrk", "No Jrks Found");

            // PULLING DATA FROM JRK 2
            if (Program.NumOfConnectedJrks > 1)
                //Preparing Jrk data input
                jrkVars = Jrk2.getVariables();

                //Reading Jrk current
                // Easier to store in a variable before sending to the table.
                currentCalibrationForward = (Byte)Jrk2.getJrkParameter(jrkParameter.PARAMETER_MOTOR_CURRENT_CALIBRATION_FORWARD);
                currentCalibrationReverse = (Byte)Jrk2.getJrkParameter(jrkParameter.PARAMETER_MOTOR_CURRENT_CALIBRATION_REVERSE);
                current = currentToMilliamps(Jrk2, jrkVars.current, jrkVars.dutyCycle);

                //Reading Jrk errors
                // It's easier to store them all in one variable before sending to the table.
                errors = "";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_AWAITING_COMMAND))
                    errors += "Awaiting command, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_NO_POWER))
                    errors += "No power, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_MOTOR_DRIVER))
                    errors += "Motor driver error, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_INPUT_INVALID))
                    errors += "Input invalid, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_INPUT_DISCONNECT))
                    errors += "Input disconnect";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_FEEDBACK_DISCONNECT))
                    errors += "Feedback disconnect, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_MAXIMUM_CURRENT_EXCEEDED))
                    errors += "Max. current exceeded, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_SIGNAL))
                    errors += "Serial signal error, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_OVERRUN))
                    errors += "Serial overrun, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_BUFFER_FULL))
                    errors += "Serial RX buffer full, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_CRC))
                    errors += "Serial CRC error, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_PROTOCOL))
                    errors += "Serial protocol error, ";
                if (1 == (1 & jrkVars.errorFlagBits >> (byte)jrkError.ERROR_SERIAL_TIMEOUT))
                    errors += "Serial timeout error, ";

                period = servos[1].position * 0.25 + " microseconds";

                //Setting up the table with values
                statusValues.Rows.Add("Jrk", Jrk1.getSerialNumber(), errors, servos[1].position, period, jrkVars.target, jrkVars.scaledFeedback, jrkVars.feedback,
                                      jrkVars.errorSum, jrkVars.dutyCycleTarget, jrkVars.dutyCycle, servos[1].speed, servos[1].acceleration, current);

            //Future extension to more devices

             * if (Program.NumOfConnectedJrks > 2)
             * {
             * }
             * if (Program.NumOfConnectedJrks > 3)
             * {
             * }

            string deviceTrack = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < statusValues.Rows.Count; i++)
                deviceTrack = "Device " + i;

            for (int i = 0; i < statusValues.Columns.Count; i++)
                DataRow newRow = flippedStatusValues.NewRow();

                newRow[0] = statusValues.Columns[i].Caption;
                for (int j = 0; j < statusValues.Rows.Count; j++)
                    newRow[j + 1] = statusValues.Rows[j][i];

            // Configuring the table to show the data
            dataTable.DataSource = flippedStatusValues;
        static unsafe void displayStatus(Usc usc)
            MaestroVariables variables;

            ServoStatus[] servos;
            short[]       stack;
            ushort[]      call_stack;
            usc.getVariables(out variables, out stack, out call_stack, out servos);

            Console.WriteLine(" #  target   speed   accel     pos");
            for (int i = 0; i < usc.servoCount; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0,2}{1,8}{2,8}{3,8}{4,8}", i,
                                  servos[i].target, servos[i].speed,
                                  servos[i].acceleration, servos[i].position);

            Console.Write("errors: 0x" + variables.errors.ToString("X4"));
            foreach (var error in Enum.GetValues(typeof(uscError)))
                if ((variables.errors & (1 << (int)(uscError)error)) != 0)
                    Console.Write(" " + error.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine(); // end the line

            if (variables.scriptDone == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("SCRIPT RUNNING");
                Console.WriteLine("SCRIPT DONE");

            Console.WriteLine("program counter: " + variables.programCounter.ToString());

            Console.Write("stack:          ");
            for (int i = 0; i < variables.stackPointer; i++)
                if (i > stack.Length)
                    Console.Write(" OVERFLOW (stack pointer = " + variables.stackPointer + ")");
                Console.Write(stack[i].ToString().PadLeft(8, ' '));

            Console.Write("call stack:     ");
            for (int i = 0; i < variables.callStackPointer; i++)
                if (i > call_stack.Length)
                    Console.Write(" OVERFLOW (call stack pointer = " + variables.callStackPointer + ")");
                Console.Write(call_stack[i].ToString().PadLeft(8, ' '));
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the position of a specific servo connected to the maestro
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="servoNo">The position of the servo in the maestro</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the position</returns>
 public int GetServoPosition(int servoNo)
     // update the servo status first
     usc.getVariables(out servos);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="usc"></param>
 /// <param name="serialNo"></param>
 public Maestro(Usc usc, string serialNo)
     this.serialNumber = serialNo;
     this.usc          = usc;
     usc.getVariables(out servos);