public void Add_WithUrlElement_IncreasesCountByOne() { var urlCollection = new UrlCollection(); urlCollection.Add(new UrlElement(new Uri(""), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Daily, 1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, urlCollection.Count); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; var urlCollection = new UrlCollection(); // Let's add home page var homePage = new Url(new Uri(Config.HomeUrl), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Daily, 0.7M); urlCollection.Add(homePage); if (!homePage.Location.StartsWith("http://") && !homePage.Location.StartsWith("https://") && !homePage.Location.StartsWith("feed://")) { throw new Exception("Sitemap URLs must include protocol (e.g. http://). Refer to for details"); } var forumPage = new Url(new Uri(Config.ForumUrl), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Daily, 0.7M); urlCollection.Add(forumPage); #region Write out the topics foreach (TopicInfo topic in Topics.GetTopicsForSiteMap(100)) { int topicId = topic.Id; var thisUrl = new Url(new Uri(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}/Content/Forums/topic.aspx?TOPIC_ID={1}", forumPage.Location.TrimEnd('/'), topicId)), topic.LastPostDate.Value, ChangeFrequency.Daily, 0.5M); if (thisUrl.Location.Length >= 2048) { throw new Exception("Sitemap URLs cannot have more than 2048 characters. Refer to for details"); } urlCollection.Add(thisUrl); } #endregion //urlCollection.Add(new Url(new Uri(string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}policy.aspx", config.forumUrl)), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Never, 0.0M)); urlCollection.Add(new Url(new Uri(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}/Content/Faq/faq.aspx", Config.ForumUrl.TrimEnd('/'))), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Never, 0.0M)); urlCollection.Add(new Url(new Uri(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}/Content/Forums/active.aspx", Config.ForumUrl.TrimEnd('/'))), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Always, 1.0M)); if (urlCollection.Count > 5000) { throw new Exception("Sitemap file cannot contain more than 5,000 URLs. Refer to for details"); } var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UrlCollection)); var xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(context.Response.OutputStream, Encoding.UTF8); serializer.Serialize(xmlTextWriter, urlCollection); }
public override void ProcessRequest() { HttpContextBase context = SubtextContext.HttpContext; context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; var urlCollection = new UrlCollection(); // Let's add home page var homePage = new UrlElement(Url.BlogUrl().ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog), DateTime.UtcNow, ChangeFrequency.Daily, 1.0M); urlCollection.Add(homePage); // then all the entries ICollection <Entry> posts = Repository.GetEntries(0, PostType.BlogPost, PostConfig.IsActive, false /* includeCategories */); if (posts != null) { foreach (Entry post in posts) { ChangeFrequency frequency = CalculateFrequency(post); urlCollection.Add( new UrlElement(Url.EntryUrl(post).ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog), post.DateModifiedUtc, frequency, 0.8M)); } } // all articles ICollection <Entry> stories = Repository.GetEntries(0, PostType.Story, PostConfig.IsActive, false /* includeCategories */); if (stories != null) { foreach (Entry story in stories) { ChangeFrequency frequency = CalculateFrequency(story); urlCollection.Add( new UrlElement(Url.EntryUrl(story).ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog), story.DateModifiedUtc, frequency, 0.8M)); } } // categories ICollection <LinkCategory> links = Repository.GetCategories(CategoryType.PostCollection, true /* activeOnly */); LinkCategory categories = Transformer.MergeLinkCategoriesIntoSingleLinkCategory(string.Empty /* title */, CategoryType.PostCollection, links, Url, Blog); if (categories != null) { foreach (Link category in categories.Links) { urlCollection.Add( new UrlElement(new Uri(Url.BlogUrl().ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog) + category.Url), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Weekly, 0.6M)); } } // archives // categories ICollection <ArchiveCount> archiveCounts = Repository.GetPostCountsByMonth(); LinkCategory archives = archiveCounts.MergeIntoLinkCategory(string.Empty, Url, Blog); if (archives != null) { foreach (Link archive in archives.Links) { urlCollection.Add( new UrlElement( new Uri(Url.BlogUrl().ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog) + archive.Url), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Weekly, 0.6M)); } } // don't index contact form urlCollection.Add(new UrlElement(Url.ContactFormUrl().ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Never, 0.0M)); var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UrlCollection)); var xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(context.Response.Output); serializer.Serialize(xmlTextWriter, urlCollection); }
public void UrlCollectionAcceptsEntries() { UrlCollection urlCollection = new UrlCollection(); urlCollection.Add(new Url(new Uri(""), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Daily, 1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, urlCollection.Count); }
public override void ProcessRequest() { HttpContextBase context = SubtextContext.HttpContext; context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; var urlCollection = new UrlCollection(); // Let's add home page var homePage = new UrlElement(Url.BlogUrl().ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog), DateTime.UtcNow, ChangeFrequency.Daily, 1.0M); urlCollection.Add(homePage); // then all the entries ICollection<Entry> posts = Repository.GetEntries(0, PostType.BlogPost, PostConfig.IsActive, false /* includeCategories */); if (posts != null) { foreach (Entry post in posts) { ChangeFrequency frequency = CalculateFrequency(post); urlCollection.Add( new UrlElement(Url.EntryUrl(post).ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog), post.DateModifiedUtc, frequency, 0.8M)); } } // all articles ICollection<Entry> stories = Repository.GetEntries(0, PostType.Story, PostConfig.IsActive, false /* includeCategories */); if (stories != null) { foreach (Entry story in stories) { ChangeFrequency frequency = CalculateFrequency(story); urlCollection.Add( new UrlElement(Url.EntryUrl(story).ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog), story.DateModifiedUtc, frequency, 0.8M)); } } // categories ICollection<LinkCategory> links = Repository.GetCategories(CategoryType.PostCollection, true /* activeOnly */); LinkCategory categories = Transformer.MergeLinkCategoriesIntoSingleLinkCategory(string.Empty /* title */, CategoryType.PostCollection, links, Url, Blog); if (categories != null) { foreach (Link category in categories.Links) { urlCollection.Add( new UrlElement(new Uri(Url.BlogUrl().ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog) + category.Url), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Weekly, 0.6M)); } } // archives // categories ICollection<ArchiveCount> archiveCounts = Repository.GetPostCountsByMonth(); LinkCategory archives = archiveCounts.MergeIntoLinkCategory(string.Empty, Url, Blog); if (archives != null) { foreach (Link archive in archives.Links) { urlCollection.Add( new UrlElement( new Uri(Url.BlogUrl().ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog) + archive.Url), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Weekly, 0.6M)); } } // don't index contact form urlCollection.Add(new UrlElement(Url.ContactFormUrl().ToFullyQualifiedUrl(Blog), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Never, 0.0M)); var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UrlCollection)); var xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(context.Response.Output); serializer.Serialize(xmlTextWriter, urlCollection); }
public void Initialize() { InitializeError = string.Empty; if (Export2CsvCommand == null) { Export2CsvCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Export2Csv()); } if (Export2DbCommand == null) { Export2DbCommand = new RelayCommand(Export2Db); } if (UpdateErrorsCommand == null) { UpdateErrorsCommand = new RelayCommand(UpdateErrors); } if (UpdateSelectedErrorCommand == null) { UpdateSelectedErrorCommand = new RelayCommand(UpdateSelectedError); } if (UpdateSelectedWarningCommand == null) { UpdateSelectedWarningCommand = new RelayCommand(UpdateSelectedWarning); } loadWorker = new BackgroundWorker() { WorkerReportsProgress = true, WorkerSupportsCancellation = true }; loadWorker.DoWork += (s, prm) => { var Disp = prm.Argument as System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher; ObservableCollection <OutputRow> rowsToExport = new ObservableCollection <OutputRow>(); Guid logSession = Helpers.Old.Log.SessionStart("ExportViewModel.Initialize()"); try { Log.Add(string.Format("total sheets count: '{0}'", App.Locator.Import.Document.DocumentSheets.Count)); var addErr = new List <Error>(); var addGErr = new List <GlobalError>(); var progress = new PercentageProgress(); foreach (var item in App.Locator.Import .ExportRules .Where(r => r.Rule != App.Locator.Import.NullRule) .Select(r => new { Rule = r, Progress = progress.GetChild() }) .ToArray() ) { if (((BackgroundWorker)s).CancellationPending || s != loadWorker) { break; } var mappingRule = item.Rule.Rule; var ds = item.Rule.Sheet; if (mappingRule == null || ds == null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Rule.Status)) { addGErr.Add(new GlobalError() { Description = item.Rule.Status }); } item.Progress.Value = 100; continue; } else { if (ds.MainHeader == null) { Log.Add(string.Format("should update main header row...")); ds.UpdateMainHeaderRow(mappingRule.MainHeaderSearchTags .Select(h => h.Tag) .Union(SettingsProvider.CurrentSettings.HeaderSearchTags.Split(new char[] { ',' })) .Select(i => i.Trim()) .Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i)) .Distinct() .ToArray()); ds.UpdateHeaders(mappingRule.SheetHeadersSearchTags .Select(h => h.Tag.Trim()) .Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i)) .Distinct() .ToArray()); } var oc = new ObservableCollection <OutputRow>(mappingRule.Convert(ds, progressAction: (i) => { item.Progress.Value = i; ((BackgroundWorker)s).ReportProgress((int)progress.Value); }, isCanceled: () => { return(((BackgroundWorker)s).CancellationPending); }, additionalErrorAction: (e, r) => { addErr.Add(new Error() { Description = e.GetExceptionText(includeStackTrace: false, clearText: true).Trim(), RowNumber = r }); })); Log.Add(string.Format("row count on sheet '{0}' : '{1}'", ds.Name, oc.Count)); rowsToExport = new ObservableCollection <OutputRow>(rowsToExport.Union(oc)); Log.Add(string.Format("subtotal row count on sheets: '{0}'", rowsToExport.Count)); } } ExelConvertionRule.RemoveRepeatingId(rowsToExport.ToList()); var UrlsPhoto = new UrlCollection(); var UrlsSchema = new UrlCollection(); var UrlsAll = new UrlCollection(); var photos = rowsToExport.Select(r => r.Photo_img).Where(r => Helper.IsWellFormedUriString(r, UriKind.Absolute)).Distinct(); var schemas = rowsToExport.Select(r => r.Location_img).Where(r => Helper.IsWellFormedUriString(r, UriKind.Absolute)).Distinct(); var all = photos.Union(schemas).Distinct(); foreach (var p in photos) { UrlsPhoto.Add(new StringUrlWithResultWrapper(p)); } foreach (var p in schemas) { UrlsSchema.Add(new StringUrlWithResultWrapper(p)); } foreach (var p in all) { UrlsAll.Add(new StringUrlWithResultWrapper(p)); } if (!((BackgroundWorker)s).CancellationPending && s == loadWorker) { Disp.Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(() => { UrlCollection.Clear(); if (UrlsPhoto.Count > 0) { UrlCollection.Add(new UrlCollectionAdditional() { Name = DBParsers.Labels.ElementAt(0), Collection = UrlsPhoto }); } if (UrlsSchema.Count > 0) { UrlCollection.Add(new UrlCollectionAdditional() { Name = DBParsers.Labels.ElementAt(1), Collection = UrlsSchema }); } if (UrlsPhoto.Count > 0 && UrlsSchema.Count > 0 && UrlsAll.Count > 0) { UrlCollection.Add(new UrlCollectionAdditional() { Name = "Все", Collection = UrlsAll }); } UrlCollectionSelectedIndex = UrlCollection.Count - 1; RowsToExport = rowsToExport; UpdateErrors(addErr, addGErr); })); } else { prm.Cancel = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Helpers.Old.Log.Add(logSession, ex.GetExceptionText()); throw ex; } finally { Log.Add(string.Format("total row count to export: '{0}'", rowsToExport.Count)); Helpers.Old.Log.SessionEnd(logSession); } }; loadWorker.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => { if (s == loadWorker) { LoadProgress = e.ProgressPercentage; } }; loadWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) => { if (s == loadWorker) { try { if (e.Cancelled) { throw new Exception("Загрузка отменена пользователем"); } if (e.Error != null) { throw e.Error; } } catch (Exception ex) { InitializeError = ex.GetExceptionText(); } } finally { if (s == loadWorker) { IsLoading = false; loadWorker = null; } } ((BackgroundWorker)s).Dispose(); };
public void Initialize() { InitializeError = string.Empty; if (Export2CsvCommand == null) Export2CsvCommand = new RelayCommand(() => Export2Csv()); if (Export2DbCommand == null) Export2DbCommand = new RelayCommand(Export2Db); if (UpdateErrorsCommand == null) UpdateErrorsCommand = new RelayCommand(UpdateErrors); if (UpdateSelectedErrorCommand == null) UpdateSelectedErrorCommand = new RelayCommand(UpdateSelectedError); if (UpdateSelectedWarningCommand == null) UpdateSelectedWarningCommand = new RelayCommand(UpdateSelectedWarning); loadWorker = new BackgroundWorker() { WorkerReportsProgress = true, WorkerSupportsCancellation = true }; loadWorker.DoWork += (s, prm) => { var Disp = prm.Argument as System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher; ObservableCollection<OutputRow> rowsToExport = new ObservableCollection<OutputRow>(); Guid logSession = Helpers.Old.Log.SessionStart("ExportViewModel.Initialize()"); try { Log.Add(string.Format("total sheets count: '{0}'", App.Locator.Import.Document.DocumentSheets.Count)); var addErr = new List<Error>(); var addGErr = new List<GlobalError>(); var progress = new PercentageProgress(); foreach (var item in App.Locator.Import .ExportRules .Where(r => r.Rule != App.Locator.Import.NullRule) .Select(r => new { Rule = r, Progress = progress.GetChild() }) .ToArray() ) { if (((BackgroundWorker)s).CancellationPending || s != loadWorker) break; var mappingRule = item.Rule.Rule; var ds = item.Rule.Sheet; if (mappingRule == null || ds == null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Rule.Status)) addGErr.Add(new GlobalError() { Description = item.Rule.Status }); item.Progress.Value = 100; continue; } else { if (ds.MainHeader == null) { Log.Add(string.Format("should update main header row...")); ds.UpdateMainHeaderRow(mappingRule.MainHeaderSearchTags .Select(h => h.Tag) .Union(SettingsProvider.CurrentSettings.HeaderSearchTags.Split(new char[] { ',' })) .Select(i => i.Trim()) .Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i)) .Distinct() .ToArray()); ds.UpdateHeaders(mappingRule.SheetHeadersSearchTags .Select(h => h.Tag.Trim()) .Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i)) .Distinct() .ToArray()); } var oc = new ObservableCollection<OutputRow>(mappingRule.Convert(ds, progressAction: (i) => { item.Progress.Value = i; ((BackgroundWorker)s).ReportProgress((int)progress.Value); }, isCanceled: () => { return ((BackgroundWorker)s).CancellationPending; }, additionalErrorAction: (e, r) => { addErr.Add(new Error() { Description = e.GetExceptionText(includeStackTrace: false, clearText: true).Trim(), RowNumber = r }); })); Log.Add(string.Format("row count on sheet '{0}' : '{1}'", ds.Name, oc.Count)); rowsToExport = new ObservableCollection<OutputRow>(rowsToExport.Union(oc)); Log.Add(string.Format("subtotal row count on sheets: '{0}'", rowsToExport.Count)); } } ExelConvertionRule.RemoveRepeatingId(rowsToExport.ToList()); var UrlsPhoto = new UrlCollection(); var UrlsSchema = new UrlCollection(); var UrlsAll = new UrlCollection(); var photos = rowsToExport.Select(r => r.Photo_img).Where(r => Helper.IsWellFormedUriString(r, UriKind.Absolute)).Distinct(); var schemas = rowsToExport.Select(r => r.Location_img).Where(r => Helper.IsWellFormedUriString(r, UriKind.Absolute)).Distinct(); var all = photos.Union(schemas).Distinct(); foreach (var p in photos) UrlsPhoto.Add(new StringUrlWithResultWrapper(p)); foreach (var p in schemas) UrlsSchema.Add(new StringUrlWithResultWrapper(p)); foreach (var p in all) UrlsAll.Add(new StringUrlWithResultWrapper(p)); if (!((BackgroundWorker)s).CancellationPending && s == loadWorker) Disp.Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(() => { UrlCollection.Clear(); if (UrlsPhoto.Count > 0) UrlCollection.Add(new UrlCollectionAdditional() { Name = DBParsers.Labels.ElementAt(0), Collection = UrlsPhoto }); if (UrlsSchema.Count > 0) UrlCollection.Add(new UrlCollectionAdditional() { Name = DBParsers.Labels.ElementAt(1), Collection = UrlsSchema }); if (UrlsPhoto.Count > 0 && UrlsSchema.Count > 0 && UrlsAll.Count > 0) UrlCollection.Add(new UrlCollectionAdditional() { Name = "Все", Collection = UrlsAll }); UrlCollectionSelectedIndex = UrlCollection.Count - 1; RowsToExport = rowsToExport; UpdateErrors(addErr, addGErr); })); else prm.Cancel = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Helpers.Old.Log.Add(logSession, ex.GetExceptionText()); throw ex; } finally { Log.Add(string.Format("total row count to export: '{0}'", rowsToExport.Count)); Helpers.Old.Log.SessionEnd(logSession); } }; loadWorker.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => { if (s == loadWorker) LoadProgress = e.ProgressPercentage; }; loadWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) => { if (s == loadWorker) try { if (e.Cancelled) throw new Exception("Загрузка отменена пользователем"); if (e.Error != null) throw e.Error; } catch (Exception ex) { InitializeError = ex.GetExceptionText(); } finally { if (s == loadWorker) { IsLoading = false; loadWorker = null; } } ((BackgroundWorker)s).Dispose(); }; LoadProgress = 0; IsLoading = true; CancelCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); loadWorker.RunWorkerAsync(System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher); }
/// <summary> /// 将分组IList的增量部分合并到一个IList中 /// </summary> /// <returns>IList</returns> private UrlCollection GetMergedList() { UrlCollection urls = new UrlCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < this.lists.Length; i++) { for (int n = this.listInitItems[i]; n < this.lists[i].Count; n++) { urls.Add(this.lists[i][n].Value); } } return urls; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; UrlCollection urlCollection = new UrlCollection(); // Let's add home page Url homePage = new Url(Config.CurrentBlog.HomeFullyQualifiedUrl, DateTime.Now, ChangeFrequency.Daily, 1.0M); urlCollection.Add(homePage); // then all the entries IList<Entry> posts = Entries.GetRecentPosts(0, PostType.BlogPost, PostConfig.IsActive, false); if (posts != null) { foreach (Entry post in posts) { ChangeFrequency frequency = CalculateFrequency(post); urlCollection.Add( new Url(post.FullyQualifiedUrl, post.DateModified, frequency, 0.8M)); } } // all articles IList<Entry> stories = Entries.GetRecentPosts(0, PostType.Story, PostConfig.IsActive, false); if (stories != null) { foreach (Entry story in stories) { ChangeFrequency frequency = CalculateFrequency(story); urlCollection.Add( new Url(story.FullyQualifiedUrl, story.DateModified, frequency, 0.8M)); } } // categories LinkCategory categories = Transformer.BuildLinks("", CategoryType.PostCollection, new UrlFormats(Config.CurrentBlog.RootUrl)); if (categories != null) { foreach (Link category in categories.Links) { urlCollection.Add( new Url(new Uri("http://" + Config.CurrentBlog.Host + category.Url), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Weekly, 0.6M)); } } // archives // categories LinkCategory archives = Transformer.BuildMonthLinks("",new UrlFormats(Config.CurrentBlog.RootUrl)); if (archives != null) { foreach (Link archive in archives.Links) { urlCollection.Add( new Url( new Uri("http://" + Config.CurrentBlog.Host + archive.Url), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Weekly, 0.6M)); } } // don't index contact form urlCollection.Add(new Url(new Uri(string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}contact.aspx", Config.CurrentBlog.HostFullyQualifiedUrl)), DateTime.Today, ChangeFrequency.Never, 0.0M)); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UrlCollection)); XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(context.Response.OutputStream, Encoding.UTF8); serializer.Serialize(xmlTextWriter, urlCollection); }