        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the domain that best matches the current uri, into an enumeration of domains.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="domains">The enumeration of Umbraco domains.</param>
        /// <param name="current">The uri of the current request, or null.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultToFirst">A value indicating whether to return the first domain of the list when no domain matches.</param>
        /// <returns>The domain and its normalized uri, that best matches the current uri, else the first domain (if <c>defaultToFirst</c> is <c>true</c>), else null.</returns>
        public static DomainAndUri DomainMatch(IEnumerable <Domain> domains, Uri current, bool defaultToFirst)
            // sanitize the list to have proper uris for comparison (scheme, path end with /)
            // we need to end with / because example.com/foo cannot match example.com/foobar
            // we need to order so example.com/foo matches before example.com/
            var scheme         = current == null ? Uri.UriSchemeHttp : current.Scheme;
            var domainsAndUris = domains
                                 .Where(d => !IsWildcardDomain(d))
                                 .Select(d => SanitizeForBackwardCompatibility(d))
                                 .Select(d => new { Domain = d, UriString = UriUtility.EndPathWithSlash(UriUtility.StartWithScheme(d.Name, scheme)) })
                                 .OrderByDescending(t => t.UriString)
                                 .Select(t => new DomainAndUri {
                Domain = t.Domain, Uri = new Uri(t.UriString)

            if (!domainsAndUris.Any())

            DomainAndUri domainAndUri;

            if (current == null)
                // take the first one by default
                domainAndUri = domainsAndUris.First();
                // look for a domain that would be the base of the hint
                // else take the first one by default
                var hintWithSlash = current.EndPathWithSlash();
                domainAndUri = domainsAndUris
                               .FirstOrDefault(t => t.Uri.IsBaseOf(hintWithSlash));
                if (domainAndUri == null && defaultToFirst)
                    domainAndUri = domainsAndUris.First();

            if (domainAndUri != null)
                domainAndUri.Uri = domainAndUri.Uri.TrimPathEndSlash();