public async Task Handle_Given_InvalidId_Throws_NotFoundException()
            // Arrange
            var invalidId = 0;
            var command   = new UpsertEventSeriesesCommand {
                Id = invalidId

            // Act/Assert
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NotFoundException>(() => _sut.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None));
        public async Task Handle_Given_No_Id_And_Taken_Title_Throws_ValidationException()
            // Arrange
            var takenTitle       = "Event Series 1";
            var validDescription = "A valid Event Series Description";
            var command          = new UpsertEventSeriesesCommand {
                Title = takenTitle, Description = validDescription

            // Act/Assert
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(() => _sut.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None));
        public async Task Handle_Given_Valid_Id_And_Taken_Title_Throws_ValidationException()
            // Arrange
            var validId          = 2; // Id = 2 should be "Event Series 2", so attempting to update the Title using the title of series 1 should throw the exception.
            var takenTitle       = "Event Series 1";
            var validDescription = "A valid Event Series Description";
            var command          = new UpsertEventSeriesesCommand {
                Id = validId, Title = takenTitle, Description = validDescription

            // Act/Assert
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(() => _sut.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None));
        public void Handle_Given_No_Id_And_Valid_Values_Creates_EventSeries()
            // Arrange
            var validTitle       = "Testing Event Series Title";
            var validDescription = "This is the description of an event series created in the testing module.";
            var command          = new UpsertEventSeriesesCommand {
                Title = validTitle, Description = validDescription

            // Act
            var result = _sut.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert
            Assert.True(_context.EventSeries.Any(x => x.Title == validTitle));
        public async Task Handle_Given_Title_TooLong_Is_Invalid()
            // Arrange
            var tooLongTitle     = "AAAAABBBBBCCCCCDDDDDEEEEEFFFFF";
            var validDescription = "A valid Event Series Description";
            var command          = new UpsertEventSeriesesCommand {
                Title = tooLongTitle, Description = validDescription
            var validator = new UpsertEventSeriesesCommandValidator();

            // Act/Assert
            var result = await validator.ValidateAsync(command);

            // Assert
        public async Task Handle_Given_Valid_Id_And_Valid_Values_Updates_EventSeries()
            // Arrange
            var validId             = 1;
            var validNewTitle       = "Updated Event Series Title";
            var validNewDescription = "This is an updated Event Series Description";
            var command             = new UpsertEventSeriesesCommand {
                Id = validId, Title = validNewTitle, Description = validNewDescription

            // Act
            await _sut.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None);

            // Assert
            var eventType = await _context.EventSeries.FindAsync(1);

            Assert.Equal(validNewTitle, eventType.Title);
            Assert.Equal(validNewDescription, eventType.Description);