protected void uploadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string actualFileName = Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.FileName).Replace(" ", "_"); string storedFileName = Tools.GetRandomString() + "_" + actualFileName; //Append actualName to storedName so that links are nicer to view. if (Uploading.goodSize(FileUpload1.FileBytes.Length) == false) //check if file is too big 30mb limit { Label10.Text = "File is larger than 30MB"; } else if (actualFileName.Contains("&")) { Label10.Text = "File contains illegal character '&'"; //Should really just replace the '&' to a blank space instead of throwing error message } else { if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { if (Uploading.UploadFTPfile(FileUpload1, storedFileName) == true) //successful upload { Label10.Text = ""; //Clear any error from the link location Uploading.logUpload(storedFileName, actualFileName); LinkButton1.Visible = true; LinkButton1.Text = Tools.GenerateLink(storedFileName); LinkButton1.PostBackUrl = LinkButton1.Text; } else { Label10.Text = "File upload fail!"; } } } }
protected virtual void DefaultUpload(string filePath) { Uploading?.Invoke(this, new ElementActionEventArgs(this)); WrappedElement.SendKeys(filePath); Uploaded?.Invoke(this, new ElementActionEventArgs(this)); }
public void Upload(string source, string target, Func <string, string> renameCallback, bool deleteSourceFile = false) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } if (!IsConnected) { throw new SftpProviderException("Connect to server before upload."); } var random = new Random(); var totalBytes = (ulong)random.Next(1024 * 10, 1024 * 1024); ulong bytes = 0; while (bytes < totalBytes) { _log.Debug(m => m("Uploading {0} to {1}", source, target)); var uploaded = (ulong)random.Next(1024, 2048); if (bytes + uploaded < totalBytes) { bytes += uploaded; } else { bytes = totalBytes; } if (bytes < totalBytes) { _log.Debug(m => m("Uploading {0} to {1} {2}/{3}", source, target, bytes, totalBytes)); } else { _log.Info(m => m("Upload {0} to {1} completed.", source, target)); } Uploading?.Invoke(target, bytes, totalBytes); renameCallback?.Invoke(target); } if (!deleteSourceFile) { return; } _log.Debug($"{source} deleted."); }
/// <summary> /// upload file /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <param name="uploadFileInfo"></param> /// <param name="ct"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <bool> Upload(Uri url, FileInfo uploadFileInfo, CancellationToken ct = default(CancellationToken)) { var headResult = await _tusCore.Head(url, ct); long offset = long.Parse(headResult["Upload-Offset"]); var tusUploadFileContext = new TusUploadContext(totalSize: uploadFileInfo.Length, uploadedSize: offset, uploadFileInfo: uploadFileInfo, uploadFileUrl: url); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(uploadFileInfo.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { while (!ct.IsCancellationRequested) { if (offset == uploadFileInfo.Length) { UploadFinish?.Invoke(tusUploadFileContext); break; } //get buffer of file fileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); int uploadSize = GetUploadSize(tusUploadFileContext); byte[] buffer = new byte[uploadSize]; var readCount = await fileStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, uploadSize); if (readCount < uploadSize) { Array.Resize(ref buffer, readCount); } var uploadResult = await _tusCore.Patch(url, buffer, offset, ct); offset = long.Parse(uploadResult["Upload-Offset"]); tusUploadFileContext.UploadedSize = offset; Uploading?.Invoke(tusUploadFileContext); } } return(true); }
public object Post(Uploading request) { //string[] segments = base.Request.QueryString.GetValues(0); //string strFileName = segments[0]; //string strPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath; //string resultFile = Path.Combine(@"C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebAPI\attach", strFileName); //if (File.Exists(resultFile)) //{ // File.Delete(resultFile); //} //using (FileStream file = File.Create(resultFile)) //{ // byte[] buffer = new byte[request.RequestStream.Length]; // request.RequestStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); // file.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); // file.Flush(); // file.Close(); //} return(new HttpResult(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)); }
public ApplicationContent( IApp page = null, IApplicationWebServiceX service = null) { // need absolute path when docked.. page.style1.href = page.style1.href; // first order of business. // enable drop zone. var dz = new DropZone(); dz.Container.AttachToDocument(); dz.Container.Hide(); var StayAlertTimer = default(Timer); var DoRefresh = default(Action); #region StayAlert Action<string> StayAlert = transaction_id => { StayAlertTimer = new Timer( delegate { service.GetTransactionKeyAsync( id => { if (id == transaction_id) return; // shot down during flight? if (!StayAlertTimer.IsAlive) return; Console.WriteLine("StayAlert " + new { id, transaction_id }); DoRefresh(); } ); } ); StayAlertTimer.StartInterval(5000); }; #endregion DoRefresh = delegate { if (StayAlertTimer != null) StayAlertTimer.Stop(); page.output.Clear(); new FileLoading().Container.AttachTo(page.output); service.EnumerateFilesAsync( y: ( long ContentKey, string ContentValue, string ContentType, long ContentBytesLength ) => { var e = new FileEntry(); #region ContentValue e.ContentValue.value = ContentValue.TakeUntilLastIfAny("."); e.ContentValue.onchange += delegate { var ext = ContentValue.SkipUntilLastOrEmpty("."); if (ext != "") ext = "." + ext; ContentValue = e.ContentValue.value + ext; Console.WriteLine("before update!"); service.UpdateAsync( ContentKey, ContentValue, // null does not really work? delegate { Console.WriteLine("update done!"); } ); = Native.Document.location.href.TakeUntilLastIfAny("/") + "/io/" + ContentKey + "/" + ContentValue; }; = Native.Document.location.href.TakeUntilLastIfAny("/") + "/io/" + ContentKey + "/" + ContentValue; = Target; #endregion e.ContentType.innerText = ContentBytesLength + " bytes " + ContentType; #region Delete e.Delete.WhenClicked( delegate { // = "" if (StayAlertTimer != null) StayAlertTimer.Stop(); = "red"; service.DeleteAsync( ContentKey, delegate { DoRefresh(); } ); } ); #endregion e.Container.AttachTo(page.output); Console.WriteLine( new { ContentKey, ContentValue, ContentType, ContentBytesLength } ); }, done: transaction_id => { Console.WriteLine(new { transaction_id }); new FileLoadingDone().Container.AttachTo(page.output); StayAlert(transaction_id); } ); }; #region ondrop var TimerHide = new Timer( delegate { dz.Container.Hide(); } ); Action<DragEvent> ondragover = evt => { //Console.WriteLine("ondragover"); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); // ondragover { type = Files } //foreach (var type in evt.dataTransfer.types) //{ // Console.WriteLine("ondragover " + new { type }); //} if (evt.dataTransfer.types.Contains("Files")) { evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"; // Explicitly show this is a copy. dz.Container.Show(); TimerHide.Stop(); } //} //Console.WriteLine(" Native.Document.body.ondragover"); }; Native.Document.body.ondragover += ondragover; dz.Container.ondragover += ondragover; //dz.Container.ondragstart += // evt => // { // Console.WriteLine("ondragstart"); // evt.stopPropagation(); // evt.preventDefault(); // }; dz.Container.ondragleave += evt => { //Console.WriteLine("ondragleave"); //Console.WriteLine(" dz.Container.ondragleave"); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); TimerHide.StartTimeout(90); }; dz.Container.ondrop += evt => { //Console.WriteLine("ondrop"); TimerHide.StartTimeout(90); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); // can we use a webClient yet? var xhr = new IXMLHttpRequest(); // does not work for chrome? //xhr.setRequestHeader("WebServiceMethod", "FileStorageUpload"); // which server?, "/FileStorageUpload"); // //var c = new WebClient(); ////c.UploadData( //c.UploadProgressChanged += // (sender, args) => // { // }; //c.UploadFileAsync( #region send var d = new FormData(); evt.dataTransfer.files.AsEnumerable().WithEachIndex( (f, index) => { d.append("file" + index, f,; } ); xhr.InvokeOnComplete( delegate { Console.WriteLine("upload complete!"); DoRefresh(); } ); var upload = new Uploading(); upload.Container.AttachTo(page.output); // xhr.upload.onprogress += e => { var p = (int)(e.loaded * 100 / + "%"; upload.status = p; Console.WriteLine("upload.onprogress " + new {, e.loaded }); }; xhr.send(d); #endregion if (StayAlertTimer != null) StayAlertTimer.Stop(); }; #endregion DoRefresh(); }
private void UploadProcess(int count) { int val = count; switch (val) { case 1: Uploading.Items(); break; case 3: Uploading.Customers(); break; case 4: Uploading.User(); break; case 5: Uploading.Schedules(); break; case 6: Uploading.Companys(); break; case 7: break; case 8: break; case 9: break; case 10: break; case 11: break; case 12: Uploading.Deliverys(); break; case 13: break; case 14: Uploading.Invoices(); break; case 15: break; case 16: Uploading.CaseTransactions(); break; case 17: break; case 18: Uploading.Payments(); break; case 19: break; case 20: Uploading.Order(); break; case 21: break; case 22: Uploading.Instructions(); break; case 23: break; case 24: Uploading.Follows(); break; case 25: break; case 26: Uploading.ItemReviews(); break; case 27: break; case 28: Uploading.Vendors(); break; case 29: break; case 30: Uploading.ItemStatuses(); break; case 31: break; case 32: Uploading.Rates(); break; case 33: break; case 34: Uploading.Accounts(); break; case 35: break; case 36: Uploading.Repsonsibles(); break; case 37: break; case 38: Uploading.Insurances(); break; case 39: break; case 40: break; case 41: if (DBConnect.CloseMySqlConn()) { FeedBack("Uploading of information complete"); backgroundWorker.Dispose(); return; } else { FeedBack("No valid connection "); } break; case 42: break; default: FeedBack("Processing"); break; } }
public void Upload(string source, string target, Func <string, string> renameCallback, bool deleteSourceFile = false) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } if (!File.Exists(source)) { throw new SftpProviderException($"{source} does not exist."); } if (!IsConnected) { throw new SftpProviderException("Connect to server before upload."); } var targetPath = target; try { CreateDirectory(targetPath); var completed = new ManualResetEvent(false); using (var fileStream = File.Open(source, FileMode.Open)) { _log.Debug(m => m("Uploading {0} to {1}", source, _host)); var totalBytes = (ulong)fileStream.Length; if (totalBytes == 0) { if (!_client.Exists(target)) { _client.Create(target).Close(); } Uploading?.Invoke(target, 0, 0); _log.Info(m => m("Upload {0} to {1} completed.", source, _host)); } else { _client.UploadFile(fileStream, target, bytes => { Uploading?.Invoke(target, bytes, totalBytes); if (bytes == totalBytes) { _log.Info(m => m("Upload {0} to {1} completed.", source, _host)); completed.Set(); } else { _log.Debug(m => m("Uploading {0} to {1} {2}/{3}", source, _host, bytes, totalBytes)); } }); completed.WaitOne(); } fileStream.Close(); if (renameCallback != null) { var renamedFile = renameCallback(targetPath); if (string.CompareOrdinal(targetPath, renamedFile) != 0) { _client.RenameFile(targetPath, renamedFile); } } if (!deleteSourceFile) { return; } File.Delete(source); _log.Debug($"{source} deleted."); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SftpProviderException(e.Message, e); } }
protected virtual void RaiseUploadingEvent(int count) { Uploading?.Invoke(this, new UploadingEventArgs(count)); }
public void Upload(string source, string target, Func <string, string> renameCallback, bool deleteSourceFile = false) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } if (!File.Exists(source)) { throw new SftpProviderException($"{source} does not exist."); } if (string.CompareOrdinal(source, target) == 0) { throw new SftpProviderException("Target cannot be same as source."); } if (!IsConnected) { throw new SftpProviderException("Connect to server before upload."); } try { if (target.IndexOf("\\", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) != -1) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(target)); } _log.Debug(m => m("Uploading {0} to {1}", source, target)); var buffer = new byte[2048]; ulong bytes = 0; using (var fileStream = File.Open(source, FileMode.Open)) { var totalBytes = (ulong)fileStream.Length; if (totalBytes == 0) { File.Create(target).Close(); Uploading?.Invoke(target, 0, 0); _log.Info(m => m("Upload {0} to {1} completed.", source, target)); } else { using (var targetFileStream = File.Create(target)) { long bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { bytes += (ulong)bytesRead; targetFileStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); _log.Debug(m => m("Uploading {0} to {1} {2}/{3}", source, target, bytes, totalBytes)); Uploading?.Invoke(target, bytes, totalBytes); } _log.Info(m => m("Upload {0} to {1} completed.", source, target)); Uploading?.Invoke(target, bytes, totalBytes); targetFileStream.Close(); } fileStream.Close(); if (renameCallback != null) { File.Move(target, renameCallback(target)); } if (!deleteSourceFile) { return; } File.Delete(source); _log.Debug($"{source} deleted."); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SftpProviderException(e.Message, e); } }
public async Task <UploadResult> UploadStart(DataChunkSize dataChunkSize = DataChunkSize.ChunkSize_10MB) { youtubeSession.TryGetTarget(out YouTubeSession session); if (UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UploadCanceled) { UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.Queued; video.Id = null; if (mediaStream != null) { mediaStream.Dispose(); } mediaStream = null; Progress = 0; TotalUploaded = 0; TimeRemaining = new TimeSpan(); videoInsertRequest = null; IsManuallyPaused = false; } if (video.Id != null && ( UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UploadFailed || UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UploadCompleted || UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UpdateFailed || UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UpdateComplete )) { UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.UpdateStart; await UploadThumbnail(video.Id); var videoUpdateRequest = session.YouTubeService.Videos.Update(video, "snippet,status"); var result = await videoUpdateRequest.ExecuteAsync(); if (result != null) { UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.UpdateComplete; PC(nameof(UploadingStatus)); Completed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); return(UploadResult.Succeed); } else { UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.UpdateFailed; PC(nameof(UploadingStatus)); Failed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); return(UploadResult.Succeed); } } if (!(UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.Queued || UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UploadFailed)) { return(UploadResult.AlreadyUploading); } UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.PrepareUpload; bool virIsNull = videoInsertRequest == null; if (virIsNull) { videoInsertRequest = session.YouTubeService.Videos.Insert(video, "snippet,status", mediaStream, "video/*"); if (videoInsertRequest == null) { UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.UploadFailed; return(UploadResult.FailedUploadRequest); } DataChunkSize = dataChunkSize; videoInsertRequest.ProgressChanged += (uploadProgress) => { TotalUploaded = uploadProgress.BytesSent; Progress = uploadProgress.BytesSent / ( double )mediaStream.Length; double percentage = (uploadProgress.BytesSent - lastSentBytes) / ( double )mediaStream.Length; lastSentBytes = uploadProgress.BytesSent; double totalSeconds = (DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay - startTime).TotalSeconds; TimeRemaining = Progress != 0 ? TimeSpan.FromSeconds((totalSeconds / Progress) * (1 - Progress)) : TimeSpan.FromDays(999); switch (uploadProgress.Status) { case UploadStatus.Starting: startTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.UploadStart; Started?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); break; case UploadStatus.Uploading: UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.Uploading; Uploading?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); break; case UploadStatus.Failed: UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.UploadFailed; Failed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); break; case UploadStatus.Completed: UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.UploadCompleted; Uploading?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); Completed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); mediaStream.Dispose(); mediaStream = null; break; } PC(nameof(Progress)); PC(nameof(UploadingStatus)); PC(nameof(TotalUploaded)); PC(nameof(TimeRemaining)); }; videoInsertRequest.ResponseReceived += async(video) => { await UploadThumbnail(video.Id); foreach (var playlist in Playlists) { playlist.AddVideo(video.Id); } }; } try { startTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var uploadStatus = virIsNull ? await videoInsertRequest.UploadAsync(cancellationTokenSource.Token) : await videoInsertRequest.ResumeAsync(cancellationTokenSource.Token); cancellationTokenSource.Dispose(); video = videoInsertRequest.ResponseBody ?? video; if (uploadStatus.Status == UploadStatus.NotStarted) { UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.UploadFailed; return(UploadResult.CannotStartUpload); } } catch { UploadingStatus = UploadingStatus.UploadFailed; return(UploadResult.UploadCanceled); } return(UploadResult.Succeed); }
private void _adapter_Uploading(string file, ulong uploaded, ulong totalBytes) { Uploading?.Invoke(file, uploaded, totalBytes); }