protected void btnFromPcUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!filePcUpload.HasFile) { AddError("No file is selected!"); return; } using (var db = new UploadDb()) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePcUpload.PostedFile.FileName); var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName); var sizeInBytes = filePcUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength; var user = UserManager.GetUser(); var isPublic = txtVisibility.Value == "1"; var newName = txtNewName.Text.Trim(); if (newName.Length > 0) { fileName = newName; } var newFile = new UploadedFile { Comment = txtRemoteComment.Text, Extension = extension, Filename = fileName, Downloaded = 0, FileSize = sizeInBytes, LastDownload = null, UploadDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), UserId = (user != null) ? user.UserID : (int?)null, UploadedFileID = 0, IsPublic = isPublic }; try { db.Files.Add(newFile); db.SaveChanges(); var filePath = UploadedFileManager.MapToPhysicalPath(newFile); filePcUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(filePath); Response.Redirect("file.aspx?id=" + newFile.UploadedFileID); } catch (ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception ex) { if (newFile.UploadedFileID > 0) { db.Files.Remove(newFile); db.SaveChanges(); } AddError("An unhandled error occured."); AddError(ex.Message); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AddError(ex.Message); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { var request = context.Request; var response = context.Response; // Accepting user request var idStr = request.QueryString["id"]; try { int id; if (!int.TryParse(idStr, out id)) { InvalidRequest(context, "Invalid request!"); return; } UploadedFile uploadedFile; using (var db = new UploadDb()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; var file = db.Files.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UploadedFileID == id); if (file == null) { InvalidRequest(context, "File does not exists!"); response.StatusCode = 404; return; } uploadedFile = file; } //SiteException.LogException(new Exception( // string.Format("UploadedFileID:{0}, IsPublic:{1}, UploadDate:{2}, Filename:{3}", // uploadedFile.UploadedFileID, // uploadedFile.IsPublic, // uploadedFile.UploadDate, // uploadedFile.Filename))); if (uploadedFile.IsPublic == false) { // check the owner var user = UserManager.GetUser(); if (user == null) { var succeed = UserManager.BasicAuthorize(context); if (!succeed) { return; } user = UserManager.GetUser(); } // not the file owner! if (user == null || user.UserID != uploadedFile.UserId) { context.Response.Clear(); context.Response.Write("You do not have access to download this file!"); context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden; context.Response.Flush(); context.Response.End(); return; } } // file path var fileName = UploadedFileManager.MapToPhysicalPath(uploadedFile); // reading file info var fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); var fileLength = fileInfo.Length; // Download information class using (var downloadInfo = new DownloadDataInfo(fileName)) { downloadInfo.DisplayFileName = UploadedFileManager.GetUrlFileName(uploadedFile); // Reading request download range var requestedRanges = HeadersParser.ParseHttpRequestHeaderMultipleRange(context.Request, fileLength); // apply the ranges to the download info downloadInfo.InitializeRanges(requestedRanges); string etagMatched; int outcomeStausCode = 200; // validating the ranges specified if (!HeadersParser.ValidatePartialRequest(context.Request, downloadInfo, out etagMatched, ref outcomeStausCode)) { // the request is invalid, this is the invalid code context.Response.StatusCode = outcomeStausCode; // show to the client what is the real ETag if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(etagMatched)) { context.Response.AppendHeader("ETag", etagMatched); } // stop the preoccess // but don't hassle with error messages return; } // user ID, or IP or anything you use to identify the user //var userIP = context.Request.UserHostAddress; // Option 1: limiting the download speed for this file for this user! //UserSpeedLimitManager.StartNewDownload(downloadInfo, userIP, DownloadLimit); // Option 2: Limiting only this connection downloadInfo.LimitTransferSpeed(DownloadLimit); // It is very important to destory the DownloadProcess object // Here the using block does it for us. using (var process = new DownloadProcess(downloadInfo)) { var state = DownloadProcess.DownloadProcessState.None; try { // start the download state = process.ProcessDownload(context.Response); } catch (HttpException) { // preventing: // System.Web.HttpException (0x800703E3): The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x800703E3. } // checking the state of the download if (state == DownloadProcess.DownloadProcessState.LastPartfinished) { // all parts of download are finish, do something here! using (var db = new UploadDb()) { var dbFile = db.Files.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UploadedFileID == uploadedFile.UploadedFileID); if (dbFile != null) { dbFile.Downloaded++; dbFile.LastDownload = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); db.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { SiteException.LogException(ex, "ID: " + idStr); throw; } }
protected void rptRepeat_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Delete") { var idString = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); int id; if (!int.TryParse(idString, out id)) { return; } using (var db = new UploadDb()) { var file = db.Files.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UploadedFileID == id); if (file == null) { Response.Write("File not found!"); Response.StatusCode = 404; return; } var user = UserManager.GetUser(); if (user == null || (user.UserID != file.UserId && !user.IsAdmin)) { Response.Write("You do not have the permission to delete!"); Response.StatusCode = 500; return; } if (file.UserId == null && !user.IsAdmin) { Response.Write("You do not have the permission to delete!"); Response.StatusCode = 500; return; } var fileAddress = UploadedFileManager.MapToPhysicalPath(file); try { System.IO.File.Delete(fileAddress); db.Files.Remove(file); db.SaveChanges(); if (RedirectAfterDelete) { Response.Redirect(RedirectAfterDeleteLocation); } else { var notDisplayFile = Files.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UploadedFileID == file.UploadedFileID); if (notDisplayFile != null) { Files.Remove(notDisplayFile); } ReloadFilesList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { AddError(ex.Message); } } } }
protected void btnRemoteUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var url = txtRemoteUrl.Text.Trim(); Uri uri; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url) || !Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) { AddError("Please enter a valid Url!"); return; } var fileName = Path.GetFileName(url); var newName = txtNewName.Text.Trim(); if (newName.Length > 0) { fileName = newName; } var referer = txtReferrer.Text.Trim(); // temporary file name var fileTempAddress = UploadedFileManager.MapToPhysicalPath(fileName + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); long sizeInBytes = 0; var cookies = Deserialize(txtCookies.Value); try { using (var file = new FileStream(fileTempAddress, FileMode.Create)) { Download(uri, referer, cookies, file); sizeInBytes = file.Length; } } catch (Exception) { System.IO.File.Delete(fileTempAddress); throw; } // done! using (var db = new UploadDb()) { var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName); var user = UserManager.GetUser(); var isPublic = txtVisibility.Value == "1"; var newFile = new UploadedFile { Comment = txtRemoteComment.Text, Extension = extension, Filename = fileName, Downloaded = 0, FileSize = sizeInBytes, LastDownload = null, UploadDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), UserId = (user != null) ? user.UserID : (int?)null, UploadedFileID = 0, IsPublic = isPublic }; try { db.Files.Add(newFile); db.SaveChanges(); var filePath = UploadedFileManager.MapToPhysicalPath(newFile); System.IO.File.Move(fileTempAddress, filePath); Response.Redirect("file.aspx?id=" + newFile.UploadedFileID); } catch (ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception ex) { if (newFile.UploadedFileID > 0) { db.Files.Remove(newFile); db.SaveChanges(); } try { System.IO.File.Delete(fileTempAddress); } catch { } AddError("An unhandled error occured."); AddError(ex.Message); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AddError(ex.Message); } }