public void Resubmit(IBaseMessage msg, bool preserveRetryCount, object userData) { SystemMessageContext context = new SystemMessageContext(msg.Context); if (preserveRetryCount) { UpdateProperty[] updates = new UpdateProperty[1]; updates[0] = new UpdateProperty(); updates[0].Name = retryCountProp.Name.Name; updates[0].NameSpace = retryCountProp.Name.Namespace; updates[0].Value = context.RetryCount++; context.UpdateProperties(updates); // If preserveRetryCount is true, ignore RetryInterval // Request the redelivery immediately!! base.Resubmit(msg, DateTime.Now, userData); } else { // This is retry in case of error/failure (i.e. normal retry) if (context.RetryCount > 0) { DateTime retryAt = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(context.RetryInterval); base.Resubmit(msg, retryAt, userData); } else { base.MoveToNextTransport(msg, userData); } } }
/// <summary>IPC通信.Model</summary> public ServerModel(UpdateProperty updateProperty) { _UpdateProperty = updateProperty; // サーバ設定 _Host = new ServiceHost(this, new System.Uri(Service.GetBaseAddress())); _Host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IExecute), new NetNamedPipeBinding(), Service.GetEndpoint()); _Host.Open(); }
public UpdateTimerValue(UpdateProperty updaterProperty) { _onPropertyChanged = updaterProperty; var timer = new Timer(500); timer.Elapsed += (sender, args) => UpdateTimerProperty(); timer.Start(); }
public async Task UpdateProperty_WhenNonExistingProperty_ReturnsNotFound() { var updateProperty = new UpdateProperty() { Name = "Some updated name" }; var response = await UpdateProperty(1111, updateProperty); Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, response.StatusCode); }
public async Task UpdateProperty_WhenUpdatingName_ShouldUpdateProperty(CreateProperty property) { var createPropertyResponse = await CreateProperty(property); var updateProperty = new UpdateProperty() { Name = "Some updated name" }; var response = await UpdateProperty(createPropertyResponse.Property.Id, updateProperty); Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode); Assert.IsNotNull(response.Property); Assert.AreEqual(updateProperty.Name, response.Property.Name); Assert.AreEqual(createPropertyResponse.Property.Type, response.Property.Type); }
public IHttpActionResult PutProperty(UpdatePropertyRequest req) { try { DAL.Models.Property property = db.Properties.Find(req.Id); if (property == null) { return(NotFound()); } UpdateProperty update = new UpdateProperty(); return(Ok(update.Update(req))); } catch (Exception e) { return(InternalServerError()); } }
set => SetValue(UpdateProperty, value);
/// <summary>解放処理</summary> public void Dispose() { _Host.Close(); _UpdateProperty = null; }
public NameValueInfo(String s, UpdateProperty u) { Name = new Label(s); Value = new TextBox(); Update = u; }
public NameValueInfo() { Name = null; Value = null; Update = null; }
public NameValueInfo(Label l, TextBox v, UpdateProperty u) { Name = l; Value = v; Update = u; }
internal static void WalkObjectGraph <TAttribute>(object source, bool intoCollections, UpdateProperty action, Stack <object> parentObjectStack = null) where TAttribute : Attribute { if (null == parentObjectStack) { parentObjectStack = new Stack <object>(); } else { if (parentObjectStack.Contains(source)) { // We've already walked this object, so we have a circular reference, let's not overflow the stack. return; } } parentObjectStack.Push(source); // Find the properties that are [Sortable] var matchingProperties = source.GetType().GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance) .Where(p => p.GetCustomAttributes <TAttribute>(true).Any()); foreach (var prop in matchingProperties) { action(prop, source, parentObjectStack); } // Recurse into the properties of this object that might also be sortable var objectProperties = source.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(p => p.PropertyType.IsClass); foreach (var prop in objectProperties) { if (!prop.CanRead || !prop.CanWrite) { continue; } object value; try { value = prop.GetValue(source); } catch (Exception) { continue; } if (null != value) { if (intoCollections && value is IEnumerable && !(value is string)) { foreach (var obj in (IEnumerable)value) { WalkObjectGraph <TAttribute>(obj, intoCollections, action, parentObjectStack); } } else if (!(value is IEnumerable)) { WalkObjectGraph <TAttribute>(value, intoCollections, action, parentObjectStack); } } } parentObjectStack.Pop(); }
public async Task <(Property Property, HttpStatusCode StatusCode)> UpdateProperty(int propertyId, UpdateProperty property) { using (var content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(property), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")) { var response = await Client.PutAsync($"properties/{propertyId}/", content); return(SerializationHelpers.GetEntityFromStream <Property>(await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()), response.StatusCode); } }