void UpdatePrefs() { Debug.Log("Update was pressed"); string wantMan = false.ToString(); string wantWoman = false.ToString(); if (wantToMeet.Contains(AppManeger.Gender.Male)) { wantMan = true.ToString(); } if (wantToMeet.Contains(AppManeger.Gender.Female)) { wantWoman = true.ToString(); } AppManeger.isLoadingData = true; UpdateMethods.UpdateUsersPrefsDatabase(AppManeger.instance.userID, AppManeger.instance.isSmoke.ToString(), wantAge[0].ToString(), wantAge[1].ToString(), AppManeger.instance.yourHabit.ToString(), wantMan, wantWoman, (result) => { Debug.Log("User Prefs update " + result); AppManeger.isLoadingData = false; managePanelChanges.GoToCheersPanel(); // Call cheers screen after make the update } ); // Update Gender choice at the user database and AppManeger UpdateMethods.UpdateUsersDatabase(AppManeger.instance.userID, AppManeger.instance.userName, AppManeger.instance.userAge.ToString(), myGenderChoice.ToString(), (result) => { Debug.Log("User update " + result); } ); }
public void FaceBookLogin() { GetMethods.GetUserId(email, (id) => { if (id != "0") // The user exits in the data base // Verify if an Update is necessary. { UpdateMethods.UpdateUsersDatabase(id, userName, age, AppManeger.instance.userGender.ToString(), (result) => { Debug.Log(string.Format("Update {0}", result)); }); string fileName = string.Format("Prefs_{0}", AppManeger.instance.userID); //GetMethods.GetUserPrefs(id, (prefsResult) => {PrefsResult(prefsResult);}); // Check if the user are in the Prefs Database if (SaveLoadData.FileExits(fileName)) // If exit { SaveLoadData.Load(fileName, SaveLoadData.DataType.UserPrefs); // load from device GoToCheersPanel(); // Means the user has everyting setted; } else { GetMethods.GetUserPrefs(id, (prefsResult) => { PrefsResult(prefsResult); }); // Check if the user are in the Prefs Database } } else // User don't exit in the data base { PostMethods.InsertUserIntoUsersDatabase(userName, age, email, gender, (result) => { InsertUserResult(result); }); } }); }
void Continue() { Debug.Log("Continue was pressed"); managePanelChanges.SetSmokeAndHabitPanelOn(); AppManeger.instance.wantAge[0] = wantAge[0]; AppManeger.instance.wantAge[1] = wantAge[1]; foreach (AppManeger.Gender gender in wantToMeet) { AppManeger.instance.wantToMeet.Add(gender); } // Update Gender choice at the user database and AppManeger UpdateMethods.UpdateUsersDatabase(AppManeger.instance.userID, AppManeger.instance.userName, AppManeger.instance.userAge.ToString(), myGenderChoice.ToString(), (result) => { Debug.Log("User update " + result); } ); }