		/// <summary>
		/// Starts the update library process in a background thread.		
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name='mode'>Update library mode</param>
		/// <param name='filePaths'>Audio file paths to add to the database</param>
		/// <param name='folderPath'>Folder path to add to the database</param>
		public void UpdateLibrary(UpdateLibraryMode mode, List<string> filePaths, string folderPath)
            UpdateLibraryArgument arg = new UpdateLibraryArgument();
            arg.Mode = mode;
            arg.FilePaths = filePaths;
            arg.FolderPath = folderPath;
			cancelUpdateLibrary = false;

            if (mode == UpdateLibraryMode.SpecificFolder)
				libraryService.AddFolder(folderPath, true);
			else if(mode == UpdateLibraryMode.SpecificFiles)

            // Start the background process

            // TODO: Add time elapsed/time remaining
            //    //            // Set start time when the process has finished finding the files and is ready to add files into library
            //    //            if (startTimeAddFiles == DateTime.MinValue)
            //    //            {
            //    //                startTimeAddFiles = DateTime.Now;
            //    //            }

            //    //            // Calculate time elapsed
            //    //            TimeSpan timeElapsed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTimeAddFiles);

            //    //            // Update title
            //    //            lblTitle.Text = data.Title + " (file " + data.CurrentFilePosition.ToString() + " of " + data.TotalNumberOfFiles.ToString() + ")";

            //    //            // Calculate time remaining
            //    //            double msPerFile = timeElapsed.TotalMilliseconds / data.CurrentFilePosition;
            //    //            double remainingTime = (data.TotalNumberOfFiles - data.CurrentFilePosition) * msPerFile;
            //    //            TimeSpan timeRemaining = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)remainingTime);

            //    //            // Update estimated time left (from more precise to more vague)
            //    //            if (timeRemaining.TotalSeconds == 0)
            //    //            {
            //    //                lblEstimatedTimeLeft.Text = "Estimated time left : N/A";
            //    //            }
            //    //            else if (timeRemaining.Minutes == 1)
            //    //            {
            //    //                lblEstimatedTimeLeft.Text = "Estimated time left : 1 minute";
            //    //            }
            //    //            else if (timeRemaining.TotalSeconds <= 10)
            //    //            {
            //    //                lblEstimatedTimeLeft.Text = "Estimated time left : A few seconds";
            //    //            }
            //    //            else if (timeRemaining.TotalSeconds <= 30)
            //    //            {
            //    //                lblEstimatedTimeLeft.Text = "Estimated time left : Less than 30 seconds";
            //    //            }
            //    //            else if (timeRemaining.TotalSeconds <= 60)
            //    //            {
            //    //                lblEstimatedTimeLeft.Text = "Estimated time left : Less than a minute";
            //    //            }
            //    //            else
            //    //            {
            //    //                lblEstimatedTimeLeft.Text = "Estimated time left : " + timeRemaining.Minutes.ToString() + " minutes";
            //    //            }

		public void StartProcess(UpdateLibraryMode mode, List<string> filePaths, string folderPath)
			presenter.UpdateLibrary(mode, filePaths, folderPath);
        void StartUpdateLibrary(UpdateLibraryMode mode, List<string> filePaths, string folderPath)
            // Create window and start process
            if(updateLibraryWindowController != null) {

            updateLibraryWindowController = new UpdateLibraryWindowController(this, null);
            updateLibraryWindowController.StartProcess(mode, filePaths, folderPath);