private void PageInit() { UpdateBLL bll = new UpdateBLL(); AndroidVersionInfo adInfo = bll.getAndroidVersion(); txtname.Value = adInfo.Name; txtVersionCode.Value = Convert.ToString(adInfo.VersionCode); txtVersionName.Value = adInfo.VersionName; txtDownloadAddr.Value = adInfo.Src; txtIntroduction.Value = adInfo.Introduction; }
//static void Main(string[] args) //{ // Logger.Initialize(mode: LoggingMode.Both, useBackgroundTask: true); // Logger.Info("lol"); // Logger.Flush(); //} static void Main(string[] args) { Logger.Initialize(mode: LoggingMode.Both, useBackgroundTask: true); IConfigBLL configBLL = new ConfigBLL(); IUpdateBLL updateBLL = new UpdateBLL(); try { if (args.Length > 0) { if (args[0] == _argCreateConfigFile) { if (args.Length < 3) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Wrong usage of {_argCreateConfigFile}"); } configBLL .SaveConfiguration ( new ConfigurationItem { DBeaverInstallPath = args[1].TrimStart().TrimEnd(), Architecture = args[2].ToUpperInvariant().ToEnum(Architecture.X86) } ); return; } } if (!configBLL.ConfigFileExists()) { Console.WriteLine($"Configuration file not found, please call with line arguments {_argCreateConfigFile} DBeaverInstallPath Architecture"); return; } ConfigurationItem configItem = configBLL.RetrieveConfiguration(); updateBLL.UpdateVersion(configItem).Wait(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("An error occurred", ex); } finally { Logger.Flush(); } }
protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AndroidVersionInfo adInfo = new AndroidVersionInfo(); adInfo.Name = txtname.Value; adInfo.VersionCode = Convert.ToInt32(txtVersionCode.Value); adInfo.VersionName = txtVersionName.Value; adInfo.Src = txtDownloadAddr.Value; adInfo.Introduction = txtIntroduction.Value; UpdateBLL bll = new UpdateBLL(); if (bll.UpdateAndroidVersion(adInfo) > 0) { base.JscriptPrint("修改成功!", "android.aspx", "Success"); } else { base.JscriptPrint("修改失败!", "android.aspx", "Fail"); } }
public AndroidVersionInfo getVersionInfo() { UpdateBLL bll = new UpdateBLL(); return(bll.getAndroidVersion()); }
internal static async Task <UpdateBLL> GetUpdateBLL() { return(await UpdateBLL.CreateGitHub("jannikbecker", "leibit", false)); }