public void ShouldUpdateUser()
            var user = new UpdateADuser {
                DN = _dn
            var attributes = new List <EntryAttribute> {
                new EntryAttribute {
                    Attribute = AdUserAttribute.description, Value = "MattiMeikalainen", DataType = AttributeType.String

            user.OtherAttributes = attributes.ToArray();
            var result = LdapActiveDirectoryOperations.AD_UpdateUser(_connection, user);

            Assert.AreEqual(result.operationSuccessful, true);
        public DirectoryEntry UpdateAdUser(UpdateADuser user)
            //if (!user.CN.ToUpper().StartsWith("CN="))
            //    user.CN = "CN=" + user.CN;

            var entry           = FindPath(_rootEntry, user.DN);
            var entryAttributes = GetEntryAttributes(user, user.OtherAttributes);

            SetDirectoryEntryAttributes(entry, entryAttributes, true);

            foreach (var flag in user.ADFlags)
                entry.SetAccountFlag(flag.FlagType, flag.Value);

        /// <summary>
        /// Update a user in the AD.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ldapConnectionInfo">The LDAP connection information</param>
        /// <param name="adUser">The user record to be updated</param>
        /// <returns>LdapResult class, which carries a copy of the updated user record.</returns>
        public static OutputUser AD_UpdateUser([PropertyTab] LdapConnectionInfo ldapConnectionInfo, [PropertyTab] UpdateADuser adUser)
            var ldapOperationResult = new OutputUser {
                operationSuccessful = false, user = null

            using (var ldap = new LdapService(ldapConnectionInfo))
                ldapOperationResult.user = ldap.UpdateAdUser(adUser);
                ldapOperationResult.operationSuccessful = true;
