        // replace to make the transitions between playback and record much smoother
        // [MonoModReplace]
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // Logger.Log("TAS", "IM Update");

            // keyboard
            KeyboardState.Update(Keyboard.GetState(), gameTime);
            Back          = KeyboardState.OpenMap;
            Start         = KeyboardState.Pause;
            Jump          = KeyboardState.Jump;
            GrabThrow     = KeyboardState.GrabThrow;
            CancelTalk    = KeyboardState.CancelTalk;
            Down          = KeyboardState.Down;
            Up            = KeyboardState.Up;
            Left          = KeyboardState.Left;
            Right         = KeyboardState.Right;
            OpenInventory = KeyboardState.OpenInventory;
            RotateLeft    = KeyboardState.RotateLeft;
            RotateRight   = KeyboardState.RotateRight;
            MapZoomIn     = KeyboardState.MapZoomIn;
            MapZoomOut    = KeyboardState.MapZoomOut;
            FpsToggle     = KeyboardState.FpViewToggle;
            ClampLook     = KeyboardState.ClampLook;

            FreeLook = new Vector2(KeyboardState.LookRight.IsDown() ? 1f : (KeyboardState.LookLeft.IsDown() ? -1f : 0.0f), KeyboardState.LookUp.IsDown() ? 1f : (KeyboardState.LookDown.IsDown() ? -1f : 0.0f));

            if (gamepad && UseGamepadState != FezButtonState.Up)
                PlayerIndex[] players = ControllerIndex.Any.GetPlayers();
                for (int index = 0; index < players.Length; ++index)
                    GamepadState gamepadState = GamepadsManager[players[index]];
                    if (!gamepadState.Connected)
                        if (gamepadState.NewlyDisconnected && ActiveControllerDisconnected != null)
                        ClampLook     = Coalesce(ClampLook, Transition(gamepadState.RightStick.Clicked.State));
                        FpsToggle     = Coalesce(FpsToggle, Transition(gamepadState.LeftStick.Clicked.State));
                        Back          = Coalesce(Back, Transition(gamepadState.Back));
                        Start         = Coalesce(Start, Transition(gamepadState.Start));
                        Jump          = Coalesce(Jump, Transition(gamepadState.A.State));
                        GrabThrow     = Coalesce(GrabThrow, Transition(gamepadState.X.State));
                        CancelTalk    = Coalesce(CancelTalk, Transition(gamepadState.B.State));
                        OpenInventory = Coalesce(OpenInventory, Transition(gamepadState.Y.State));
                        Up            = Coalesce(Up, Coalesce(Transition(gamepadState.DPad.Up.State), Transition(gamepadState.LeftStick.Up.State)));
                        Down          = Coalesce(Down, Coalesce(Transition(gamepadState.DPad.Down.State), Transition(gamepadState.LeftStick.Down.State)));
                        Left          = Coalesce(Left, Coalesce(Transition(gamepadState.DPad.Left.State), Transition(gamepadState.LeftStick.Left.State)));
                        Right         = Coalesce(Right, Coalesce(Transition(gamepadState.DPad.Right.State), Transition(gamepadState.LeftStick.Right.State)));
                        MapZoomIn     = Coalesce(MapZoomIn, Transition(gamepadState.RightShoulder.State));
                        MapZoomOut    = Coalesce(MapZoomOut, Transition(gamepadState.LeftShoulder.State));

                        // for input recording consistency, we always assume StrictRotation
                        RotateLeft  = Coalesce(RotateLeft, Transition(gamepadState.LeftTrigger.State));
                        RotateRight = Coalesce(RotateRight, Transition(gamepadState.RightTrigger.State));

                        // special handling of FreeLook since buttons are not defined on gamepad
                        // but we must emulate keyboard buttons
                        bool right = FreeLook.X > 0 || gamepadState.RightStick.Right.State.IsDown();
                        bool left  = FreeLook.X < 0 || gamepadState.RightStick.Left.State.IsDown();
                        bool up    = FreeLook.Y > 0 || gamepadState.RightStick.Up.State.IsDown();
                        bool down  = FreeLook.Y < 0 || gamepadState.RightStick.Down.State.IsDown();
                        FreeLook = new Vector2(right ? 1f : (left ? -1f : 0.0f), up ? 1f : (down ? -1f : 0.0f));

            // keyboard and gamepadhave different ways to calculate exact up, so force keyboard calculation
            ExactUp = Up;
            // calculate movement after gamepad so corrected coalesce applies to movement as well
            Movement = new Vector2(Right.IsDown() ? 1f : (Left.IsDown() ? -1f : 0.0f), Up.IsDown() ? 1f : (Down.IsDown() ? -1f : 0.0f));

            // no need to pull mouse since it is disabled anyway

            //finish enabling/disabling gamepad
            UseGamepadState = UseGamepadState.IsDown() ? FezButtonState.Down : FezButtonState.Up;