public int CommitChanges() { // using (Uow) { return(Uow.CommitChanges()); } }
private void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { try { Model.Internal.BoardComputer boardComputer = (Model.Internal.BoardComputer)gdvBoardComputer.GetRow(this.gdvBoardComputer.FocusedRowHandle); if (boardComputer == null) { return; } if (DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraMessageBox.Show(this.LookAndFeel, "Bent u zeker dat u de boordcomputer wilt verwijderen?", "Verwijderen?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button3) == DialogResult.Yes) { boardComputer.Delete(); Uow.CommitChanges(); FindAll(); } } catch (System.Exception exception1) { System.Exception thisException = exception1; Management.ShowException(thisException); } } catch (System.Exception exception1) { System.Exception thisException = exception1; Management.ShowException(thisException); } }
private void tileDocument_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) { DocumentNodeOrLink dnol = new DocumentNodeOrLink(iclExtraLarge); dnol.ShowDialog(this); if (dnol.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { TIS.Model.Internal.Document.DocNode newNode = new TIS.Model.Internal.Document.DocNode(Uow); newNode.ParentDocNode = _selectedNode; newNode.Name = dnol.NodeName; //newNode.DocTreeDisplay = _docTree; newNode.ImageIndex = dnol.Index; if (dnol.isLink) { Model.Internal.Document.Document document = new Model.Internal.Document.Document(Uow); document.Name = dnol.Url; document.DocTypeDisplay = Enumeration.Document.DocumentType.Link; document.DocNode = newNode; newNode.Document = document; } Uow.CommitChanges(); SelectNode(_selectedNode); } } } catch (Exception exception1) { System.Exception thisException = exception1; Management.ShowException(thisException); } }
public void If_ServiceRateDiscount_does_NOT_exist_for_Customer_ServiceType_DefaultRate_should_be_applied() { const int defaultRate = 10; // Arrange var customer = new Customer(Uow) { DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1990, 1, 1) }; var serviceType = new ServiceType(Uow) { DefaultRate = defaultRate }; Uow.CommitChanges(); // Act var transaction = new Transaction(Uow) { Customer = customer, ServiceType = serviceType }; // Assert transaction.TransactionPrice.ShouldBe(defaultRate); }
public Supplier UpdateSupplier(Supplier value) { var entity = Uow.SupplierRepository.Get(value); if (entity != null) { entity.CompanyName = value.CompanyName; entity.ContactName = value.ContactName; entity.ContactTitle = value.ContactTitle; entity.Address = value.Address; entity.City = value.City; entity.Region = value.Region; entity.PostalCode = value.PostalCode; entity.Country = value.Country; entity.Phone = value.Phone; entity.Fax = value.Fax; entity.HomePage = value.HomePage; Uow.SupplierRepository.Update(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); } return(entity); }
public void If_ServiceRateDiscount_DOES_exist_for_Customer_and_ServiceRate_it_should_be_assigned() { const int defaultRate = 15; const int adjustedRate = 10; // Arrange var customer = new Customer(Uow) { DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1990, 1, 1) }; var serviceType = new ServiceType(Uow) { DefaultRate = defaultRate }; var serviceRateDiscount = new ServiceRateDiscount(Uow) { ServiceType = serviceType, Customer = customer, AdjustedRate = adjustedRate }; Uow.CommitChanges(); // Act var transaction = new Transaction(Uow) { Customer = customer, ServiceType = serviceType }; // Assert transaction.ServiceRateDiscount.ShouldBe(serviceRateDiscount); transaction.TransactionPrice.ShouldBe(adjustedRate); }
public void When_GetSingleServiceRateDiscountResult_and_more_than_1_discount_DOES_exist_it_should_return_none() { const int defaultRate = 15; const int adjustedRate = 10; // Arrange var customer = new Customer(Uow) { DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1990, 1, 1) }; var serviceType = new ServiceType(Uow) { DefaultRate = defaultRate }; // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement new ServiceRateDiscount(Uow) { ServiceType = serviceType, Customer = customer, AdjustedRate = adjustedRate }; // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement new ServiceRateDiscount(Uow) { ServiceType = serviceType, Customer = customer, AdjustedRate = adjustedRate }; Uow.CommitChanges(); // Act & Assert GetSingleServiceRateDiscountResult(Uow, serviceType, customer).IsFailure.ShouldBeTrue(); }
public Region CreateRegion(Region entity) { Uow.RegionRepository.Add(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); return(entity); }
public Supplier CreateSupplier(Supplier entity) { Uow.SupplierRepository.Add(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); return(entity); }
public Product CreateProduct(Product entity) { Uow.ProductRepository.Add(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); return(entity); }
public Shipper CreateShipper(Shipper entity) { Uow.ShipperRepository.Add(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); return(entity); }
public Category CreateCategory(Category entity) { Uow.CategoryRepository.Add(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); return(entity); }
/// <summary> /// Delete then commit /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Delete(object id) { // using (Uow) { var repository = Uow.GetRepository(); repository.Delete(id); return(Uow.CommitChanges() > 0); } }
/// <summary> /// Delete then commit /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Delete(TEntity entity) { //using (Uow) { var repository = Uow.GetRepository(); repository.Delete(entity); return(Uow.CommitChanges() > 0); } }
public void When_creating_a_Customer_contract_should_get_created() { // Arrange & Act var customer = new Customer(Uow); Uow.CommitChanges(); // Assert GetOne <Customer>(c => c.ID == customer.ID).Contracts.Count.ShouldBe(1); }
public Region DeleteRegion(Region value) { var entity = Uow.RegionRepository.Get(value); if (entity != null) { Uow.RegionRepository.Remove(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); } return(entity); }
public Customer DeleteCustomer(Customer value) { var entity = Uow.CustomerRepository.Get(value); if (entity != null) { Uow.CustomerRepository.Remove(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); } return(entity); }
public Supplier DeleteSupplier(Supplier value) { var entity = Uow.SupplierRepository.Get(value); if (entity != null) { Uow.SupplierRepository.Remove(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); } return(entity); }
public Category DeleteCategory(Category value) { var entity = Uow.CategoryRepository.Get(value); if (entity != null) { Uow.CategoryRepository.Remove(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); } return(entity); }
public Product DeleteProduct(Product value) { var entity = Uow.ProductRepository.Get(value); if (entity != null) { Uow.ProductRepository.Remove(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); } return(entity); }
public Customer CreateCustomer(Customer entity) { if (entity != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.CustomerID)) { entity.CustomerID = entity.CompanyName.Substring(0, 5).ToUpper(); } Uow.CustomerRepository.Add(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); return(entity); }
public Region UpdateRegion(Region value) { var entity = Uow.RegionRepository.Get(value); if (entity != null) { entity.RegionDescription = value.RegionDescription; Uow.RegionRepository.Update(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); } return(entity); }
public Shipper UpdateShipper(Shipper value) { var entity = Uow.ShipperRepository.Get(value); if (entity != null) { entity.CompanyName = value.CompanyName; entity.Phone = value.Phone; Uow.ShipperRepository.Update(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); } return(entity); }
public void When_saving_an_existing_customer_new_Contract_should_NOT_be_added() { // Arrange var customer = new Customer(Uow); Uow.CommitChanges(); // Act var anotherUow = GetUow(); var existingCustomer = anotherUow.GetObjectByKey <Customer>(customer.ID); existingCustomer.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1983, 1, 1); anotherUow.CommitChanges(); // Assert GetReloaded(GetOne <Customer>(c => c.ID == customer.ID)).Contracts.Count.ShouldBe(1); }
public Category UpdateCategory(Category value) { var entity = Uow.CategoryRepository.Get(value); if (entity != null) { entity.CategoryName = value.CategoryName; entity.Description = value.Description; entity.Picture = value.Picture; Uow.CategoryRepository.Update(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); } return(entity); }
public void When_GetSingleServiceRateDiscountResult_and_discount_does_NOT_exist() { const int defaultRate = 15; // Arrange var customer = new Customer(Uow) { DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1990, 1, 1) }; var serviceType = new ServiceType(Uow) { DefaultRate = defaultRate }; Uow.CommitChanges(); // Act & Assert GetSingleServiceRateDiscountResult(Uow, serviceType, customer).IsFailure.ShouldBeTrue(); }
public Product UpdateProduct(Product value) { var entity = Uow.ProductRepository.Get(value); if (entity != null) { entity.ProductName = value.ProductName; entity.SupplierID = value.SupplierID; entity.CategoryID = value.CategoryID; entity.QuantityPerUnit = value.QuantityPerUnit; entity.UnitPrice = value.UnitPrice; Uow.ProductRepository.Update(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); } return(entity); }
public Shipper DeleteShipper(Shipper value) { var entity = Uow.ShipperRepository.Get(value); if (entity != null) { var relatedOrders = GetOrdersByShipVia(entity.ShipperID); if (relatedOrders.Count() > 0) { throw new ForeignKeyDependencyException(String.Format("Unable to delete shipper with id: '{0}', because has orders associated.", entity.ShipperID)); } Uow.ShipperRepository.Remove(entity); Uow.CommitChanges(); } return(entity); }
private void tileDocument_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { try { string[] FileList = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, false); Model.Internal.Document.Document document = new Model.Internal.Document.Document(Uow); foreach (string file in FileList) { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(file)) { document.ReadFile(file); document.Name = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); document.DocTypeDisplay = Enumeration.Document.DocumentType.Document; TIS.Model.Internal.Document.DocNode newNode = new TIS.Model.Internal.Document.DocNode(Uow); newNode.Document = document; newNode.ParentDocNode = _selectedNode; newNode.Name = document.Name; //newNode.DocTreeDisplay = _docTree; newNode.ImageIndex = -1; DocumentFile df = new DocumentFile(iclExtraLarge, document.Name); df.ShowDialog(this); if (df.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { newNode.ImageIndex = df.Index >= iclExtraLarge.Images.Count ? -1 : df.Index; newNode.Name = df.DocName; Uow.CommitChanges(); } //this.Uow = new UnitOfWork(); } } SelectNode(_selectedNode); } catch (Exception exception1) { System.Exception thisException = exception1; Management.ShowException(thisException); } }
public void When_GetSingleServiceRateDiscountResult_and_discount_DOES_exist_it_should_return_it() { const int defaultRate = 15; const int adjustedRate = 10; // Arrange var customer = new Customer(Uow) { DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1990, 1, 1) }; var serviceType = new ServiceType(Uow) { DefaultRate = defaultRate }; var serviceRateDiscount = new ServiceRateDiscount(Uow) { ServiceType = serviceType, Customer = customer, AdjustedRate = adjustedRate }; Uow.CommitChanges(); // Act & Assert GetSingleServiceRateDiscountResult(Uow, serviceType, customer).Value.ShouldBe(serviceRateDiscount); }