public void Delete(int id) { using (UoW) { var error = UoW.Errors.Get(id); if (error == null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("Error with id {0} not found", id), HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } if (error.Solution != null) { if (error.Solution.Attachments.Count > 0) { foreach (var attachment in error.Solution.Attachments) { System.IO.File.Delete(Path.Combine(_solutionAttachService.root, attachment.FileName)); } UoW.SolutionAttachments.RemoveRange(error.Solution.Attachments); } UoW.Solutions.Remove(error.Solution); } if (error.Attachments.Count > 0) { foreach (var attachment in error.Attachments) { System.IO.File.Delete(Path.Combine(_errorAttachService.root, attachment.FileName)); } UoW.ErrorAttachments.RemoveRange(error.Attachments); } UoW.Errors.Remove(error); UoW.Complete(); } }
public AssigneeUpdateDTO UpdateAssignee(int id, AssigneeUpdateDTO assignee) { using (UoW) { var error = UoW.Errors.Get(id); if (error == null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("Error with id {0} not found", id), HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } if (assignee.EmailAssignee != null) { var newAssignee = UoW.Users.GetByEmail(assignee.EmailAssignee); if (newAssignee == null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("Error assignee with email {0} not found", assignee.EmailAssignee), HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } error.Assignee = newAssignee; } if (assignee.EmailAssignee == null) { error.AssigneeId = null; error.Assignee = null; } UoW.Complete(); return(assignee); } }
public ErrorDTO Add(int projectId, ErrorDTO errorDto) { using (UoW) { var error = Mapper.Map <Error>(errorDto); var project = UoW.Projects.Get(projectId); if (project == null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("Project with id {0} not found", projectId), HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } if (errorDto.EmailAssignee != null) { var assignee = UoW.Users.GetByEmail(errorDto.EmailAssignee); if (assignee == null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("Error assignee with email {0} not found", errorDto.EmailAssignee), HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } error.Assignee = assignee; } else { error.Assignee = null; } error.Project = project; error.Author = CurrentUser; UoW.Errors.Add(error); UoW.Complete(); return(Mapper.Map <ErrorDTO>(error)); } }
public PortalDTO Create(PortalDTO portalDto) { using (UoW) { AppUser userExists = UoW.Users.GetByEmail(portalDto.Owner.Email); if (userExists != null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("User with email {0} already exists", portalDto.Owner.Email), HttpStatusCode.Conflict); } if (UoW.Portals.Find(prl => prl.Title == portalDto.Title).Count <Portal>() > 0) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("Portal with name {0} already exists", portalDto.Title), HttpStatusCode.Conflict); } //AppUser user = Mapper.Map<AppUser>(portalDto.Owner); var user = new AppUser() { Email = portalDto.Owner.Email, UserName = portalDto.Owner.Email }; UoW.Users.Add(user, portalDto.Owner.Password, portalDto.Owner.RoleName); Portal portal = new Portal() { Id = user.Id, Title = portalDto.Title }; UoW.Portals.Add(portal); UoW.Complete(); return(Mapper.Map <PortalDTO>(portal)); } }
public string ConfirmAttachmentUser(ConfirmAttachmentUserDTO confirmUserDto) { using (UoW) { Guid id; string portalName = ""; if (!Guid.TryParse(confirmUserDto.guid, out id)) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("Guid {0} is invalid", confirmUserDto.guid), HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } var awaitAttach = UoW.AwaitingAttachmentUsers.Get(id); if (awaitAttach == null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("AwaitingAttachmentUser row with guid {0} not found", confirmUserDto.guid), HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } var attachUser = new AttachUserDTO() { Email = awaitAttach.Email, RoleName = awaitAttach.Role.Name, ProjectId = awaitAttach.ProjectId }; var user = new AppUser() { Email = attachUser.Email, UserName = attachUser.Email }; UoW.Users.Add(user, confirmUserDto.Password, attachUser.RoleName); //portalName = user.Portal.Title; UoW.Complete(); AttachUserToProject(attachUser); UoW.AwaitingAttachmentUsers.Remove(awaitAttach); UoW.Complete(); return(portalName); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Update(Purchase purchase) { UoW.Purchases.Update(purchase); await UoW.Complete(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public void UnattachUser(UnattachUserDTO unattachUserDto) { using (UoW) { Project project = UoW.Projects.Get(unattachUserDto.ProjectId); if (project == null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("Project with id {0} not found", unattachUserDto.ProjectId), HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } AppUser user = UoW.Users.GetByEmail(unattachUserDto.Email); if (user == null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("User with email {0} not found", unattachUserDto.Email), HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } var userProject = UoW.UserProjects.Find(up => up.ProjectId == project.Id && up.WorkerId == user.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (userProject == null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("User with email {0} not attached to project {1}", unattachUserDto.Email, project.Title), HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } UoW.UserProjects.Remove(userProject); var errors = project.Errors.Where(e => e.AuthorId == user.Id); foreach (var error in errors) { error.Assignee = null; error.AssigneeId = null; } UoW.Complete(); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Update(Branch branch) { UoW.Branches.Update(branch); await UoW.Complete(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Update(Customer customer) { UoW.Customers.Update(customer); await UoW.Complete(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> AddOrEditProduct(Product product) { if (product.ImageUpload != null) { string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(product.ImageUpload.FileName); string ext = Path.GetExtension(product.ImageUpload.FileName); string swap_fileName = fileName; fileName = product.Name.Trim(); fileName = fileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmssfff") + ext; product.ImagePath = "~/AppFiles/ProductImages/" + fileName; product.ImageUpload.SaveAs(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/AppFiles/ProductImages/"), fileName)); } if (product.ProdID != 0) { UoW.Products.Update(product); } else { UoW.Products.Add(product); } await UoW.Complete(); return(RedirectToAction("ViewProducts")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Update(Production production) { UoW.Productions.Update(production); await UoW.Complete(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ErrorSolutionDTO Add(int errorId, ErrorSolutionDTO sln) { using (UoW) { var error = UoW.Errors.Get(errorId); if (error == null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("Error with id {0} not found", errorId), HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } if (error.Solution != null) { Delete(error.Solution.Id); } error.Status = sln.ErrorStatus; var solution = new ErrorSolution() { Error = error, Description = sln.Description, RecievingDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Author = CurrentUser }; UoW.Solutions.Add(solution); UoW.Complete(); return(Mapper.Map <ErrorSolutionDTO>(solution)); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Update(Division division) { UoW.Divisions.Update(division); await UoW.Complete(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteProduct(int id) { Product product = await UoW.Products.GetAsync(id); UoW.Products.Remove(product); await UoW.Complete(); return(RedirectToAction("ViewProducts")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(int id) { var location = await UoW.Locations.GetAsync(id); UoW.Locations.Remove(location); await UoW.Complete(); return(RedirectToAction("ViewLocations")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(int id) { Category category = await UoW.Categories.GetAsync(id); UoW.Categories.Remove(category); await UoW.Complete(); return(RedirectToAction("ViewCategories")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteMany(IEnumerable <Purchase> purchases) { if (purchases != null) { UoW.Purchases.RemoveRange(purchases); await UoW.Complete(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteMany(IEnumerable <Production> productions) { if (productions != null) { UoW.Productions.RemoveRange(productions); await UoW.Complete(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteMany(IEnumerable <InventoryItem> stocks) { if (stocks != null) { UoW.Stocks.RemoveRange(stocks); await UoW.Complete(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteMany(IEnumerable<SalesInvoice> invoices) { if (invoices != null) { UoW.SalesInvoices.RemoveRange(invoices); await UoW.Complete(); } return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteMany(IEnumerable <Supplier> suppliers) { if (suppliers != null) { UoW.Suppliers.RemoveRange(suppliers); await UoW.Complete(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(int id) { var group = await UoW.Groups.GetAsync(id); if (group != null) { UoW.Groups.Remove(group); await UoW.Complete(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public UserDTO UpdateAttachedUser(AttachUserDTO updateUserDto) { using (UoW) { var user = UoW.Users.GetByEmail(updateUserDto.Email); var role = UoW.Roles.GetByName(updateUserDto.RoleName); var userProject = UoW.UserProjects.Find(up => up.ProjectId == updateUserDto.ProjectId && up.WorkerId == user.Id).FirstOrDefault(); userProject.Role = role; UoW.Complete(); return(Mapper.Map <UserDTO>(userProject)); } }
public async Task<ActionResult> Delete(int id) { var invoice = await UoW.SalesInvoices.GetAsync(id); if (invoice != null) { var items = await UoW.Ingredients.GetItems(id); UoW.SalesInvoices.Remove(invoice); UoW.Ingredients.RemoveRange(items); await UoW.Complete(); } return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(int id) { var stock = await UoW.Stocks.GetAsync(id); if (stock != null) { UoW.Stocks.Remove(stock); await UoW.Complete(); // return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteSupplier(int id) { var supplier = await UoW.Suppliers.GetAsync(id); if (supplier != null) { UoW.Suppliers.Remove(supplier); await UoW.Complete(); // return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(int id) { var branch = await UoW.Branches.GetAsync(id); if (branch != null) { UoW.Branches.Remove(branch); await UoW.Complete(); // return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public void Delete(int id) { using (UoW) { Project project = UoW.Projects.Get(id); if (project == null) { throw new ApplicationOperationException(string.Format("Project with id {0} not found", id), HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } UoW.Projects.Remove(project); UoW.Complete(); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> AddMultiple(IEnumerable <Supplier> suppliers) { if (suppliers != null) { UoW.Suppliers.AddRange(suppliers); await UoW.Complete(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create(Branch branch) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } else { UoW.Branches.Add(branch); await UoW.Complete(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }