 public Delegate GenerateDecoder(Type type, Func <Type, Delegate> recurse)
     return(new Func <DecodeBuffer, UInt16>(input =>
         return (UInt16)UnsignedVlq.Decode(input);
        public Delegate GenerateDecoder(Type type, Func <Type, Delegate> recurse)
            // Get deserializer for sub items
            var valueDecoder = recurse(type.GenericTypeArguments[0]);

            return(new Func <DecodeBuffer, IList>(input =>
                // Read header
                var header = UnsignedVlq.Decode(input);

                // Handle nulls
                if (header == 0)
                    return null;

                // Determine length
                var count = (Int32)header - 1;

                // Instantiate list
                var output = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(type); //typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(type.GenericTypeArguments)

                // Deserialize until we reach length limit
                for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    // Deserialize element
                    var element = valueDecoder.DynamicInvokeTransparent(input);

                    // Add to output

                return output;
        public override Object Decode(DecodeBuffer input)
            var v = UnsignedVlq.Decode(input);

            if (IsNullable)
                if (v == 0)
            v *= Increment;
            v += Minimum;

            return(Convert.ChangeType(v, UnderlyingType));
        public override Object Decode(DecodeBuffer input)
            // Decode header
            var header = UnsignedVlq.Decode(input);

            // Handle nulls
            if (IsNullable)
                if (header == 0)

            // Decode value
            return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(input.Underlying, input.GetIncrementOffset((Int32)header), (Int32)header));
        public Delegate GenerateDecoder(Type type, Func <Type, Delegate> recurse)
            return(new Func <DecodeBuffer, String>(input =>
                // Decode header
                var header = UnsignedVlq.Decode(input);

                // Handle nulls
                if (header == 0)
                    return null;

                // Determine length
                var length = (Int32)header - 1;

                // Decode value
                return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(input.Underlying, input.GetIncrementOffset(length), length);
        public override Object Decode(DecodeBuffer input)
            if (null == Records)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Coder has not yet been prepared.");

            // Read the length header
            var header = (Int32)UnsignedVlq.Decode(input);

            // Handle nulls
            if (IsNullable)
                if (header == 0)

            // Instantiate output
            var output = Activator.CreateInstance(UnderlyingType);

            // Extract an inner buffer so that if fields are added to the class in the future we ignore them, being backwards compatible
            var innerInput = input.Extract(header);

            // Isolate bytes for body
            foreach (var record in Records)
                // Deserialize value
                var v = record.Coder.Decode(innerInput);

                // Set it on property
                record.Field.SetValue(output, v);

        public Delegate GenerateDecoder(Type type, Func <Type, Delegate> recurse)
            // Get deserializer for sub items
            var keyDecoder   = recurse(type.GenericTypeArguments[0]);
            var valueDecoder = recurse(type.GenericTypeArguments[1]);

            return(new Func <DecodeBuffer, IDictionary>(input =>
                // Read header
                var header = UnsignedVlq.Decode(input);

                if (header == 0)
                    return null;

                // Get count
                var count = (Int32)header - 1;

                // Instantiate dictionary
                var output = (IDictionary)Activator.CreateInstance(type);

                // Loop through input buffer until depleted
                for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    // Deserialize key
                    var keyValue = keyDecoder.DynamicInvokeTransparent(input);

                    // Deserialize value
                    var valueValue = valueDecoder.DynamicInvokeTransparent(input);

                    // Add to output
                    output[keyValue] = valueValue;

                return output;
        public Delegate GenerateDecoder(Type type, Func <Type, Delegate> recurse)
            // Get deserializer for sub items
            var valueDecoder = recurse(type.GetElementType());

            return(new Func <DecodeBuffer, Array>(input =>
                var header = UnsignedVlq.Decode(input);

                if (header == 0)
                    return null;

                // Determine length
                var length = (Int32)header - 1;

                // Instantiate list
                var container = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(type.GetElementType()));

                // Deserialize until we reach length limit
                for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    // Deserialize element
                    var element = valueDecoder.DynamicInvokeTransparent(input);

                    // Add to output

                // Convert to array and return
                var output = Array.CreateInstance(type.GetElementType(), container.Count);
                container.CopyTo(output, 0);

                return output;
        public Delegate GenerateDecoder(Type type, Func <Type, Delegate> recurse)
            var records = new Record[Byte.MaxValue];

            // Find all properties decorated with LightWeightProperty attribute

            var maxIndex = -1;

            foreach (var property in type.GetRuntimeFields())
                // Get property attribute which tells us the properties' index
                var attribute = (LightWeightPropertyAttribute)property.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(LightWeightPropertyAttribute), false);
                if (null == attribute)
                    // No attribute found, skip

                // Check for duplicate index
                if (null != records[attribute.Index])
                    throw new DuplicateIndexException($"The index {attribute.Index} is already used and cannot be reused.");

                // Note the max index used
                if (attribute.Index > maxIndex)
                    maxIndex = attribute.Index;

                // Find/create encoder
                var decoder = recurse(property.FieldType);

                // Find floor, if any
                var transformations = property.GetCustomAttributes <TransformationAttribute>(true).ToArray();

                // Store property in lookup
                records[attribute.Index] = new Record()
                    Field           = property,
                    Coder           = decoder,
                    Transformations = transformations

            // Check that no indexes have been missed
            for (var i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++)
                if (null == records[i])
                    throw new MissingIndexException($"Indexes must not be skipped, however missing index {i}.");

            return(new Func <DecodeBuffer, Object>(input =>
                // Read the length header
                var header = (Int32)UnsignedVlq.Decode(input);

                // Handle nulls
                if (header == 0)
                    return null;

                // Determine length
                var length = header - 1;

                // Instantiate output
                var output = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

                // Extract an inner buffer so that if fields are added to the class in the future we ignore them, being backwards compatible
                var innerInput = input.Extract(length);

                // Isolate bytes for body
                for (var i = 0; i <= maxIndex; i++)
                    var record = records[i];

                    // Deserialize value
                    var v = record.Coder.DynamicInvokeTransparent(innerInput);

                    // Apply transformations
                    foreach (var transformation in record.Transformations)
                        v = transformation.RemoveEffect(v);

                    // Set it on property
                    record.Field.SetValue(output, v);

                return output;