        OggVorbis_File ogg;             // OggVorbis file

        public unsafe virtual void Decode(SoundSample sample, int sampleOffset44k, int sampleCount44k, float *dest)
            if (sample.objectInfo.wFormatTag != lastFormat || sample != lastSample)

            lastDecodeTime = soundSystemLocal.CurrentSoundTime;

            if (failed)
                UnsafeX.InitBlock(dest, 0, sampleCount44k * sizeof(float)); return;

            // samples can be decoded both from the sound thread and the main thread for shakes
            var readSamples44k = sample.objectInfo.wFormatTag switch
                WAVE_FORMAT_TAG.PCM => DecodePCM(sample, sampleOffset44k, sampleCount44k, dest),
                WAVE_FORMAT_TAG.OGG => DecodeOGG(sample, sampleOffset44k, sampleCount44k, dest),
                _ => 0,


            if (readSamples44k < sampleCount44k)
                UnsafeX.InitBlock(dest + readSamples44k, 0, (sampleCount44k - readSamples44k) * sizeof(float));
        public unsafe override void InitFromFile(string fileName)
            int i, j;

            name = fileName;

            var size = fileSystem.ReadFile(fileName, out var buffer, out var _);

            if (size <= 0)

            var pinmodel = UnsafeX.ReadTSize <Md3Header>(Md3Header.SizeOf, buffer);
            var version  = LittleInt(pinmodel.version);

            if (version != ModelXMd3.MD3_VERSION)
                fileSystem.FreeFile(buffer); common.Warning($"InitFromFile: {fileName} has wrong version ({version} should be {ModelXMd3.MD3_VERSION})"); return;

            size      = LittleInt(pinmodel.ofsEnd);
            dataSize += size;

            md3 = UnsafeX.ReadTSize <Md3Header>(size, buffer);
            LittleInt(ref md3.ident);
            LittleInt(ref md3.version);
            LittleInt(ref md3.numFrames);
            LittleInt(ref md3.numTags);
            LittleInt(ref md3.numSurfaces);
            LittleInt(ref md3.ofsFrames);
            LittleInt(ref md3.ofsTags);
            LittleInt(ref md3.ofsSurfaces);
            LittleInt(ref md3.ofsEnd);

            if (md3.numFrames < 1)
                common.Warning($"InitFromFile: {fileName} has no frames"); fileSystem.FreeFile(buffer); return;

            // swap all the frames
            pinmodel.frames = UnsafeX.ReadTArray <Md3Frame>(buffer, pinmodel.ofsFrames, pinmodel.numFrames);
            for (i = 0; i < pinmodel.frames.Length; i++)
                ref Md3Frame frame = ref pinmodel.frames[i];
                LittleFloat(ref frame.radius);
                LittleVector3(ref frame.bounds[0]);
                LittleVector3(ref frame.bounds[1]);
                LittleVector3(ref frame.localOrigin);
        // Will always return 44kHz samples for the given range, even if it deeply looped or out of the range of the unlooped samples.  Handles looping between multiple different
        // samples and leadins
        public unsafe void GatherChannelSamples(int sampleOffset44k, int sampleCount44k, float *dest)
            int len;

            //Sys_DebugPrintf( "msec:%i sample:%i : %i : %i\n", Sys_Milliseconds(), soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime(), sampleOffset44k, sampleCount44k );	//!@#
            var destF = dest;
                var dest_p = destF;
                // negative offset times will just zero fill
                if (sampleOffset44k < 0)
                    len = -sampleOffset44k;
                    if (len > sampleCount44k)
                        len = sampleCount44k;
                    UnsafeX.InitBlock(dest_p, 0, len * sizeof(float));
                    dest_p          += len;
                    sampleCount44k  -= len;
                    sampleOffset44k += len;

                // grab part of the leadin sample
                var leadin = leadinSample;
                if (leadin == null || sampleOffset44k < 0 || sampleCount44k <= 0)
                    UnsafeX.InitBlock(dest_p, 0, sampleCount44k * sizeof(float)); return;

                if (sampleOffset44k < leadin.LengthIn44kHzSamples)
                    len = leadin.LengthIn44kHzSamples - sampleOffset44k;
                    if (len > sampleCount44k)
                        len = sampleCount44k;

                    // decode the sample
                    decoder.Decode(leadin, sampleOffset44k, len, dest_p);

                    dest_p          += len;
                    sampleCount44k  -= len;
                    sampleOffset44k += len;

                // if not looping, zero fill any remaining spots
                if (soundShader == null || (parms.soundShaderFlags & ISoundSystem.SSF_LOOPING) == 0)
                    UnsafeX.InitBlock(dest_p, 0, sampleCount44k * sizeof(float)); return;

                // fill the remainder with looped samples
                var loop = soundShader.entries[0];
                if (loop != null)
                    UnsafeX.InitBlock(dest_p, 0, sampleCount44k * sizeof(float)); return;

                sampleOffset44k -= leadin.LengthIn44kHzSamples;
                while (sampleCount44k > 0)
                    var totalLen = loop.LengthIn44kHzSamples;
                    sampleOffset44k %= totalLen;

                    len = totalLen - sampleOffset44k;
                    if (len > sampleCount44k)
                        len = sampleCount44k;

                    // decode the sample
                    decoder.Decode(loop, sampleOffset44k, len, dest_p);

                    dest_p          += len;
                    sampleCount44k  -= len;
                    sampleOffset44k += len;