        /// <summary>
        /// for more on registering, see https://developers.google.com/cloud-print/docs/devguide#registering
        /// Java code for registering - https://github.com/jittagornp/GoogleCloudPrint
        /// PHP code for registering -
        /// Example of what should go in capabilites parameter? - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12724201/google-cloud-print-how-to-submit-valid-capabilities
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pReg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public UnregisteredCloudPrinter RegisterPrinter(UnregisteredCloudPrinter pReg)
            // call the register method and fill the parameter p above with the data
            // since CloudPrinter, at this time, does not have fields for a message, we'll return
            // debuging stuff in exiting fields
            // TODO consider a new class inheriting from CloudPrinter to contain messages

                var p = new PostData();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pReg.capabilities))
                    pReg.capabilities = "{\"capabilities\":[{}]}";

                p.Parameters.Add(new PostDataParam {
                    Name = "name", Value = pReg.name, Type = PostDataParamType.Field
                p.Parameters.Add(new PostDataParam {
                    Name = "default_display_name", Value = pReg.default_display_name, Type = PostDataParamType.Field
                p.Parameters.Add(new PostDataParam {
                    Name = "tag", Value = pReg.tag, Type = PostDataParamType.Field
                p.Parameters.Add(new PostDataParam {
                    Name = "proxy", Value = pReg.proxy, Type = PostDataParamType.Field
                //p.Parameters.Add(new PostDataParam { Name = "capabilities", Value = pReg.capabilities, Type = PostDataParamType.Field });
                p.Parameters.Add(new PostDataParam {
                    Name = "capabilities", Value = "{\"capabilities\":[{}]}", Type = PostDataParamType.Field

                pReg = GCPServiceCall <UnregisteredCloudPrinter>("register", p);
            catch (Exception ex)
                pReg.name        = ex.Message;
                pReg.id          = "failure";
                pReg.description = ex.StackTrace;
            // we could get actual response to inspect the success parameter
            // but it's a failure if object is null
            if (pReg.id == null)
                pReg.id          = "failure";
                pReg.name        = string.Empty;
                pReg.description = string.Empty;

        public UnregisteredCloudPrinter UpdatePrinter(UnregisteredCloudPrinter pReg)
            // call the update method to change name and display name of printer
            // since CloudPrinter, at this time, does not have fields for a message, we'll return
            // debuging stuff in exiting fields
            // TODO consider a new class inheting from (un reg)CloudPrinter to contain messages

                var p = new PostData();

                //p.Parameters.Add(new PostDataParam { Name = "name", Value = pReg.name, Type = PostDataParamType.Field });
                p.Parameters.Add(new PostDataParam {
                    Name = "default_display_name", Value = pReg.default_display_name, Type = PostDataParamType.Field
                p.Parameters.Add(new PostDataParam {
                    Name = "printerid", Value = pReg.id, Type = PostDataParamType.Field

                pReg = GCPServiceCall <UnregisteredCloudPrinter>("update", p);
            catch (Exception ex)
                pReg.name        = ex.Message;
                pReg.id          = "failure";
                pReg.description = ex.StackTrace;
            // we could get actual response to inspect the success parameter
            // but it's a failure if object is null
            if (pReg.id == null)
                pReg.id          = "failure";
                pReg.name        = string.Empty;
                pReg.description = string.Empty;
