private static Bitmap GetPicture(UnoColor c, UnoCardType t) { float cardWidth = 4096 / 10f; float cardHeight = 4096 / 7f; int CutOutWidth = (int)cardWidth + 29; int CutOutHeight = (int)cardHeight + 40; if (IsNumber(t)) { int X = (int)(cardWidth * (ToNumber(t) - 1)); int YNumber = c == ? 0 : (c == UnoColor.yellow ? 1 : (c == ? 2 : (c == ? 3 : -1))); int Y = (int)(cardHeight * YNumber); return(CardsTexture.CropImage(new Rectangle(X, Y, CutOutWidth, CutOutHeight), false)); } else { if (t == UnoCardType.changecolor) { return(CardsTexture.CropImage(new Rectangle((int)(9 * cardWidth), (int)(0 * cardHeight), CutOutWidth, CutOutHeight), false)); } else if (t == UnoCardType.plus4) { return(CardsTexture.CropImage(new Rectangle((int)(9 * cardWidth), (int)(2 * cardHeight), CutOutWidth, CutOutHeight), false)); } else if (t == UnoCardType.skip) { int XNumber = c == ? 0 : (c == UnoColor.yellow ? 1 : (c == ? 2 : (c == ? 3 : -1))); return(CardsTexture.CropImage(new Rectangle((int)(XNumber * cardWidth), (int)(4 * cardHeight), CutOutWidth, CutOutHeight), false)); } else if (t == UnoCardType.plus2) { int XNumber = 4 + (c == ? 0 : (c == UnoColor.yellow ? 1 : (c == ? 2 : (c == ? 3 : -1)))); return(CardsTexture.CropImage(new Rectangle((int)(XNumber * cardWidth), (int)(4 * cardHeight), CutOutWidth, CutOutHeight), false)); } else if (t == UnoCardType.reverse) { if (c == { return(CardsTexture.CropImage(new Rectangle((int)(8 * cardWidth), (int)(4 * cardHeight), CutOutWidth, CutOutHeight), false)); } else if (c == UnoColor.yellow) { return(CardsTexture.CropImage(new Rectangle((int)(9 * cardWidth), (int)(4 * cardHeight), CutOutWidth, CutOutHeight), false)); } else if (c == { return(CardsTexture.CropImage(new Rectangle((int)(0 * cardWidth), (int)(5 * cardHeight), CutOutWidth, CutOutHeight), false)); } else if (c == { return(CardsTexture.CropImage(new Rectangle((int)(1 * cardWidth), (int)(5 * cardHeight), CutOutWidth, CutOutHeight), false)); } } } return(null); }
public void PutCardOnTopOfStack(UnoCardType t, UnoColor c, ulong PlayerID, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { if (PlayerID != TurnPlayerID()) { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("It's not your turn :thinking:", channel).Wait(); return; } UnoCard newCard = UnoCards.FirstOrDefault(x => (HasColor(t) ? x.Color == c : x.Color == UnoColor.none) && x.Type == t); Tuple <SocketUser, List <UnoCard> > player = Players.Find(x => x.Item1.Id == PlayerID); if (!player.Item2.Exists(x => x.Type == t && x.Color == c)) { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You don't even have that card :thinking:", channel).Wait(); return; } if (newCard != null) { if (CanPutCardOnTopOfStack(newCard)) { player.Item2.Remove(newCard); SendDeck(player); DrawCardOnStack(newCard); TopStackCard = newCard; CurColor = c; if (newCard.Type == UnoCardType.reverse) { ReversedTurns = !ReversedTurns; } NextPlayer(); if (newCard.Type == UnoCardType.skip) { NextPlayer(); } if (newCard.Type == UnoCardType.plus2) { DrawCards(2, Players[curPlayerIndex]); } if (newCard.Type == UnoCardType.plus4) { DrawCards(4, Players[curPlayerIndex]); } } else { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You can't put that card on top of the stack :thinking:", channel).Wait(); } } else { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("Oi that card doesn't exist!", channel).Wait(); } }
static int ToNumber(UnoCardType t) { if (IsNumber(t)) { if (t == { return(1); } else if (t == UnoCardType.two) { return(2); } else if (t == UnoCardType.three) { return(3); } else if (t == UnoCardType.four) { return(4); } else if (t == UnoCardType.five) { return(5); } else if (t == UnoCardType.six) { return(6); } else if (t == { return(7); } else if (t == UnoCardType.eight) { return(8); } else if (t == UnoCardType.nine) { return(9); } else { return(-1); } } else { return(-1); } }
public UnoCard(UnoCardColor Color, UnoCardType Type) { this.Color = Color; this.Type = Type; }
public UnoCard(UnoCardType cardType) { CardType = cardType; }
public UnoCard(UnoCardType cardType, UnoCardSuit cardSuit) { CardType = cardType; CardSuit = cardSuit; }
public override void Execute(IMessage messageIn) { if (!(messageIn is SocketMessage)) { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("This command only works on discord", messageIn.Channel).Wait(); return; } var message = messageIn as SocketMessage; string[] split = message.Content.Split(' '); if (split.Contains("new")) { UnoGame newGame = new UnoGame(message.MentionedUsers.Distinct().Append(message.Author).ToList()); if (newGame.Players.Count < 2) { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You need more players to play Uno!", message.Channel).Wait(); return; } if (newGame.Players.Exists(x => x.Item1.IsBot)) { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("Bots can't play Uno!", message.Channel).Wait(); return; } if (UnoGames.Exists(x => x.Players.Exists(y => y.Item1.Id == message.Author.Id))) { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You are already in a uno game!", message.Channel).Wait(); return; } UnoGames.Add(newGame); newGame.Send(message.Channel); foreach (Tuple <SocketUser, List <UnoCard> > player in newGame.Players) { newGame.SendDeck(player); } } else if (split.Contains("print_cards") && message.Author.Id == Program.Master.Id) // Size = {Width = 434 Height = 621} { foreach (UnoCard c in UnoCards) { DiscordNETWrapper.SendBitmap(c.Picture, message.Channel, c.Type.ToString() + " " + c.Color.ToString()).Wait(); } } else if (split.Contains("print")) { UnoGame game = UnoGames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Players.Exists(y => y.Item1.Id == message.Author.Id)); if (game != null) { game.Send(message.Channel); } else { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You are not in a game :thinking:", message.Channel).Wait(); } } else if (split.Length >= 2 && split[1] == "draw") { UnoGame game = UnoGames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Players.Exists(y => y.Item1.Id == message.Author.Id)); if (game.TurnPlayerID() != message.Author.Id) { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("It's not your turn :thinking:", message.Channel).Wait(); return; } if (game != null) { game.DrawCards(1, message.Author.Id); } else { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You are not in a game :thinking:", message.Channel).Wait(); return; } } else if (split.Length >= 2 && split[1] == "cancel") { UnoGame game = UnoGames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Players.Exists(y => y.Item1.Id == message.Author.Id)); DiscordNETWrapper.SendText($"`{message.Author.Username}` canceled the match! :cold_sweat: :scream: :dizzy_face: :skull_crossbones: ", message.Channel).Wait(); UnoGames.Remove(game); } else if (split.Length >= 4 && split[1] == "move") { UnoGame game = UnoGames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Players.Exists(y => y.Item1.Id == message.Author.Id)); if (game == null) { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText("You are not in a game :thinking:", message.Channel).Wait(); return; } UnoCardType t =; UnoColor c = UnoColor.none; Enum.TryParse(split[2].ToLower(), out t); Enum.TryParse(split[3].ToLower(), out c); if (split[2].Length > 0 && char.IsDigit(split[2][0])) { t = ToUnoType(Convert.ToInt32(split[2])); } game.PutCardOnTopOfStack(t, c, message.Author.Id, message.Channel); game.Send(message.Channel); Tuple <SocketUser, List <UnoCard> > winner = game.Players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item2.Count == 0); if (winner != null) { DiscordNETWrapper.SendText($"`{winner.Item1.Username}` won! :trophy: :tada: ", message.Channel).Wait(); UnoGames.Remove(game); } } else { DiscordNETWrapper.SendEmbed(HelpMenu, message.Channel).Wait(); } return; }
static bool IsNumber(UnoCardType t) { return(t != UnoCardType.changecolor && t != UnoCardType.plus4 && t != UnoCardType.skip && t != UnoCardType.reverse && t != UnoCardType.plus2); }
static bool HasColor(UnoCardType t) { return(t != UnoCardType.changecolor && t != UnoCardType.plus4); }
public UnoCard(UnoColor Color, UnoCardType Type) { this.Color = Color; this.Type = Type; this.Picture = GetPicture(Color, Type); }