public void StartGame() { // Apply the configuration settings. UnityWorker.ApplyConfiguration(Configuration); // UnityWorker.TemplateProvider = <custom template provider>; // UnityWorker.AssetsToPrePool = <list of assets to prepool>; // UnityWorker.AssetsToPrecache = <list of assets to precache>; switch (UnityWorker.Configuration.EnginePlatform) { case EnginePlatform.FSim: // The UnitySDK no longer automatically exits upon disconnection. UnityWorker.OnDisconnected += reason => Application.Quit(); // The UnitySDK no longer manages the framerate automatically. var targetFramerate = 120; var fixedFramerate = 20; // Please see for more information. Application.targetFrameRate = targetFramerate; // Please see for more information. Time.fixedDeltaTime = 1.0f / fixedFramerate; break; case EnginePlatform.Client: // UnityWorker.OnDisconnected += reason => <Return to main menu, etc.>; break; } // Start connecting to SpatialOS. UnityWorker.Connect(gameObject); }
public void Start() { UnityWorker.ApplyConfiguration(Configuration); switch (UnityWorker.Configuration.EnginePlatform) { case EnginePlatform.FSim: UnityWorker.OnDisconnected += reason => Application.Quit(); var targetFramerate = 120; var fixedFramerate = 20; Application.targetFrameRate = targetFramerate; Time.fixedDeltaTime = 1.0f / fixedFramerate; break; } UnityWorker.Connect(gameObject); }