        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // add menu to scene if it doesn't exist
            HeroKitObject targetObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetPrefabFromAssets(HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.gameoverMenu, true);
            bool          runThis      = (targetObject != null);

            if (runThis)

                // save the scene to load
                UnityObjectField objectData = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 0);
                targetObject.heroList.unityObjects.items[0] = objectData;

                // enable the canvas
                Canvas canvas = targetObject.GetHeroComponent <Canvas>("Canvas");
                canvas.enabled = true;

                // play event 0

            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)

        // execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // get the hero object where the parameters are stored
            HeroKitObject    targetObject = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueE(heroKitObject, 0, 1)[0];
            UnityObjectField objectData   = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2);
            string           scriptName   = (objectData.value != null) ? objectData.value.name : "";

            bool runThis = (targetObject != null && scriptName != "");

            if (runThis)
                ExecuteOnTarget(targetObject, scriptName);

            // debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "MonoScript: " + scriptName + "\n" +
                                      "Hero Kit Object: " + targetObject;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            // get values
            heroKitObject = hko;
            HeroKitObject[]  targetObject   = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueE(heroKitObject, 0, 4);
            UnityObjectField unityObject    = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 1);
            AudioClip        audioClip      = (unityObject.value != null) ? (AudioClip)unityObject.value : null;
            bool             fadeBGM        = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 2);
            bool             fadeBGS        = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 3);
            bool             changeSettings = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 5);
            bool             runThis        = (targetObject != null);

            // execute action for all objects in list
            for (int i = 0; runThis && i < targetObject.Length; i++)
                ExecuteOnTarget(targetObject[i], audioClip, fadeBGM, fadeBGS, changeSettings);

            // set up the long action
            eventID = heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock;
            heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[eventID].waiting = true;
            updateIsDone = false;

            // show debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "SE: " + audioClip;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            // get values
            heroKitObject = hko;
            HeroKitObject[]  targetObject   = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueE(heroKitObject, 0, 1);
            UnityObjectField unityObject    = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2);
            AudioClip        audioClip      = (unityObject.value != null) ? (AudioClip)unityObject.value : null;
            bool             changeSettings = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 3);
            bool             runThis        = (targetObject != null);

            // execute action for all objects in list
            for (int i = 0; runThis && i < targetObject.Length; i++)
                ExecuteOnTarget(targetObject[i], audioClip, changeSettings);

            // show debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "BGM: " + audioClip;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

 private void SetPortraitInfo(int portraitID,
                              int changePortrait, int portraitSprite, int flipImage,
                              int changeScale, int newScale, int changeXPos,
                              int newXPos, int changeYPos, int newYPos, int changeZPos, int newZPos)
     // get values for left portrait
     uiDialog.changePortrait[portraitID] = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, changePortrait);
     if (uiDialog.changePortrait[portraitID])
         UnityObjectField unityObject = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, portraitSprite);
         uiDialog.portraitSprite[portraitID] = (unityObject.value != null) ? (Sprite)unityObject.value : null;
         uiDialog.flipImage[portraitID]      = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, flipImage);
         uiDialog.changeScale[portraitID]    = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, changeScale);
         if (uiDialog.changeScale[portraitID])
             uiDialog.newScale[portraitID] = FloatFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, newScale) * 0.01f;
         uiDialog.changeXPos[portraitID] = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, changeXPos);
         if (uiDialog.changeXPos[portraitID])
             uiDialog.newXPos[portraitID] = FloatFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, newXPos);
         uiDialog.changeYPos[portraitID] = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, changeYPos);
         if (uiDialog.changeYPos[portraitID])
             uiDialog.newYPos[portraitID] = FloatFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, newYPos);
         uiDialog.changeZPos[portraitID] = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, changeZPos);
         if (uiDialog.changeZPos[portraitID])
             uiDialog.newZPos[portraitID] = DropDownListValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, newZPos);
        // execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // get the hero object where the parameters are stored
            HeroKitObject[]  targetObject = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueE(heroKitObject, 0, 1);
            UnityObjectField objectData   = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2);
            string           scriptName   = (objectData.value != null) ? objectData.value.name : "";
            bool             runThis      = (targetObject != null && scriptName != "");

            // execute action for all objects in list
            for (int i = 0; runThis && i < targetObject.Length; i++)
                ExecuteOnTarget(targetObject[i], scriptName);

            // debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "MonoScript: " + scriptName;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // get the hero object where the parameters are stored
            HeroKitObject[]  targetObject = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueE(heroKitObject, 0, 1);
            UnityObjectField objectData   = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2);
            string           scriptName   = (objectData.value != null) ? objectData.value.name : "";
            MethodInfo       method       = MethodValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 3);

            string[] debugInfo = new string[targetObject.Length];
            bool     runThis   = (targetObject != null && scriptName != "" && method != null);

            // execute action for all objects in list
            for (int i = 0; runThis && i < targetObject.Length; i++)
                debugInfo[i] = ExecuteOnTarget(targetObject[i], scriptName, method);

            // debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string strDebugInfo = (debugInfo != null && debugInfo.Length > 0) ? debugInfo[0] : "";
                string debugMessage = "MonoScript: " + scriptName + "\n" +
                                      "Method: " + method + "\n" +
                                      "Parameters: " + strDebugInfo;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // get object to play particles on
            HeroKitObject[]  targetObject    = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueE(heroKitObject, 0, 1);
            UnityObjectField unityObject     = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2);
            ParticleSystem   particlesPrefab = (unityObject.value != null) ? (ParticleSystem)unityObject.value : null;
            bool             changePosition  = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 3);
            bool             changeRotation  = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 10);

            wait = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 17);
            bool runThis = (targetObject != null && particlesPrefab != null);

            // execute action for all objects in list
            for (int i = 0; runThis && i < targetObject.Length; i++)
                ExecuteOnTarget(targetObject[i], particlesPrefab, changePosition, changeRotation);

            // set up the long action
            eventID = heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock;
            heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[eventID].waiting = wait;
            updateIsDone = false;

            // show debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "Particle System: " + particleObject;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        /// <summary>
        /// A list field for Unity Objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unityObjectField">The Unity Object field.</param>
        /// <param name="objectType">The type of unity object that can used in this field.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldWidth">The width of the field.</param>
        /// <returns>The unity object in the list field.</returns>
        public static Object UnityObjectListField(UnityObjectField unityObjectField, int objectType, int fieldWidth)
            int    height = 20;
            Object value  = unityObjectField.value;

            Object result = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(value, typeof(Object), false, GUILayout.Width(fieldWidth), GUILayout.Height(height));


        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            SceneObjectValueData objectData  = SceneObjectValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 0, 1, false);
            UnityObjectField     unityObject = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2);
            Sprite sprite = (unityObject.value != null) ? (Sprite)unityObject.value : null;
            Image  image  = null;

            // object is hero object
            if (objectData.heroKitObject != null)
                image = objectData.heroKitObject[0].GetHeroComponent <Image>("Image");

            // object is game object
            else if (objectData.gameObject != null)
                image = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <Image>("Image", false, objectData.gameObject[0]);

            if (image != null)
                image.sprite = sprite;

            // debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string strImage     = (image != null) ? image.gameObject.name : "";
                string strSprite    = (image != null && image.sprite != null) ? image.sprite.name : "";
                string debugMessage = "Game Object: " + strImage + "\n" +
                                      "Image: " + strSprite;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;
            UnityObjectField storeObjectHere = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueB(heroKitObject, 0);
            UnityObjectField getThisObject   = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 1);

            bool runThis = (storeObjectHere != null && getThisObject != null);

            if (runThis)
                UnityObjectFieldValue.SetValueB(heroKitObject, 0, getThisObject);

            // show debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "Unity Object: " + getThisObject;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            // get values
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // write messages?
            bool print = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 0);

            if (print)
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.writeMessage = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 1);
                if (HeroKitCommonRuntime.writeMessage)
                    float messageSpeed = SliderValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 2);
                    if (messageSpeed < 0)
                        messageSpeed = 0;
                    if (messageSpeed > 100)
                        messageSpeed = 100;

                    // 0=100, 100=0. Then change to 0 to 1.
                    float waitTime = (100 - messageSpeed) * 0.01f;

                    HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageWaitTime = waitTime;

            // change message alignment?
            bool changeAlignment = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 3);

            if (changeAlignment)
                int alignID = DropDownListValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 4);
                switch (alignID)
                case 1:
                    HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageAlignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;

                case 2:
                    HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageAlignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;

                case 3:
                    HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageAlignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight;

                case 4:
                    HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;

                case 5:
                    HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

                case 6:
                    HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;

                case 7:
                    HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageAlignment = TextAnchor.LowerLeft;

                case 8:
                    HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageAlignment = TextAnchor.LowerCenter;

                case 9:
                    HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageAlignment = TextAnchor.LowerRight;

            // change background alpha
            bool changeBackgroundAlpha = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 5);

            if (changeBackgroundAlpha)
                // get new alpha
                float alpha = SliderValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 6);

                // keep alpha between 0 - 100
                if (alpha > 100)
                    alpha = 100;
                else if (alpha < 0)
                    alpha = 0;

                // switch to 0 - 1 scale
                alpha *= .01f;

                // change alpha
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageBackgroundAlpha = alpha;
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.changeMessageBackgroundTransparency = true;

            // change background alpha
            bool changeButtonAlpha = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 19);

            if (changeButtonAlpha)
                // get new alpha
                float alpha = SliderValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 20);

                // keep alpha between 0 - 100
                if (alpha > 100)
                    alpha = 100;
                else if (alpha < 0)
                    alpha = 0;

                // switch to 0 - 1 scale
                alpha *= .01f;

                // change alpha
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageButtonAlpha = alpha;
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.changeMessageButtonTransparency = true;

            // change background image
            bool changeBackgroundImage = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 7);

            if (changeBackgroundImage)
                UnityObjectField unityObject = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 8);
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageBackgroundImage  = (unityObject.value != null) ? (Sprite)unityObject.value : null;
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.changeMessageBackground = true;

            // change button image
            bool changeButtonImage = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 9);

            if (changeButtonImage)
                UnityObjectField unityObject = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 10);
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageButtonImage  = (unityObject.value != null) ? (Sprite)unityObject.value : null;
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.changeMessageButton = true;

            // change button layout
            bool changeButtonLayout = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 11);

            if (changeButtonLayout)
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageButtonLayout       = DropDownListValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 12);
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.changeMessageButtonLayout = true;

            // change text color
            bool changeTextColor = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 13);

            if (changeTextColor)
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageTextColor       = ColorValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 14);
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.changeMessageTextColor = true;

            // change heading color
            bool changeHeadingColor = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 15);

            if (changeHeadingColor)
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageHeadingColor       = ColorValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 16);
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.changeMessageHeadingColor = true;

            // change button text color
            bool changeButtonTextColor = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 17);

            if (changeButtonTextColor)
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageButtonTextColor       = ColorValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 18);
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.changeMessageButtonTextColor = true;

            // change active button color
            bool changeButtonActiveColor = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 21);

            if (changeButtonActiveColor)
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.messageButtonActiveColor       = ColorValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 22);
                HeroKitCommonRuntime.changeMessageButtonActiveColor = true;

            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, ("")));

        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            // get values
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // get common values
            HeroKitObject targetObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetPrefabFromAssets(HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.dialogBox, true);
            bool          runThis      = (targetObject != null);

            if (runThis)

                // get the dialog script
                uiDialog                = targetObject.GetHeroComponent <UIDialog>("UIDialog", true);
                uiDialog.textAction     = UIDialog.TextAction.showDialog;
                uiDialog.heroKitObject  = heroKitObject;
                uiDialog.dontHideCanvas = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 30);
                uiDialog.eventID        = heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock;
                uiDialog.actionID       = heroKitObject.heroStateData.action;

                // get values for title
                uiDialog.setTitle = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 0);
                if (uiDialog.setTitle)
                    uiDialog.title = StringFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 1, true);
                    uiDialog.changeTitleAlignment = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 26);
                    if (uiDialog.changeTitleAlignment)
                        uiDialog.titleAlignmentType = DropDownListValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 27);

                // get values for message
                uiDialog.message = StringFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2, true);

                // get values for audio
                UnityObjectField unityObjectAudio = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 28, false);
                uiDialog.audioClip = (unityObjectAudio.value != null) ? (AudioClip)unityObjectAudio.value : null;

                // get values for message choices
                uiDialog.addChoices = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 21);
                if (uiDialog.addChoices)
                    uiDialog.selectedChoiceID = 29;
                    uiDialog.numberOfChoices  = DropDownListValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 22);
                    uiDialog.choiceText       = new UnityEngine.UI.Text[3];
                    uiDialog.choice           = new string[uiDialog.numberOfChoices];

                    if (uiDialog.numberOfChoices >= 1)
                        uiDialog.choice[0] = StringFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 23, true);
                    if (uiDialog.numberOfChoices >= 2)
                        uiDialog.choice[1] = StringFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 24, true);
                    if (uiDialog.numberOfChoices >= 3)
                        uiDialog.choice[2] = StringFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 25, true);

                // get values for left portrait
                SetPortraitInfo(0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32);

                // get values for right portrait
                SetPortraitInfo(1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 33, 34);

                // enable the dialog script
                uiDialog.enabled = true;

                eventID = heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock;
                heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[eventID].waiting = true;
                updateIsDone = false;

            // show debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string dialogText   = (uiDialog != null) ? uiDialog.message : "";
                string debugMessage = "Message: " + dialogText;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            // get values
            heroKitObject = hko;
            String imageGroupPrefabName = "HeroKit Image Canvas";
            String imagePrefabName      = "HeroKit Image Sprite";
            int    imageID = IntegerFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 0);

            // get the game object that contains the images
            GameObject imageGroup = AddImageGroup(imageGroupPrefabName);

            if (imageGroup != null)
                // get the game object that contains the image
                GameObject targetObject = AddImage(imagePrefabName, imageID, imageGroup);
                if (targetObject != null)
                    // get the image component on the game object
                    Image image = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <Image>("Image", false, targetObject);
                    if (image != null)
                        bool changeSprite = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 1);
                        if (changeSprite)
                            UnityObjectField unityObject = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2);
                            Sprite           sprite      = (unityObject.value != null) ? (Sprite)unityObject.value : null;
                            image.sprite = sprite;
                            RectTransform rectTransform = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <RectTransform>("RectTransform", false, image.gameObject);
                            rectTransform.sizeDelta     = new Vector2(sprite.rect.width, sprite.rect.height);
                            rectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3();

                        bool flipSprite = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 3);
                        if (flipSprite)
                            Vector3 eulerAngles = new Vector3();
                            eulerAngles    = image.transform.eulerAngles;
                            eulerAngles.y += 180f;
                            image.transform.eulerAngles = eulerAngles;

                        bool changeScale = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 4);
                        if (changeScale)
                            float newScale = FloatFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 5);
                            image.transform.localScale = new Vector3(newScale, newScale, newScale) * 0.01f;

                        bool changeXPos = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 6);
                        if (changeXPos)
                            float xPos = FloatFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 7);
                            image.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(xPos, image.transform.localPosition.y, image.transform.localPosition.z);

                        bool changeYPos = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 8);
                        if (changeYPos)
                            float yPos = FloatFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 9);
                            image.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(image.transform.localPosition.x, yPos, image.transform.localPosition.z);

                    // change the color (alpha = transparent if image is null)
                    Color color = image.color;
                    color.a     = (image.sprite == null) ? color.a = 0 : color.a = 1;
                    image.color = color;

                    // enable the game object

            // debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "Image ID: " + imageID;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // get the particle to play
            UnityObjectField unityObject    = UnityObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 0);
            ParticleSystem   particlePrefab = (unityObject.value != null) ? (ParticleSystem)unityObject.value : null;
            bool             runThis        = (particlePrefab != null);

            if (runThis)
                // create a pool for this particle if it doesn't exist
                string poolName = particlePrefab.transform.name + " particle effects";
                if (HeroKitDatabase.GetParticlePool(poolName, false) == null)
                    HeroKitDatabase.AddParticlePool(poolName, particlePrefab);

                // get the positon to use for the particle
                Vector3 position       = particlePrefab.transform.localPosition;
                bool    changePosition = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 1);
                if (changePosition)
                    position = CoordinatesValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, particlePrefab.transform.localPosition);

                // get the rotation to use for the particle
                Quaternion rotation       = particlePrefab.transform.localRotation;
                bool       changeRotation = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 8);
                if (changeRotation)
                    Vector3 eulerAngles = CoordinatesValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, particlePrefab.transform.localEulerAngles);
                    rotation = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAngles);

                // spawn the particle effect
                particleObject = HeroKitDatabase.SpawnParticle(poolName, position, rotation);

                // should next action wait until this action is complete?
                wait = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 15);

                // play the particle effect

                // set up the long action
                eventID = heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock;
                heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[eventID].waiting = wait;
                updateIsDone = false;

            // show debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "Particle System: " + particleObject;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        /// <summary>
        /// Set the value for a unity object in a unity object field.
        /// This is for a field that contains Variable, Property, Global.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to the action field.</param>
        /// <param name="newValue">The new value for a unity object field.</param>
        public static void SetValueB(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, int actionFieldID, UnityObjectField newValue)
            // Get the action
            HeroAction action = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock].actions[heroKitObject.heroStateData.action];

            // Get the object type
            int itemType = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[3];

            // don't get item. Item type was never specified
            if (itemType == 0)
                Debug.LogError("Unity Object type was never specified for " + action.actionTemplate.name + " " + HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetHeroDebugInfo(heroKitObject));
            // set item in variable or property list
            else if (itemType == 1 || itemType == 2)
                // Get the hero kit object
                HeroKitObject[] targetHKO = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetTargetHeroObjects(heroKitObject, actionFieldID);
                if (targetHKO == null)
                    Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoHeroKitObjectDebugInfo(action.actionTemplate.name, 0, heroKitObject));

                // Get the slot in the list that contains the object
                int slotID = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[2] - 1;

                // Get the object from the object list
                if (itemType == 1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < targetHKO.Length; i++)
                        if (targetHKO[i].heroList.unityObjects.items.Count <= slotID || slotID < 0)
                            Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoVariableDebugInfo(action.actionTemplate.name, targetHKO[i].heroObject.name, "Variables", "Hero Object", slotID, 0, heroKitObject));

                        // Set the object
                        UnityObjectField itemField = targetHKO[i].heroList.unityObjects.items[slotID];
                        targetHKO[i].heroList.unityObjects.items[slotID] = itemField.Clone(newValue);

                // Get the object from the property list
                if (itemType == 2)
                    for (int i = 0; i < targetHKO.Length; i++)
                        int propertyID = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[6] - 1;

                        if (targetHKO[i].heroProperties == null || targetHKO[i].heroProperties.Length == 0 ||
                            targetHKO[i].heroProperties.Length <= propertyID || propertyID < 0 ||
                            targetHKO[i].heroProperties[propertyID].itemProperties.bools.items.Count <= slotID || slotID < 0)
                            Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoVariableDebugInfo(action.actionTemplate.name, targetHKO[i].heroObject.name, "Properties", "Unity Object", slotID, 0, heroKitObject));

                        // Set the object
                        UnityObjectField itemField = targetHKO[i].heroProperties[propertyID].itemProperties.unityObjects.items[slotID];
                        targetHKO[i].heroProperties[propertyID].itemProperties.unityObjects.items[slotID] = itemField.Clone(newValue);
            // set item in global list
            if (itemType == 3)
                // Get the slot in the list that contains the item
                int slotID = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[2] - 1;

                if (HeroKitDatabase.GetGlobals().unityObjects.items.Count <= slotID || slotID < 0)
                    Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoVariableDebugInfo(action.actionTemplate.name, "n/a", "Globals", "Unity Object", slotID, 0, heroKitObject));

                UnityObjectField itemField = HeroKitDatabase.GetGlobals().unityObjects.items[slotID];
                HeroKitDatabase.GetGlobals().unityObjects.items[slotID] = itemField.Clone(newValue);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a value from a unity object field.
        /// This is for a field that contains Value, Variable, Property, Global.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to action field A.</param>
        /// <returns>The value from a unity object field.</returns>
        public static UnityObjectField GetValueA(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, int actionFieldID, bool requiredField = true)
            // Get the action
            HeroAction action = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock].actions[heroKitObject.heroStateData.action];

            // Get the object type
            int itemType = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[3];
            UnityObjectField itemValue = new UnityObjectField();

            itemValue.sceneID = -1;

            // don't get item. Item type was never specified
            if (itemType == 0)
                if (requiredField)
                    Debug.LogError("Unity Object type was never specified for " + action.actionTemplate.name + " " + HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetHeroDebugInfo(heroKitObject));
            // get object from field
            else if (itemType == 1)
                itemValue.value     = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].unityObjects[0];
                itemValue.sceneID   = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[5];
                itemValue.sceneName = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].strings[1];
            // get object from variable field or property field
            else if (itemType == 2 || itemType == 3)
                // Get the hero kit object
                HeroKitObject targetHKO = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetTargetHeroObject(heroKitObject, actionFieldID);
                if (targetHKO == null)
                    if (requiredField)
                        Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoHeroKitObjectDebugInfo(action.actionTemplate.name, 0, heroKitObject));

                // Get the slot in the list that contains the object
                int slotID = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[2] - 1;

                // Get the object from variable list
                if (itemType == 2)
                    if (targetHKO.heroList.unityObjects.items.Count <= slotID || slotID < 0)
                        if (requiredField)
                            Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoVariableDebugInfo(action.actionTemplate.name, targetHKO.heroObject.name, "Variables", "Hero Object", slotID, 0, heroKitObject));

                    itemValue = itemValue.Clone(targetHKO.heroList.unityObjects.items[slotID]);

                // Get the object from property list
                if (itemType == 3)
                    int propertyID = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[6] - 1;

                    if (targetHKO.heroProperties == null || targetHKO.heroProperties.Length == 0 ||
                        targetHKO.heroProperties.Length <= propertyID || propertyID < 0 ||
                        targetHKO.heroProperties[propertyID].itemProperties.bools.items.Count <= slotID || slotID < 0)
                        if (requiredField)
                            Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoVariableDebugInfo(action.actionTemplate.name, targetHKO.heroObject.name, "Properties", "Hero Object", slotID, 0, heroKitObject));

                    itemValue = itemValue.Clone(targetHKO.heroProperties[propertyID].itemProperties.unityObjects.items[slotID]);
            // get object from global field
            else if (itemType == 4)
                // Get the slot in the list that contains the value
                int slotID = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[2] - 1;

                if (HeroKitDatabase.GetGlobals().unityObjects.items.Count <= slotID || slotID < 0)
                    Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoVariableDebugInfo(action.actionTemplate.name, "n/a", "Globals", "Unity Object", slotID, 0, heroKitObject));
                itemValue = itemValue.Clone(HeroKitDatabase.GetGlobals().unityObjects.items[slotID]);

            // Return the object
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a value from a unity object field in a hero object template.
        /// This is for a field that contains Variable, Property, Global.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to the action field.</param>
        /// <returns>The value from a unity object field.</returns>
        public static UnityObjectField GetValueC(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, int actionFieldID, HeroObject heroObject)
            // exit early if object does not exist
            if (heroObject == null)

            // Get the action
            HeroAction action = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock].actions[heroKitObject.heroStateData.action];

            // Get the item type
            int itemType = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[3];
            UnityObjectField itemValue = new UnityObjectField();

            itemValue.sceneID = -1;

            // Get the slot in the list that contains the item
            int slotID = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[2] - 1;

            // Get the lists
            UnityObjectList targetList   = null;
            string          itemTypeName = "";
            string          heroName     = "";

            if (itemType == 0)
                Debug.LogError("Unity Object type was never specified for " + action.actionTemplate.name + " " + HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetHeroDebugInfo(heroKitObject));
            if (itemType == 1)
                heroName     = heroObject.name;
                itemTypeName = "Variables";
                targetList   = heroObject.lists.unityObjects;
            else if (itemType == 2)
                heroName     = heroObject.name;
                itemTypeName = "Properties";
                int propertyID = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[6] - 1;
                if (propertyID < 0)
                    Debug.LogError("Property slot does not exist!");
                targetList = heroObject.propertiesList.properties[propertyID].itemProperties.unityObjects;
            else if (itemType == 3)
                heroName     = "n/a";
                itemTypeName = "Globals";
                targetList   = HeroKitDatabase.GetGlobals().unityObjects;

            // exit early if the slot in the list does not exist
            if (targetList.items.Count <= slotID || slotID < 0)
                Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.NoVariableDebugInfo(action.actionTemplate.name, heroName, itemTypeName, "Hero Object", slotID, 0, heroKitObject));

            // get the item in the list slot
            itemValue = itemValue.Clone(targetList.items[slotID]);

            // Return the item