public string UpdateDeckName(string newName) { if (newName == null) { newName = string.Empty; } newName = UnityExtensionMethods.GetSafeFileName(newName); nameText.text = newName + (HasChanged ? ChangeIndicator : string.Empty); return(newName); }
private IEnumerator LoadSetCards(UnityCardGame cardGame) { if (cardGame == null) { cardGame = Current; } var setCardsLoaded = false; foreach (Set set in cardGame.Sets.Values) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(set.CardsUrl)) { continue; } if (!setCardsLoaded) { Messenger.Show(string.Format(SetCardsLoadingMessage, cardGame.Name)); } setCardsLoaded = true; string setCardsFilePath = Path.Combine(cardGame.SetsDirectoryPath, UnityExtensionMethods.GetSafeFileName(set.Code + UnityExtensionMethods.JsonExtension)); if (!File.Exists(setCardsFilePath)) { yield return(UnityExtensionMethods.SaveUrlToFile(set.CardsUrl, setCardsFilePath)); } if (File.Exists(setCardsFilePath)) { cardGame.LoadCards(setCardsFilePath, set.Code); } else { Debug.LogError(LoadErrorMessage + set.CardsUrl); yield break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cardGame.Error)) { Debug.LogError(LoadErrorMessage + cardGame.Error); } else if (setCardsLoaded) { Messenger.Show(string.Format(SetCardsLoadedMessage, cardGame.Name)); } }
public void ReadProperties() { try { // We need to read the *Game:Name*.json file, but reading it can cause *Game:Name* to change, so account for that string gameFilePath = GameFilePath; string gameDirectoryPath = GameDirectoryPath; ClearDefinitionLists(); JsonConvert.PopulateObject(File.ReadAllText(GameFilePath), this); if (!gameFilePath.Equals(GameFilePath) && File.Exists(gameFilePath)) { string tempGameFilePath = gameDirectoryPath + "/" + UnityExtensionMethods.GetSafeFileName(Name) + ".json"; File.Move(gameFilePath, tempGameFilePath); } if (!gameDirectoryPath.Equals(GameDirectoryPath) && Directory.Exists(gameDirectoryPath)) { Directory.Move(gameDirectoryPath, GameDirectoryPath); } // We're being greedy about loading these now, since these could be shown before the game is selected if (File.Exists(BannerImageFilePath)) { BannerImageSprite = UnityExtensionMethods.CreateSprite(BannerImageFilePath); } if (File.Exists(CardBackImageFilePath)) { CardBackImageSprite = UnityExtensionMethods.CreateSprite(CardBackImageFilePath); } HasReadProperties = true; } catch (Exception e) { Error += e.Message + e.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine; HasReadProperties = false; } }
public void ValidateDeckName(string deckName) { nameInputField.text = UnityExtensionMethods.GetSafeFileName(deckName); }