public static bool GenerateHemisphereVertices(Vector3 diameterXYZ, Matrix4x4 transform, int horzSegments, int vertSegments, ref Vector3[] vertices) { var bottomCap = true; var topCap = false; var extraVertices = ((!bottomCap) ? 1 : 0) + ((!topCap) ? 1 : 0); var rings = (vertSegments) + (topCap ? 1 : 0); var vertexCount = (horzSegments * rings) + extraVertices; var topVertex = 0; var bottomVertex = (!topCap) ? 1 : 0; var radius = new Vector3(diameterXYZ.x * 0.5f, diameterXYZ.y, diameterXYZ.z * 0.5f); if (vertices == null || vertices.Length != vertexCount) { vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount]; } if (!topCap) { vertices[topVertex] = transform.MultiplyPoint(Vector3.up * radius.y); // top } if (!bottomCap) { vertices[bottomVertex] = transform.MultiplyPoint(; // bottom } var degreePerSegment = (360.0f / horzSegments) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; var angleOffset = ((horzSegments & 1) == 1) ? 0.0f : 0.5f * degreePerSegment; var vertexIndex = extraVertices; { for (int h = 0; h < horzSegments; h++, vertexIndex++) { var hRad = (h * degreePerSegment) + angleOffset; vertices[vertexIndex] = transform.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(hRad) * radius.x, 0.0f, Mathf.Sin(hRad) * radius.z)); } } for (int v = 1; v < rings; v++) { var segmentFactor = ((v - (rings / 2.0f)) / rings) + 0.5f; // [0.0f ... 1.0f] var segmentDegree = (segmentFactor * 90); // [0 .. 90] var segmentHeight = Mathf.Sin(segmentDegree * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * radius.y; var segmentRadius = Mathf.Cos(segmentDegree * Mathf.Deg2Rad); // [0 .. 0.707 .. 1 .. 0.707 .. 0] for (int h = 0; h < horzSegments; h++, vertexIndex++) { vertices[vertexIndex].x = vertices[h + extraVertices].x * segmentRadius; vertices[vertexIndex].y = segmentHeight; vertices[vertexIndex].z = vertices[h + extraVertices].z * segmentRadius; } } return(true); }
private bool RayCastMulti(MeshQuery[] meshQuery, // TODO: add meshquery support here Vector3 worldRayStart, Vector3 worldRayEnd, Matrix4x4 treeLocalToWorldMatrix, int filterLayerParameter0, out CSGTreeBrushIntersection[] intersections, CSGTreeNode[] ignoreNodes = null) { intersections = null; Int32 intersectionCount = 0; var ignoreNodeIDsHandle = (ignoreNodes != null) ? GCHandle.Alloc(ignoreNodes, GCHandleType.Pinned) : new GCHandle(); { var ignoreNodeIDsPtr = (ignoreNodes != null) ? ignoreNodeIDsHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject() : IntPtr.Zero; var workAround = Matrix4x4.identity; intersectionCount = RayCastIntoTreeMultiCount(treeNodeID, ref worldRayStart, ref worldRayEnd, ref workAround, filterLayerParameter0, // TODO: implement this properly with MeshQuery true, // TODO: implement this properly with MeshQuery ignoreNodeIDsPtr, (ignoreNodes == null) ? 0 : ignoreNodes.Length); } if (ignoreNodeIDsHandle.IsAllocated) { ignoreNodeIDsHandle.Free(); } if (intersectionCount > 0) { var outputIntersections = new CSGTreeBrushIntersection[intersectionCount]; var outputIntersectionsHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(outputIntersections, GCHandleType.Pinned); { var outputIntersectionsPtr = outputIntersectionsHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(); var result = RayCastMultiGet(intersectionCount, outputIntersectionsPtr); if (result) { intersections = outputIntersections; } else { intersections = null; } } for (int i = 0; i < intersectionCount; i++) { outputIntersections[i].surfaceIntersection.worldPlane = treeLocalToWorldMatrix.TransformPlane(outputIntersections[i].surfaceIntersection.worldPlane); outputIntersections[i].surfaceIntersection.worldIntersection = treeLocalToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(outputIntersections[i].surfaceIntersection.worldIntersection); } outputIntersectionsHandle.Free(); } return(intersections != null); }
static bool GetExtrudedVertices(Vector2[] shapeVertices, Matrix4x4 matrix0, Matrix4x4 matrix1, out Vector3[] vertices) { var pathSegments = 2; var shapeSegments = shapeVertices.Length; var vertexCount = shapeSegments * pathSegments; vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount]; for (int s = 0; s < shapeSegments; s++) { vertices[s] = matrix0.MultiplyPoint(shapeVertices[s]); vertices[shapeSegments + s] = matrix1.MultiplyPoint(shapeVertices[s]); } return(true); }
/** Calc */ public void Calc(UnityEngine.Camera a_look_camera, UnityEngine.Transform a_look_transform) { //worldToCameraMatrix this.raw_camera.worldToCameraMatrix = a_look_camera.worldToCameraMatrix * this.matrix; //projectionMatrix { UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 t_mirror_camera_matrix = this.raw_camera.worldToCameraMatrix; UnityEngine.Vector4 t_mirror_clip_plane; { UnityEngine.Vector3 t_pos = -this.plane_normal * this.plane_distance; UnityEngine.Vector3 t_mirror_position = t_mirror_camera_matrix.MultiplyPoint(t_pos); UnityEngine.Vector3 t_mirror_normal = t_mirror_camera_matrix.MultiplyVector(this.plane_normal).normalized; t_mirror_clip_plane = new UnityEngine.Vector4(t_mirror_normal.x, t_mirror_normal.y, t_mirror_normal.z, -UnityEngine.Vector3.Dot(t_mirror_position, t_mirror_normal)); } this.raw_camera.projectionMatrix = a_look_camera.CalculateObliqueMatrix(t_mirror_clip_plane); } //position { this.raw_camera.transform.position = this.matrix.MultiplyPoint(a_look_transform.position); } //rotation { UnityEngine.Vector3 t_up = this.matrix_rotate.MultiplyPoint(a_look_transform.up).normalized; UnityEngine.Vector3 t_forward = this.matrix_rotate.MultiplyPoint(a_look_transform.forward).normalized; UnityEngine.Vector3 t_right = UnityEngine.Vector3.Cross(t_up, t_forward); UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 t_matrix = new UnityEngine.Matrix4x4( new UnityEngine.Vector4(t_right.x, t_right.y, t_right.z, 0.0f), new UnityEngine.Vector4(t_up.x, t_up.y, t_up.z, 0.0f), new UnityEngine.Vector4(t_forward.x, t_forward.y, t_forward.z, 0.0f), new UnityEngine.Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) ); this.raw_camera.transform.rotation = t_matrix.rotation; } }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected virtual UnityEngine.Vector3 CoordinateToWorldSpace(UnityEngine.Vector3 vector) => worldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(vector);
public static bool GenerateHemisphereSubMesh(CSGBrushSubMesh subMesh, Vector3 diameterXYZ, Matrix4x4 transform, int horzSegments, int vertSegments, CSGSurfaceAsset[] surfaceAssets, SurfaceDescription[] surfaceDescriptions) { if (diameterXYZ.x == 0 || diameterXYZ.y == 0 || diameterXYZ.z == 0) { subMesh.Clear(); return(false); } var bottomCap = true; var topCap = false; var extraVertices = ((!bottomCap) ? 1 : 0) + ((!topCap) ? 1 : 0); var rings = (vertSegments) + (topCap ? 1 : 0); var vertexCount = (horzSegments * rings) + extraVertices; var topVertex = 0; var bottomVertex = (!topCap) ? 1 : 0; var radius = new Vector3(diameterXYZ.x * 0.5f, diameterXYZ.y, diameterXYZ.z * 0.5f); var heightY = radius.y; float topY, bottomY; if (heightY < 0) { topY = 0; bottomY = heightY; } else { topY = heightY; bottomY = 0; } var vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount]; if (!topCap) { vertices[topVertex] = transform.MultiplyPoint(Vector3.up * topY); // top } if (!bottomCap) { vertices[bottomVertex] = transform.MultiplyPoint(Vector3.up * bottomY); // bottom } var degreePerSegment = (360.0f / horzSegments) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; var angleOffset = ((horzSegments & 1) == 1) ? 0.0f : 0.5f * degreePerSegment; var vertexIndex = extraVertices; if (heightY < 0) { for (int h = horzSegments - 1; h >= 0; h--, vertexIndex++) { var hRad = (h * degreePerSegment) + angleOffset; vertices[vertexIndex] = transform.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(hRad) * radius.x, 0.0f, Mathf.Sin(hRad) * radius.z)); } } else { for (int h = 0; h < horzSegments; h++, vertexIndex++) { var hRad = (h * degreePerSegment) + angleOffset; vertices[vertexIndex] = transform.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(hRad) * radius.x, 0.0f, Mathf.Sin(hRad) * radius.z)); } } for (int v = 1; v < rings; v++) { var segmentFactor = ((v - (rings / 2.0f)) / rings) + 0.5f; // [0.0f ... 1.0f] var segmentDegree = (segmentFactor * 90); // [0 .. 90] var segmentHeight = Mathf.Sin(segmentDegree * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * heightY; var segmentRadius = Mathf.Cos(segmentDegree * Mathf.Deg2Rad); // [0 .. 0.707 .. 1 .. 0.707 .. 0] for (int h = 0; h < horzSegments; h++, vertexIndex++) { vertices[vertexIndex].x = vertices[h + extraVertices].x * segmentRadius; vertices[vertexIndex].y = segmentHeight; vertices[vertexIndex].z = vertices[h + extraVertices].z * segmentRadius; } } return(GenerateSegmentedSubMesh(subMesh, horzSegments, vertSegments, vertices, bottomCap, topCap, bottomVertex, topVertex, surfaceAssets, surfaceDescriptions)); }