public static void TestMyParentPrivateComponentsArray(GameObject obj, bool inactive = false) { Assert.IsTrue(obj != null); var test = obj.GetComponent <ProcessorTestComponent>(); Assert.IsTrue(test != null); var list = test.GetComponentsInParent <Renderer>(inactive); SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(test); Assert.IsNotNull(so); var propArray = inactive ? so.FindProperty("parentPrivateComponentsArrayInactive") : so.FindProperty("parentPrivateComponentsArray"); Assert.IsNotNull(propArray); var propList = inactive ? so.FindProperty("parentPrivateComponentsListInactive") : so.FindProperty("parentPrivateComponentsList"); Assert.IsNotNull(propList); if (list == null) { Assert.IsNull(propArray.objectReferenceValue); Assert.IsNull(propList.objectReferenceValue); } else { Assert.IsTrue(propArray.arraySize == list.Length); Assert.IsTrue(propList.arraySize == list.Length); for (var index = 0; index < list.Length; index++) { Assert.AreEqual(list[index], propArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index).objectReferenceValue); Assert.AreEqual(list[index], propArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index).objectReferenceValue); } } }
public static void TestMyPublicComponentsArray(GameObject obj) { Assert.IsTrue(obj != null); var test = obj.GetComponent <ProcessorTestComponent>(); Assert.IsTrue(test != null); var list = test.GetComponents <Renderer>(); if (list == null) { Assert.IsNull(test.myPublicComponentsArray); Assert.IsNull(test.myPublicComponentsList); } IList arr = test.myPublicComponentsArray; IList lis = test.myPublicComponentsList; if (list == null) { Assert.IsNull(arr); Assert.IsNull(lis); } else { Assert.IsTrue(arr.Count == list.Length); Assert.IsTrue(lis.Count == list.Length); for (var index = 0; index < list.Length; index++) { Assert.AreEqual(list[index], arr[index]); Assert.AreEqual(list[index], lis[index]); } } }
public static void TestMyParentPublicComponentsArray(GameObject obj, bool inactive = false) { Assert.IsTrue(obj != null); var test = obj.GetComponent <ProcessorTestComponent>(); Assert.IsTrue(test != null); var list = test.GetComponentsInParent <Renderer>(inactive); IList arr = inactive ? test.parentPublicComponentsArrayInactive : test.parentPublicComponentsArray; IList lis = inactive ? test.parentPublicComponentsListInactive : test.parentPublicComponentsList; if (list == null) { Assert.IsNull(arr); Assert.IsNull(lis); } else { Assert.IsTrue(arr.Count == list.Length); Assert.IsTrue(lis.Count == list.Length); for (var index = 0; index < list.Length; index++) { Assert.AreEqual(list[index], arr[index]); Assert.AreEqual(list[index], lis[index]); } } }
public void NestedSourceScope() { var registry = new UTinyRegistry(); var builtInCount = registry.Count; var sourceId = "outer"; var nestedSourceId = "inner"; UTinyType testType, testType2; using (registry.SourceIdentifierScope(sourceId)) { testType = registry.CreateType(UTinyId.New(), "TestType", UTinyTypeCode.Component); using (registry.SourceIdentifierScope(nestedSourceId)) { testType2 = registry.CreateType(UTinyId.New(), "TestType2", UTinyTypeCode.Component); } } var testTypeRef = (UTinyType.Reference)testType; var testType2Ref = (UTinyType.Reference)testType2; Assert.AreEqual(builtInCount + 2, registry.Count); registry.UnregisterAllBySource(sourceId); Assert.AreEqual(builtInCount + 1, registry.Count); Assert.IsNull(testTypeRef.Dereference(registry)); Assert.IsNotNull(testType2Ref.Dereference(registry)); registry.UnregisterAllBySource(nestedSourceId); Assert.AreEqual(builtInCount, registry.Count); Assert.IsNull(testTypeRef.Dereference(registry)); Assert.IsNull(testType2Ref.Dereference(registry)); }
public void TestInstanceCreate(bool result, bool required) { Loader.DisableValidationChecksOnEnteringPlaymode = true; bool instanceCreated = false; bool hookInstanceProcAddr = false; bool other = false; MockRuntime.Instance.TestCallback = (methodName, param) => { switch (methodName) { case nameof(OpenXRFeature.OnInstanceCreate): instanceCreated = true; return(result); case nameof(OpenXRFeature.HookGetInstanceProcAddr): hookInstanceProcAddr = true; break; default: other = true; break; } return(true); }; MockRuntime.Instance.required = required; base.InitializeAndStart(); Assert.IsTrue(instanceCreated); Assert.IsTrue(hookInstanceProcAddr); if (required && !result) { Assert.IsNull(OpenXRLoaderBase.Instance); } else { Assert.IsNotNull(OpenXRLoaderBase.Instance); } // A feature that fails that is not required should be disabled if (!result && !required) { Assert.IsFalse(MockRuntime.Instance.enabled); } base.StopAndShutdown(); if (result) { Assert.IsTrue(other); } else { // A feature that fails initialize should have no further callbacks Assert.IsFalse(other); } }
public void UnknownFeatureSetRerturnNull() { OpenXRFeatureSetManager.InitializeFeatureSets(); var foundFeatureSet = OpenXRFeatureSetManager.GetFeatureSetWithId(BuildTargetGroup.iOS, k_TestFeatureSetId); Assert.IsNull(foundFeatureSet); foundFeatureSet = OpenXRFeatureSetManager.GetFeatureSetWithId(BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, "BAD FEATURE SET ID"); Assert.IsNull(foundFeatureSet); }
public IEnumerator AutoDeleteDuplicateInstance() { DummySingletonA singleton = DummySingletonA.GetOrCreateInstance(); DummySingletonA fakeSingleton = new GameObject("FakeSingleton").AddComponent <DummySingletonA>(); yield return(null); Assert.IsNotNull(singleton); Assert.IsNull(fakeSingleton); }
public IEnumerator SmokeTest() { Assert.IsNull(BlockPooler.Request()); var instance = Object.FindObjectOfType <BlockPooler>(); Assert.IsNotNull(instance); Assert.AreEqual(instance.transform.childCount, 0); yield return(null); }
public IEnumerator LoadNotExistAudio(string fileName) { var func = MusicLoader.LoadAudioClipAsync($"{Application.dataPath}/Tests/Resources/{fileName}"); while (func.MoveNext()) { yield return(null); } Assert.IsNull(func.Current, "楽曲がnullであること。"); }
public void UnknownFeatureSetRerturnNull() { // For this test we do not want the test features enabled so rerun the initilization with InitializeFeatureSets(false); var foundFeatureSet = GetFeatureSetWithId(BuildTargetGroup.iOS, k_TestFeatureSetId); Assert.IsNull(foundFeatureSet); foundFeatureSet = GetFeatureSetWithId(BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, "BAD FEATURE SET ID"); Assert.IsNull(foundFeatureSet); }
public void GetFeatureByUnknownFeatureIdReturnsNull() { var feature = FeatureHelpers.GetFeatureWithIdForActiveBuildTarget(""); Assert.IsNull(feature); feature = FeatureHelpers.GetFeatureWithIdForActiveBuildTarget(""); Assert.IsNull(feature); feature = FeatureHelpers.GetFeatureWithIdForActiveBuildTarget(null); Assert.IsNull(feature); }
public IEnumerator MultipleValuesDestroyed() { var k1 = new GameObject("K1").AddComponent <TestSingleton>(); var k2 = new GameObject("K2").AddComponent <TestSingleton>(); yield return(null); Assert.AreEqual(TestSingleton.AwakeCount, 2); Assert.AreEqual(TestSingleton.DestroyCount, 1); Assert.IsNull(k2); Assert.IsNotNull(k1); yield return(null); }
public void Clear() { var registry = new UTinyRegistry(); var builtInCount = registry.Count; var type = registry.CreateType(UTinyId.New(), "TestType", UTinyTypeCode.Component); var typeRef = (UTinyType.Reference)type; Assert.AreEqual(builtInCount + 1, registry.Count); registry.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(builtInCount, registry.Count); Assert.IsNull(typeRef.Dereference(registry)); }
public static void TestMyParentPrivateComponent(GameObject obj) { Assert.IsTrue(obj != null); var test = obj.GetComponent <ProcessorTestComponent>(); Assert.IsTrue(test != null); SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(test); var prop = so.FindProperty("parentPrivateComponent"); var result = test.GetComponentInParent <Renderer>(); if (result == null) { Assert.IsNull(prop.objectReferenceValue); } Assert.AreEqual(result, prop.objectReferenceValue); }
public static void TestMyParentPublicComponent(GameObject obj) { Assert.IsTrue(obj != null); var test = obj.GetComponent <ProcessorTestComponent>(); Assert.IsTrue(test != null); var result = test.GetComponentInParent <Renderer>(); if (result == null) { Assert.IsNull(test.parentPublicComponent); } else { Assert.AreEqual(result, test.parentPublicComponent); } }
public IEnumerator AddSingletonByAwake() { DummySingletonB singleton = new GameObject("TrueSingleton").AddComponent <DummySingletonB>(); yield return(null); DummySingletonB secondSingleton = DummySingletonB.GetOrCreateInstance(); DummySingletonB thirdSingleton = new GameObject("FakeSingleton").AddComponent <DummySingletonB>(); yield return(null); Assert.IsNotNull(singleton); Assert.IsNotNull(secondSingleton); Assert.IsNull(thirdSingleton); Assert.AreEqual(singleton, secondSingleton); }
public IEnumerator AfterInitialize() { MockRuntimeFeature.Instance.TestCallback = (methodName, param) => true; Assert.IsNull(OpenXRLoaderBase.Instance); base.InitializeAndStart(); // Perform a domain reload and wait for it to complete EditorUtility.RequestScriptReload(); yield return(new WaitForDomainReload()); Assert.IsNotNull(OpenXRLoaderBase.Instance); base.StopAndShutdown(); Assert.IsNull(OpenXRLoaderBase.Instance); yield return(null); }
public void Test() { var parent = new GameObject(); parent.transform.localPosition = Random.insideUnitSphere; parent.transform.localRotation = Random.rotation; parent.transform.localScale = + Random.insideUnitSphere; var child = new GameObject(); child.transform.SetParent(parent.transform, false); child.transform.localPosition = Random.insideUnitSphere; child.transform.localRotation = Random.rotation; child.transform.localScale = + Random.insideUnitSphere; var childClone = Object.Instantiate(child.transform); Assert.IsNull(childClone.parent); Assert.AreEqual(child.transform.localPosition, childClone.transform.localPosition); Assert.AreEqual(child.transform.localRotation, childClone.transform.localRotation); Assert.AreEqual(child.transform.localScale, childClone.transform.localScale); }
public IEnumerator IntegrationTest() { SceneManager.LoadScene(SCENE_NAME); yield return(null); var helper = Object.FindObjectOfType <ProductionTestHelper>(); var resourceManager = Object.FindObjectOfType <ResourceManager>(); Assert.IsNotNull(helper); Assert.IsNotNull(resourceManager); var unit = helper.NormalFactory.ProduceUnit(0); unit.GetComponent <UnitMovementController>().MoveToPoint(helper.Scrapyard.GetComponent <Node>().UnitSlots[0].transform.position); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5.0f)); helper.Scrapyard.ScrapUnit(unit); yield return(null); Assert.IsNull(unit); }
public void GetEmpty_Should_ReturnNull_When_FieldWasNotConfigured() { Assert.IsNull(ScriptUnderTest.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// Gets all captures that would happen when moving the piece currently at "from" to "to". /// </summary> private HashSet <Piece> GetCaptures(Vector2i from, Vector2i to) { Piece p = theBoard[from.x, from.y]; HashSet <Piece> caps = new HashSet <Piece>(); Assert.IsNotNull(p); Assert.IsNull(theBoard[to.x, to.y]); //Imagine the board after the move is completed. Func <Vector2i, Piece> getPiece = (tile) => { if (tile == from) { return(null); } else if (tile == to) { return(p); } else { return(theBoard[tile.x, tile.y]); } }; Func <Piece, Vector2i, bool> isAllyAtPos = (piece, pos) => { Piece piece2 = getPiece(pos); return(piece2 != null && piece2.Owner.Value == piece.Owner.Value); }; Func <Piece, Vector2i, bool, bool> isEnemyAtPos = (piece, pos, includeKing) => { Piece piece2 = getPiece(pos); return(piece2 != null && piece2.Owner.Value != piece.Owner.Value && (includeKing || !piece2.IsKing)); }; Func <Vector2i, bool> isKingAtPos = (pos) => { Piece piece = getPiece(pos); return(piece != null && piece.IsKing); }; Func <Vector2i, bool> isKingThreatenedByPos = (pos) => { //The king is threatened by attackers *and* by the throne space itself. if (pos.x == (BoardSize / 2) && pos.y == (BoardSize / 2)) { return(true); } Piece piece = getPiece(pos); return(piece != null && piece.Owner.Value == Player_Attacker); }; //See if any normal (i.e. non-king) enemies were captured. if (to.x > 1 && isEnemyAtPos(p, to.LessX, false) && isAllyAtPos(p, to.LessX.LessX)) { caps.Add(getPiece(to.LessX)); } if (to.x < BoardSize - 2 && isEnemyAtPos(p, to.MoreX, false) && isAllyAtPos(p, to.MoreX.MoreX)) { caps.Add(getPiece(to.MoreX)); } if (to.y > 1 && isEnemyAtPos(p, to.LessY, false) && isAllyAtPos(p, to.LessY.LessY)) { caps.Add(getPiece(to.LessY)); } if (to.y < BoardSize - 2 && isEnemyAtPos(p, to.MoreY, false) && isAllyAtPos(p, to.MoreY.MoreY)) { caps.Add(getPiece(to.MoreY)); } //See if the King was captured. if (p.Owner.Value == Player_Attacker) { //First, see if the king is adjacent to the new position. Vector2i kingPos = new Vector2i(-1, -1); if (to.x > 0 && isKingAtPos(to.LessX)) { kingPos = to.LessX; } else if (to.y > 0 && isKingAtPos(to.LessY)) { kingPos = to.LessY; } else if (to.x < BoardSize - 1 && isKingAtPos(to.MoreX)) { kingPos = to.MoreX; } else if (to.y < BoardSize - 1 && isKingAtPos(to.MoreY)) { kingPos = to.MoreY; } //If he is, see if he is now surrounded on all sides by threats. if (kingPos != new Vector2i(-1, -1)) { if (kingPos.x > 0 && isKingThreatenedByPos(kingPos.LessX) && kingPos.y > 0 && isKingThreatenedByPos(kingPos.LessY) && kingPos.x < BoardSize - 1 && isKingThreatenedByPos(kingPos.MoreX) && kingPos.y < BoardSize - 1 && isKingThreatenedByPos(kingPos.MoreY)) { caps.Add(getPiece(kingPos)); } } } return(caps); }
public void GetColors_Should_ReturnNull_When_FieldWasNotConfigured() { Assert.IsNull(ScriptUnderTest.Colors); }
public static void IsNull(Object value, string message) => UnityAssert.IsNull(value, message);
public static void IsNull <T>(T value, string message) where T : class => UnityAssert.IsNull(value, message);
public static void IsNull <T>(T value) where T : class => UnityAssert.IsNull(value);