public CodeCompletionListItemProvider(string autoCompleteWord)
            _textFormatter = new CodeCompletionTextFormatter(autoCompleteWord);

            _icons = UnityEditorCompositionContainer.GetExportedValue <IIcons>();

            // Todo: Transfer session data to CodeCompletionListItem items

            if (_debug)
                // For test input we use icon names:
                Icons    icons         = _icons as Icons;
                string[] iconFilePaths = icons.GetIconFilePaths();

                _items = new List <IListItem>();
                for (int i = 0; i < iconFilePaths.Length; i++)
                    string iconFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(iconFilePaths[i % iconFilePaths.Length]);
                    string iconType     = iconFilename.Substring(12, iconFilename.Length - 12);                 // remove 'Icons.16x16.'
                    string itemText     = string.Format("{0}", iconType);
                    if (_textFormatter.CanBeAutoCompleted(itemText))
                        _items.Add(new CodeCompletionListItem(itemText, iconFilename, null));
        void InitIfNeeded()
            if (s_Styles == null)
                s_Styles = new Styles();

            if (_navigateToItemProvider == null)
                _navigateToItemProvider = UnityEditorCompositionContainer.GetExportedValue <INavigateToItemProviderAggregator>();
        public CodeCompletionListItemGUI(int itemHeight, CodeCompletionListItemProvider owner)
            ItemHeight = itemHeight;
            _owner     = owner;
            _icons     = UnityEditorCompositionContainer.GetExportedValue <IIcons>();

            GUISkin skin = UnityEditorCompositionContainer.GetExportedValue <IGUISkinProvider>().GetGUISkin();

            _text                  = skin.GetStyle("ListText");
            _textSelected          = skin.GetStyle("ListTextSelected");
            _text.richText         = true;
            _textSelected.richText = true;
        public ITextViewAppearance AppearanceFor(ITextViewDocument document, IFontManager fontManager)
            GUISkin skin = UnityEditorCompositionContainer.GetExportedValue <IGUISkinProvider>().GetGUISkin();

            // Make a copy of guistyle to ensure we do not change the guistyle of the skin
            GUIStyle textStyle = new GUIStyle(skin.label)
                richText  = true,
                alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft,
                padding   = { left = 0, right = 0 }

            textStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

            GUIStyle backgroundStyle = skin.GetStyle("InnerShadowBg");
            Color    lineNumberColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f);
            Color    selectionColor  = new Color(80 / 255f, 80 / 255f, 80 / 255f, 1f);

            return(new TextViewAppearance(fontManager, textStyle, backgroundStyle, lineNumberColor, selectionColor));