        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the action, swapping unit in fromSlot with unit in toSlot.
        /// </summary>
        public override void execute()
            HeroMeetReact hmr1;

            if (Gm.Reactions[fromHero.x, fromHero.y].HasPreReact())
                hmr1 = (HeroMeetReact)Gm.Reactions[fromHero.x, fromHero.y].PreReaction;
                hmr1 = (HeroMeetReact)Gm.Reactions[fromHero.x, fromHero.y];
            HeroMeetReact hmr2;

            if (Gm.Reactions[toHero.x, toHero.y].HasPreReact())
                hmr2 = (HeroMeetReact)Gm.Reactions[toHero.x, toHero.y].PreReaction;
                hmr2 = (HeroMeetReact)Gm.Reactions[toHero.x, toHero.y];
            UnitTree utFrom = hmr1.Hero.Units;
            UnitTree utTo   = hmr2.Hero.Units;

            Unit tmp       = utTo.GetUnits()[toSlot];
            int  tmpAmount = utTo.getUnitAmount(toSlot);

            utTo.setUnit(utFrom.GetUnits()[fromSlot], utFrom.getUnitAmount(fromSlot), toSlot);
            utFrom.setUnit(tmp, tmpAmount, fromSlot);
    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor for Battlefield for battle with heroless units
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="width">Width of battlefield</param>
    /// <param name="height">Height of battlefield</param>
    /// <param name="attacker">The attacking hero</param>
    /// <param name="defender">The defending units</param>
    /// <param name="canWalk">Canwalk</param>
    public BattleField(int width, int height, Hero attacker, UnitTree defender, int[,] canWalk)
        Width    = width;
        Height   = height;
        Attacker = attacker;
        CanWalk  = canWalk;
        aStar    = new AStarAlgo(canWalk, width, height, true);

        attackingUnits = attacker.Units;
        defendingUnits = defender;

        Unit[] aUnits = attacker.Units.GetUnits();
        Unit[] dUnits = defender.GetUnits();

        int increment = height / UnitTree.TREESIZE;
        int place     = 0;

        unitsPos = new UnitAndAmount[width, height];
        for (int i = 0; i < UnitTree.TREESIZE; i++)
            if (aUnits[i] != null)
                UnitAndAmount atroop = new UnitAndAmount(attacker.Units, i);
                unitsPos[0, place] = atroop;
            if (dUnits[i] != null)
                UnitAndAmount dtroop = new UnitAndAmount(defender, i);
                unitsPos[width - 1, place] = dtroop;
            place += increment;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ut">UnitTree</param>
 /// <param name="i">Index of unit in UnitTree</param>
 public UnitAndAmount(UnitTree ut, int i)
     UnitTree      = ut;
     posInUnitTree = i;
     Unit          = ut.GetUnits()[i];
     Amount        = ut.getUnitAmount(i);
    /// <summary>
    /// Merges input army2 into army1
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="units2">Second input army</param>
    public void Merge(UnitTree units2)
        // Merge duplicates units2 into units1
        for (int i = 0; i < GetUnits().Length; i++)
            if (GetUnits()[i] != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < GetUnits().Length; j++)
                    if (units2.GetUnits()[j] != null && units2.GetUnits()[j].equals(GetUnits()[i]))
                        // Duplicate found in a bar, put one of them into the other one, and add amount
                        unitAmount[i]       += units2.unitAmount[j];
                        units2.GetUnits()[j] = null;

        // Merge duplicates in same bar
        for (int i = 0; i < GetUnits().Length; i++)
            if (GetUnits()[i] != null)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < GetUnits().Length; j++)
                    if (GetUnits()[j] != null && GetUnits()[i].equals(GetUnits()[j]))
                        // Duplicate found in a bar, put one of them into the other one, and add amount
                        unitAmount[i] += unitAmount[j];
                        units[j]       = null;

        // Merge units2 into units1
        for (int i = 0; i < GetUnits().Length; i++)
            // If unit is found in units2
            if (units2.GetUnits()[i] != null)
                // Check the units1 row to find next open spot to put it
                for (int j = 0; j < GetUnits().Length; j++)
                    if (GetUnits()[j] == null)
                        GetUnits()[j]        = units2.GetUnits()[i];
                        unitAmount[j]        = units2.getUnitAmount(i);
                        units2.GetUnits()[i] = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Readies initative and populates 2d array for units
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="attacker">Attacking hero</param>
    /// <param name="defender">Defending units</param>
    public void populateInitative(Hero attacker, UnitTree defender)
        unitsOnField = new GameObject[width, height];
        Initative    = new UnitGameObject[UnitTree.TREESIZE * 2];
        int logPos    = 0;
        int increment = Height / UnitTree.TREESIZE;
        int place     = 0;

        livingAttackers = livingDefenders = 0;
        // Adds attacking units
        UnitTree units = attacker.Units;

        for (int i = 0; i < UnitTree.TREESIZE; i++)
            if (units.GetUnits()[i] != null)
                GameObject go = Instantiate(unit, parent.transform);
                go.name = "a" + i;
                SpriteRenderer sr = go.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                sr.sprite           = troll;
                sr.sortingLayerName = "CombatUnits";
                TextMesh tm = go.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>();
                tm.text = "" + units.getUnitAmount(i);
                tm.GetComponent <Renderer>().sortingLayerName = "CombatUnits";
                UnitGameObject ugo = go.GetComponent <UnitGameObject>();
                ugo.UnitTree             = units;
                ugo.PosInUnitTree        = i;
                ugo.GraphicalBattlefield = this;
                ugo.AttackingSide        = true;
                ugo.Initative            = units.GetUnits()[i].Unitstats.Initative;
                ugo.LogicalPos           = new Point(0, place);
                Initative[logPos++]      = ugo;
                //set correct graphical pos
                go.transform.localPosition = field[0, place].transform.localPosition;
                UnitsOnField[0, place]     = go;
                field[0, place].GetComponent <GroundGameObject>().IsOccupied = true;
            place += increment;

        //Adds defending units
        units = defender;
        place = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < UnitTree.TREESIZE; i++)
            if (units.GetUnits()[i] != null)
                GameObject go = Instantiate(unit, parent.transform);
                go.name = "d" + i;
                SpriteRenderer sr = go.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                sr.flipX            = true;
                sr.sprite           = troll;
                sr.sortingLayerName = "CombatUnits";
                TextMesh tm = go.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>();
                tm.text = "" + units.getUnitAmount(i);
                tm.GetComponent <Renderer>().sortingLayerName = "CombatUnits";
                UnitGameObject ugo = go.GetComponent <UnitGameObject>();
                ugo.UnitTree             = units;
                ugo.PosInUnitTree        = i;
                ugo.GraphicalBattlefield = this;
                ugo.AttackingSide        = false;
                ugo.Initative            = units.GetUnits()[i].Unitstats.Initative;
                ugo.LogicalPos           = new Point(width - 1, place);
                Initative[logPos++]      = ugo;
                //set correct graphical pos
                go.transform.localPosition     = field[width - 1, place].transform.localPosition;
                UnitsOnField[Width - 1, place] = go;
                field[width - 1, place].GetComponent <GroundGameObject>().IsOccupied = true;
            place += increment;
        WhoseTurn = 0;
        initative[whoseTurn].ItsTurn = true;