public bool Process() { if (Unit.Stats.Health <= 0) { return(false); } if (Unit.X == WalkX && Unit.Y == WalkY) { return(false); } if (MapLogic.Instance.LevelTime - LastGoodPath > 5 * MapLogic.TICRATE && LastBadPath > LastGoodPath) { return(false); // if last good path was found more time ago, and last path was bad... break out, but wait for 5 seconds } if (!Walker.TryWalkTo(Unit, WalkX, WalkY, 0, 0)) { LastBadPath = MapLogic.Instance.LevelTime; return(true); } else { LastGoodPath = MapLogic.Instance.LevelTime; } return(true); }
public bool Process() { if (Unit.Stats.Health <= 0) { return(false); } // check if sack still exists MapSack targetsack = MapLogic.Instance.GetSackAt(TargetX, TargetY); if (targetsack == null) { return(false); } // if unit is on target cell, just pick up if (Unit.X <= TargetX && Unit.Y <= TargetY && Unit.X + Unit.Width > TargetX && Unit.Y + Unit.Height > TargetY) { // pick the target sack up. // add money for (int i = 0; i < targetsack.Pack.Count; i++) { Item newItem = Unit.ItemsPack.PutItem(Unit.ItemsPack.Count, new Item(targetsack.Pack[i], targetsack.Pack[i].Count)); // display "you have picked up ..." Server.NotifyItemPickup(Unit, targetsack.Pack[i].Class.ItemID, newItem.Count); } if (targetsack.Pack.Money > 0) { Unit.Player.Money += targetsack.Pack.Money; Server.NotifyItemPickup(Unit, -1, targetsack.Pack.Money); } MapLogic.Instance.RemoveSackAt(TargetX, TargetY); if (NetworkManager.IsServer) { Server.NotifyUnitPack(Unit); } return(false); // done } else { Walker.TryWalkTo(Unit, TargetX, TargetY, 0, 0); return(true); } }
public bool Process() { if (Unit.Stats.Health <= 0) { return(false); } if (TargetUnit == Unit || !TargetUnit.IsAlive || !TargetUnit.IsLinked) { return(false); } if (!Unit.Interaction.CheckCanAttack(TargetUnit)) { return(false); } // assume melee attack right now // check if in direct proximity if (Unit.Interaction.GetClosestDistanceTo(TargetUnit) <= Unit.Interaction.GetAttackRange() + 0.5f) { // in direct proximity! // Vector2i enemyCell = TargetUnit.Interaction.GetClosestPointTo(Unit); int angleNeeded = Unit.FaceCellPrecise(enemyCell.x, enemyCell.y); if (Unit.Angle != angleNeeded) { Unit.AddActions(new RotateAction(Unit, angleNeeded)); return(true); } // //Debug.LogFormat("ID {0} ATTACKING", Unit.ID); int damage = Random.Range(Unit.Stats.DamageMin, Unit.Stats.DamageMax); DamageFlags df = Unit.GetDamageType(); // we need to compare Option to set damage flags properly here Unit.AddActions(new AttackAction(Unit, TargetUnit, df, damage)); } else { //Debug.LogFormat("ID {0} TRY WALK TO", Unit.ID); // make one step to the target. Walker.TryWalkTo(Unit, TargetUnit.X, TargetUnit.Y, TargetUnit.Width, TargetUnit.Height, Unit.Interaction.GetAttackRange()); } return(true); }
public bool Process() { if (Unit.Stats.Health <= 0) { return(false); } if (Structure == null || Structure.Class == null || !Structure.Class.Usable) { return(false); } if (!(Unit is MapHuman mh) || !mh.IsHero) { return(false); } // check if close enough int x = Structure.X - 1; int y = Structure.Y - 1; int w = Structure.Width + 2; int h = Structure.Height + 2; // done walking if (new Rect(x, y, w, h).Overlaps(new Rect(Unit.X, Unit.Y, Unit.Width, Unit.Height))) { // we are the server. // initiate building view... if (Unit.CurrentStructure != null) { Unit.CurrentStructure.HandleUnitLeave(Unit); } Structure.HandleUnitEnter(Unit); return(false); } //Debug.LogFormat("ID {0} TRY WALK TO", Unit.ID); // make one step to the target. Walker.TryWalkTo(Unit, Structure.X, Structure.Y, Structure.Width, Structure.Height); return(true); }
public bool Process() { // check target. if target is outside map range, terminate. server doesn't really handle this well if (TargetX < 8 || TargetY < 8 || TargetX >= MapLogic.Instance.Width - 8 || TargetY >= MapLogic.Instance.Height - 8) { if (TargetUnit != null) { TargetX = -1; TargetY = -1; } else { return(false); } } if (Executed && Unit.Actions[Unit.Actions.Count - 1].GetType() != typeof(AttackAction)) { return(false); } if (Unit.Stats.Health <= 0) { return(false); } if ((IsAttack && TargetUnit == Unit) || (TargetUnit != null && (!TargetUnit.IsAlive || !TargetUnit.IsLinked))) { return(false); } if (TargetUnit != null && !Unit.Interaction.CheckCanAttack(TargetUnit)) { return(false); } // assume melee attack right now // check if in direct proximity if ((TargetUnit != null && Unit.Interaction.GetClosestDistanceTo(TargetUnit) <= Spell.GetDistance() + 0.5f) || (TargetUnit == null && (Unit.Interaction.GetClosestPointTo(TargetX, TargetY) - new Vector2i(TargetX, TargetY)).magnitude <= Spell.GetDistance() + 0.5f)) { // in direct proximity! // if (TargetUnit != Unit) { Vector2i enemyCell = (TargetUnit != null ? TargetUnit.Interaction.GetClosestPointTo(Unit) : new Vector2i(TargetX, TargetY)); int angleNeeded = Unit.FaceCellPrecise(enemyCell.x, enemyCell.y); if (Unit.Angle != angleNeeded) { Unit.AddActions(new RotateAction(Unit, angleNeeded)); return(true); } } // //Debug.LogFormat("ATTACKING"); if ((Spell.Item != null || Unit.Stats.Mana >= Spell.Template.ManaCost) && (!Spell.ItemDisposable || Unit.ItemsPack.Contains(Spell.Item))) { Unit.AddActions(new AttackAction(Unit, TargetUnit, Spell, TargetX, TargetY)); if (Spell.Item == null && Unit.Stats.TrySetMana(Unit.Stats.Mana - Spell.Template.ManaCost) && NetworkManager.IsServer) { Server.NotifyUnitStatsShort(Unit); } else if (Spell.Item != null && Spell.ItemDisposable && Unit.ItemsPack.TakeItem(Spell.Item, 1) != null) { Server.NotifyUnitPack(Unit); } Unit.DoUpdateView = true; Unit.DoUpdateInfo = true; } else { return(false); // :( no mana } Executed = true; } else { // make one step to the target. if (TargetUnit != null) { Walker.TryWalkTo(Unit, TargetUnit.X, TargetUnit.Y, TargetUnit.Width, TargetUnit.Height, Spell.GetDistance()); } else { Walker.TryWalkTo(Unit, TargetX, TargetY, 0, 0, Spell.GetDistance()); } } return(true); }