    // random {x,y,z} -> sum = 3f
    public void RandomlyInitialiseUnitPriorities()
        float x = 0f;
        float y = 0f;
        float z = 0f;

        while (x + y + z != 3f)
            x = Random.Range(0f, 1f);
            y = Random.Range(0f, 1f);
            z = Random.Range(0f, 1f);

            float sum = x + y + z;

            float toBeFilled = (3f - sum);

            x += toBeFilled / 3f;
            y += toBeFilled / 3f;
            z += toBeFilled / 3f;

        Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", x, y, z));

        if (x + y + z != 3f)
            Debug.LogError("x+y+z != 3 but = " + (float)(x + y + z));

        unitPriorities = new UnitPriorities(x, y, z);
    // Randomly selects a unit (weighted off their "priority")
    public UnitPurchaseModel RandomlySelectUnit(UnitPriorities unitPriorities)
        // Generate random number
        float randomNumber = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 3f);

        Debug.Log(string.Format("random number: {0}", randomNumber));

        // Priority Threshold guarantees that the current range maps only to the given type
        float priorityThreshold = 0;

        foreach (UnitType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnitType)).Cast <UnitType>())
            // update threshold
            priorityThreshold += unitPriorities.Get(type);

            // check if within threshold
            if (randomNumber <= priorityThreshold && unitPriorities.Get(type) != 0)

        Debug.LogError("No available unit ...");
    public CombatRoundPlanner(UnitPriorities priorities)
        armyPlanner     = new ArmyPlanner();
        resourcePlanner = new ResourcePlanner();
        buildingPlanner = new BuildingPlanner();

        unitPriorities = priorities;

        commandQueue = new Queue <GameBehaviourCommand>();
    // Get highest priority not-already built building, returns null if all are built.
    public BuildingModel PlanBuilding(UnitPriorities unitPriorities)
        // check if all buildings are built?
        // -> prevent unnecessary checks
        Dictionary <UnitType, float> priorities = unitPriorities.priorities;

        List <UnitType> unitTypesSortedByPriority = new List <UnitType>();

        UnitType maxPriorityType  = UnitType.SWORDSMAN;
        float    maxPriorityValue = -1f;

        // sort by priority
        while (unitTypesSortedByPriority.Count < priorities.Count)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <UnitType, float> entry in priorities)
                if (!unitTypesSortedByPriority.Contains(entry.Key) && entry.Value > maxPriorityValue)
                    maxPriorityType  = entry.Key;
                    maxPriorityValue = entry.Value;
            Debug.Log("adding " + maxPriorityType);

            maxPriorityValue = -1f;

        // iterate over sorted list
        foreach (UnitType type in unitTypesSortedByPriority)
            UnitPurchaseModel unitModel    = UnitPurchaseModelFactory.Create(type);
            BuildingType      buildingType = unitModel.prerequisite;

            if (!GetBuildPlotController().IsComplete(buildingType))
                BuildingModel buildingModel = BuildingModelFactory.Create(buildingType);

                // Update resource costs
                woodCost       = buildingModel.buildCost.GetResourceAmount(ResourceType.WOOD);
                magicStoneCost = buildingModel.buildCost.GetResourceAmount(ResourceType.MAGIC_STONE);


        // No building to be built
    // generate target army for this combat phase
    public UnitMap GenerateTargetArmy(UnitPriorities unitPriorities, BuildingType plannedBuilding)
        UnitMap targetArmy          = new UnitMap(startingUnits);
        int     remainingSupplyCopy = remainingSupply;

        // while army not full (won't cause any issues as all units currently have 1 or 2 as their supplyCost, may need changes in future)
        while (remainingSupplyCopy > 0)
            UnitPurchaseModel model = null;

            while (model == null)
                model = RandomlySelectUnit(unitPriorities);

            UnitType type = model.unitType;
            if (IsUnitTrainable(type, remainingSupplyCopy, plannedBuilding))
                requiredWood        += model.buildCost.GetResourceAmount(ResourceType.WOOD);
                requiredMagicStone  += model.buildCost.GetResourceAmount(ResourceType.MAGIC_STONE);
                remainingSupplyCopy -= model.armySize;


        // check if supply has gone negative
        if (remainingSupplyCopy != 0)
            Debug.LogError("supply < 0? (=" + remainingSupplyCopy + ")");
