public UnitDB ConvertToDB() { List <ClassDB> classes = new List <ClassDB>(); foreach (Class value in Tutorials) { classes.Add(value.ConvertToDB()); } foreach (Class value in Lectures) { classes.Add(value.ConvertToDB()); } List <AnnouncementDB> announcements = new List <AnnouncementDB>(); foreach (Announcement value in StaffAnnouncements) { announcements.Add(value.ConvertToDB()); } List <AssesmentDB> assesments = new List <AssesmentDB>(); foreach (Assesment value in Assesments) { assesments.Add(value.ConvertToDB()); } List <ResourcesDB> resources = new List <ResourcesDB>(); foreach (Resources value in UnitResources) { resources.Add(value.ConvertToDB()); } string information = ""; foreach (Information value in Information) { information += value.Line + "|"; } UnitDB returnValue = new UnitDB { UnitID = this.UnitID, SemesterID = this.SemesterID, Code = this.Code, Colour = this.Colour, Name = this.Name, Information = information, Classes = classes, StaffAnnouncements = announcements, Assesments = assesments, UnitResources = resources, StudentID = this.StudentID }; return(returnValue); }
public static UnitDB LoadUnitBlueprintPreview(string LocalPath) { if (LoadedUnitBPPreviews.ContainsKey(LocalPath)) { return(LoadedUnitBPPreviews[LocalPath]); } byte[] Bytes = LoadBytes(UnitsScd, LocalPath); if (Bytes == null || Bytes.Length == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Unit does not exits: " + LocalPath); return(new UnitDB(LocalPath)); } string BluePrintString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Bytes); if (BluePrintString.Length == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Loaded blueprint is empty"); return(new UnitDB(LocalPath)); } BluePrintString = BluePrintString.Replace("UnitBlueprint {", "UnitBlueprint = {"); //Fix LUA string[] SplitedBlueprint = BluePrintString.Split("\n".ToCharArray()); string NewBlueprintString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < SplitedBlueprint.Length; i++) { if (SplitedBlueprint[i].Length > 0 && !SplitedBlueprint[i].Contains("#")) { NewBlueprintString += SplitedBlueprint[i] + "\n"; } } BluePrintString = NewBlueprintString; Lua BP = new Lua(); BP.LoadCLRPackage(); try { BP.DoString(MapLuaParser.Current.SaveLuaHeader.text + BluePrintString); } catch (NLua.Exceptions.LuaException e) { Debug.LogWarning(LuaParser.Read.FormatException(e) + "\n" + LocalPath); return(new UnitDB(LocalPath)); } UnitDB ToReturn = new UnitDB(BP, LocalPath); LoadedUnitBPPreviews.Add(LocalPath, ToReturn); return(ToReturn); }
public UnitListController() { Unit = UnitDB.loadAll(); visibleUnit = new ObservableCollection <Unit>(Unit); //this list we will modify later foreach (Unit s in Unit) { s.setClassTime(ClassTimeDB.loadByState(s.UnitCode)); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update protected virtual void Start() { spell_db = (SpellDB)Resources.Load("SpellDatabase"); unit_db = (UnitDB)Resources.Load("UnitDatabase"); npc_db = (NPCDB)Resources.Load("NPCDatabase"); npc_list = new List <NPC>(); SpawnRaid(); AddNewNPCs(raid_manager.unit_list); InitThreatTables(); encountertime = 0; }
public void InitArgs(string TableName = "SerialPort") { CompactDB = R.CompactDB; CompactDB.TargetTable = TableName; base.PortName = CompactDB.FetchValue("COM", true, "0"); base.Parity = (Parity)CompactDB.FetchIntValue("Parity"); base.StopBits = (StopBits)CompactDB.FetchIntValue("StopBits"); base.BaudRate = CompactDB.FetchIntValue("BaudRate"); base.DataBits = CompactDB.FetchIntValue("DataBits"); base.BufferSize = 128; CompactDB.TargetTable = CompactDB.DefaultTable; }
public void TestUnitDB() { string data = TestContext.RootPath + "Resources/MtUnit.txt"; data = File.ReadAllText(data); Assert.NotZero(data.Length); UnitDB.Init(data); Assert.NotZero(UnitDB.Instance.Count); Assert.True(UnitDB.Instance.ContainsKey("[Character]akizuki_ritsukoA")); Assert.AreEqual(UnitType.Vi, UnitDB.Instance["[Character]akizuki_ritsukoA"].UnitType); }
// Constructor function to load the list of teachers public StaffListController() { // Read all the information in the teacher table Staff = StaffDB.loadAll(); visibleStaff = new ObservableCollection <Staff>(Staff); //this list we will modify later // Read qa information for every teacher foreach (Staff c in Staff) { c.setConsultation(consultationDB.loadByID(c.StaffID)); c.setStaffUnit(UnitDB.loadByID(c.StaffID)); } }
protected virtual void btn_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ThisDB = R.CompactDB; if (rbtn_Log.Checked) { QueryLogs(); } if (rbtn_NGReporting.Checked) { QueryOKNGPercent(); } if (rbtn_NGDetails.Checked) { QueryNGStatus(); } }
// Runs second private bool _testAddUnitToBoard() { bool _passed = true; Dictionary <string, object> prm = new Dictionary <string, object>(); prm.Add("unitData", UnitDB.UNCR_Soldier()); prm.Add("x", 2); prm.Add("y", 3); string result = testBoardSpace.ToString(); if (!result.Equals(DTestBoardGeneration.addedSoldierTo_x2y3_4X4)) { _passed = false; Debug.Log("add unit to board failed it's test"); } return(_passed); }
public virtual void Run(ToolBlockPowerSuite toolBlockPowerSuite, bool Lockable = false, params object[] Inputs) { if (!Lockable) { toolBlockPowerSuite.Run(RanToolBlock, Inputs); App.nTodayImageCount++; new Thread((ThreadStart) delegate { UnitDB compactDB3 = base.CompactDB; string manufatureTotalNumRecordTable_PerDay2 = App.ManufatureTotalNumRecordTable_PerDay; DateTime now2 = DateTime.Now; compactDB3.Write(manufatureTotalNumRecordTable_PerDay2, now2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), App.nTodayImageCount.ToString()); UnitDB compactDB4 = base.CompactDB; string nGNumRecordTable_PerDay2 = App.NGNumRecordTable_PerDay; now2 = DateTime.Now; compactDB4.Write(nGNumRecordTable_PerDay2, now2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), App.nNGNum.ToString()); DoRefreshManufatureIndicators(); }).Start(); } else { lock (LockSoftwareTrigger) { toolBlockPowerSuite.Run(RanToolBlock, Inputs); App.nTodayImageCount++; new Thread((ThreadStart) delegate { UnitDB compactDB = base.CompactDB; string manufatureTotalNumRecordTable_PerDay = App.ManufatureTotalNumRecordTable_PerDay; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; compactDB.Write(manufatureTotalNumRecordTable_PerDay, now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), App.nTodayImageCount.ToString()); UnitDB compactDB2 = base.CompactDB; string nGNumRecordTable_PerDay = App.NGNumRecordTable_PerDay; now = DateTime.Now; compactDB2.Write(nGNumRecordTable_PerDay, now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), App.nNGNum.ToString()); DoRefreshManufatureIndicators(); }).Start(); } } }
void Awake() { instance = this; PerkManager perkManager = (PerkManager)FindObjectOfType(typeof(PerkManager)); if (perkManager != null) { perkManager.Init(); } AbilityManagerUnit abManagerUnit = (AbilityManagerUnit)FindObjectOfType(typeof(AbilityManagerUnit)); if (abManagerUnit != null) { abManagerUnit.Init(); } availableUnitList = new List <Unit>(UnitDB.Load()); //load the unit from DB, you manually assign this if you want //since we are loading from DB, we dont want the AI unit, which started from 6 (so we remove them) while (availableUnitList.Count > 9) { availableUnitList.RemoveAt(availableUnitList.Count - 1); } //if this there isn't any save if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("TBTK_Demo")) { //for demo purpose, we are using perk currency as the universal currency //so we set the perk currency to our starting value and let PerkManager keep track of it PerkManager.SetPerkCurrency(startingCurrency); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TBTK_Demo", 1); } else { //check with data to see if the scene is loaded from a battle if (TBData.BattleEndDataExist()) { List <TBDataUnit> dataList = TBData.GetEndData(0); //get the data, the ID is zero, since we start the battle with 0 //note that the faction in the battle scene is configured to load data from 0 too if (dataList != null) //add the unit based on the dataList { for (int i = 0; i < dataList.Count; i++) { selectedUnitList.Add(dataList[i].unit); } } for (int i = 0; i < selectedUnitList.Count; i++) //fill up the availableUnitMapList (for saving) { bool match = false; for (int n = 0; n < availableUnitList.Count; n++) //find the corresponding unit in availableList and add the index to selectedUnitMapList { if (selectedUnitList[i] == availableUnitList[n]) { selectedUnitMapList.Add(n); match = true; break; } } //if there's no match in availableUnitList, unit no longer available in game, remove it from selected list if (!match) { selectedUnitList.RemoveAt(i); i -= 1; } } _SaveLoadOut(); } else //if we are not loading the scene from a battle, load the selectedUnitList from previous save in stead of getting it from data { _LoadLoadOut(); } } }
private void QueryLogs() { ThisDB = R.LogDB; string text = null; bool flag = false; if (dateTimePicker1.Text.Equals(dateTimePicker2.Text)) { flag = true; } DateTime value; if (dateTimePicker2.Value < dateTimePicker2.Value) { dotNetLab.Tipper.Error = "第二个日期控件的日期必须大于或者等于前一个日期控件的日期。"; } else if (flag) { value = dateTimePicker1.Value; string arg = value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); value = dateTimePicker1.Value; object arg2 = value.Year; value = dateTimePicker1.Value; text = string.Format("_{0}_{1}", arg2, value.Month); dataGridView1.DataSource = ThisDB.ProvideTable(string.Format("SELECT Fire_Time as 触发时间,Message as 基本信息 FROM {0} where Fire_Time like '{1}%';", text, arg), dotNetLab.Data.DBOperator.OPERATOR_QUERY_TABLE); } else { value = dateTimePicker1.Value; string arg3 = value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); value = dateTimePicker2.Value; string arg4 = value.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ThisDB.GetAllTableNames(); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataTable.Columns.Add(); dataTable.Columns[0].ColumnName = "触发时间"; dataTable.Columns.Add(); dataTable.Columns[1].ColumnName = "基本信息"; int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ThisDB.AllTableNames.Count; i++) { if (!ThisDB.DefaultTable.Equals(ThisDB.AllTableNames[i])) { text = ThisDB.AllTableNames[i]; DataTable dataTable2 = ThisDB.ProvideTable(string.Format("SELECT Fire_Time as 触发时间,Message as 基本信息 FROM {0} where Fire_Time >='{1}' and Fire_Time <'{2}';", text, arg3, arg4), dotNetLab.Data.DBOperator.OPERATOR_QUERY_TABLE); if (dataTable2 != null && dataTable2.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < dataTable2.Rows.Count; j++) { dataTable.Rows.Add(); for (int k = 0; k < dataTable2.Columns.Count; k++) { dataTable.Rows[num][k] = dataTable2.Rows[j][k]; } num++; } } } } dataGridView1.DataSource = dataTable; } }
public void Setup() { string unitData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("../../../Resources/MtUnit.txt"); UnitDB.Init(unitData); }
protected override void prepareData() { base.prepareData(); string text = base.CompactDB.FetchValue(App.AutoCleanTime, true, "0"); if (text == null) { base.CompactDB.Write(App.AutoCleanTime, "0"); } string text2 = base.CompactDB.FetchValue(App.ApplyUserPriority, true, "0"); if (text2 == null) { base.CompactDB.Write(App.ApplyUserPriority, "0"); } string text3 = base.CompactDB.FetchValue(App.HideMainForm, true, "0"); if (text3 == null) { base.CompactDB.Write(App.HideMainForm, "0"); } string text4 = base.CompactDB.FetchValue(App.Contact, true, "0"); if (text4 == null) { base.CompactDB.Write(App.Contact, " "); } string text5 = base.CompactDB.FetchValue(App.IncName, true, "0"); if (text5 == null) { base.CompactDB.Write(App.IncName, " "); } PrepareCommunication(); base.CompactDB.GetAllTableNames(); int num = base.CompactDB.AllTableNames.IndexOf(App.ImageRecord); if (num == -1) { base.CompactDB.NewTable(App.ImageRecord, "图片路径 Text not null ,OKNG Text not null,图像生成日期 Text not null,描述 Text not null"); } num = base.CompactDB.AllTableNames.IndexOf(App.ManufatureTotalNumRecordTable_PerDay); if (num == -1) { base.CompactDB.CopyKeyValueTable(App.ManufatureTotalNumRecordTable_PerDay, base.CompactDB.DefaultTable); base.CompactDB.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from " + App.ManufatureTotalNumRecordTable_PerDay, dotNetLab.Data.DBOperator.OPERATOR_TRUNCATE); } UnitDB compactDB = base.CompactDB; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; App.nTodayImageCount = compactDB.FetchIntValue(now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), App.ManufatureTotalNumRecordTable_PerDay); num = base.CompactDB.AllTableNames.IndexOf(App.NGNumRecordTable_PerDay); if (num == -1) { base.CompactDB.CopyKeyValueTable(App.NGNumRecordTable_PerDay, base.CompactDB.DefaultTable); base.CompactDB.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from " + App.NGNumRecordTable_PerDay, dotNetLab.Data.DBOperator.OPERATOR_TRUNCATE); } UnitDB compactDB2 = base.CompactDB; now = DateTime.Now; App.nNGNum = compactDB2.FetchIntValue(now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), App.NGNumRecordTable_PerDay); num = base.CompactDB.AllTableNames.IndexOf(App.StatisticNGOKPercentTable_PerDay); if (num == -1) { base.CompactDB.CopyKeyValueTable(App.StatisticNGOKPercentTable_PerDay, base.CompactDB.DefaultTable); base.CompactDB.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from " + App.StatisticNGOKPercentTable_PerDay, dotNetLab.Data.DBOperator.OPERATOR_TRUNCATE); } }
protected void AutoSaveClearImage(Bitmap bmp, string Description, bool OKNG = false, string picturePath = "图片", UnitDB thisDB = null) { if (thisDB == null) { thisDB = base.CompactDB; } List <string> nameColumnValues = base.CompactDB.GetNameColumnValues(base.CompactDB.DefaultTable); if (!nameColumnValues.Contains("AutoClearTime")) { base.CompactDB.Write("AutoClearTime", "3"); } if (!Directory.Exists(picturePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(picturePath); } DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now; string text = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", picturePath, dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); if (!Directory.Exists(text)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(text); } string path = text; dateTime = DateTime.Now; string text2 = Path.Combine(path, dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm_ss") + ".bmp"); bmp.Save(text2); string text3 = null; text3 = ((!OKNG) ? "NG" : "OK"); UnitDB unitDB = thisDB; string imageRecord = App.ImageRecord; object[] obj = new object[4] { text2, text3, null, null }; dateTime = DateTime.Now; obj[2] = dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); obj[3] = Description; unitDB.NewRecord(imageRecord, string.Format("'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}'", obj)); int num = base.CompactDB.FetchIntValue("AutoClearTime"); if (Directory.GetDirectories(picturePath).Length > num) { dateTime = DateTime.Now; dateTime = DateTime.Parse(dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); string path2 = dateTime.AddDays((double)(-num)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(picturePath, path2))) { string text4 = Path.Combine(picturePath, path2); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(text4); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { File.Delete(files[i]); } Directory.Delete(text4); base.CompactDB.RemoveRecord(App.ImageRecord, string.Format("图像生成日期 like '{0}%'", text4)); } } }
public RetriveDataForm() { InitializeComponent(); ThisDB = R.LogDB; }
void Start() { unitDB = (UnitDB) Resources.Load("UnitDatabase"); }