    //expected to be a turn update
    public void CastFireUpdate()
        //model.transform.forward = direction;
        self.transform.forward = direction;
        //todo produce a fireball unitbehavior that moves to TargetLocator's position after say 40 frames
        //Debug.Log("procced =: " + HasProcced);
        if (!HasProcced)
            if (CurrentTime - StartTime > ProcTime)
                //CAST FIRE BALL
                //start firestrike animation

                List <UnitBehavior> EligibleUnits = new List <UnitBehavior>(), pulled = GetSusceptibleUnits();
                //Debug.Log("GetSusceptibleUnits gave " + pulled.Count + " units.");
                foreach (UnitBehavior unit in pulled)
                    //determine distance/angle
                    Vector3 diff = unit.transform.position - origin;
                    // short if distance is too great.
                    if (diff.magnitude - unit.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().radius > direction.magnitude)

                    float L = self.transform.GetComponent <SphereCollider>().radius;
                    float H = L * 2;
                    Ray   r = new Ray(origin, direction.normalized);
                    float o = Vector3.Cross(r.direction, diff).magnitude;
                    // skip this unit if outside hitbox influence;
                    if (o - unit.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>().radius > L + (H - L) * (diff.magnitude / direction.magnitude))
                    //add the eligible enemies to the list.
                if (EligibleUnits.Count < 1)
                    Debug.Log("no units hit."); HasProcced = true; return;

                //hit the closest enemy code below

                 * UnitBehavior hit = EligibleUnits[0];
                 * foreach(UnitBehavior unit in EligibleUnits)
                 * {
                 *  if ((unit.transform.position - origin).magnitude < (hit.transform.position - origin).magnitude)
                 *  {
                 *      hit = unit;
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * hit.DamageHealth(self.GetSkill(actiontype));

                //hit all enemies able to be hit code below
                foreach (UnitBehavior unit in EligibleUnits)
                HasProcced = true;

        CurrentTime = Time.time;