public void TestArgumentExceptions()
            var      uids = new UniqueIdSet(SortOrder.Ascending);
            UniqueId uid;



            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => new UniqueIdSet((SortOrder)500));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException> (() => uids.Add(UniqueId.Invalid));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (() => uids.AddRange(null));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (() => uids.CopyTo(null, 0));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => uids.CopyTo(new UniqueId[1], -1));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => uids.RemoveAt(-1));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => uid = uids[-1]);
            Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException> (() => uids[0]   = UniqueId.MinValue);
            Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException> (() => uids.Insert(0, UniqueId.MinValue));

            var list = new List <UniqueId> {

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (() => UniqueIdSet.ToString(null));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException> (() => UniqueIdSet.ToString(list));

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (() => UniqueIdSet.TryParse(null, out uids));
        public void TestContainsDescending()
            var uids = new UniqueIdSet(SortOrder.Descending);

            Assert.IsFalse(uids.Contains(new UniqueId(5)), "5");

            uids.Add(new UniqueId(2));
            uids.Add(new UniqueId(3));

            Assert.IsFalse(uids.Contains(new UniqueId(1)), "1");
            Assert.IsTrue(uids.Contains(new UniqueId(2)), "2");
            Assert.IsTrue(uids.Contains(new UniqueId(3)), "3");
            Assert.IsFalse(uids.Contains(new UniqueId(4)), "4");
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MailKit.Search.UidSearchQuery"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Creates a new unique identifier-based search query.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="uid">The unique identifier to match against.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// <paramref name="uid"/> is an invalid unique identifier.
		/// </exception>
		public UidSearchQuery (UniqueId uid) : base (SearchTerm.Uid)
			if (!uid.IsValid)
				throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot search for an invalid unique identifier.", nameof (uid));

			Uids = new UniqueIdSet (SortOrder.Ascending);
			Uids.Add (uid);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:MailKit.Search.UidSearchQuery"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Creates a new unique identifier-based search query.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="uid">The unique identifier to match against.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
        /// <paramref name="uid"/> is an invalid unique identifier.
        /// </exception>
        public UidSearchQuery(UniqueId uid) : base(SearchTerm.Uid)
            if (!uid.IsValid)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot search for an invalid unique identifier.", nameof(uid));

            Uids = new UniqueIdSet(SortOrder.Ascending);
		public void TestArgumentExceptions ()
			var uids = new UniqueIdSet (SortOrder.Ascending);
			UniqueId uid;

			uids.Add (UniqueId.MinValue);

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => uids.Add (UniqueId.Invalid));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => uids.AddRange (null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => uids.CopyTo (null, 0));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => uids.CopyTo (new UniqueId[1], -1));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => uids.RemoveAt (-1));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => uid = uids[-1]);
			Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => uids[0] = UniqueId.MinValue);
			Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => uids.Insert (0, UniqueId.MinValue));

			var list = new List<UniqueId> { UniqueId.Invalid };
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => UniqueIdSet.ToString (null));
			Assert.Throws<ArgumentException> (() => UniqueIdSet.ToString (list));

			Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => UniqueIdSet.TryParse (null, out uids));
        public void TestAscendingUniqueIdSet()
            UniqueId[] uids =
                new UniqueId(1), new UniqueId(2), new UniqueId(3),
                new UniqueId(4), new UniqueId(5), new UniqueId(6),
                new UniqueId(7), new UniqueId(8), new UniqueId(9)
            var list   = new UniqueIdSet(uids, SortOrder.Ascending);
            var actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("1:9", actual, "Incorrect initial value.");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, list.Count, "Incorrect initial count.");
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, list.IndexOf(new UniqueId(500)));
            Assert.IsFalse(list.Contains(new UniqueId(500)));
            Assert.IsFalse(list.Remove(new UniqueId(500)));

            // Test Remove()

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:9", actual, "Incorrect results after Remove() #1.");
            Assert.AreEqual(8, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Remove() #1.");

            list.Remove(uids[uids.Length - 1]);
            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:8", actual, "Incorrect results after Remove() #2.");
            Assert.AreEqual(7, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Remove() #2.");

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:4,6:8", actual, "Incorrect results after Remove() #3.");
            Assert.AreEqual(6, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Remove() #3.");

            // Test Add()

            list.Add(new UniqueId(5));
            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:8", actual, "Incorrect results after Add() #1.");
            Assert.AreEqual(7, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Add() #1.");

            list.Add(new UniqueId(1));
            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("1:8", actual, "Incorrect results after Add() #2.");
            Assert.AreEqual(8, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Add() #2.");

            list.Add(new UniqueId(9));
            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("1:9", actual, "Incorrect results after Add() #3.");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Add() #3.");

            // Test RemoveAt()

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:9", actual, "Incorrect results after RemoveAt() #1.");
            Assert.AreEqual(8, list.Count, "Incorrect count after RemoveAt() #1.");

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:8", actual, "Incorrect results after RemoveAt() #2.");
            Assert.AreEqual(7, list.Count, "Incorrect count after RemoveAt() #2.");

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:4,6:8", actual, "Incorrect results after RemoveAt() #3.");
            Assert.AreEqual(6, list.Count, "Incorrect count after RemoveAt() #3.");

            // Test adding a range of items

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("1:9", actual, "Incorrect results after AddRange().");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, list.Count, "Incorrect count after AddRange().");

            // Test clearing the list
            Assert.AreEqual(0, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Clear().");
        public void TestUnsortedUniqueIdSet()
            UniqueId[] uids =
                new UniqueId(1), new UniqueId(2), new UniqueId(3),
                new UniqueId(4), new UniqueId(5), new UniqueId(6),
                new UniqueId(7), new UniqueId(8), new UniqueId(9)
            var list   = new UniqueIdSet(uids);
            var actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("1:9", actual, "Incorrect initial value.");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, list.Count, "Incorrect initial count.");

            // Test Remove()

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:9", actual, "Incorrect results after Remove() #1.");
            Assert.AreEqual(8, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Remove() #1.");

            list.Remove(uids[uids.Length - 1]);
            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:8", actual, "Incorrect results after Remove() #2.");
            Assert.AreEqual(7, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Remove() #2.");

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:4,6:8", actual, "Incorrect results after Remove() #3.");
            Assert.AreEqual(6, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Remove() #3.");

            // Test Add()

            list.Add(new UniqueId(5));
            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:4,6:8,5", actual, "Incorrect results after Add() #1.");
            Assert.AreEqual(7, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Add() #1.");

            list.Add(new UniqueId(1));
            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:4,6:8,5,1", actual, "Incorrect results after Add() #2.");
            Assert.AreEqual(8, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Add() #2.");

            list.Add(new UniqueId(9));
            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("2:4,6:8,5,1,9", actual, "Incorrect results after Add() #3.");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Add() #3.");

            // Test RemoveAt()

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("3:4,6:8,5,1,9", actual, "Incorrect results after RemoveAt() #1.");
            Assert.AreEqual(8, list.Count, "Incorrect count after RemoveAt() #1.");

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("3:4,6:8,5,1", actual, "Incorrect results after RemoveAt() #2.");
            Assert.AreEqual(7, list.Count, "Incorrect count after RemoveAt() #2.");

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("3:4,6,8,5,1", actual, "Incorrect results after RemoveAt() #3.");
            Assert.AreEqual(6, list.Count, "Incorrect count after RemoveAt() #3.");

            // Test adding a range of items

            actual = list.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("3:4,6,8,5,1:2,7,9", actual, "Incorrect results after AddRange().");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, list.Count, "Incorrect count after AddRange().");

            // Test clearing the list
            Assert.AreEqual(0, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Clear().");
		public async void TestImapClientDovecot ()
			var expectedFlags = MessageFlags.Answered | MessageFlags.Flagged | MessageFlags.Deleted | MessageFlags.Seen | MessageFlags.Draft;
			var expectedPermanentFlags = expectedFlags | MessageFlags.UserDefined;

			var commands = new List<ImapReplayCommand> ();
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("", "dovecot.greeting.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000000 LOGIN username password\r\n", "dovecot.authenticate.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000001 NAMESPACE\r\n", "dovecot.namespace.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000002 LIST \"\" \"INBOX\"\r\n", "dovecot.list-inbox.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000003 LIST (SPECIAL-USE) \"\" \"*\"\r\n", "dovecot.list-special-use.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000004 ENABLE QRESYNC CONDSTORE\r\n", "dovecot.enable-qresync.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000005 LIST \"\" \"%\" RETURN (SUBSCRIBED CHILDREN STATUS (MESSAGES RECENT UIDNEXT UIDVALIDITY UNSEEN HIGHESTMODSEQ))\r\n", "dovecot.list-personal.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000006 CREATE UnitTests.\r\n", ImapReplayCommandResponse.OK));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000007 LIST \"\" UnitTests\r\n", "dovecot.list-unittests.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000008 CREATE UnitTests.Messages\r\n", ImapReplayCommandResponse.OK));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000009 LIST \"\" UnitTests.Messages\r\n", "dovecot.list-unittests-messages.txt"));

			var command = new StringBuilder ("A00000010 APPEND UnitTests.Messages");
			var internalDates = new List<DateTimeOffset> ();
			var messages = new List<MimeMessage> ();
			var flags = new List<MessageFlags> ();
			var now = DateTimeOffset.Now;

			messages.Add (CreateThreadableMessage ("A", "<*****@*****.**>", null, now.AddMinutes (-7)));
			messages.Add (CreateThreadableMessage ("B", "<*****@*****.**>", "<*****@*****.**>", now.AddMinutes (-6)));
			messages.Add (CreateThreadableMessage ("C", "<*****@*****.**>", "<*****@*****.**> <*****@*****.**>", now.AddMinutes (-5)));
			messages.Add (CreateThreadableMessage ("D", "<*****@*****.**>", "<*****@*****.**>", now.AddMinutes (-4)));
			messages.Add (CreateThreadableMessage ("E", "<*****@*****.**>", "<*****@*****.**> <*****@*****.**> <*****@*****.**> <*****@*****.**>", now.AddMinutes (-3)));
			messages.Add (CreateThreadableMessage ("F", "<*****@*****.**>", "<*****@*****.**>", now.AddMinutes (-2)));
			messages.Add (CreateThreadableMessage ("G", "<*****@*****.**>", null, now.AddMinutes (-1)));
			messages.Add (CreateThreadableMessage ("H", "<*****@*****.**>", null, now));

			for (int i = 0; i < messages.Count; i++) {
				var message = messages[i];
				string latin1;
				long length;

				internalDates.Add (messages[i].Date);
				flags.Add (MessageFlags.Draft);

				using (var stream = new MemoryStream ()) {
					var options = FormatOptions.Default.Clone ();
					options.NewLineFormat = NewLineFormat.Dos;

					message.WriteTo (options, stream);
					length = stream.Length;
					stream.Position = 0;

					using (var reader = new StreamReader (stream, Latin1))
						latin1 = reader.ReadToEnd ();

				command.AppendFormat (" (\\Draft) \"{0}\" ", ImapUtils.FormatInternalDate (message.Date));
				command.Append ('{');
				command.AppendFormat ("{0}+", length);
				command.Append ("}\r\n");
				command.Append (latin1);
			command.Append ("\r\n");
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand (command.ToString (), "dovecot.multiappend.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000011 SELECT UnitTests.Messages (CONDSTORE)\r\n", ""));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000012 UID STORE 1:8 +FLAGS.SILENT (\\Seen)\r\n", ""));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000013 UID STORE 1:3 +FLAGS.SILENT (\\Answered)\r\n", ""));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000014 UID STORE 8 +FLAGS.SILENT (\\Deleted)\r\n", ""));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000015 UID EXPUNGE 8\r\n", "dovecot.uid-expunge.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000016 UID THREAD REFERENCES US-ASCII ALL\r\n", "dovecot.thread-references.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000017 UID THREAD ORDEREDSUBJECT US-ASCII UID 1:* ALL\r\n", "dovecot.thread-orderedsubject.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000018 UNSELECT\r\n", ImapReplayCommandResponse.OK));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000019 SELECT UnitTests.Messages (QRESYNC (1436832084 2 1:8))\r\n", ""));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000020 UID SEARCH RETURN (ALL COUNT MIN MAX) MODSEQ 2\r\n", ""));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000021 UID FETCH 1:7 (UID FLAGS MODSEQ)\r\n", "dovecot.fetch1.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000022 UID FETCH 1:* (UID FLAGS MODSEQ) (CHANGEDSINCE 2 VANISHED)\r\n", "dovecot.fetch2.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000023 UID SORT RETURN (ALL COUNT MIN MAX) (REVERSE ARRIVAL) US-ASCII ALL\r\n", "dovecot.sort-reverse-arrival.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000024 UID SEARCH RETURN () UNDELETED SEEN\r\n", "dovecot.optimized-search.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000025 CREATE UnitTests.Destination\r\n", ImapReplayCommandResponse.OK));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000026 LIST \"\" UnitTests.Destination\r\n", "dovecot.list-unittests-destination.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000027 UID COPY 1:7 UnitTests.Destination\r\n", "dovecot.copy.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000028 UID MOVE 1:7 UnitTests.Destination\r\n", "dovecot.move.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000029 STATUS UnitTests.Destination (MESSAGES RECENT UIDNEXT UIDVALIDITY UNSEEN HIGHESTMODSEQ)\r\n", "dovecot.status-unittests-destination.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000030 SELECT UnitTests.Destination (CONDSTORE)\r\n", ""));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000034 FETCH 1:* (UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE ENVELOPE BODYSTRUCTURE MODSEQ BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (REFERENCES)]) (CHANGEDSINCE 1)\r\n", "dovecot.fetch6.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000035 FETCH 1:14 (UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE ENVELOPE BODYSTRUCTURE MODSEQ BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (REFERENCES)]) (CHANGEDSINCE 1)\r\n", "dovecot.fetch7.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000036 UID FETCH 1:* (UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE ENVELOPE BODYSTRUCTURE MODSEQ BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (REFERENCES X-MAILER)])\r\n", "dovecot.fetch8.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000037 FETCH 1:* (UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE ENVELOPE BODYSTRUCTURE MODSEQ BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (REFERENCES X-MAILER)])\r\n", "dovecot.fetch9.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000038 FETCH 1:14 (UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE ENVELOPE BODYSTRUCTURE MODSEQ BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (REFERENCES X-MAILER)])\r\n", "dovecot.fetch10.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000039 FETCH 1:* (UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE ENVELOPE BODYSTRUCTURE MODSEQ BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (REFERENCES)])\r\n", "dovecot.fetch11.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000040 FETCH 1:14 (UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE ENVELOPE BODYSTRUCTURE MODSEQ BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (REFERENCES)])\r\n", "dovecot.fetch12.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000041 UID FETCH 1 (BODY.PEEK[HEADER] BODY.PEEK[TEXT])\r\n", "dovecot.getbodypart.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000042 FETCH 1 (BODY.PEEK[HEADER] BODY.PEEK[TEXT])\r\n", "dovecot.getbodypart2.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000043 UID FETCH 1 (BODY.PEEK[]<128.64>)\r\n", "dovecot.getstream.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000044 UID FETCH 1 (BODY.PEEK[]<128.64>)\r\n", "dovecot.getstream2.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000045 FETCH 1 (BODY.PEEK[]<128.64>)\r\n", "dovecot.getstream3.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000046 FETCH 1 (BODY.PEEK[]<128.64>)\r\n", "dovecot.getstream4.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000047 UID FETCH 1 (BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (MIME-VERSION CONTENT-TYPE)])\r\n", "dovecot.getstream-section.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000048 FETCH 1 (BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (MIME-VERSION CONTENT-TYPE)])\r\n", "dovecot.getstream-section2.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000049 UID STORE 1:14 (UNCHANGEDSINCE 3) +FLAGS.SILENT (\\Deleted $MailKit)\r\n", ""));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000050 STORE 1:7 (UNCHANGEDSINCE 5) FLAGS.SILENT (\\Deleted \\Seen $MailKit)\r\n", "dovecot.setflags-unchangedsince.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000052 UID SEARCH RETURN (ALL COUNT MIN MAX) UID 1:14 LARGER 256 SMALLER 512\r\n", ""));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000053 UID SORT RETURN () (REVERSE DATE SUBJECT DISPLAYFROM SIZE) US-ASCII OR OR (SENTBEFORE 12-Oct-2016 SENTSINCE 10-Oct-2016) NOT SENTON 11-Oct-2016 OR (BEFORE 12-Oct-2016 SINCE 10-Oct-2016) NOT ON 11-Oct-2016\r\n", "dovecot.sort-by-date.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000054 UID SORT RETURN () (FROM TO CC) US-ASCII UID 1:14 OR BCC xyz OR CC xyz OR FROM xyz OR TO xyz OR SUBJECT xyz OR HEADER Message-Id OR BODY \"This is the message body.\" TEXT message\r\n", "dovecot.sort-by-strings.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000055 UID SORT RETURN (ALL COUNT MIN MAX) (DISPLAYTO) US-ASCII UID 1:14 OLDER 1 YOUNGER 3600\r\n", "dovecot.sort-uids-options.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000056 UID SEARCH ALL\r\n", ""));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000057 UID SORT (REVERSE ARRIVAL) US-ASCII ALL\r\n", "dovecot.sort-raw.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000058 EXPUNGE\r\n", "dovecot.expunge.txt"));
			commands.Add (new ImapReplayCommand ("A00000059 CLOSE\r\n", ImapReplayCommandResponse.OK));

			using (var client = new ImapClient ()) {
				try {
					client.ReplayConnect ("localhost", new ImapReplayStream (commands, false));
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					Assert.Fail ("Did not expect an exception in Connect: {0}", ex);

				Assert.IsTrue (client.IsConnected, "Client failed to connect.");

				Assert.AreEqual (DovecotInitialCapabilities, client.Capabilities);
				Assert.AreEqual (4, client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Count);
				Assert.IsTrue (client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Contains ("PLAIN"), "Expected SASL PLAIN auth mechanism");
				Assert.IsTrue (client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Contains ("DIGEST-MD5"), "Expected SASL DIGEST-MD5 auth mechanism");
				Assert.IsTrue (client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Contains ("CRAM-MD5"), "Expected SASL CRAM-MD5 auth mechanism");
				Assert.IsTrue (client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Contains ("NTLM"), "Expected SASL NTLM auth mechanism");

				// Note: we do not want to use SASL at all...
				client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Clear ();

				try {
					await client.AuthenticateAsync ("username", "password");
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					Assert.Fail ("Did not expect an exception in Authenticate: {0}", ex);

				Assert.AreEqual (DovecotAuthenticatedCapabilities, client.Capabilities);
				Assert.AreEqual (1, client.InternationalizationLevel, "Expected I18NLEVEL=1");
				Assert.IsTrue (client.ThreadingAlgorithms.Contains (ThreadingAlgorithm.OrderedSubject), "Expected THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT");
				Assert.IsTrue (client.ThreadingAlgorithms.Contains (ThreadingAlgorithm.References), "Expected THREAD=REFERENCES");
				// TODO: verify CONTEXT=SEARCH

				var personal = client.GetFolder (client.PersonalNamespaces[0]);

				// Make sure these all throw NotSupportedException
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.EnableUTF8 ());
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.GetAccessRights ("smith"));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.GetMyAccessRights ());
				var rights = new AccessRights ("lrswida");
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.AddAccessRights ("smith", rights));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.RemoveAccessRights ("smith", rights));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.SetAccessRights ("smith", rights));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.RemoveAccess ("smith"));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.GetQuota ());
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.SetQuota (null, null));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.GetMetadata (MetadataTag.PrivateComment));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.GetMetadata (new MetadataTag[] { MetadataTag.PrivateComment }));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.SetMetadata (new MetadataCollection ()));
				var labels = new string[] { "Label1", "Label2" };
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.AddLabels (UniqueId.MinValue, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.AddLabels (UniqueIdRange.All, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.AddLabels (UniqueIdRange.All, 1, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.AddLabels (0, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.AddLabels (new int[] { 0 }, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.AddLabels (new int[] { 0 }, 1, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.RemoveLabels (UniqueId.MinValue, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.RemoveLabels (UniqueIdRange.All, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.RemoveLabels (UniqueIdRange.All, 1, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.RemoveLabels (0, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.RemoveLabels (new int[] { 0 }, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.RemoveLabels (new int[] { 0 }, 1, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.SetLabels (UniqueId.MinValue, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.SetLabels (UniqueIdRange.All, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.SetLabels (UniqueIdRange.All, 1, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.SetLabels (0, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.SetLabels (new int[] { 0 }, labels, true));
				Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => client.Inbox.SetLabels (new int[] { 0 }, 1, labels, true));

				try {
					await client.EnableQuickResyncAsync ();
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					Assert.Fail ("Did not expect an exception when enabling QRESYNC: {0}", ex);

				// take advantage of LIST-STATUS to get top-level personal folders...
				var statusItems = StatusItems.Count | StatusItems.HighestModSeq | StatusItems.Recent | StatusItems.UidNext | StatusItems.UidValidity | StatusItems.Unread;

				var folders = (await personal.GetSubfoldersAsync (statusItems, false)).ToArray ();
				Assert.AreEqual (6, folders.Length, "Expected 6 folders");

				var expectedFolderNames = new [] { "Archives", "Drafts", "Junk", "Sent Messages", "Trash", "INBOX" };
				var expectedUidValidities = new [] { 1436832059, 1436832060, 1436832061, 1436832062, 1436832063, 1436832057 };
				var expectedHighestModSeq = new [] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 15 };
				var expectedMessages = new [] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4 };
				var expectedUidNext = new [] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5 };
				var expectedRecent = new [] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
				var expectedUnseen = new [] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

				for (int i = 0; i < folders.Length; i++) {
					Assert.AreEqual (expectedFolderNames[i], folders[i].FullName, "FullName did not match");
					Assert.AreEqual (expectedFolderNames[i], folders[i].Name, "Name did not match");
					Assert.AreEqual (expectedUidValidities[i], folders[i].UidValidity, "UidValidity did not match");
					Assert.AreEqual (expectedHighestModSeq[i], folders[i].HighestModSeq, "HighestModSeq did not match");
					Assert.AreEqual (expectedMessages[i], folders[i].Count, "Count did not match");
					Assert.AreEqual (expectedRecent[i], folders[i].Recent, "Recent did not match");
					Assert.AreEqual (expectedUnseen[i], folders[i].Unread, "Unread did not match");

				var unitTests = await personal.CreateAsync ("UnitTests", false);
				Assert.AreEqual (FolderAttributes.HasNoChildren, unitTests.Attributes, "Unexpected UnitTests folder attributes");

				var folder = await unitTests.CreateAsync ("Messages", true);
				Assert.AreEqual (FolderAttributes.HasNoChildren, folder.Attributes, "Unexpected UnitTests.Messages folder attributes");
				//Assert.AreEqual (FolderAttributes.HasChildren, unitTests.Attributes, "Expected UnitTests Attributes to be updated");

				// Use MULTIAPPEND to append some test messages
				var appended = await folder.AppendAsync (messages, flags, internalDates);
				Assert.AreEqual (8, appended.Count, "Unexpected number of messages appended");

				// SELECT the folder so that we can test some stuff
				var access = await folder.OpenAsync (FolderAccess.ReadWrite);
				Assert.AreEqual (expectedPermanentFlags, folder.PermanentFlags, "UnitTests.Messages PERMANENTFLAGS");
				Assert.AreEqual (expectedFlags, folder.AcceptedFlags, "UnitTests.Messages FLAGS");
				Assert.AreEqual (8, folder.Count, "UnitTests.Messages EXISTS");
				Assert.AreEqual (8, folder.Recent, "UnitTests.Messages RECENT");
				Assert.AreEqual (0, folder.FirstUnread, "UnitTests.Messages UNSEEN");
				Assert.AreEqual (1436832084U, folder.UidValidity, "UnitTests.Messages UIDVALIDITY");
				Assert.AreEqual (9, folder.UidNext.Value.Id, "UnitTests.Messages UIDNEXT");
				Assert.AreEqual (2UL, folder.HighestModSeq, "UnitTests.Messages HIGHESTMODSEQ");
				Assert.AreEqual (FolderAccess.ReadWrite, access, "Expected UnitTests.Messages to be opened in READ-WRITE mode");

				// Keep track of various folder events
				var flagsChanged = new List<MessageFlagsChangedEventArgs> ();
				var modSeqChanged = new List<ModSeqChangedEventArgs> ();
				var vanished = new List<MessagesVanishedEventArgs> ();
				bool recentChanged = false;

				folder.MessageFlagsChanged += (sender, e) => {
					flagsChanged.Add (e);

				folder.ModSeqChanged += (sender, e) => {
					modSeqChanged.Add (e);

				folder.MessagesVanished += (sender, e) => {
					vanished.Add (e);

				folder.RecentChanged += (sender, e) => {
					recentChanged = true;

				// Keep track of UIDVALIDITY and HIGHESTMODSEQ values for our QRESYNC test later
				var highestModSeq = folder.HighestModSeq;
				var uidValidity = folder.UidValidity;

				// Make some FLAGS changes to our messages so we can test QRESYNC
				await folder.AddFlagsAsync (appended, MessageFlags.Seen, true);
				Assert.AreEqual (0, flagsChanged.Count, "Unexpected number of FlagsChanged events");
				Assert.AreEqual (8, modSeqChanged.Count, "Unexpected number of ModSeqChanged events");
				for (int i = 0; i < modSeqChanged.Count; i++) {
					Assert.AreEqual (i, modSeqChanged[i].Index, "Unexpected modSeqChanged[{0}].Index", i);
					Assert.AreEqual (i + 1, modSeqChanged[i].UniqueId.Value.Id, "Unexpected modSeqChanged[{0}].UniqueId", i);
					Assert.AreEqual (3, modSeqChanged[i].ModSeq, "Unexpected modSeqChanged[{0}].ModSeq", i);
				Assert.IsFalse (recentChanged, "Unexpected RecentChanged event");
				modSeqChanged.Clear ();
				flagsChanged.Clear ();

				var answered = new UniqueIdSet (SortOrder.Ascending);
				answered.Add (appended[0]); // A
				answered.Add (appended[1]); // B
				answered.Add (appended[2]); // C
				await folder.AddFlagsAsync (answered, MessageFlags.Answered, true);
				Assert.AreEqual (0, flagsChanged.Count, "Unexpected number of FlagsChanged events");
				Assert.AreEqual (3, modSeqChanged.Count, "Unexpected number of ModSeqChanged events");
				for (int i = 0; i < modSeqChanged.Count; i++) {
					Assert.AreEqual (i, modSeqChanged[i].Index, "Unexpected modSeqChanged[{0}].Index", i);
					Assert.AreEqual (i + 1, modSeqChanged[i].UniqueId.Value.Id, "Unexpected modSeqChanged[{0}].UniqueId", i);
					Assert.AreEqual (4, modSeqChanged[i].ModSeq, "Unexpected modSeqChanged[{0}].ModSeq", i);
				Assert.IsFalse (recentChanged, "Unexpected RecentChanged event");
				modSeqChanged.Clear ();
				flagsChanged.Clear ();

				// Delete some messages so we can test that QRESYNC emits some MessageVanished events
				// both now *and* when we use QRESYNC to re-open the folder
				var deleted = new UniqueIdSet (SortOrder.Ascending);
				deleted.Add (appended[7]); // H
				await folder.AddFlagsAsync (deleted, MessageFlags.Deleted, true);
				Assert.AreEqual (0, flagsChanged.Count, "Unexpected number of FlagsChanged events");
				Assert.AreEqual (1, modSeqChanged.Count, "Unexpected number of ModSeqChanged events");
				Assert.AreEqual (7, modSeqChanged[0].Index, "Unexpected modSeqChanged[{0}].Index", 0);
				Assert.AreEqual (8, modSeqChanged[0].UniqueId.Value.Id, "Unexpected modSeqChanged[{0}].UniqueId", 0);
				Assert.AreEqual (5, modSeqChanged[0].ModSeq, "Unexpected modSeqChanged[{0}].ModSeq", 0);
				Assert.IsFalse (recentChanged, "Unexpected RecentChanged event");
				modSeqChanged.Clear ();
				flagsChanged.Clear ();

				await folder.ExpungeAsync (deleted);
				Assert.AreEqual (1, vanished.Count, "Expected MessagesVanished event");
				Assert.AreEqual (1, vanished[0].UniqueIds.Count, "Unexpected number of messages vanished");
				Assert.AreEqual (8, vanished[0].UniqueIds[0].Id, "Unexpected UID for vanished message");
				Assert.IsFalse (vanished[0].Earlier, "Expected EARLIER to be false");
				Assert.IsTrue (recentChanged, "Expected RecentChanged event");
				recentChanged = false;
				vanished.Clear ();

				// Verify that THREAD works correctly
				var threaded = await folder.ThreadAsync (ThreadingAlgorithm.References, SearchQuery.All);
				Assert.AreEqual (2, threaded.Count, "Unexpected number of root nodes in threaded results");

				threaded = await folder.ThreadAsync (UniqueIdRange.All, ThreadingAlgorithm.OrderedSubject, SearchQuery.All);
				Assert.AreEqual (7, threaded.Count, "Unexpected number of root nodes in threaded results");

				// UNSELECT the folder so we can re-open it using QRESYNC
				await folder.CloseAsync ();

				// Use QRESYNC to get the changes since last time we opened the folder
				access = await folder.OpenAsync (FolderAccess.ReadWrite, uidValidity, highestModSeq, appended);
				Assert.AreEqual (FolderAccess.ReadWrite, access, "Expected UnitTests.Messages to be opened in READ-WRITE mode");
				Assert.AreEqual (7, flagsChanged.Count, "Unexpected number of MessageFlagsChanged events");
				Assert.AreEqual (7, modSeqChanged.Count, "Unexpected number of ModSeqChanged events");
				for (int i = 0; i < flagsChanged.Count; i++) {
					var messageFlags = MessageFlags.Seen | MessageFlags.Draft;

					if (i < 3)
						messageFlags |= MessageFlags.Answered;

					Assert.AreEqual (i, flagsChanged[i].Index, "Unexpected value for flagsChanged[{0}].Index", i);
					Assert.AreEqual ((uint) (i + 1), flagsChanged[i].UniqueId.Value.Id, "Unexpected value for flagsChanged[{0}].UniqueId", i);
					Assert.AreEqual (messageFlags, flagsChanged[i].Flags, "Unexpected value for flagsChanged[{0}].Flags", i);

					Assert.AreEqual (i, modSeqChanged[i].Index, "Unexpected value for modSeqChanged[{0}].Index", i);
					if (i < 3)
						Assert.AreEqual (4, modSeqChanged[i].ModSeq, "Unexpected value for modSeqChanged[{0}].ModSeq", i);
						Assert.AreEqual (3, modSeqChanged[i].ModSeq, "Unexpected value for modSeqChanged[{0}].ModSeq", i);
				modSeqChanged.Clear ();
				flagsChanged.Clear ();

				Assert.AreEqual (1, vanished.Count, "Unexpected number of MessagesVanished events");
				Assert.IsTrue (vanished[0].Earlier, "Expected VANISHED EARLIER");
				Assert.AreEqual (1, vanished[0].UniqueIds.Count, "Unexpected number of messages vanished");
				Assert.AreEqual (8, vanished[0].UniqueIds[0].Id, "Unexpected UID for vanished message");
				vanished.Clear ();

				// Use SEARCH and FETCH to get the same info
				var searchOptions = SearchOptions.All | SearchOptions.Count | SearchOptions.Min | SearchOptions.Max;
				var changed = await folder.SearchAsync (searchOptions, SearchQuery.ChangedSince (highestModSeq));
				Assert.AreEqual (7, changed.UniqueIds.Count, "Unexpected number of UIDs");
				Assert.IsTrue (changed.ModSeq.HasValue, "Expected the ModSeq property to be set");
				Assert.AreEqual (4, changed.ModSeq.Value, "Unexpected ModSeq value");
				Assert.AreEqual (1, changed.Min.Value.Id, "Unexpected Min");
				Assert.AreEqual (7, changed.Max.Value.Id, "Unexpected Max");
				Assert.AreEqual (7, changed.Count, "Unexpected Count");

				var fetched = await folder.FetchAsync (changed.UniqueIds, MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | MessageSummaryItems.Flags | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq);
				Assert.AreEqual (7, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");
				for (int i = 0; i < fetched.Count; i++) {
					Assert.AreEqual (i, fetched[i].Index, "Unexpected Index");
					Assert.AreEqual (i + 1, fetched[i].UniqueId.Id, "Unexpected UniqueId");

				// or... we could just use a single UID FETCH command like so:
				fetched = await folder.FetchAsync (UniqueIdRange.All, highestModSeq, MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | MessageSummaryItems.Flags | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq);
				for (int i = 0; i < fetched.Count; i++) {
					Assert.AreEqual (i, fetched[i].Index, "Unexpected Index");
					Assert.AreEqual (i + 1, fetched[i].UniqueId.Id, "Unexpected UniqueId");
				Assert.AreEqual (7, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");
				Assert.AreEqual (1, vanished.Count, "Unexpected number of MessagesVanished events");
				Assert.IsTrue (vanished[0].Earlier, "Expected VANISHED EARLIER");
				Assert.AreEqual (1, vanished[0].UniqueIds.Count, "Unexpected number of messages vanished");
				Assert.AreEqual (8, vanished[0].UniqueIds[0].Id, "Unexpected UID for vanished message");
				vanished.Clear ();

				// Use SORT to order by reverse arrival order
				var orderBy = new OrderBy[] { new OrderBy (OrderByType.Arrival, SortOrder.Descending) };
				var sorted = await folder.SearchAsync (searchOptions, SearchQuery.All, orderBy);
				Assert.AreEqual (7, sorted.UniqueIds.Count, "Unexpected number of UIDs");
				for (int i = 0; i < sorted.UniqueIds.Count; i++)
					Assert.AreEqual (7 - i, sorted.UniqueIds[i].Id, "Unexpected value for UniqueId[{0}]", i);
				Assert.IsFalse (sorted.ModSeq.HasValue, "Expected the ModSeq property to be null");
				Assert.AreEqual (7, sorted.Min.Value.Id, "Unexpected Min");
				Assert.AreEqual (1, sorted.Max.Value.Id, "Unexpected Max");
				Assert.AreEqual (7, sorted.Count, "Unexpected Count");

				// Verify that optimizing NOT queries works correctly
				var uids = await folder.SearchAsync (SearchQuery.Not (SearchQuery.Deleted).And (SearchQuery.Not (SearchQuery.NotSeen)));
				Assert.AreEqual (7, uids.Count, "Unexpected number of UIDs");
				for (int i = 0; i < uids.Count; i++)
					Assert.AreEqual (i + 1, uids[i].Id, "Unexpected value for uids[{0}]", i);

				// Create a Destination folder to use for copying/moving messages to
				var destination = await unitTests.CreateAsync ("Destination", true);
				Assert.AreEqual (FolderAttributes.HasNoChildren, destination.Attributes, "Unexpected UnitTests.Destination folder attributes");

				// COPY messages to the Destination folder
				var copied = await folder.CopyToAsync (uids, destination);
				Assert.AreEqual (uids.Count, copied.Source.Count, "Unexpetced Source.Count");
				Assert.AreEqual (uids.Count, copied.Destination.Count, "Unexpetced Destination.Count");

				// MOVE messages to the Destination folder
				var moved = await folder.MoveToAsync (uids, destination);
				Assert.AreEqual (uids.Count, copied.Source.Count, "Unexpetced Source.Count");
				Assert.AreEqual (uids.Count, copied.Destination.Count, "Unexpetced Destination.Count");
				Assert.AreEqual (1, vanished.Count, "Expected VANISHED event");
				vanished.Clear ();

				await destination.StatusAsync (statusItems);
				Assert.AreEqual (moved.Destination[0].Validity, destination.UidValidity, "Unexpected UIDVALIDITY");

				destination.MessageFlagsChanged += (sender, e) => {
					flagsChanged.Add (e);

				destination.ModSeqChanged += (sender, e) => {
					modSeqChanged.Add (e);

				destination.MessagesVanished += (sender, e) => {
					vanished.Add (e);

				destination.RecentChanged += (sender, e) => {
					recentChanged = true;

				await destination.OpenAsync (FolderAccess.ReadWrite);
				Assert.AreEqual (FolderAccess.ReadWrite, access, "Expected UnitTests.Destination to be opened in READ-WRITE mode");

				var fetchHeaders = new HashSet<HeaderId> ();
				fetchHeaders.Add (HeaderId.References);
				fetchHeaders.Add (HeaderId.XMailer);

				var indexes = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 };

				// Fetch + modseq
				fetched = await destination.FetchAsync (UniqueIdRange.All, 1, MessageSummaryItems.Full | MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.References, fetchHeaders);
				Assert.AreEqual (14, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");

				fetched = await destination.FetchAsync (0, -1, 1, MessageSummaryItems.Full | MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.References, fetchHeaders);
				Assert.AreEqual (14, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");

				fetched = await destination.FetchAsync (indexes, 1, MessageSummaryItems.Full | MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.References, fetchHeaders);
				Assert.AreEqual (14, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");

				fetched = await destination.FetchAsync (0, -1, 1, MessageSummaryItems.Full | MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq | 
				Assert.AreEqual (14, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");

				fetched = await destination.FetchAsync (indexes, 1, MessageSummaryItems.Full | MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq | 
				Assert.AreEqual (14, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");

				// Fetch
				fetched = await destination.FetchAsync (UniqueIdRange.All, MessageSummaryItems.Full | MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.References, fetchHeaders);
				Assert.AreEqual (14, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");

				fetched = await destination.FetchAsync (0, -1, MessageSummaryItems.Full | MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.References, fetchHeaders);
				Assert.AreEqual (14, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");

				fetched = await destination.FetchAsync (indexes, MessageSummaryItems.Full | MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.References, fetchHeaders);
				Assert.AreEqual (14, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");

				fetched = await destination.FetchAsync (0, -1, MessageSummaryItems.Full | MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq | 
				Assert.AreEqual (14, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");

				fetched = await destination.FetchAsync (indexes, MessageSummaryItems.Full | MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | 
				                                        MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure | MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq | 
				Assert.AreEqual (14, fetched.Count, "Unexpected number of messages fetched");

				uids = new UniqueIdSet (SortOrder.Ascending);

				for (int i = 0; i < fetched.Count; i++) {
					Assert.AreEqual (i, fetched[i].Index, "Unexpected Index");
					Assert.AreEqual (i + 1, fetched[i].UniqueId.Id, "Unexpected UniqueId");

					uids.Add (fetched[i].UniqueId);

				var entity = await destination.GetBodyPartAsync (fetched[0].UniqueId, fetched[0].TextBody);
				Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (entity);

				entity = await destination.GetBodyPartAsync (fetched[0].Index, fetched[0].TextBody);
				Assert.IsInstanceOf<TextPart> (entity);

				using (var stream = await destination.GetStreamAsync (fetched[0].UniqueId, 128, 64)) {
					Assert.AreEqual (64, stream.Length, "Unexpected stream length");

					string text;
					using (var reader = new StreamReader (stream))
						text = reader.ReadToEnd ();

					Assert.AreEqual ("nit Tests <*****@*****.**>\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-T", text);

				using (var stream = await destination.GetStreamAsync (fetched[0].UniqueId, "", 128, 64)) {
					Assert.AreEqual (64, stream.Length, "Unexpected stream length");

					string text;
					using (var reader = new StreamReader (stream))
						text = reader.ReadToEnd ();

					Assert.AreEqual ("nit Tests <*****@*****.**>\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-T", text);

				using (var stream = await destination.GetStreamAsync (fetched[0].Index, 128, 64)) {
					Assert.AreEqual (64, stream.Length, "Unexpected stream length");

					string text;
					using (var reader = new StreamReader (stream))
						text = reader.ReadToEnd ();

					Assert.AreEqual ("nit Tests <*****@*****.**>\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-T", text);

				using (var stream = await destination.GetStreamAsync (fetched[0].Index, "", 128, 64)) {
					Assert.AreEqual (64, stream.Length, "Unexpected stream length");

					string text;
					using (var reader = new StreamReader (stream))
						text = reader.ReadToEnd ();

					Assert.AreEqual ("nit Tests <*****@*****.**>\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-T", text);

				using (var stream = await destination.GetStreamAsync (fetched[0].UniqueId, "HEADER.FIELDS (MIME-VERSION CONTENT-TYPE)")) {
					Assert.AreEqual (62, stream.Length, "Unexpected stream length");

					string text;
					using (var reader = new StreamReader (stream))
						text = reader.ReadToEnd ();

					Assert.AreEqual ("MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n", text);

				using (var stream = await destination.GetStreamAsync (fetched[0].Index, "HEADER.FIELDS (MIME-VERSION CONTENT-TYPE)")) {
					Assert.AreEqual (62, stream.Length, "Unexpected stream length");

					string text;
					using (var reader = new StreamReader (stream))
						text = reader.ReadToEnd ();

					Assert.AreEqual ("MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n", text);

				var custom = new HashSet<string> ();
				custom.Add ("$MailKit");

				await destination.AddFlagsAsync (uids, destination.HighestModSeq, MessageFlags.Deleted, custom, true);
				Assert.AreEqual (14, modSeqChanged.Count, "Unexpected number of ModSeqChanged events");
				Assert.AreEqual (5, destination.HighestModSeq);
				for (int i = 0; i < modSeqChanged.Count; i++) {
					Assert.AreEqual (i, modSeqChanged[i].Index, "Unexpected value for modSeqChanged[{0}].Index", i);
					Assert.AreEqual (5, modSeqChanged[i].ModSeq, "Unexpected value for modSeqChanged[{0}].ModSeq", i);
				modSeqChanged.Clear ();

				await destination.SetFlagsAsync (new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, destination.HighestModSeq, MessageFlags.Seen | MessageFlags.Deleted, custom, true);
				Assert.AreEqual (7, modSeqChanged.Count, "Unexpected number of ModSeqChanged events");
				Assert.AreEqual (6, destination.HighestModSeq);
				for (int i = 0; i < modSeqChanged.Count; i++) {
					Assert.AreEqual (i, modSeqChanged[i].Index, "Unexpected value for modSeqChanged[{0}].Index", i);
					Assert.AreEqual (6, modSeqChanged[i].ModSeq, "Unexpected value for modSeqChanged[{0}].ModSeq", i);
				modSeqChanged.Clear ();

				var results = await destination.SearchAsync (uids, SearchQuery.Answered.Or (SearchQuery.Deleted.Or (SearchQuery.Draft.Or (SearchQuery.Flagged.Or (SearchQuery.Recent.Or (SearchQuery.NotAnswered.Or (SearchQuery.NotDeleted.Or (SearchQuery.NotDraft.Or (SearchQuery.NotFlagged.Or (SearchQuery.NotSeen.Or (SearchQuery.HasCustomFlag ("$MailKit").Or (SearchQuery.DoesNotHaveCustomFlag ("$MailKit")))))))))))));
				Assert.AreEqual (14, results.Count, "Unexpected number of UIDs");

				var matches = await destination.SearchAsync (searchOptions, uids, SearchQuery.LargerThan (256).And (SearchQuery.SmallerThan (512)));
				var expectedMatchedUids = new uint[] { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 };
				Assert.AreEqual (10, matches.Count, "Unexpected COUNT");
				Assert.AreEqual (13, matches.Max.Value.Id, "Unexpected MAX");
				Assert.AreEqual (2, matches.Min.Value.Id, "Unexpected MIN");
				Assert.AreEqual (10, matches.UniqueIds.Count, "Unexpected number of UIDs");
				for (int i = 0; i < matches.UniqueIds.Count; i++)
					Assert.AreEqual (expectedMatchedUids[i], matches.UniqueIds[i].Id);

				orderBy = new OrderBy[] { OrderBy.ReverseDate, OrderBy.Subject, OrderBy.DisplayFrom, OrderBy.Size };
				var sentDateQuery = SearchQuery.Or (SearchQuery.And (SearchQuery.SentBefore (new DateTime (2016, 10, 12)), SearchQuery.SentAfter (new DateTime (2016, 10, 10))), SearchQuery.Not (SearchQuery.SentOn (new DateTime (2016, 10, 11))));
				var deliveredDateQuery = SearchQuery.Or (SearchQuery.And (SearchQuery.DeliveredBefore (new DateTime (2016, 10, 12)), SearchQuery.DeliveredAfter (new DateTime (2016, 10, 10))), SearchQuery.Not (SearchQuery.DeliveredOn (new DateTime (2016, 10, 11))));
				results = await destination.SearchAsync (sentDateQuery.Or (deliveredDateQuery), orderBy);
				var expectedSortByDateResults = new uint[] { 7, 14, 6, 13, 5, 12, 4, 11, 3, 10, 2, 9, 1, 8 };
				Assert.AreEqual (14, results.Count, "Unexpected number of UIDs");
				for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
					Assert.AreEqual (expectedSortByDateResults[i], results[i].Id);

				var stringQuery = SearchQuery.BccContains ("xyz").Or (SearchQuery.CcContains ("xyz").Or (SearchQuery.FromContains ("xyz").Or (SearchQuery.ToContains ("xyz").Or (SearchQuery.SubjectContains ("xyz").Or (SearchQuery.HeaderContains ("Message-Id", "").Or (SearchQuery.BodyContains ("This is the message body.").Or (SearchQuery.MessageContains ("message"))))))));
				orderBy = new OrderBy[] { OrderBy.From, OrderBy.To, OrderBy.Cc };
				results = await destination.SearchAsync (uids, stringQuery, orderBy);
				Assert.AreEqual (14, results.Count, "Unexpected number of UIDs");
				for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
					Assert.AreEqual (i + 1, results[i].Id);

				orderBy = new OrderBy[] { OrderBy.DisplayTo };
				matches = await destination.SearchAsync (searchOptions, uids, SearchQuery.OlderThan (1).And (SearchQuery.YoungerThan (3600)), orderBy);
				Assert.AreEqual (14, matches.Count, "Unexpected COUNT");
				Assert.AreEqual (14, matches.Max.Value.Id, "Unexpected MAX");
				Assert.AreEqual (1, matches.Min.Value.Id, "Unexpected MIN");
				Assert.AreEqual (14, matches.UniqueIds.Count, "Unexpected number of UIDs");
				for (int i = 0; i < matches.UniqueIds.Count; i++)
					Assert.AreEqual (i + 1, matches.UniqueIds[i].Id);

				client.Capabilities &= ~ImapCapabilities.ESearch;
				matches = await ((ImapFolder) destination).SearchAsync ("ALL");
				Assert.IsFalse (matches.Max.HasValue, "MAX should not be set");
				Assert.IsFalse (matches.Min.HasValue, "MIN should not be set");
				Assert.AreEqual (0, matches.Count, "COUNT should not be set");
				Assert.AreEqual (14, matches.UniqueIds.Count);
				for (int i = 0; i < matches.UniqueIds.Count; i++)
					Assert.AreEqual (i + 1, matches.UniqueIds[i].Id);

				client.Capabilities &= ~ImapCapabilities.ESort;
				matches = await ((ImapFolder) destination).SortAsync ("(REVERSE ARRIVAL) US-ASCII ALL");
				Assert.IsFalse (matches.Max.HasValue, "MAX should not be set");
				Assert.IsFalse (matches.Min.HasValue, "MIN should not be set");
				Assert.AreEqual (0, matches.Count, "COUNT should not be set");
				Assert.AreEqual (14, matches.UniqueIds.Count);
				for (int i = 0; i < matches.UniqueIds.Count; i++)
					Assert.AreEqual (i + 1, matches.UniqueIds[i].Id);

				await destination.ExpungeAsync ();
				Assert.AreEqual (7, destination.HighestModSeq);
				Assert.AreEqual (1, vanished.Count, "Unexpected number of Vanished events");
				Assert.AreEqual (14, vanished[0].UniqueIds.Count, "Unexpected number of UIDs in Vanished event");
				for (int i = 0; i < vanished[0].UniqueIds.Count; i++)
					Assert.AreEqual (i + 1, vanished[0].UniqueIds[i].Id);
				Assert.IsFalse (vanished[0].Earlier, "Unexpected value for Earlier");
				vanished.Clear ();

				await destination.CloseAsync (true);

				await client.DisconnectAsync (false);
		public void TestSortedUniqueIdSet ()
			UniqueId[] uids = {
				new UniqueId (1), new UniqueId (2), new UniqueId (3),
				new UniqueId (4), new UniqueId (5), new UniqueId (6),
				new UniqueId (7), new UniqueId (8), new UniqueId (9)
			var list = new UniqueIdSet (uids, true);
			var actual = list.ToString ();

			Assert.AreEqual ("1:9", actual, "Incorrect initial value.");
			Assert.AreEqual (9, list.Count, "Incorrect initial count.");

			// Test Remove()

			list.Remove (uids[0]);
			actual = list.ToString ();

			Assert.AreEqual ("2:9", actual, "Incorrect results after Remove() #1.");
			Assert.AreEqual (8, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Remove() #1.");

			list.Remove (uids[uids.Length - 1]);
			actual = list.ToString ();

			Assert.AreEqual ("2:8", actual, "Incorrect results after Remove() #2.");
			Assert.AreEqual (7, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Remove() #2.");

			list.Remove (uids[4]);
			actual = list.ToString ();

			Assert.AreEqual ("2:4,6:8", actual, "Incorrect results after Remove() #3.");
			Assert.AreEqual (6, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Remove() #3.");

			// Test Add()

			list.Add (new UniqueId (5));
			actual = list.ToString ();

			Assert.AreEqual ("2:8", actual, "Incorrect results after Add() #1.");
			Assert.AreEqual (7, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Add() #1.");

			list.Add (new UniqueId (1));
			actual = list.ToString ();

			Assert.AreEqual ("1:8", actual, "Incorrect results after Add() #2.");
			Assert.AreEqual (8, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Add() #2.");

			list.Add (new UniqueId (9));
			actual = list.ToString ();

			Assert.AreEqual ("1:9", actual, "Incorrect results after Add() #3.");
			Assert.AreEqual (9, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Add() #3.");

			// Test RemoveAt()

			list.RemoveAt (0);
			actual = list.ToString ();

			Assert.AreEqual ("2:9", actual, "Incorrect results after RemoveAt() #1.");
			Assert.AreEqual (8, list.Count, "Incorrect count after RemoveAt() #1.");

			list.RemoveAt (7);
			actual = list.ToString ();

			Assert.AreEqual ("2:8", actual, "Incorrect results after RemoveAt() #2.");
			Assert.AreEqual (7, list.Count, "Incorrect count after RemoveAt() #2.");

			list.RemoveAt (3);
			actual = list.ToString ();

			Assert.AreEqual ("2:4,6:8", actual, "Incorrect results after RemoveAt() #3.");
			Assert.AreEqual (6, list.Count, "Incorrect count after RemoveAt() #3.");

			// Test adding a range of items

			list.AddRange (uids);
			actual = list.ToString ();

			Assert.AreEqual ("1:9", actual, "Incorrect results after AddRange().");
			Assert.AreEqual (9, list.Count, "Incorrect count after AddRange().");

			// Test clearing the list
			list.Clear ();
			Assert.AreEqual (0, list.Count, "Incorrect count after Clear().");
		static void SearchMatches (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			var uids = new UniqueIdSet (SortOrder.Ascending);
			var results = (SearchResults) ic.UserData;
			ImapToken token;
			ulong modseq;
			uint uid;

			do {
				token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				// keep reading UIDs until we get to the end of the line or until we get a "(MODSEQ ####)"
				if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.Eoln || token.Type == ImapTokenType.OpenParen)

				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out uid) || uid == 0)
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "SEARCH", token);

				uids.Add (new UniqueId (ic.Folder.UidValidity, uid));
			} while (true);

			if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.OpenParen) {
				engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				do {
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.CloseParen)

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "SEARCH", token);

					var atom = (string) token.Value;

					switch (atom) {
					case "MODSEQ":
						token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

						if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !ulong.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out modseq)) {
							Debug.WriteLine ("Expected 64-bit nz-number as the MODSEQ value, but got: {0}", token);
							throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);
				} while (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Eoln);

			results.UniqueIds = uids;