            public VariableVector GetBestConnector(VariableVector farAway)
                // Current algorithm: There are 360°/_connectors equal-sized sectors;
                // the "best connector" is the intersection of a sector center line
                // nearest to the line from center to farAway.
                // Other ideas:
                // - Divide the circumference of the box into equal-sized lengths.
                // - Like before, but with guaranteed connectors at corners.
                // - Like before, but with additional guaranteed connectors at edge midpoints.

                var result = new VariableVector("Connector", _solver);

                UnidirectionalComputationConstraint.CreateUnidirectionalComputationConstraint(input: new[] { farAway.X, farAway.Y, _center.X, _center.Y, _diagonal.X, _diagonal.Y },
                                                                                              output: new[] { result.X, result.Y },
                                                                                              computation: (input, output) => {
                    // float[] inputValues = _input.Select(v => (float) v.Value.Lo).ToArray();
                    // ... I ignore "input" here and use the fields and local variables ... well ... ... should work ...
                    VectorF centerF   = _center.AsVectorF();
                    VectorF diagonalF = _diagonal.AsVectorF();
                    var farAwayF      = farAway.AsVectorF();

                    VectorF d           = farAwayF - centerF;
                    double angle        = Math.Atan2(d.GetY(), d.GetX());
                    double roundedAngle =
                        NormalizedAngle(Math.Round(angle / _sectorAngle) * _sectorAngle);
                    double diagX         = diagonalF.GetX() / 2;
                    double diagY         = diagonalF.GetY() / 2;
                    double diagonalAngle = NormalizedAngle(Math.Atan2(diagY, diagX));
                    double x, y;
                    if (roundedAngle < diagonalAngle)
                        x = diagX;
                        y = x * Math.Tan(roundedAngle);
                    else if (roundedAngle < Math.PI - diagonalAngle)
                        y = diagY;
                        x = y * Math.Tan(Math.PI / 2 - roundedAngle);
                    else if (roundedAngle < Math.PI + diagonalAngle)
                        x = -diagX;
                        y = x * Math.Tan(roundedAngle);
                    else if (roundedAngle < 2 * Math.PI - diagonalAngle)
                        y = -diagY;
                        x = y * Math.Tan(Math.PI / 2 - roundedAngle);
                        x = diagX;
                        y = x * Math.Tan(roundedAngle);

                    result.X.Set(centerF.GetX() + x);
                    result.Y.Set(centerF.GetY() + y);
        public void TestUnidirectionalComputationConstraint()
                var solver = new SimpleConstraintSolver();
                var x      = solver.CreateVariable("x");
                var y      = solver.CreateVariable("y");
                var r      = solver.CreateVariable("r");
                var phi    = solver.CreateVariable("phi");
                UnidirectionalComputationConstraint.CreateUnidirectionalComputationConstraint(new[] { x, y }, new[] { r, phi }, CartesianToPolar);

                var rx = new Range(20, 40, EPS);
                var ry = new Range(30, 50, EPS);
                Assert.AreEqual(new Range(50, 50, EPS), r.Value);
                //var solver = new SimpleConstraintSolver();
                //var x = solver.Create("a");
                //var y = solver.Create("b");
                //var r = solver.Create("r");
                //var phi = solver.Create("phi");
                //new UnidirectionalComputationConstraint(new[] { x, y }, new[] { r, phi }, CartesianToPolar);
 public void TestConstraintPropagation()
         var solver = new SimpleConstraintSolver();
         var a      = solver.CreateVariable("a");
         var b      = solver.CreateVariable("b");
         var c      = solver.CreateVariable("c");
         var d      = solver.CreateVariable("d");
         UnidirectionalComputationConstraint.CreateUnidirectionalComputationConstraint(new[] { a }, new[] { b }, OneMore);
         UnidirectionalComputationConstraint.CreateUnidirectionalComputationConstraint(new[] { b }, new[] { c }, OneMore);
         UnidirectionalComputationConstraint.CreateUnidirectionalComputationConstraint(new[] { c }, new[] { d }, OneMore);
         Assert.AreEqual(10, a.GetValue());
         Assert.AreEqual(11, b.GetValue());
         Assert.AreEqual(12, c.GetValue());
         Assert.AreEqual(13, d.GetValue());